Readers respond to their favorite Yankee magazine articles.
Instant Replay
A family remembrance inspired by Yankee’s article on Boston’s championship sports teams [“When Winning Never Stops,” September/October]:
My dad lived in Boston from age 8 until his death. He was a pastor and a dedicated if often disappointed Red Sox fan. In his last six months, a brain tumor took his short-term memory first. The bright spot was that he got to experience the Red Sox’s epic wins over and over again.
He’d ask, “So how are the Red Sox doing?”
“They won last night, Dad! And it looks like they could even get to the World Series!”
“No kidding!”
And he’d grin from ear to ear. Two hours later the same question, same answer, same joy. All the way to the Reverse of the Curse, Dad got to experience the thrill of a lifetime over and over again. It may not be good theology, but I believe the good Lord sent that win to cheer my dad through his passing.
David Beckwith Toledo, Ohio
Skipping School
I enjoyed the story on Simsbury, Connecticut [“Could You Live Here?” September/October], but noted that among the categories—“Shopping,” “Uniquely Simsbury,” et al.—a prominent part of Simsbury was not mentioned: Westminster School, an exceptional prep school with a long history, sitting atop Williams Hill. Just thought it might be “Uniquely Simsbury”–worthy! (And yes, I was a student there, so it does have a special place in my heart.)
David K. Johnson Gilford, New Hampshire
The Big Picture
There was a letter to the editor a few issues back that lamented Yankee’s coverage of New England’s more unfortunate situations, such as poverty and other plights. While stories warranting celebration are indeed countless in New England, it is equally vital to uncover tales of struggle.
Stories about such things as the challenges facing refugees and the effects of rising seas help readers become more conscious, empathetic, and engaged, and therefore more likely to take action for positive change.
Please continue to strive for balanced journalism that incorporates all aspects of our region.
Jared Pendak Bradford, Vermont
Keen-eyed architecture fans will have noticed that the photo of the farmhouse at Vermont’s Hill Farmstead Brewery [“Shaun Hill and the Price of Perfection,” July/August] shows not a gambrel roof but a gabled one. It’s a crucial distinction, as we’re sure Nathaniel Hawthorne would agree.
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