How to Make a Photography Portfolio
Photographer Susan Cole Kelly shares her expert tips for how to make a photography portfolio and photography portfolio ideas.
Photographer Susan Cole Kelly shares her expert tips for how to make a photography portfolio and photography portfolio ideas.
Susan Cole Kelly is a published photographer and author. She started her avocation as a New England stock photographer while working in an IT career in Boston. Since taking early retirement she has been able to devote more time to photography, and now travels throughout the region taking photos which are used by publishers of […]
You took that shiny new camera out of the box and started using it. Maybe you went through the user manual once, set the camera the way you want it, and forgot it. Picture size? Who cares, they look great, right? Well, maybe. Photos should be sized to fit the way they’re going to be […]
I love winter. I follow the storms, arriving in recently-snowed-upon towns before they’re properly plowed, shooting winter villages through a lace of fresh fluff on branches, picturing woodlands and villages with a thick frosting of ice. Other photographers are showing us the first sprouts of spring, but my bags are still packed for the next […]
Susan Cole Kelly is a Boston-based photographer and regular contributor to Yankee Magazine and YankeeMagazine.com. She captured the Boston Marathon memorial on Boylston Street in a series of photographs and shares her feelings on how the memorial has affected her and the Boston community. See more of her photographs of Boston at kellypix.com. [slideshow post_id=”423603″] […]
The varieties of flowering trees and bushes found in cities, public gardens, and cemeteries are chosen to provide color from early April through October. Landscape designers often pick species that show bright color before our native trees have woken up. While you’re waiting for the maples to flower, enjoy this landscaped diversity. Early species include […]
Photography blogger Susan Cole Kelly shares her simple tips for using a digital camera. Our friends at Yankee have asked me to write a blog entry about how to use a digital camera. Initially, I was stumped — isn’t that like asking a chef to write a few words about how to use a stove? […]
On last week’s trip to Maine I experienced the full range of challenging winter photo situations. With that experience in mind, I thought I’d write about the various types of light you might encounter on a winter day, and what looks best in each lighting situation. Sunrise and sunset feature colorful clouds, magenta snow, and […]
I just finished reading an article about outfitting for a winter expedition in my favorite photography magazine, and wondered why they favor such extreme topics. How many people really need to equip themselves for a three-week trek to Antarctica? True, we’ve enjoyed some chilly weather this season, but most of us are taking pictures of […]
The folks at Yankee have asked me to blog about photo contests. They asked me to do this because of the great amount of tact I use when critiquing images posted on the New England Photography–Yankee Magazine Facebook site. In the spirit of tactful, supportive feedback, let me offer some constructive suggestions for entering photo […]
My most common photographic problem is poor exposure caused by a white sky. Digital cameras often determine exposure by averaging the tones all over the photo. If the top half is white, the camera will make the bottom half very dark to compensate for the brightness. The result is a picture with an uninteresting white […]
View Susan Cole Kelly’s slide show on YankeeMagazine.com/! Foliage season is more than half over, and the color is slowly migrating from northern to southern New England. The maples turned golden early enough so that there was a buzz about an early season, but it just didn’t happen. This year’s warm weather continued into October, […]