Nature’s Own Carpet Your brief piece on diverse vs. monoculture lawns [“Ask the Naturalist,” July/August 2008, p. 30] merited full-length treatment. For some years, I’ve cultivated wildflowers throughout my yard, even turning the entire front lawn into a carpet of eco-friendly color. Neighbors may think I’m odd, if not radical, but the move has eliminated […]
Your brief piece on diverse vs. monoculture lawns [“Ask the Naturalist,” July/August 2008, p. 30] merited full-length treatment.
For some years, I’ve cultivated wildflowers throughout my yard, even turning the entire front lawn into a carpet of eco-friendly color. Neighbors may think I’m odd, if not radical, but the move has eliminated all chemicals and substantially reduced watering and labor. Moreover, we have more than enough cut flowers for the table. The mass is such that at times sweet fragrances sweep through the house. And in the fall, colorful songbirds linger at the seed pods before heading south. Overall, a good thing.
James Ellis, West Barnstable, MA
Regarding “25 People You Must Meet This Summer” [July/August 2008, p. 70]: As a Connecticut resident, I’m so comforted to know that to meet these interesting folks, I need only drive to our neighboring state, Massachusetts, where nine of them live, or even Rhode Island, where three of them live.
For years I’ve been fending off arguments from friends who insist that Connecticut isn’t part of New England. I guess if even Yankee Magazine can find only one family from this state who’s as interesting as the 24 other New Englanders you profile, those friends must be right after all. And here I thought that in the pages of your magazine at least, Connecticut would be treated equally.
Thank goodness there was one Nutmeg family, anyway, who made the cut — otherwise, we’d be forced to confront the fact that we’re just not a scintillating bunch!
Melanie Abbott, Branford, CT
I eagerly turned to your article on “The Best 5 Ice Cream Stands” [July/August 2008, p. 32], fully expecting to see Dorman’s Dairy Dream between Thomaston and Rockland, Maine, at the top of the list [Route 1, 207-594-4195]. I’m disappointed, to say the least! I urge Yankee readers traveling through Midcoast Maine to check out what has been a local tradition for nearly 60 years. The ice cream is rich and homemade, with ingredients so flavorful that all else pales in comparison.
Kendrick Dorman started the business in the early 1950s, and his family carries on the tradition to this day. Locals avidly await Dorman’s spring opening — no ad is needed. The lines trail out to the street within hours of opening.
A friend of mine faced with high cholesterol was once given doctor’s orders: Quit going to Dorman’s or go on cholesterol-lowering drugs. He chose the latter.
Randall Abbott Owls Head, ME
Read with interest your article on “The Best 5 New England Diners” [May/June 2008, p. 36] and can’t believe that you didn’t include The Maine Diner in Wells [Route 1, 207-646-4441,]. The food and the staff there are the best! The salmon pie is to die for — try it and I’m sure you’ll agree.
Don Irvin Belmont, NH
I have to say that the photo by Corey Hendrickson of Diane St. Clair and her cow Hopi in “Happy Cows, Better Butter!” [“Only in New England,” May/June 2008, p. 40] looks so much like a Wyeth painting that I plan to cut it out, frame it, and hang it in my den! Great shot!
J. K. Whitesell Dunnellon, FL
Send your letters to “Dear Yankee,” Yankee Magazine, 1121 Main St., Dublin, NH 03444, or by e-mail to We reserve the right to edit letters for length and clarity.