
The Friendly’s Cone Head Sundae | A New England Childhood Favorite

Depicting a clown face made of ice cream, the Friendly’s Cone Head sundae is a sweet childhood memory for many New Englanders.

Friendly's Cone Head Sundae

Coffee By Design | Portland, Maine

Photo Credit : Katherine Keenan
Whether you call it the Cone Head sundae, Conehead sundae, or “the clown sundae,” the kid-friendly Friendly’s ice cream clown-face sundae—made with a homemade vanilla ice cream head, Reese’s pieces eyes, whipped cream ears, and a sugar cone dipped in hot fudge hat—is likely a happy reminder of your New England childhood…or your child’s New England childhood.
The Friendly’s Cone Head Sundae.
Founded in Springfield, Massachusetts in 1935, Friendly’s eventually spread down the East coast, all the way to Florida. You can read more about Friendly’s in our earlier post on the Friendly’s Jubilee Roll. On a recent Friday afternoon, I met up with my sister and (almost) three year-old nephew, Quinn, at the Friendly’s restaurant in Nashua, New Hampshire for lunch (and let’s face it, dessert). My sisters and I had grown up “Cone Head kids,” and we thought it was time Quinn joined the club.
The local Friendly’s in Nashua, New Hampshire.
Friendly’s—Creating memories since 1935.
Friendly's Cone Head Sundae
So many dessert options at Friendly’s! (Click the image for a larger view)
The restaurant was busier than I expected for a weekday afternoon, but I was glad to see it. After a brush with bankruptcy in 2011, Friendly’s has been working hard in recent years to win back returning customers, and impress new ones. They’ve updated the menu and remodeled many of the remaining restaurants (they call them “refreshed restaurants”) with a nod to the chain’s long history.
Updated Friendly’s restaurants even have tablets at the table that you can use to order and pay the check.
After a round of grilled cheeses and lots of coloring for the youngest member of our group, our dessert arrived courtesy of our friendly waitress, Suzanne. Along with Quinn’s Cone Head sundae, I had ordered a classic chocolate Fribble (Friendly’s speak for chocolate frappe), and my sister a classic Happy Endings sundae.
A Friendly’s dessert trio of champions — a chocolate Fribble, Cone Head Sundae, and Happy Endings Sundae.
Going in for a bite!
The verdict? As if there was any doubt…
This Cone Head Sundae is kid-approved!
Quinn loved his first Cone Head sundae. But then again, what’s not to love? His mom and I were disappointed the dish didn’t have a hidden cache of Reese’s Pieces at the bottom (we didn’t imagine that part from our late-80s childhoods, did we?), but Quinn was none the wiser. Thanks for the memories, Friendly’s—past, present, and future! Are a fan of the Friendly’s Cone Head Sundae? This post was first published in 2016 and has been updated. 

SEE MORE: 75 Classic New England Foods 5 Favorite New England Ice Cream Flavors B&M Brown Bread in a Can Fluffernutters | A Favorite New England Sandwich

Aimee Tucker

More by Aimee Tucker

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  1. Thanks Aimee! But first I’d love to have a New England pizza. You just can’t get good pizza here in northwest Ohio. And New England has the best! Try Red Rose in the south end of Springfield on Main street.

  2. I worked at Friendly’s in Long Island. They always had a great selection of ice cream flavors and sundaes. So many great memories and such a great work experience.

  3. I started working at Friendly’s in Exeter, NH in the 70’s. It had a basic menu and before the cone head sundaes! Not sure the year they implemented the kids menu but they were fun to make. Yes , there were reese candy in the bottom of the bowl:)

  4. Just came across this post while searching for the various flavors of ice cream pie that I believe came from Friendly’s. I think there was a grasshopper pie… maybe more. I see they still make the wattamelon roll!

  5. Friendly’s has opened the first brand new from the ground up restaurant since early 2000’s. (Has a drive thru!) Located on Rt 20 at the Apex Center in Marlborough, MA My oldest grandson is thrilled……….loves the “monster mash” sundae with cone head a close second!

  6. The ice cream clown goes back even farther than Friendly’s. I have a picture of me, around 3, with my Parents and Boston grandparents at the Toll House facing down a giant, for a little girl anyway, big ice cream cone clown sundae. My mom still remembers that I said ‘eat it?’ And then I did. Even the Toll House is gone now, I’m sorry to hear, but the memories are still there.

  7. I grew up in West Hartford, CT over 50 years ago. My favorite ice cream treat from Friendly’s Ice Cream Store was a milk shake called an “Awful, Awful”. Does anyone remember that milk shake? It was terrific. Dave Wilson.

  8. After a performance of the high school musical, all of the cast members headed down to the local Friendly’s.

  9. I worked for the Blake brothers when I was 16? Then when I was 21, worked seventeen years for friendly’s . Many children loved this happy clown sundae including me. I would love for friendly’s to make a strong comeback. Best family restaurant. The ice cream sodas so good. Good memories. Lori F.

  10. I, too, remember the “clown” sundae that was served at the Toll House in Whitman, Mass. I understand there is a Wendy’s there now and they have a tribute to the Toll House inside the restaurant.

  11. Living in Minnesota but being from Massachusetts I had long loved the Watermelon Dribble at Friendlys and after much bragging to my new wife on her first trip east found that the Dribble no longer exist. Oh the heartbreak…but the service and the rest of the menu made her first trip a joyful one just the same.

  12. You weren’t imagining the crazy amount of Reeses Pieces at the bottom of the clown head sundae, that was always my favorite part! I remember on the Friendly’s menu it would say that there was a “surprise” at the bottom in the clown head sundae description. I wish that they would still do that!

  13. Oh yes, there was an abundance of Reese’s at the bottom of the cone head. That was the “surprise” at the end. Delicious and rewarding!

  14. I grew up in Springfield/Longmeadow; knew the Blake’s; showed their daughter around my college when she was looking; afterworlds friends asked who was that with the Rolls Royce

  15. I too worked at Friendly’s in Burlington on 3a. All the town workers would come in for lunch and their favorite was the Fribble and French fries. Great memories. Headed to Marlborough for. Friendly’s treat this week!

  16. I grew up in Holyoke, just a few miles north of where Friendly’s was started. Until the end my parents never missed a Sunday night at Friendly’s for a hamburger and of course, a hot fudge Sunday. Wish we had one in South Central Texas!

  17. I actually ended up here because I wanted to verify that it did in fact have Reese‘s pieces hidden in the bottom of the dish! Absolutely the best part. I grew up in Springfield and this was definitely a favorite.