Readers respond to their favorite Yankee magazine articles.
Good Saves
In response to “The Storage Shed” [July/August]: Mel, don’t you worry about a thing! I have tried not to keep too much “stuff” from my life as I age (60 years and counting), but certain things do bring me comfort, like the only photo of my grandparents from my father’s side. A script from The King and I that I starred in as Anna in high school. My first dog’s leash. Sheet music from my seven years performing in a cabaret group. I try to keep it small but meaningful. I loved that photo of your dad, and thanks for sharing!
Denise Billow Pittsfield, Massachusetts
Links to the Past
My thanks to Kate Whouley for her story about Cape Cod’s iconic “connectors” [“The Bridges of Barnstable County,” July/August], which helped me to reframe the start of summer, particularly as so many of us began to travel again after the year we endured.
Whouley’s mention of Boston architect Ralph Adams Cram, the designer of the Bourne and Sagamore bridges—the “Graceful Sisters”—also brings the view from another signature bridge to mind. Driving east over Rhode Island’s Pell/Newport Bridge, toward Aquidneck Island, you’ll spot in the distance the Gothic Revival pinnacles of the St. George’s School chapel, completed by Cram in 1928.
Whether on a ride to Newport or Cape Cod, the dramatically different works of this little-known architectural gatekeeper bid us all “welcome.” For me, each time the “Sisters” or the chapel tower come into view, it’s like seeing old friends again.
Bill Douglas Portsmouth, Rhode Island
Thank you for this article about my three favorite bridges in the world. For much of my childhood I lived in the shadow of the Railroad Bridge. I rode the school bus across the Bourne Bridge for years; then, after my folks purchased and ran a motel in Bournedale, I rode over the Cape Cod Canal on the Sagamore Bridge to Bourne High School. And every day I waved to sailors going past my home, often as I sat on the rocks studying Latin.
I know how blessed I was to grow up having these marvelous bridges in sight. I miss them and often dream of living on the canal once again. Your article and photos brought back many wonderful memories!
Nancy Cabisius Broberg Evansville, Wisconsin
Too Much of a Good Thing
To the readers who attempted our Blueberry-Lime Snack Cake [July/August] only to experience epic pan overflow, mea culpa! We should have specified using a 2-inch-deep cake pan; many older pans are shallower and therefore can’t handle all that scrumptiousness. We regret the omission—please do give it another try:
We want to hear from you! Write us at Please include where you live, and note that letters are edited for length and clarity.
October mischief in the breeze
Brings toilet paper in the trees.
As night grows long, and the day declines,
We light our way with monkeyshines.