In the summer of 2007, Barry Clifford and his divers brought up 25,000 pounds of artifacts from the Whydah: “more than ever before,” he says. To date the team has retrieved more than 200,000 objects, including the ship’s bell. Some of these items are included in a roving National Geographic exhibit called “Real Pirates,” currently […]
By Ian Aldrich
Aug 15 2008
In the summer of 2007, Barry Clifford and his divers brought up 25,000 pounds of artifacts from the Whydah: “more than ever before,” he says. To date the team has retrieved more than 200,000 objects, including the ship’s bell. Some of these items are included in a roving National Geographic exhibit called “Real Pirates,” currently at The Franklin Institute Science Museum in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (215-448-1200; through November 2.
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Ian Aldrich is the Senior Features Editor at Yankee magazine, where he has worked for more for nearly two decades. As the magazine’s staff feature writer, he writes stories that delve deep into issues facing communities throughout New England. In 2019 he received gold in the reporting category at the annual City-Regional Magazine conference for his story on New England’s opioid crisis. Ian’s work has been recognized by both the Best American Sports and Best American Travel Writing anthologies. He lives with his family in Dublin, New Hampshire.
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