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To respond, click on the link below. You will come to our Feedback page. Fill in Pairings as the subject (Step 1) and your name and e-mail address (Step 2). Then type your answer in the box (Step 3). Please include your city and state with your answer. Good luck!
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First: Paul Revere’s fabled midnight ride might have easily come to a bloody end. In the wee hours of April 19, 1775, he rode straight into the clutches of British troops, who held a gun to his head and threatened to kill him. As dawn broke, the soldiers heard gunfire and let Revere go.
Second: In Boston at the turn of the 20th century, King Gillette joined M.I.T.-trained engineer William Emery Nickerson to mass-produce the world’s first disposable razor blade. Their American Safety Razor Company was soon renamed for Gillette. Men on the go have thanked him ever since.
This two-word phrase pairs the clues:
_ _ _ _ _ _ H _ _ _
One winner will be chosen at random from among all correct entries and awarded a Yankee gift subscription. Last issue’s winner was Douglas Zabawa of Bristol, Connecticut.