Ode to the Baked Bean Sandwich
Wondering what to do with leftover baked beans? In many New England households, leftover baked beans were (and sometimes still are) the perfect filling for a thick baked bean sandwich.
Wondering what to do with leftover baked beans? In many New England households, leftover baked beans were (and sometimes still are) the perfect filling for a thick baked bean sandwich.
Indian Pudding is a traditional New England recipe that embodies the flavors of fall. Learn more about Indian Pudding history, plus a recipe.
New England cuisine has a well-deserved reputation for being seasonal, hearty, and comforting. From American Chop Suey to Yankee Pot Roast, here’s an A-Z list of 75 classic New England foods worth celebrating. Did your favorites make the list?
A sampling of our favorite brunch recipes, from fluffy waffles and blueberry Dutch baby to sour cream coffee cake and rosemary biscuit eggs Benedict.
New England’s classic Parker House Rolls are crisp and buttery on the outside, tender and light on the inside, and always delicious.
All the goodness of old-fashioned New England baked beans without the meat, this vegetarian baked beans recipe is a slow-cooker snap.
Looking for things to do in Portsmouth, NH? Check out a day trip to the dog-friendly town with ideas on what to do and where to eat.
Ocean views and good food come easy at this North Shore Massachusetts town. Learn our picks for the best Rockport, MA, restaurants.
While asparagus is not indigenous to New England (it comes from Europe, western Asia, and northern Africa), it’s so deeply rooted in the food culture here, so cherished as one of the first crops of late spring, that I think it qualifies as an honorary native. This is especially true in the fertile floodplains of […]
Tender and sweet with a light crunch, squares of Northern-style cornbread are a special treat.
A collection of favorite New England breads, including Anadama, Parker House Rolls, Whole Wheat, and No-Knead. A loaf of bread, a glass of wine … yes, satisfying things. But more satisfying is when you let life slow down (just a little bit) and you make the bread yourself. The overall time from start to finish […]
New England has bragging rights to a whole dinner party’s worth of dishes. Some, like New England Clam Chowder, Boston Baked Beans, and Boston Cream Pie need no explanation. Others, like Indian Pudding, Parker House Rolls, and Johnnycakes may not be immediately familiar, but are no less deserving of their place at the table. In […]