You Might Be a New Englander If…
Are you passionate about New England? Take a look at some of the traits and traditions that determine whether you might be a New Englander.

Coffee By Design | Portland, Maine
Photo Credit : Katherine KeenanConsider yourself a true New Englander? From chowder rules to the correct way to pronounce “Kancamagus,” this handy list of New England traits is here to help determine just how Yankee you really are.
Note: Although New England is relatively small (the combined square mileage of our six states is smaller than that of 16 individual states), it’s still big enough to have lots of diversity when it comes to language, traditions, habits, and tastes. We know that not everything on our list will apply to everyone who lives in New England (or who did live here before moving to, say, Florida). They are simply the things we hear the most at Yankee and at about “real” New Englanders. Feel free to offer your own suggestions in the comments — we promise we’ll read every single one!
You Might Be a New Englander If…
You grew up eating Fluffernutters.
Marshmallow Fluff, peanut butter’s other BFF, was invented in Somerville, Massachusetts, back in 1917. The Fluffernutter sandwich was born soon after. You’re welcome, America.
You call a water fountain a “bubblah.”
Because “bubblah” is way more fun to say than “water fountain.”
You can correctly pronounce Worcester, Calais, and Kancamagus.
Wuss-tah. Cal-lus. Kanc-uh-maw-gus.
You get a little choked up thinking about “the Old Man.”
There wasn’t a dry eye in New Hampshire when the majestic Old Man of the Mountain succumbed to nature and crumbled on May 3, 2003.

Photo Credit : Aimee Tucker
You know there’s nothing wrong with eating bread from a can.
Mmmm. Toasted with cream cheese or topped with baked beans, B&M Brown Bread is as New England as it gets.
Or ham from a can, for that matter.
The Boston-based William Underwood Company started churning out cans of Underwood Deviled Ham back in 1868. (Just for the record, that’s a mere three years after the end of the Civil War.)
You’d never buy imitation maple syrup.
You might even smuggle a nip of your own pure maple syrup into your favorite breakfast joint to go with your Maine wild blueberry pancakes.
You know what’s in a Dunkin’ Donuts Regular.
Three sugars. Three creams.
And speaking of Dunkin’, you know there’s nothing wrong with iced coffee in January.
That’s what gloves and mittens are for. We New Englanders know cold weather.
Your motto is “Go belly or go home.”
Prefer fried clam strips to whole bellies? You’re not going to win any New England cred by admitting it.

Photo Credit : Aimee Seavey
Thanksgiving means Ocean Spray and Bell’s Seasoning.
There can never be enough of these Thanksgiving staples: Ocean Spray for cranberry sauce and Bell’s Seasoning for the stuffing.
Chowder. Is. Not. Red.
There may be clear chowder in some parts of Rhode Island, but otherwise there had better be some dairy in there. And no tomatoes.

Photo Credit : Aimee Tucker
Your favorite ice cream flavor is maple-walnut or coffee.
When it comes to New England ice cream flavors, we’ll also accept black raspberry or grapenut.
You like chocolate jimmies on your ice cream.
But if they’re rainbow, they’re sprinkles. (Or not — we can’t seem to agree on this one.)
You know your way around a lobster.
You might even eat the green stuff.
You can detect a Hollywood Boston accent from a mile away.
And boy, does it hurt. We’re not sure who was worse: Robin Williams in Good Will Hunting or Julianne Moore in 30 Rock.
Maine accents, too.
Stephen King films are favorite offenders.

Photo Credit : Joe Bills
You’ve been on at least one field trip to Plimoth Plantation, Sturbridge Village, and/or Mystic Seaport.
Welcome to the 17th (Plimoth), 18th-19th (Sturbridge), and 19th (Mystic) centuries.
You’re always prepared for maddening, unpredictable weather.
You’ve definitely both worn sandals and snow boots during the same week more than once, which is why it’s pointless to bother taking the ice scraper out of the car. Even in June.
You know to beware frost heaves and brake for moose.
Of course you do. Both will wreck your car, if not kill you outright. Honorable mention to Massachusetts drivers.
You know where “Down East” Maine is.
Translation: not the lower half of Maine, but the section of the coast that runs from Penobscot Bay to the Canadian border. (It’s a sailing thing.)

Photo Credit : Aimee Tucker
Wednesday is Prince Spaghetti Day.
You know it. Anthony knows it. We all know it. Mangia!
New England’s “classic” candy is a source of pride.
Sure, Pennsylvania has Hershey, but New England was the birthplace of Necco Wafers, Sky Bar, Mary Jane, and the ribbon candy that cuts your tongue every Christmas.
You’ve stepped foot on a swan boat — or have at least read Make Way for Ducklings.
Boston Public Garden’s unofficial welcome to spring is a childhood tradition, as is the 1941 classic by Robert McCloskey.
You’d never really want to live anywhere else.
Even if the weather finally forces you south, we know you miss us. We hear it from transplanted New Englanders every day.
What are some other ways to spot a fellow New Englander? Let us know in the comments below!
Another version of this post was first published in 2015 and has been updated.
You need to have Moxie on here!
All but the lobstah one. And I’m still not quite clear on the frappe’ business… 🙂
But at UConn, we lived on fluffernutters.
I hit every one of these. Now I live in the midwest and no one believes me when I tell them some of these. NOW I HAVE PROOF! lol
A frappe and a milkshake are the same thing except in New England where a milkshake is shaken milk with no ice cream. It is not frappé though. There is no accent.
And I would nevah eat the green stuff. Gross.
All of these except the seal! Yes, I’ve even eaten the green stuff ONCE! Lived in Florida most of my life and many of my friends thought Fluffernutters were a southern thing! I didn’t care where they otiginated! Loved them then and Love them still!
A milk shake has no ice cream. A frappe has ice cream. In Australia, where I live now, a frappe is called a thick shake. And they have no iced coffee or iced tea (the real kind).
Milkshake, Frappe? In Western Mass., we called ’em “Frosts”. And our submarine sandwiches were called “Grinders”.
Tomalley is the caviar of the Lobster.
Brown eggs are local eggs and local eggs are fresh!!!
A frappe’ does have ice cream. A milk shake does not. Taken it from a former ice cream parlour owner!!! And a true New Englander!!!! You also forget to put the tonic in there. Soda or pop anywhere else but tonic in New England.
Milkshakes are usually made with ice cream and syrup mixed with milk. In New England , they are called frappes and milkshakes are made with just milk and syrup.. I’m a New Englander if you couldn’t tell.
Saturday is beans & hotdog day!
…and Wednesday is Prince spagetti Day !
The frappes I grew up with were thick and creamy and smooth. You could drink them through a straw. I think I remember them being made with light cream…at the fountain of a neighborhod phrarmacy…late 1950’s..I want to make on right now
I briefly worked at Bailey’s ice cream parlor in Harvard Square, and one thing we had drilled into us was whenever anyone asked for a milk shake, to make sure they knew the difference between the New England version of a shake and a frappe, so we didn’t inadvertently give them the wrong thing, in case they were from outside the region. In the time I was there, I never ran across a customer who didn’t know which was which!
I agree. My husband both live in the Midwest. He is from WV and I from NH. I Ned to order marshmallow fluff because he thinks fluff is the same as jarred marshmallow ‘ All these are true especially the frappe.
Oh yes I forgot about the grinders.
Yes with the brown bread in the can
… or if you drink a tonic when others are having a soda!!
Don’t forget raspberry Lime Rickies!
Hot dogs and potatoes were the menu instead of hot dogs and beans. Ice cream were creamies. And let’s not forget Charlie’s Red Hots in Burlington Vt.
Just found this article. It should be entitled ‘You might be from Massachusetts.” Most of these idioms are very Central/Eastern Mass-centric. No one outside of the Boston area calls a water fountain a Bubbler. Drinking fountain is also prevalent. A frappe is called a milkshake through most of Western New England. Jimmies are called Chocolate Shots in Connecticut. It’s embarrassing that Subway is from Norwalk, CT. We eat Grinders up here. And the one thing that livens up hot dogs and beans the best is toasted brown bread! Oh, those beans are Boston Baked Bens, not those nasty Heinz beans in tomato sauce. Necco Wafers are the best!! And finally, New England eats more ice cream per capita than any area in the US, and how much we eat barely changes whether it’s July or December.
I beg to differ…..Frappes are made with ice cream, and milk shakes are made with milk. I am from Mass too, all my life, but RI calls a milk shake a “cabinet”.
Yes to all of this!
And to the person who said hot grinders are called subs, they are all grinders in CT whether it’s an Italian cold cut or an eggplant parm. New England is far more diverse and stretches beyond Boston and Worcester.
I believe it’s grindah….lol
Only if you’ve been transplanted from the North Shore of Mass down to central CT. Then I had yo work on having people understand what a grindah was…
Never heard of a sub called a grinder here in southern CT
In R.I a milk shake is called a cabinet and Rhode Islanders also call a drinking fountain a Bubbler.
Beg to differ… Rhode Islanders also are known to have called a drinking fountain a “bubblah.”
I remember making floats..That’s vanilla ice cream and Coke..and sometimes we would make them with Moxie..
Im from massachusetts and we never called soda tonic or ate bread in a can and i worked at freindlys which are in limited parts of new england and only SE mass calls a drinking fountain a bubblah
I’m from central mass and for us it was bubblah, grinders, Fluff, Jimmies, franks and beans with brown bread on Saturday nights and Hot Dog Annie’s on Wednesdays
Oh yes, that’s a Me Too.
Agreed on the bubblah thing. I’m from Southeastern CT and my husband is from The Berkshires and neither of us say bubblah. I never even knew anyone did until I was an adult.
Perhaps you’r just to young to have heard your Dad say he loved ice in his tonic,,,as I did all my life in Massachusetts.
Mass North Shore = bubblah
I can attest to every single one of these! And yes, on the frappes. And Moxie.
Moxie was the favorite beverage of President Calvin Coolidge! When visiting NE I always bring some back to NC. Lived in Pigeon Cove and attended School there young child before moving to Conn, but cane back and attended College in Boston. We Spent our Summers on Pigeon Hill Street at my grandmothers! My final resting place will be at Locus Grove! I will always be a New Englander!
Ordered chicken parm hero in wolfeboro, staff had conference to determine what I just ordered, one asked meekly, “did you mean a chicken hoagie with what kind of cheese?”. And in NH, soda is “tonic”
Fall colors of leaves are the best of New England. Have never seen reds or yellows as bright as in New England. And the smell of burning wood in a home chimney.
Yes!! All of The above, I moved to Ohio from Northampton Massachusetts in 1970. Grew up on all those wonderful fried clams with Bellies!! Fluffernutters,canned B&M Brown bread. It was rough after moving and trying to find the same products in Ohio. They didn’t know what a frappe was for sure ?
Nothing better than a Brigham’s coffee frappe…except maybe, a hot fudge sundae at Bailey’s with marshmellow dripping on to the the saucer underneath!
Don’t forget a side of apple cider vinegar with your boiled lobster. Downeasters don’t eat lobbies without it! It sweetens the lobster and is alongside the drawn butter.
What about the tradition of a good old fashioned boiled dinner on New Year’s Day!
A boiled dinner is typical on St. Paddy’s day here in Mass. Never heard of it on New Year’s.
Those hotdogs, clam strips and lobster rolls must be served on toasted, split top, rolls. Also, Subway started in Bridgeport, CT (birthplace of the Frisbee) and is now headquartered in Milford CT.
Like every one of them. After having grown up on North Shore, where soda was tonic, living in western and central Mass. and living in Maine, there are certainly different regional names for things. In Portland, subs and grinders were called Italians. Sturbridge Village is supposed to replicate a rural New England town in about 1820. So, early 19th century vs 18th. In the Mount Washington Valley, the Kancamagus is almost universally referred to as the “Kanc”. I certainly agree that a New Englander would not want to live anywhere else. Now living on Cape Cod from where my ancestors originated and loving every moment.
Hi Brian! We love how such a small region can have so many different names for “long sandwiches.” 🙂 Also, Sturbridge Village says they re-create life in rural New England during the 1790s through 1830s, so it can claim both centuries. We’ll update the post to show that. Hope you have a wonderful rest of the week on Cape Cod!
Subs were cold and grinders were hot. I moved out of MA in 1984 and have still not found a sub shop that chops the pickles and tomatoes. Nor have I found a Chinese restaurant that has pork strips.
I didn’t know that a hot sub is called a grinder. I’m in southeast Mass and order a sub whether hot or cold, a sub is my favorite sandwich. I have to sigh because it’s getting more and more that recently open sub shops used slices of pickles onion and tomato instead of chopped which even if it is a bit messier, are so much more tasty, especially with a good sprinkle of oregano and olive oil. mmm…
The birthplace of the split hot dog at Jimmie’s of Savin Rock in West Haven CT
Boy, did that bring back memories! I remember going there on Saturday nights from Beacon Falls, CT, in 1971, and eating the hot dogs, and I had my first clams there. What a blast! I still split my hot dogs, and put sweet pickle relish in them. I’m in TN now but for 30 yrs was in VA.
Surely the fiddleheads deserve mentioning!
Practically every one of these is typical New England from beans and franks and brown bread on Saturday night to frappe’s and maple walnut/coffee ice cream. I lived in southern Mass and now in Rhode Island……so am a true New Englander….although Rhode Island has some other traditions…..and btw…..what about belly busters??? (hot weiners) especially in RI.
92 years old. Love my little town of Rockport,Ma. Still enjoy fluffernutters, grilled cheese and root beer floats. Still say words with an A,such as chowda.
We didn’t have much lobster growing up in Jonesville, Vermont. But most of the other items were common. I now live ‘away’ but my heart and soul are Yankee.
And, how about vinegar on French fries.
Baked bean sandwiches. Rutabagas. Still eat them and miss Rhode Island. No place like New England
You forgot Cains mayo! Can’t find it here in GA, Moxie is pretty scarce, have to import it.
You can’t find Cains?? Oh how awful!!
I grew up in Newport and now live in Kansas City. I recently found B&M Brown Bread in one of our grocery stores. My co-workers were curious, so I shared. Some liked it, some didn’t. I still love it!
So remembering Newport, has anyone ever taken the Awful-Awful challenge?
Hi Laura! Keep spreading that B&M love! You might also get a kick out of reading this post:
That great B&M brown bread is even better when it has RAISINS in it…butter both sides and grill on a cast-iron frying pan
What a fun article–Thank you. Who knew?! The deal with The Creamery’s Awful-Awful (back in the ’60s-’70s) was if you drank 3 you got one free. They had to be drunk at one sitting though!!
Where oh where did you find it in Kansas city? I have to have it shipped to me, can never find it here
I found it at the Hy-Vee on 95th & Antioch. It may be a hit or miss kind of thing. I was really surprised to see it. I think they didn’t know what it was, because I found it in the baking aisle. 😉
I live in “extended temporary exile” in Springfield, Ill. and I have seen B&M brown bread, and baked beans, in stores here. Not all of them, but at least some of the major supermarkets. And I actually like clam strips. Not as much as whole belly clams, but I can actually find strips in stores and restaurants. I can’t find the whole clam here, and make sure to have some whenever I go back to N.E. to visit.
I live in KS and have found brown bread, but not B&M brand or Salada tea bags.
besides home of split hot dog from Savin Rock West Haven CT is the 1st hamburger from Lewis Lunch in New Haven CT and also State Line Potato Chips
You know your a New Englander if you day clothes (including your underwear) has been mended at least once(make do or-do without ).
Except for church clothes which are only for church or funerals.
Don’t forget weddings and Easter!
Regarding JoeBob’s comment about “bubblahs”. I we born and raised in Northern Rhode Island and always called it a “bubblah”. When I moved to California and said that word, people thought I came from mars.
What about ‘Sugar On Snow’?
Is that also called “Leather Aprons”?
We always called “rubber bands” elastics. When I moved South, I asked a banker for some elastics to wrap around some dollar bills and no one knew what I was talking about. I finally found one and they said “Oh, you mean rubber bands.” Until the day I die I will always be a New Englander and go back to visit every chance I get. And yes, I still love the snow. No matter where I live, New England is my home and that is where my heart is.
You’re a New Englander if you like to see the tourists come and glad to see them leave after Labor Day (or Columbus Day).
Don’t forget New England Boil dinner and red flannel hash, and yes every Saturday is baked bean day in Maine. The beans are set to soak every Friday night
And only yellow eye- which are getting hard to find.
My grandmother (and, yes, mother) soaked and cooked the beans on Saturday and only warmed them on Sunday because Sunday was the Sabbath and you didn’t work on the Sabbath and cooking was work. The only thing you did on Sunday was go to church.
You forgot Eclipse coffee syrup. I grew up drinking coffee milk. Even after we moved to Michigan. We would bring a case back when we went out east for summer vacations.
What about spudnuts , Whoopi pies and French Horns( cream horns) and molasses donuts . Biscuits with baked beans not corn bread and don’t forget the molasses !
If you’re drinking Moxie* and LIKE IT!! *The Official Soft-Drink of Maine. …and if you have some that’s gone flat, mix it half-and-half with milk. Moxie Ice Cream is the greatest (when you can get it), and it’s great for slow-simmering a pork butt to make pulled pork!
You Know how to pronounce “SCALLOPS” and Scollay Square. You love a Brigham’s coffee frappe and remember Bailey’s hot fudge sundae with marshmallow dripping down the side. You know where to find “Southie” and “Dot” and wish you had enough dough to own a brownstone in Louisburg Square…and you know why the NorthEnd still smells of molasses in those dog days of August. You know where to look for that Faneuil Hall grasshopper.
Moved from Maine to Kansas 3 years ago and man, do I ever miss beautiful, clean Maine with its definite 4 seasons of beauty. You got tough living in Maine! I grew up on Italian sandwiches, Humpty Dumpty potato chips (from So. Portland), maple walnut and grapenut ice cream, red snapper hotdogs and beans on Saturday nights, Wednesdays were always Prince spaghetti for dinner, and Sundays we probably had a big boiled dinner for leftovers using ham or corned beef, corn chowda, mmm. I sorely miss my haddock and mackeral. I miss the smell of the clam flats, the incessant sound of the seagulls, fog horns, head light visits and that icy water no matter what time of the year! Oh, yes, I miss my home state and luckily I have children and grandchildren who live there I can visit.
My grandmother was born in Strawberry Banke NH in 1894 . I Went to wooden boat school in Maine and spent every summer in New England as a kid. Moxie, fluffernutter , brown bread in a can, and deviled ham. Even though I grew up in NJ always had these thing in the house . Now we spend a lot of time in Mystic Seaport. Also you might be a New Englander if you have lobster buoys hanging on your house. Yes I do.
Hi David….. my ancestors helped settle that area back in the 1600’s. John Foss and William Berry.
A friend recently told me that Strawberry Bank NH is now a history museum. My understanding is that it is something like Sturbridge, yet is original homes not unlike Sturbridge which is composed of homes saved, moved and restored to create the village.
You know you’re a New Englander if you’ll always fight to keep the Citco Sign illuminated no matter how Kenmore Square changes; you know that Boston College is really a university in Newton.
I still bring back Cain’s relish, along with the maple syrup, when we go to Maine twice a year (with stops in New Hampshire to put flowers on the family graves). The relish reminds of the hotdogs at Howard Johnson’s. Franks and beans at the Maine Diner regardless of the night of the week. What takes us to Maine are the fried clams, lobster, clam chowder–and the ocean. (And the memories.)
I am a tried and true New Englander. I have lived in NJ for the past 40+ years, but spent the first 30 years of my life in Massachusetts. Everyone of the items you mention in your article means something very special to me. I had tears in my eyes after reading the entire article. I love New England and will always love New England (of course, very partial to Boston, etc.) Not a day goes by without my talking about the years I spent there or I get razed about my “Boston” accent. I constantly have to tell people in NJ how to pronounce Boston. My son owns a small town pub here in NJ and it is decorated entirely with Boston Red Sox memorabilia! Even the NY Yankee fans come from far and wide to visit his vast collection! I love New England!
My ancestors arrived at Plimoth right after the First Thanksgiving. I loved Marshmallow Fluff, but never Fluffernutters. Why was “Stand by Me” set in Portland OREGON???? Everything else, that’s me. I don’t live there now but I sure miss it. Skiing after school, grinders at the beach, red hots! I miss the roar of the surf at Nauset Beach.
Grinders? I’m curious where in New England they say grinders instead of subs or as we first called them submarine sandwiches? Southeast Mass always and forever, unless I move to Maine in my old age.
I live in Keene NH and we’ve always said grinders.
We always called them grinders
CT calls them grinders. Moved down here from Mass North Shore – subs.
Grew up in CT, they’ve never not been grinders.
Yes, I also grew up in CT in a very Sicilian town. We always called them Grinders.
In Rhode Island they are called grindahs!!
In Rhode Island they have always been called Grindahs
Bosco chocolate syrup, Hoodsies (ice cream cups from Hood’s Dairy), scrod
I miss scrod.
OK did you never make the journey from New Hampshire to Rhode Island, the home of Rocky Point Park? Sure growing up in Rhode Island we ate clam cakes (NOT fritters!) and clear chowdah but when you went to the Park and ate at the “famous shore dinner hall” you ate Rocky Point Clam Chowder and it’s certainly Not Manhattan clam chowder which is really just vegetable soup with some ground up clams in it. Rocky Point chowder gets its red color from tomato puree and paprika. Just makes for a more attractive color than gray (clear) and not like eating wallpaper paste.
Rocky Point Clam Chowder
1/2 lb. Salt Pork (finely diced)
1 lb. Onions (chopped)
1 lb. Potatoes (diced)
2 cups Tomato Puree
1-1/2 qts. Quahogs (chopped)
1 Tbsp. Paprika
Water as needed
1 gal. Clam Juice or the liquor from steaming the quahogs
Salt & Pepper to taste
Don’t knock it if you’ve never tried it.
Thanks Bob. Remember it well. Sitting shoulder to shoulder on these long tables serving yourself “family style.” Great chowdah.
Responding to Robin’s comment. I am from suburb north of Boston and we did call soda tonic, and water fountain was a bubbla. Also ate B&M brown bread from a can. I am 68 yrs old and know these things to be true Mew England.
I was born in Rhode Island, grew up in Massachusetts and moved to Maine in 1986.
I am a true New Englander!! Does anybody still put celery salt on their hot dogs.
Every restaurant table in Rhode Island had malt vinegar along with salt and pepper and ketchup for their fries and fish and chips!! Does anyone remember hot wieners!!!
celery salt on your hot dog, thought I was the only crazy one. Going to have a couple now. Thanks
You watched Boomtown in the 60s and Zoom in the 70s. Better yet you KNEW someone who was on Zoom.
ZOOMZOOM ZOOMAH ZOOM! Followed by the Electric Company. Also who remembers Schoolhouse Rock? “Conjunction- Junction, what’s your function?…
Romper Room? Major Mudd? Bozo the clown?
I grew up in Gloucester,ma. on lobstah, clams ( fried or steamed) and AnnaDamm
er bread,along with fresh haddock. Live in L.A. now but go back for a fix Gloucester/Rockport every couple years
Long, thick wool socks and sandals or deck shoes, even in the heat of summer.
Live fresh lobsters in the bottom of the fridge when you wake up in the morning to get the freshly milked (cream) from the top of the pail for our cocoa or coffee.
Grandma’s biscuits and Ma’s seafood chowder, Dad’s skillet bread and venison stew, chipping ice after wiping off the sawdust and loading it on the wagon to head home from the big city (Rockland) wharf. Horses in the moonlight, shadows on the pond, miss it more than you’d ever imagine.
Don’t think anyone mentioned Andre, the very special seal. New Englanders know about him, but midwesterners generally don’t. When I taught in Iowa, my third graders knew about Andre and loved the story.
Hi Marilyn. We love Andre! You might enjoy reading this 1986 Yankee classic article about him:
Also Hoover, the talking seal! “Hullo dere!” “How ah yah?”
You have a strong opinion on how a lobster roll should be served. Southern New Englanders want it hot with butter. People from the north, who obviously haven’t tried it hot, eat it cold with mayo.
Hi Judy. We love lobster rolls both ways! Here’s a list you might enjoy celebrating 7 favorite hot and buttery Connecticut lobster rolls:
Rocky Point Park was mentioned. There was a similar park in West Haven CT, started as an “end of trolley line park” and after WW !! it became very large amusement park with numerous rides. Piers extended over Long Island Sound with restaurants/rides. There were several roller coasters, fun houses, ferris wheels, bumper cars, penny arcades, boat rides, Merry Go Rounds, several Kiddie Lands with rides for the little ones. And many more rides and also games of chance. There was no shortage of nurushment, hot dog, burger, popcorn, custard,sea food, stands. And even some sit down finer dining places. The beach was public for the most part and there were “bath/shower” facilities available. West Haven Speedway was at “The Rock”, stock car/midget car racing and other auto related events. When it closed the drivers went to other New England tracks, the Danbury Fair Race Arena, and Riverside Amusement Park Race Track in Mass. A few went to Waterford Speed Bowl in CT. There was ,also, a small amusement park on an island off Bridgeport, it also had a few rides/eats. One had to travel over the sound on a rickity old bridge. Think one is a New Englander who remembers these parks. Time for lunch, think I’ll have a hot dog, “SPLIT” ala Jimmies of Savin Rock. OH! Forgot, any remember “Hulls Beer” brewed in New Haven CT ??
Knickerbocker beer Boston
Don’t forget the Charlestown Chew candy bar. Born and raised in the Boston area. Enjoyed reminiscing about all the things I love and miss.
How I loved reminiscing as I read your wunduhful ahticle. I grew up in Wuss-tah. Here in Milwaukee I can only find Fluff at Walmart (in large plastic containers. In the candy department, Clark bars (clahk bahs) were a favorite, too.
Real New Englanders went to Canobie Lake Park in the summer, actually enjoy driving around a rotary, do not recognize the letter “R” as part of the English language, have a social security number that starts with 0, know how to pronounce Yastrzemski, know there’s a trophy at the end of the Bean Pot, know who Frank Averuch was, prefer candlepin bowling, know that P-town isn’t the name of a new rap group, claim the guy who founded the Boston Pops was named Athah Feedlah, and remember Jordan Marsh, Filene’s, Grants, Bradlees, Caldor, Zayres, or Ann & Hope.
Don’t forget about Lechmere’s – it wasn’t as old as some of the ones you mentioned but it was definitely a New Englander.
I still have a cast aluminum swinging horse from Canobe park,,,it is from the 50
You must live either in Manchester, NH or close by. There was a JM Fields, and Lords, and Downtown was fun. We also had the Mammoth Mills the most unique grocery store ever, it was three stories and they put your food in a box and rolled it down the stainless steel rollers conveyor belt down to you where you would pick it up at street level. It had been an old mill just off Mammoth Rd.
We had old theaters that dated back to the 1920’s still open when I was a teenager in 1978. So, many things that kids would think were strange today, like playing in the back alley with a tin can for hours. And no mother needed to worry we were all looking out for each other, and we knew when to come in for dinner when it got dark.
Don’t forget Raymond’s. “Ya don’t beans ’bout Boston if ya ain’t been to Raymond’s.”
Also Lechemere and Stuarts (northern MA, southern NH)
Thank you for your enjoyable article. I was born and spent my youth in Rhode Island, now living in the west. I didn’t see any mention of Kenyon’s Johnny Cake Meal. A Rhode Island favorite!
You know Moxie is not only a soft drink, it’s a verb. And by soft drink, I mean tonic.
I think you misspelled ‘toxic’ lol
Quahogs in Rhode Island. When I moved to St. Louis MO from RI in 1984 I got QUAHOG for my car license plate. On many occasions people would stop me & say “You must be from New England”. Lots of fun with it. Also use it as part of my e-mail address.
I grew up in Western MA, then N.H. Our favorite ice cream was frozen pudding. I now live in WA, but always miss home.
Guys, I want to move there. The area sounds great, the scenery is great and I’ll do everything on this list when I get there just to start my life in New England do what New Englanders do.
DO it J.S. you won’t regret it – New England is precious and priceless!
Just remember that not every New Englander is a Yankee. To most Americans a Yankee is someone from the East – to Easterners a Yankee is someone from the Northeast – to Northeasterners a Yankee is someone from New England – to New Englanders a Yankee is someone who eats pie for breakfast (not necessarily fruit pie but possibly meat pie).
Thank you Yankee magazine from a zillion decades ago.
Reading Readers digest and Yankee magazine in Grama’s bathroom
Steamed clams are soft shell clams. Served with broth (to swish off any sand) and melted butter to dunk them in. Hard shell clams are tiny cherry stones, or littlenecks, top necks, and up in size to quahogs and sea clams. You know you are making a serious amount of chowder if you are buying a gallon of shucked (to be ground up) and a gallon of clam juice. Old timers will remember buying salt cod either in a wooden box or by the naked dried salted fish itself. It makes the best fish chowder and don’t forget your salt pork. I worked in my father’s fish market and remind everybody to smell that fish before you buy it. It should smell sweet.
I lived in ellsworth and remember red hot dogs and church bean suppers on in Ala.but I sure miss Me.the ocean and lobster..
On behalf of the beer drinkers out there, don’t forget “Gansett Beer, Pickwick Ale, Boston Light Ale, Bert and Harry Piels, B&B Stock Ale.
I miss getting coffee syrup at my neighborhood market. It was a staple I could get anywhere, anytime in RI. I’ve been away five years and the longer I stay away, the more I miss New England. May just have to move back.
It’s not the same but I know how to make “coffee syrup”. Use 2 cups water, 2 cups of sugar and 2 tablespoons of instant coffee (regular or decaf, use 1/2 tablespoon more of coffee if you like it less sweet). Follow directions for making homemade maple syrup.
Does anyone remember ZaRex (I think I got the spelling right). Any septuagenarian New England kid should remember it.
We drank Zarex as kids – North Shore Mass.
I remember Chow Mein sandwiches ( I understand they are a southeastern Mass thing) and living so close to Rhode Island, jonnycakes , stuffies and cabinets. The jonnycakes are white cornmeal pancakes. Stuffies are sea clams stuffed with breading . Cabinets are what Rhode Islanders call Frappes.
Chow Mein sandwiches? Still in southeast Mass, but I’d forgotten all about those. My grandmother and her sisters like to eat Chow Mein sandwiches, preferably in New England style hot dog rolls and yes they were all from southeast Mass.
Couldn’t survive without….Mainer living in Oregon and homesick every day ! Only thing I don’t miss is the black flies…..and my hometown has a black fly festival and the next town over has a Whoopie Pie festival… forgot Whoopie Pies.
Oh yeah, I forgot to mention I don’t miss the black flies. I do miss the whoopie pies too. I’m always homesick every day. I dream of going back but it’s so cold in the winter and the taxes are outrageous.
Trader Joe’s has Coffee Syrup!
I almost cried as I grabbed a bottle of the precious elixir.
Which Trader Joe’s. I live in LA now and haven’t had coffee milk in years.
My wife is making stuffies as I write this. Expecting my brother up from PA within the hour. Coffee ice cream in the freezer, Kenyon’s Johnnycake meal in the fridge. Fresh swordfish awaitin. Summer in Rhode Island.
Summer is here, and we love fresh corn on the cob. Several years ago we were traveling cross country. When in Iowa, corn country supposedly, we stopped at a local market and inquired about sweet corn on the cob. They ushered me into a back room where there was a display of rather pathetic looking ears. I decided if they were sweet corn, as they promised, it couldn’t be too bad. We took it back to our campsite, eager for our supper. It was AWFUL–not sweet corn at all. I never throw food away, but we could not eat it!
My father and my aunt grew up in the Boston area and always loved sea food. My aunt lived her later years in San Diego where my husband and I liked to visit her. One day we were with her at a fish market. She was perusing the various displays of fish until she came to the shellfish. There was a section labeled clams. Much to the confusion of the clerk, she looked at the “clams” and declared in disgust, “Those aren’t clams! Those are quohogs!” You can’t fool a New Englander!
Lastly, the color of an egg shell has nothing to do with freshness. It has to do with the breed of chicken. Some shells are even greenish.
We always had our Sunday dinner at noon, then it would be something light in the evening. Is my family the only ones who drank molasses milk? Hood milk. Penny candy. Beans and hotdogs. Scooter Pies. Hood Golden EggNog. Salmon Loaf (I believe my mother made it from the Boston Cooking School cookbook). S&H Green Stamps.
We drank molasses in milk also. Still have it on oatmeal.
LOVED molasses in milk. Still drink it. Does anyone remember making pancakes with corn and pouring molasses over them?
Born in Wus-tah. Raised in Northeast Connecticut. Graduated from the Coast Guard Academy. Live in Mystic Connecticut on land that has been in my wife’s family since 1654.
Like my clam chowder plain. Salt pork, onions, thin sliced potatoes, ground quohaugs. Like my oysters on the half shell except for oyster stew on Christmas morning.
Prefer steamers to fried clams, but want whole belly clams if I have them. In Maine I prefer crab rolls to lobster rolls. I want my lobster whole and hot. I pick the bodies and get the meat out of the legs. Shedders are better than hard shells.
I like B&M brown bread, Moxie and split top hot dog buns. My favorite frappe is coffee ice cream, dark chocolate syrup and malted milk.
A mocha malted. I get it. Even made a few in the Nohth Station (not North). lol
Yes I never want to live anywhere else, but as I sit here crying, it is time to go. Alas, my husband and I can’t afford to live in New England any more. Heading south in the Spring, after we sell the house we have lived in for 50 yrs,just breaks my heart.
You forgot Woolworth five & dime
Sorry, but it’s KancaMAYgus… I’ve lived in NH my whole life and have never heard anyone but flatlanders say KancaMAWgus…
I grew up in NH and I always called it KangaMAINgus. lol
Campfires, grabbing a Fudgecicle from the Concession stand; racing back to be under the (R/R) overpass, the Beach, old Mr. Marshall, Campground manager, lots of baseball games, the Blacktop, and that Summer of 1966, when I met the cute. 14 year old who has stood by me these 52 years. She was from New Britain; I’m from Somers. Spent many Summerscampibg with family. The Ice truck, dairy truck deliveries, Remember all that here in CNY, Rome.
I worked at Howard Johnston’s as a soda jerk when I was young and a frappe was syrup a little soda water milk and ice cream. A milk shake was syrup and milk .
Me, too. But I was a soda jerk at the Armstrong Co. in North Station in Boston.
In California now, but you can take the boy out of New England but you can never take the New England out of the boy. By the by, I never had the “Boston” accent; the kids in the neighborhood teased me because I talked funny. What happened to frappes? Ice cream joints know milk shakes but not frappes. Same with “tonic”. They know soda but not tonic. Likewise “coffee half” – the people behind the counter look like you’ve got 3 heads – “You mean have caffeine free?” No (you dope[unsaid]), half cream.
What’s up? Has the world flipped axes???
Darned keyboard!!! Print what I mean, not what I type. “Coffee half, not coffee have.” Stupid keyboard.
New England Today is the first email post I read every morning. This list made me homesick! We moved to Southern California four decades ago, but New England remains my home. We visit often, and family and friends who visit our “Hotel California” have enjoyed may vacations here. Well into retirement, we are feeling the call of home and are planning to move back. There is much more to life than perfect, boring weather by the beach.
The absolutely beauty, history, and uniqueness of New England make it such a special place.
And yes, I cringe at the absurd attempts of actors trying to capture the voices of home. When young and working in Boston, I could discern the many subtle differences in accents, which varied throughout the area. Non-native actors haven’t got a chance of capturing our voices.
I long for home to be “home” again. Soon, I hope.
My sister visited Bath, New York, went into a store and asked if they had cold tonic. She was shown to the cold remedies aisle!
I miss New England so very much. Will always consider myself a Yankee . I enjoyed all of the comments. I grew up in Chicopee MA and remember well visiting eastern MA relatives and wondering what tonic was . But in Western Mass we don’t have an accent. I have lived in the Natick area and Chatham . I miss the fall colors (they are the best) My first husband moved me to Florida and I hated it, my second retired us to TN because he (Ohioian) also missed the seasons . And returning to MA was out of the question because the price of property, plus taxes , oh my ! I still own property in Orleans MA and would love to build on it because I miss the area and the ocean and the fried clams with bellies ! But oh, my, the cost to build , hard to believe after building 3 houses there in my youth ! And I still am a Bruins, Red Socks, and Patriots fan forever, although my 2 sons now favor local teams in TN and GA where they live. I do need to visit my homeland more.
In western MA you sure do have an accent to those of us with one of the versions of a Boston accent. 🙂
I was born in Western MA and moved to NH at age 9. Moved to NC 4 years ago to get away from the winters and high taxes. I get homesick whenever I read this stuff. I miss real maple syrup, B&M Baked Beans, real seafood, real Chinese food, Cortland and Macoun apples, and believe it or not, English Muffins. All they have down here are Thomas’s. I like Vermont Bread Company English Muffins. I haven’t found Fluff in any store yet but was recently told that a store called Publix about 20 miles away has it. I need to go on a road trip over there. Oh… and today I was thinking of Anadama Bread. My grammy used to make it all the time. Lobster. Haddock. Can’t get fresh haddock here. The list just goes on and on. Merry Christmas.
YES! Publix does have Fluff! If you don’t find it in the Peanut Butter area, look in the baking section by the jello. Walmart also carries it now in the baking section also.
Tri-Sum Potato Chips (used to be cooked in Beef Lard, once defunct and then resurrected, reg veg oil mix) come in the red bag. Giant cans of potato chips at holiday parties. Lived all over the US, never seen this anywhere else but Mass and NH. Perpetually unlaced Timberlands or Bean Boots (often year round)-Why lace them, your friends mutha is nevah lettin you walk around in her house in em anyways, though the former is largely worn by street toughs and working class and hockey players and fans and the latter residents of the Cape and kids who went to Phillips and Notre Dame. Being happily confused that your hometowns of Lowell and Somerville are places people move to now from other places, even other states! Virginia Beach thinks its trashy, I dare you to come to Salisbury or Hampton. We’ll show you!Beautiful Red Brick Mills long defunct. Some other places have them, but nowhere like who originated them in the U.S. More Churches per square mile than anywhere else. The best fall colors you will ever see and Halloweens so cold only 10% of your costume actually shows.
“Ayuh” (which is how my grandparents answered the phone) to all of it. I’m typical New England: Old Yankee family on my father’s side, the family living in one town since the 1630s (and not Mayflower or Plymouth descendants, either), Swedish and Irish on my mother’s side. Wasp and Working Class. Venison next to the turkey on thanksgiving. Indian pudding and mince pie. Fish and shellfish all the time – Fridays for sure. Corned beef & cabbage was a regular, not a St. Patrick’s day thing. Place down the Cape for the summer. Nobody had AC. Coffee milk was a cafeteria choice even in elementary school. Grew up on the South Shore, went to college in Boston. Left for a job in LA in my 30’s. Back to Boston and the South Shore a few years later. Moved to the South for a job. Came back to Boston AGAIN for another job, but moved to NH this time and stayed for 10 years. (I hate Mass politics.) Now I live in FL. Well, you can take the Yankee out of NE, but you can’t take the NE out of the Yankee. I only have to speak to get a funny look or offer an opinion to offend someone. You know, by being “honest” (Yankee-speak for blunt as a sledgehammer) or “witty” (ditto, for delivering a sarcasm-laden, half-true innuendo … all in fun, of course). Whoops, seems that being an honest-to-God Yankee isn’t all lobster and sailboats …
Your comment resonates well with me, especially the “honest” part. I have offended, surprised many by being so truthful to them. It got to the point where I told them my middle name was “Frank”. I am a woman so they were skeptical… Yes all in fun.
I’ll agree with some of the other comments … born, and lived, in southern NH my whole life. Not once have we ever called it anything other than ‘The Kanga-main-gus”. As far as Calais, Maine goes … if you came from a family that was (even part) French Canadian, it was “Cal-lay”.
Grew up in Maine until my mid-teens. For food? Lobster, clams, Devil Dogs, deviled ham sandwiches, Moxie, vinegar on greens, NE boiled dinner, fish chowder (not a fan), my grandmother’s molasses cookies, blueberries, B and M Baked Beans. Thick accents all around: “Caah” for car from my dad; “tarcoes” for tacos from my mother. Cold, dark-early winters, nice summers. Lots of trees. Summer traffic. Red Sox heartbreak (I was in Maine in the 70s). Beaches, beautiful and fun. Ocean water, freezing. Local pride. Hard work.
Don’t forget Strawbery Banke in the historical field trip category!
My first thought reading the article; growing up on the south shore (of Ma, is there another south shore?) we drank tonic or Zy.rex in the summah. Plan on moving to Florida in the near future, but I’ll always be a New Englander (mom would say Yankee, but the war was a long time ago and some team from NY ruined the name for me.) Now call me a Mass-hole or flatlander and I’m not offended. Lived in Maine for “a spell” (20 years) so I have a mixed vocabulary of N.E. references. I’ve even translated in restaurants when I’ve overheard someone ordering a “ham Italian” in Ma.
It was ZAREX not Zyrec
Paragon Park – that was the place to be in the summer. The Giant Coaster- creaking beneath your car.
When Paragon Park closed in 1984, Wild World (now Six Flags America) purchased The Giant Coaster and renamed it The Wild One. The coaster’s new owners restored the coaster to its original condition and reopened it in 1986. The restored coaster is operating in Greater Washington, D. C. at Six Flags America, Maryland. (From Wicked Local Plymouth)
Eceryone’s an individual. Born ^ raised (and most of the first 42 years) in the South Shore (Easton) – but the only thing that has ever given people pause when I speak are “roof” (short double o) and “drawer” (at times I lose the “er”) otherwise they think I’m from Indiana. Oh! And chowder (“er”) is red and comes from Rhode Island. preferabl\y Flo’s on the Middletown/Newport border along with clam cakes. We also always heard (and said) Kankamagus (“mang-us”). But…a “flatlander” is anyone who lives East of the PCH (Pacific Coast Highway).
You forgot Coffee Time Syrup in milk. One of my favorites.
Born in NJ, lived in every New England state, but 20 years in Maine was the best. And since a little girl, when my Grandma always had on hand Coffee Time. Yum.
Was a sad day when New England confectionery company went out of business. Three cheers for the folks who picked up the sky bar recipe and are making it just outside of Boston, and Necco wafers are supposedly going to make an appearance sometime soon thanks to Spangler candy
All these food memories are wonderful to read & reminisce. Now for a little exercising: I learned to swim in Indian Lake at Norton Beach in Wusstah. My dad told me, “If you can swim underwater with your eyes open, you can do anything else in the water.” I nevah had to take any other ‘lessons’. Great memories, too, of Norton ‘field days’…and free turkeys at Thanksgiving. I still have a photo of my dad selling Moxie at a little stand in Whalom Park. He was 16; the year was 1923. Fast forward a few years, I remember he and my mom used to enjoy a ‘high-ball’ (rye, ‘tonic’ and ice) in a tall glass…before our Saturday night B&M beans & brownbread (with raisins) suppuh. Oh, and speaking of Fluffuhnuttahs: I’m glad they finally sell Marshmallow Fluff way out here in Milwaukee, but I wish they’d learn to put it on the shelves next to the peanut butter instead of hiding it in the baking section, or sometimes with ice cream toppers.
Trader Joe in Lancaster/Palmdale and the one in Las Vegas have coffee syrup. Best thing Evah over coffee or grape nuts ice cream, also good in seltzer.
Cindy 29 July 2019
Filene’s Basement — wedding dress day! Brigham’s Ice Cream. Friendly’s Ice Cream. Purple Cow Ice cream.
Yes and Marshall’s!
I grew up in Saugus, MA, went o a boys camp four summers on Lake Sebago in Maine, spent many summers at a family cottage in Washington, NH, graduated from Saugus High School and from Bowdoin College in Maine, have lived my entire life in one New England state or another, except for three years in the service and one summer in California. I owned and operated a business in Connecticut for 45 years, and am now retired there. Oh, I also had a vacation home in Vermont for several years. Not sure how I could be any more of a New Englander. I am also a member of the Mayflower Society, and all of my ancestors on this shore that I know about lived in one or other New England state. Could I be any more Yankee than that?
I loved in Maine and then Andover Mass. Have lived in CA since 1969. Soda was tonic and purses were pocketbooks. Miss brown bread, baked beans, maple walnut ice cream, lobster and fried or steamed clams. We come home every fall for the foliage and the food. Miss living in ME still.
I remember in college I got weird looks from a few southerners when I asked where the bubbler was. I also remember “Chinese Pie” (a.k.a. “shepherd’s/cottage pie) in NH, which was a weekly staple if you got hot lunch in school, only to find out that it’s a local adaptation of “chinois pie” which the French Canadians brought down to the mill towns.
Cows, the family farm, collecting chicken eggs from the coop, rolling pastures separated by stonewalls, huge gardens, podding peas and snapping green beans, winning best tomato at the small County fair….New England is generational family farms feeding our communities. If you haven’t stepped in a cow patty, thrown a bale of hay, or milked an udder, you ain’t no New Englander.
I have to agree, growing up in Aroostook County, cows, chickens, hay and egg collecting was all part of growing up here. Rolling fields whether it be Timothy hay for the barn, or oats to be harvested and of course the main stay for any kid from my generation and previous ones was working in the potato fields or the potato house, all of it to earn money to buy fall and winter clothes.
Another spin regarding the definition of a Yankee:
To a European, a Yankee is and American. To an American a Yankee is a New Englander. To a New Englander a Yankee is a Vermonter. To a Vermonter a Yankee is one that eats apple pie with maple syrup.
And.. to a Southerner ans Yankee is anyone from north of the Mason-Dixon line.
True. Bostonian low living in SC, and to many southerners, anyone above Mason-Dixon is a Yankee. And in fact, are still grudging the war, However, most I meet seem to hold New England more dear than the rest of the states of “northern aggression”. And generally speaking, the Red Sox are liked and the Yankees, not at all.
But if you are my dad – apple pie without the cheese is like the hug without the squeeze. I still eat apple pie this way – even though I’ve lived in FL for 47 years. You can nevah take the Vermont out of the Vermonter.
How do you keep your carpets clean? Call Andrew 8-8000!
“How many cookies did Andrew eat? Andrew 8-8000!”
Grew up in Stoneham (also lived in Woostah, now FL) but haven’t lived in MA since 1984. Spent 2 weeks there last September showing my girlfriend my roots since she had never been north of Manhattan. What great memories riding the T, walking the Common, going to Fenway, Too many to mention. Did not see anyone mention one of my favorite pastimes: candle pin bowling. Once outside of New England you can’t find it. Spent a couple of night is Shelburne Falls and went candlepin bowling both days. What a memorable treat.
Born in the “San” in 1957. The hospital is long gone. Weiss Farm on Franklin St., is for sale. The old “domed” Esso gas station was razed last year, as was the old “switchboard” (NET&T)…later the Stoneham Elks Club….also gone. On the upside the old theatre has reopened, albeit it’s called Greater Boston Stage Co. Hanks Bakery is gone, after Baron & Joe Bean sold it to the Symmes family. Bill Rounds Sr. (Rounds Hardware) passed away at the Fuller House a couple of months ago. And “China Moon” closed in Dec. and is now for sale.
Don’t forget the annual pilgrimage to West Springfield for The Big E. The Eastern States Exposition was, and still is, the ultimate place to go for a double dose of New England.
Absolutely!!! I go every single year. It’s not the start of autumn unless I go to the Big E.
Oh DANG! I FORGOT ABOUT THE big E this year! gotta go nect year!
What about the ‘packies?” ( liquor stores)
Born and raised in Woostah…spent my every waking moment on Cape with my aunt’s and uncles…went over the bridge in diapers. Married and lived in Wilbraham…just beautiful…now in Florida. Did anyone ever spend the day at White City and ride the planes that flew over lake Quinsigamond…or spend your morning on Water Street buying the best breads, rolls and Danish ever! Beautiful memories…miss N.E. everyday.
I spent a lot of time at White City and Spag’s: I grew up in Shrewsbury!
Oh I remember Spag’s. I loved that place. I lived in Northboro and worked as the Wholesale Manager at Hebert’s Chocolates in Shrewsbury. I’m in Tennessee now, but I miss home so bad sometimes. Family on the Cape just spoiled my summers for anything the south offers!
I remember making the drive from New Bedford to Spag’s to stock up on favorites at deep discounts. Pepperidge Farm cookies were a must purchase.
Living in CO now, I grew up in southern RI in a small fishing village; I miss Italian grinders, (clear) chowda and clamcakes, and the ocean, especially in the summer; we spent our summers at the beach, Scarborough is my favorite! Aunt Carries had the best chowder and clamcakes; fun times at Rocky Point amusement park, and who could forget Salty Brian who kept us updated on snow and school closings!
Recent transplant from NYS, now living in CT (Easton) and I think I landed in the Garden of Eden. Love, love, love everything so far about my newly adopted State!
I hate to break it to you but Easton doesn’t really qualify as true New England….too many NYC transplants and weekenders. It’s more of a NYC suburb than true New England.
Lol, I don’t know about that. I grew up and still live in Litchfield County and your statement reminds me of the people who claim southern ME isn’t really ME, or summering with my grandparents on Peaks Island where my family had lived since 1632 was being destroyed by all those people from Boston. We are all part of the New England experience.
All of this is so true. And not a day goes by that I do not miss my home state of Massachusetts. There is something about New England that the no one but a New Englander understands. My Dad was from Roxbury, Mom from Natick. My older brother, younger brother and I were born in Pittsfield. My father moved us to Illinois 3 years later, My baby sister is the only Illinois born. Two years later we came home to MA again to Danvers (Salem Village) , moved to Acton two years later Then he moved us to Illinois again. Three years later moved home again this time to Lynnfield. Two year later back to Illinois. I stayed in Lynnfield to finish high school. My last residence in MA was on the corner of Marlborough and Dartmouth in Boston. Did not want to go back to Illinois yet ended up here. I have driven home the past two years on holiday and find it hard to leave every time. Grandparents, grand aunts and uncles are gone thus somewhat bittersweet but I always know when I hit that Massachusetts line heading east I know I am home
63 and hoping to move from CA to MA or NH to be close to my son and daughter in-law. Lowe the seasons beaches an green. I’m over the fraught in CA. Any advice to prepare for the big change would be appreciated.
Sorry for typos. Love the New England beaches, seasons and all the green. I’m over the drought in CA.
You forgot the need for cheddar cheese with your apple pie…
Homemade baked beans and red hot dogs make a perfect Saturday night supper!
Apple pie without the cheese is like a kiss without the squeeze!
Warm clothes- lived in CA for 30 years and froze for the first year I was back. Then I acclimated and now my visiting CA kids complain that the house is too cold!
how’s about our kielbasa? with all of the polish immigrants, we have a great selection of real kielbasa (blue seal, gawrons, janiks) and millie’s pierogi. my sister comes up from down south and brings home a cooler full.
Wicked-fun reading the comments. Living in Fairfield County but grew up in eastern Connecticut — the New England part of the state — and can’t wait to retire and head “home”.
Ha! This comment made me chuckle. I also live in Fairfield County but was born in MA and raised on the banks of the beautiful Lake Winnipesaukee (just returned from a visit). Even though I “technically” live in New England, I don’t consider my southwestern CT location as such (too metro NYC to qualify, in my opinion)…but I am happy an escape to the true New England is a short car ride away!
Gina, leaving in a week for Lake Winnipesaukee the most beautiful lake in the Northeast. Currently living in Texas where they dig holes, fill them with water and call them “lakes”. Born in New Jersey, raised each summer in Meredith, NH but somehow got stuck here in Texas. Oh well!
Yup! Everything west of the CT River is just a giant suburb of NYC, including Litchfield County. It’s tragic
So true! I was born in Quincy, MA and lived near Boston for the first six years of my life before my dad transferred to Norwalk, Ct. I’ve slowly but surely started heading back in the northeast direction, now living in Manchester, CT. I just don’t understand why my kids feel trapped in New England!
Can’t believe no one mentioned “Charlie” riding the MTA ‘neath the streets of Boston. Just heard “The Man Who Never Returned yesterday. Always loved that silly song. Loved growing up on the North Shore. Born in Salem, MA almost 78 years ago and have been in Vermont 55 years now and have to go East every year to get my ocean “fix.
Heard that song every day in my grandfather’s car that had an 8-track player. The Kingston Trio rules!
Born in Burlington, grew up mostly in Ct. Did military in Germany. Lived in Hawaii a few years. Currently in Broken Arrow (suburb of Tulsa), Ok.
Miss all da New England stuff.
Love 2 all,
Rique’ Lydem
You were a New England kid if you visited Polar Caves, Storyland & Santa’s Village up in the White Mountains of NH!
Yearly pilgrimage to LL Bean for “sensible” schools clothes. Two venerable Boston restaurants closed their doors: Locke-Ober (2012); Durgin Park (2020 – a victim of the Pandemic).
Top split hot dog rolls, Carvel Ice Cream cakes, Zarex came as a syrup in a glass bottle. We had little wax bottles filled with a teaspoon of liquid, squirrels to pull out your fillings, “hot” balls, and Pixie sticks. We ate cherrystones on the half shell and used Quahogs for chowder. We walked the “green” and went to Riverside and Rocky Point for our thrill rides. Our long sandwiches hot or cold are still grinders and usually have oil on them. (If you are lucky they are made with shredded cabbage instead of shredded lettuce). No lobster tastes like one from New England or whole belly clams either. I’m from Eastern, CT and we eat our lobster rolls cold with mayo on a grilled roll and our chowder comes both ways, New England style, (with milk or cream), and Rhode Island style, (clear broth).
Why did the Whalers have leave Hartford? I miss going to those games and hearing “The Brass Bonanza” after scoring a goal. Yeah, we still have the Bruins, but No other team in the NHL has a theme song that can even come close to the old Whaler’s song.
I love New England Today. I am now in my early 70’s however back in the 1960’s my parents only considered New England as our vacation destination every summer. A palm tree location was just simply out of the question. Now, I’m beginning to see how many of the food trends in New England were standard fare in our home in Ohio. My parents lived and breathed New England. I remember going to woolen mills, furniture manufacturers and Vermont Marble Co. where we weighted the entire trunk of the car down with samples of marble, Walden Pond, The Alcott home, Paul Revere’s home and so many more. Parents, do your children a favor and take them to New England. Mystic Seaport is still a favorite of mine. As children we had one rule to follow on vacation – no hamburger, no hot dogs – we were to eat the local fare including seafood. To this day I never eat seafood unless we are in New England. I learned to appreciate the local seafood and I instilled those ideas in my children.
Born a New Englander & would not want to live anywhere else even after traveled through out US & a few European countries. 4 beautiful seasons especially Autumn in New England, I can’t live without! Now I am retired so now I can throughly enjoy a NE snow storm since won’t have to drive in it! Being a horse lover all my life, Anyone remember Six Gun City in the White Mountains?!!
Did anyone already mention that Necco Wafers are now being produced by Blair Candy, a three-generation deep family business in PA and take online orders. Just received my box of 24 big, beautiful rolls. Genuine thing! Can’t wait to share with family and friends-they are sure to think they are old stock. NOPE! Wonderful…now I want to know when they will start production of chocolate only rolls. Hmm?
I LOVE Necco Wafers, and conversation hearts! I never knew that they originated in New England. They are a tradition for Valentine’s Day
Speaking fo Hollywood’s New England accents, how about Kevin Cosnter’s (Kenny O’Donnell) accent accent in “Thirteen Days”?
Always called them ‘grinders’ in Nashua NH when I was a kid, and then in Boston when I lived there in the 70’s.
Grinders in NE, heroes in NY (from Greek “gyro”), and hoagies in Philly
I’ve lived in AZ for 16 years now; born in NH, also lived in Boston and in ME for 35 years. Although I miss my family and friends, I sure don’t miss the ‘weathah’. Don’t miss driving on ice and in blizzards or below zero temps. Nothing like sitting in the sunshine between Nov and March when New Englanders are buried in snow and ice. Yes, it gets to 110 in the summer, but you stay in the AC just like you stay in your heated home when it’s -30. I do miss haddock which they don’t have around here. My husband misses Devil Dogs which they also don’t sell in AZ. And, I do love walking around Boston and Faneuil Hall when we fly down to visit family. Also try to squeeze in a Pat’s, Bruin’s, or Red Sox game when we’re in town. I’m surprised no one mentione…or maybe I missed it….Maple Syrup Sunday….when you could drive to the local place that made fresh syrup and they served it over snow or vanilla ice cream. So yummy! Great article. Thanks to the writer and all the people who commented…great memories.
You can order devil dogs on line. My husband did
Clair, surprrise your husband and order him Devil Dogs online or better yet, make him some Whoopie Pies. You can get the reciow knline. Make the Amush version.
Ayuh, most of the above. Didn’t see a couple of other things: You’ve taken your kids to Storyland because your folks took you; a long sleeve sweater or fleece is a go well with shorts; you’ve shopped at L.L. Bean in the middle of the night just because you can; you know never to crowd a logging truck.
Coffee milk! Eclipse or Autocrat?
Phffttt! Please…Autocrat
Definitely Autocrat
West coast by birth, but, aaah, a NewEnglander! Such a wonderful fate. Newport and Portsmouth, RI, Lexington and Westport, MA. Moved just recently to Northern VA for medical needs. How I miss all the accents, food names, and places. Cherish that which is New England. It’s a precious gift to the whole country. Into my eighties now, having lived in Washington, DC, Norfolk, VA, Hobe Sound and Key West Florida, San Diego, CA, Seattle, WA, Staten Island, NY, and in Europe and Asia. Nothing, compares to NE.
E. G. W., Loudoun County, VA
I hope I don’t gross anyone out, but I’d like to figure out how to make cafeteria style pizza burgers – you know a crispy, open face sandwich with greasy ground meat. I’ve googled it and lots of recipes include cheese. I don’t remember an obvious amount of cheese in the version that was served in my suburban Boston school cafeteria.
Other cafeteria favorites were beef stew, pizza, Italian grinders with onion and pickle (?) relish, barbecued beef on a bun. With the exception of beef stew these were the grease bombs my mom never made and I adored.
Pizza burgers were on an open, toasted hamburger bun.
I remember puzza burgers from high school. Hamburgers with pizza sauce, mozzarella, on a toasted bulkie roll. Tasted so good
I lived on the South Shore and Cape for 33 years. Great place to grow up. I had to move with jobs across the USA. The best seafood and Italian. I visit my family and friends once a year. Yes, in the summer only (July – September). I miss the Italian cold cut subs, steama’s, Lobsta, Toll House Chocolate cookies and stuffed peppers. Even Chinese food taste better. I don’t miss the winters but do miss the summers and festivals like the St. Anthony’s Fest in the North End but it’s just a plane ride away. We always hit places in Maine while up there like Old Orchard, Portland, Booth Bay and Bar Harbor.
Grew up in Prospect/Waterbury, CT and Old Orchard Beach, ME. One in the winter the other in the summer. Family originally from Sept Iles Canada and moved down the coast to ME, MA and CT in the early 1900’s. I remember the old garbage wagon on OOB pulled by horses, the old pier with Noah’s Ark and all the small rental cottages in OOB that are now condo’s!! Being out on the “neck” fishing and knowing “you can’t get theah from heah”, Underwood Deviled Ham is still a favorite. Fresh lobstah with butter and my grandmother’s baked beans and fresh blueberry pie every week!! Moved in 2011 to AZ where I was told I ‘had an accent’ because I said pronounced coffee ‘weird’ and used ‘wicked’ a lot! Now in IL and missing NE something awful! Not so much CT but definately ME!
I’ve endured more than 30 New England winters! I wasn’t born here in New England, and I didn’t grow up w/Moxie, Boston Baked Beans, or Jimmies on my icecream. But I absolutely LOVE New England. And after living here since 1991, I might be a New Englander . . . . lol!
A cat may have kittens in the oven but it don’t make them muffins. lol
Born in Providence, I haven’t lived in New England since 1961, but it will always be home. I checked off most of the items on your list. To those I would add: 1) You remember listening to Curt Gowdy doing Red Sox games on the radio, and you rooted for them even when they weren’t winning.
Lived in Michigan for awhile… felt landlocked!!
Whoopie pies, lobstah rolls, Kelly’s roast beef (Revere Beach), maple sugar season, true Halloween atmosphere, 4H fall fairs, Hampton beach boardwalk as a kid was amazing
What about Jordan Marsh at Christmas window display. Ice coffee was a New England thing, drove to Florida and stopped in Penn. ,ordered Ice coffee and was served a cup of coffee with a dish of ice. Southern states only had chocolate or vanilla ice cream.
and Filenes Basement!
Filenes Basement was an institution!
Born in Hartford CT and when I was 2 years old and my sister a newborn, Dad and Mom said it was time to move out of the city and they moved to Old Saybrook CT. They often said it was the best decision they ever made. Three more siblings followed. Four of us are still in CT and one in Maine. I can not imagine not living a minutes ride to the water. Most of the mentions in the article made me smile with remembrance. We were on vacation in maine almost every summer and always wanted those deep red hot dogs and I could not leave without getting a Seaveys Needham candy square. Mom loved Maple Walnut ice cream and Dad coffee ice cream. Santa’s Village, Six Gun City, Storyland, Clarks Trading Post, the Old Man and we never passed the Eastern Slope Inn in NH when we heard the story of my Dad’s first job there. Although I can not remember if that was the name in the late 1940’s. Mom and Dad are both gone now but they gave the five of us a wonderful New England upbringing.
Thanks Stephanie for mentioning Santa’s Village. BEST. NH . THEMEPARK. EVAH.
Plus Canobie Lake…
Remember Benson’s Animal Farm? The Flume Gorge? Ruggles’ Mine?
Lived here all my 59 years! Leave New England? Nope!
Yes to all!!
Anyone remember Cott Syrup. Came in a bottle that you mixed with water. Drank each summer while visiting Lake Winnipesaukee from New Jersey. Could only find it in New England.
” It’s Cotts to be Good” !!! I remember !
Za-rex syrup was pretty good too. A gallon Coleman metallic jug of lemon and lime always hit the spot with a tuna or bologna sandwich at any beach from Gloucester to Revere. Wingaersheek had rocks to climb on and tide pools to explore, but Revere had the Fun House and the Cyclone roller coaster.
I have spent my entire life in New England…Massachusetts to be exact. I remember all of the above. Could not imagine living anywhere else. I love the change of seasons. No where else can compare. One thing I always have looked forward to is The Topsfield Fair…oldest fair in the country!!!
One of my all-time favorite memories was getting rabbits as pets (and to fertilize my mother’s garden) from the Topsfield Fair. Thanks for that wonderful memory!
Grew up in Boston for my 1st 30 years, moved to the North Shore for 25 and now living in Maine. Just keep heading North but I’ll never leave New England. In the perfect place where the Mountains are <1 hour to the Northwest and the ocean is 20" to the East. My Idea of being a snow bird is heading North to ski in the Winter and East to the beach in Summer, LOL! Maybe once in a great while drive down the Cape. No question we have the best seafood in the world, nothing beats franks+beans with (canned) brown bread on a Saturday night for supper, and nothing but 100% maple syrup will ever top my pancakes. Never developed a taste for Moxie but it was the only tonic my darling Da would drink. And at 60 years of age, my accent is unmistakable and as strong as it ever was 😉
Beef, three way
I’m probably more New England than over half of New Englanders. 🙂 My ancestor, John Howland and Wife came over on the Mayflower. John was also a signer of the Mayflower Compact too. I was born and raised in Little Rhody. :)I’m also part Narragansett Indian because of the Howland’s children mixing with the natives back then. My Mom, and Aunts would tell me that Mom was distantly related to a long ago Princess. Haven’t been able to confirm that though. 🙂
Born in Maine. At 18 I moved to Mass. After three years I’d had enough and moved back home. Moved a little farther north again. I’ve traveled all across the country but “there’s no place like home”
Where do I start? Chop suey, shephard’s pie, hiking in the whites and the berkshires. Liking the RI beaches more than florida’s. Town greens, THE FALL!!!! I’m sad now.
Hot Indian Pudding with a scoop of ice cream. Miss it so. HoJo’s used to have a really good and simple grilled hot dog on toasted split top bun. Brigham’s raspberry lime Rickey, and their peppermint stick ice cream was amazing, either with extra jimmies, or as a sundae with marshmallow topping, hot chocolate and salted pecans on top. To die for. Popovers from Pier 4.
Grew up in Ma having Indian Pudding servered warm with French Vanilla Ice Cream every Thanksgiving Dinner with family.I know live in Fl. and can not find Indian Pudding anywhere. Ant ideas where I could purchase this much missed Special Pudding?
Omg miss it so much and used to get whole belly clams at Ho Jo’s !! My whole family is From Massachusetts revere. I am up there all the time. My family is buried there. I live in New York. I lived in Connecticut for seven years came back here. I’m trying so desperately to get back. I Iwould love to live in Maine Or Connecticut or New Hampshire I need to get back there that’s where I belong. My grandfather was the Moxie boy my family came from Italy, Ireland, and Sweden all to Massachusetts. What a legacy so proud to Be a New Englander. Best place in the world to live other than the politics!! Lol I go the other way❤️ Be well stay safe and enjoy New England as much as you can. And try to stop in at Kelly’s on Revere Beach. Best fried clams anywhere and their clam chowder is to die for it’s done the right way with no flour in it.!!!
Eating steamah’s on a hot summer day, with melted butter. Fried clams with bellies, lobster tamale. Yum!!!
Born and raised in New England CT I traveled to mass Vermont RI New Hampshire but never to Maine it was to long of a drive now I drive from Florida to New England go figure
Good man…
Joseph, if driving to Maine is too much, take the Nor’easter train. It IS a long drive.
I was Boe and raised in Worcester, moved to CA in 1975, how I miss Hojo’s, fall foliage and Green Hill Park !
Spent over 30 years in CA and couldn’t wait to get back to New England.
Am living in Wisconsin…ugh!! Miss the smell of the ocean, good sea food and the White Mountains. Left New England in ’98 and have regretted it ever since.
New England is in my heart and in my blood ~ literally and figuratively! Loved this article & comments! There is a certain magic about this part of the world that will forever live in my soul…so many happy memories!
Born in Worcester and grow up listening to Jerry Williams and Howie Carr and loving the Red Sox and Patriots!!
You might be from Maine if you pronounce words their propah way!
Instead of all funny soundin like otha states do I forgot to add
One thing I can think of is seeing people wear shirts and a t shirt as soon as the temps are above 50 degrees! I always look on with New England pride when I see that.
*shorts and a t shirt ????
We have been snow-birding to the South Carolina coast and enjoying the sunshine and warmer temperatures for January through March but can’t wait to get back home to Central Massachusetts in April!
Our children live in the south so here we are in SC but we will always be New Englanders. There are a lot of snowbirds from NE here and some have Red Sox or Patriots stickers on their cars. When our daughter was in sixth grade we were living in Alabama and her classmates made fun of her fluffernutters until they tasted one they loved it. There are so many things I miss about NE the snow the food and the beautiful fall colors. We took a vacation in January at the White Mountain Inn and loved the snow and watching the skiers on Breton Mountain but we drove by the the mountain where the Ol Man used to be and it was so sad As for the food it was great to have real clam chowder and lobster rolls. We are fortunate that we can buy Legal Seafoods clam chowder and Maple syrup at Costco here at the shore. We try to get back to NE at least once a year there is so much history, beautiful mountains and beaches
My parents were born and raised in Massachusetts anI was born there too. We moved around a bit and I ended up in South Carolina (47 years now) and my parents ended up retiring to Florida. They never lost their accents! All of the things in this article are completely familiar because my parents lived as New Englanders do for their whole lives!
I live in south Texas thanks to my husband’s Air Force retirement, but you can’t take the Yankee out of someone whose roots go back centuries in New England. Every one of my progenitor ancestors arrived there — and stayed — between 1634-1670. My father’s side was all Massachusetts, my mother’s side was in New Hampshire and Connecticut. I love genealogy and am so proud of them down the years for the incredible things they accomplished not only to survive but to improve the world they lived in. We can get lobsters here, but at a price. I still have two big lobster kettles, but just don’t use them as often! I grew up on the Connecticut River in a house built by my banker great-grandfather with a view of the whole valley from the top of the hill behind the house in Holyoke. Memories!
We must be related.Those who arrived from England or France in the 17th century inter -married a lot. Many moved between the colonies of New England & Canada,but few settled outside until my Boomer generation..
New England Boiled Dinner, Raspberry Lime Rickies, Peanuts in your coke, Paragon Park, Cape weekends. Too many to mention! Moved to WA 45 years ago, family still in NE so I head back a couple times every year.
Nick’s hot dog’s in Fall River. When they served them with the casings back in the 60’s.
You forgot . A best dressed Northern New England ( North of Massachusets) man has a closet full of flannel shirts. Not in solid colors , but plaid, checkerboard, and maybe one or two solids. You know that L L Bean is noted for their boots and not trendy casual wear, that there are 3 seasons Mud, Snow , and Mosquito, you drink Tonic, no not the type for your hair , the one with carbonated water in it. Lobster is LOBSTAH, you check your tires for tread depth and know how to drive in snow, that Mount Washington has the worst weather in the world, you eat baked beans and brown bread on Saturday night , Not only do you keep your ice scraper in the car all year, you leave your snow shovel out all year too, you know that once you shovel out your driveway , the snow plow driver plows it back in again, usually just as you finish. You think nothing of driving 30 or 40 miles and you tell people how long it takes to drive it without using how many miles, Rubber bands are not rubber bands ,they are elastics, that the old nickname for New Hampshire is ” Cow Hampshire”, And I guess that is all I can think of for now .
And, you used to snow ski Tuckerman’s – or just plain ‘Tuck’ for Tuckerman’s Ravine on Mt Washington – in June & July.
left Braintree MA for boot camp in May 1979…learned to control the accent – the powers that be made me call cadence just for a laugh! Moved to Iceland from FL, MD, Northern Japan, Northern CA, WV, and now VA…while stationed in WV we went to a wedding for some Navy folks we knew from Iceland…I sat across from two nuns with a strong NE accent…we cracked up over their story when they first got to WV and were looking for “the bubblah”! No-one knew they wanted water! From the “fountain”. Miss NE every single day! Nantasket Beach, Paragon Park, Canobie Lake park, camping at Calvin Coolidge State Park every summation; family originates from Head Habah (Harbor) Island in ME…lobstermen up theyah! OH – and South Shore Music Circus! Saw Chuck Mangione there one summer, after riding bikes there from Braintree and enjoying a lobsta roll near Paragon Pahk…such fun…
I didn’t read all comments so not sure if these were mentioned…we always said pockabook never purse, rubbish truck not trash. We pronounced frappés as frap. I laughed the first time I heard it pronounced that way, I thought they were trying to be “fancy”.
As kids we went to Clark’s Trading Post, Lincoln Park, Fairhaven Mills, and gramma’s cottage in Mattapoisett. It was on a nice stretch of beach with hardly any people there. We loved digging for clams!
We thought everyone not from New England had an accent! Our school field trips (over 60 years ago) weren’t very fancy but exciting for us as kids. One such trip was going to a dairy farm and we got to have a glass of milk. We thought that was quite a treat lol.
I left many years ago because winters were hard for my health and live in Texas now. After 30 something years I still have my accent. They laugh when I say “you all” and they say y’all.
I knew the answer to every question above lol. Love my New England.
P.S. I usually have to say I’m from Boston because when I say New England I get asked weird questions like “Is the Queen your queen?” or “New Jersey?” Huh???
Family legend has it that I was conceived on the dunes of the Cape..vacationed there , or the islands or Maine every summer there after, with a quick side trip to NH or VT for variety. Grew up eating lobstah from the age of two and the best pizza (abeatz) from new HAVEN (accent on the second syllable ) a good “Italian” could be found in and around Boston (sub or grinder didn’t matter it was an Italian) chowder was either white or clear, never red,and was served at fourth of July picnics, you made Joe Froggers (molasses cookies) to bring to the beach, the sand added crunch, sailing wasn’t only a summer sport, you could frost-bite right trough December , swimming in Maine was best in August so that your ankles wouldn’t freeze before you made it up to your knees, no matter the time of year, you went out prepared for changes in the weather and come December, wore your snow pants to school because recess was outside as long as it was above 10 degrees. I have lived in all but 2 of the New England states, don’t really have a hands down favorite but wouldn’t live anywhere else!
Acid test to determine if you’re really a New Englander: How to pronounce Peabody. (PEA-buh-dee)
Does anyone remember Bud Sawyer on WPOR in Portland, Maine, back in 1965-1970??! I’ve lived in Maine for over 6 decades, my mom used to listen to WPOR when I was a little girl and I remember Bud!! He was definately a New England icon! And the Cushman Bakery delivery trucks that had some yummy pastries! Chowder IS NOT red! Fluffernutters are the best! Mom used to make brown bread in a can when we ate baked beans on Saturday night!! AND ham in a can, I used to cook my husband fried Spam with stewed tomatoes AND mashed potatoes, of course! He’s also a +6 decade Mainah!! 🙂 Yes, we were sad when the Old Man of the Mountain “died” 🙁 I was actually lucky enough to see a moose swim across from Raymond Cape to the east coast of Sebago Lake (about 5000′) what a site with his big beautiful rack! We LOVE the 4 seasons, wouldn’t live anywhere else!
My grandfather is the Moxie boy!! Very proud I go to Lisbon Falls all the time for the Moxie fest. I have my family reunion there second weekend in July.!! Great time for all. Love my New England trying to move back there. But very difficult prices are ridiculous. So sad. I just want to come back.????
“Voh-Dylundahs” know that holes in earlobes are “P S D S” (say the 4 letters aloud and fast)!!!
–Im an 11th generation descendant of Roger Conant, who founded Naumkeag (Salem) Mass in 1626, after landing in Plymouth 1623-ish. My great grandfather Frederick Odell Conant researched and wrote the Conant Family genealogy book. Family from Maine. Due to work, we no longer live in Rhody, but visit often. Fond Food memories: Haven Brothers in downtown Providence after a night of Young Adults at Lupo’s and/or blues the Met Cafe. Better Than Sex Pie and Dan Gosch’s mural at Leo’s. Irish Coffees at L’Elizabeth. Popovers at Rue de L’Espoir. Dancing on the copper top tables before “Twinkling” at David’s Pot Belly (after he went home!) — Thayer Street in the Sixties and Seventies — Emporium India — Jone Pasha — Living on the corner of “Olney Hope” — Block Island — George’s of Galllee — The Great Umbrella Factory — on and on and on…. XOV
Even though we moved to upstate NY years ago, we are still die-hard Red Sox fans!