Acclaimed photographer Richard Schultz documented the coastline of his home state over the course of last summer including this moment with surfer John Cranshaw at Ruggles Beach in Newport, Rhode Island. (“Ocean State Odyssey,” May/June)
Photo Credit : Richard Schultz
Yankee is fortunate to have so many talented photographers in New England to call upon for its varied stories. It is always an honor to look back on the year and revisit all of the work that goes into each issue. Among the best photo essays from this past year are Richard Schultz’s take on his small home state of Rhode Island (“Ocean State Odyssey”) and Caleb Kenna’s bird’s-eye view of the Vermont landscape (“Scene from Above”). Other standouts include Ari Kellerman’s still lifes (“A Historical Romance”), Tristan Spinski’s documentary approach to the potato harvest in Aroostook County (“Lessons of the Field”), and Greta Rybus’s winter visit to a Maine backcountry lodge (“Winter Weekend”).
As photo editor, I’m thrilled that Yankee continues to tell such wonderful stories of New England through both compelling words and unforgettable visuals. And while it’s always difficult to narrow down a full year of work, we’ve put together a collection of 20 favorite photographs from 2022 that represent the excellence of the whole — and we hope you’ll click through to the original story to read (and see) more.
Heather Marcus is the photo editor for Yankee Magazine. As photo editor, she works closely with the art director and a large group of contributing photographers to add color and style to the magazine's pages. Living in New England, she is inspired by the people, the landscape, and the wonderful visual opportunities the region affords.