
The New England Hot Dog Bun

With a toasted, buttery outside and a soft inside, top-loading New England hot dog bun is arguably one of the best buns in the world.

J.J. Nissen New England Frankfurt Rolls

Coffee By Design | Portland, Maine

Photo Credit : Katherine Keenan
Okay, maybe calling the New England hot dog bun the best in the world might be a little self-congratulatory, but really, what has greater potential to deliver something delicious on a hot summer day? The top-split New England hot dog rolls are a perfect vehicle for grilled hot dogs topped with your favorite condiments, but they’re also the preferred roll for most of the best lobster rolls in Maine and fried clam rolls — two coastal New England roll classics.
New England Hot Dog Bun
There’s no better New England bun than the New England hot dog bun.
Photo Credit : Aimee Tucker
We’ll save whether it should be hot or cold lobster and if clam strips or bellies are better for future posts…
brown's lobster pound roll seabrook, new england hot dog bun
The lobster roll at Brown’s Lobster Pound in Seabrook, NH, comes on a buttery, top-split New England hot dog bun.
Funny enough, it was actually fried clams (not hot dogs) that led to the top-sliced roll’s creation sometime in the 1940s. A 2013 Boston Globe article reported that the Maine-based bakery J.J. Nissen debuted the roll at the request of Howard Johnson’s Restaurant, the Massachusetts-based roadside motel and restaurant chain giant that peppered the American landscape during the 1960s and 1970s. HoJo’s needed a bun that could hold its signature clam strips without tipping over, and J.J. Nissen’s creation was not only stable, but had flat cut sides that toasted up beautifully when buttered. The traditional “hinge-style” hot dog bun didn’t come along until the 1950s. The restaurant is credited with introducing the new style of bun to the country, where it became somewhat of a novelty, but here in New England, the roll became the roll of choice for hot dogs (aka frankfurters), lobster rolls, and clam rolls. Here, we’re featuring a package of J.J. Nissen rolls, but you’ll find several brands of top-load rolls in any New England grocery store, from Country Kitchen to Pepperidge Farm.
J.J. Nissen New England Frankfurt Rolls
J.J. Nissen New England Frankfurt Rolls, a classic brand of the New England hot dog bun.
Photo Credit : Aimee Tucker
Of course, if you’re outside of New England, you can find the rolls online, but if you enjoy baking (or just a challenge), you can also make a batch yourself. A specialty New England Hot Dog Bun Pan from USA Pans is all you’ll need. Well, the pan plus the hot dogs…or fried clams…or lobster… Are you a fan of the New England hot dog bun? Do you remember the Howard Johnson’s restaurant Clam Roll? Let us know! This post was first published in 2015 and has been updated. 

SEE MORE: 10 Best Lobster Rolls in New England Best Hot Dogs in New England Red Snapper Hot Dogs | Maine’s Favorite Home-Grilled Dog Flo’s Hot Dogs | Local Flavor

Aimee Tucker

More by Aimee Tucker

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  1. i LOVE the New England style hotdog rolls!! I was born and brought up in Massachusetts and didn’t realize it was just a New England thing until I went to Florida. I am retired and spend six months a year in Florida and I whine the entire time I am there about their lousy hot doll rolls!! You can’t get a decent hotdog there either but that’s another story!!

  2. 1. Those types of buns were not invented in New England though they were very popular in the north eastern us for decades. 2. Also Red Snapper long hot dogs are the type of hot dogs you’d find in long buns in the north east.

    Harry Callahan: You know what makes me really sick to my stomach?

    Burly Detective: What?

    Harry Callahan: Is watching you stuff your face with those hot dogs. Nobody, I mean NOBODY puts ketchup on a hot dog.

  4. Paula Dean or was julia Childs used to spread Dukes mayo. on the sides of the hot dog rolls before toasting or grilling in a fry pan on med. heat and watch it closely. It sounded awful to me until I tried it. It was great, more evenly browned and tasty too. Try it. I grew up in Goffstown, NH……now retired in Florida and I sure do miss those great NE lobster rolls. Peter

    1. Pete, it must have been Paula Deen if the person was using Duke’s. Duke’s mayo is a Southern thing. Mayo of any description belongs nowhere near a hot dog, IMO.

  5. They are all I buy. Amartos of Portland uses the New England style roll for their famous Italian sub sandwiches . Haven’t seen that done anywhere else.

  6. I m from Boston and can only eat lobsta and franks in a split top roll. So when I go home I always bring back a few packs of rolls or have family mail me some.

  7. i agree Mary. I too am from Rhode Island…born and raised and then moved to Florida eleven years ago and miss a number of things that are not here in Florida. i.e. Hot wieners, clam cakes, quahaugs and those NE stylesd hot dog rolls…

    1. Don’t know where you guys are in Florida, but Lena’s Seafood, has a branch on Route 40 in Silver Springs, west of Ocala.

  8. I’ve lived in 7states and traveled cross country 6 times and THE “BEST” onion rings was Millie Mitchell’s iat Lake Nipmunk in Massachusetts!

  9. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH How I miss the N. E. Hot dog rolls filled with ‘dogs’ or clams. Since the ‘rolls came out, I bought them. I served the hot dogs and rolls with my homemade Boston Baked beans. I miss New England, especially MA. where I lived for most of my life. I now live in Utah. I miss the ocean – in Utah I have the mountains to look at. Thanks for posting

  10. I like my dogs with hotdog relish, onions and sometimes a bit of celery salt. And, the relish and onion has to be on the bottom.

  11. Mary.. I was born in Mass, but have lived in Jacksonville, FL most of my life. Publix Supermarkets have hot dog buns in their bakery that are unsliced. We just cut them from the top and butter the sides in a pan. Tah Dah! New England hot dog buns! Hopefully, all the Publix grocery store bakeries in Florida sell the unsliced buns.

  12. Saw this about New England Style Hot Dog buns on Facebook and it reminded me of when I was little. We had a Woolworth’s Store nearby and it had a food counter that served their hot dogs in those buns. I loved them!
    I’ve been trying to search online where I can buy them in the San Francisco Bay Area.
    Anyone know If I can find them in Northern California?

  13. I found NE style hot dog buns in Ohio, made by Nickles Bakery, which apparently operates only in Ohio and Western PA. Some supermarkets carry them.

  14. Towntalk . Order online. Google ordinary New England Style Hot Dog. Town Talk. Have website where you can order 18 Hot Dog Bun. They about $4.and some.

  15. From Mass and Maine. Lived in Myrtle Beach for 4 years and FINALLY can buy real hot dog rolls at Food Lyon, sometimes! They also just started carrying ziti! As for lobster, we found Capt. John’s in Pawley’s Island is the only place within 50 miles with a real Maine lobster roll, because the owner is from Haverhill, MA originally!

    1. I am from ME and MA, but have lived in FL and now in WI. Nary a split bun to be found outside of New England! But, all is good…..moving back to NE very soon!

  16. Hey RI folks…I’m from MA, had Grandparents in NY & I remember drinking Autocrat coffee milk. Any of you guys familiar with it? On the bottle (yes, I still drink it…order online from them) it says “Official State drink of Rhode Island”

    1. Learned to make my own coffee syrup when the last place I could find it in florida no longer had it. Triple brew your coffee with new grounds each time you put the coffee through. Then add 1 to 2 sugar (20 oz coffee /10 oz sugar) lots cheaper and is very good , try it.

  17. I was born in New Hampshire and have moved to south after living 42 yrs in NH. There are a lot of things now found in the south. Fluff for one. They have this marshmallow creme stuff, but trust me it ain’t Fluff. I miss NE hot dog rolls and people not knowing what a simple sub is! I would like the web site for the pan to make my own NE hot dog buns!
    And a way to get Hood eggnog here in the south too. They have no clue what GOOD eggnog is! I miss my Yankee Magazine too. I’m so glad someone sent this to me!

  18. Kings Hawaiian Bread Hot Dog rolls are top split and are sold throughout the west. They are a bit sweeter than New England style buns but they will do in a pinch.

  19. you can get Autocrat coffee syrup at Publix’s in Florida. They also have Fall River Portugese churico, two of my favorite things from Massachusetts.

    1. Don’t forgot about the linguisa that’s available at Publix as well. It’s the best & made by the best company as well….it goes well sliced & grilled in a NE hotdog roll.????

  20. Grilled on both sides with butter = a classic base for clams, dogs, or lobstah. But please, NO STRIPS!

  21. If there is a Publix supermarket they are now carrying them , made by Pepridge Farms. If they don’t have them speak to the bread manager and I am sure that they will have them for you soon.

  22. I was born an raised in Connecticut, I loved hot dogs from Frankie hot dog stand. It was the best! I live in Colorado now and othing comes close… :/

  23. my sister would send me top sliced hot dog rolls when I lived in Florida, and when I was “home” I would always buy 5lbs of Kayem franks to bring back with me…..

  24. Check out King’s Hawaiian. They make a version of their Hawaiian bread in a New England style top split roll.
    You can butter and grill the sides and the bread’s slight sweetness goes great with hot dogs or spicy sausages.
    There is also a wholesale bakery in Garden Grove, CA called Maisano’s that make a decadent Kobe roll that they sell unsliced so you can top split it yourself.
    Captain Kidds in Redondo Beach makes one of the best New England Lobster roll using this roll. It’s the best Lobster Roll outside of New England I have ever had and I have had Lobster Rolls everywhere from coast to coast.

    1. Kings Hawaiian no longer makes them. After they suddenly disappeared from all the stores here in Denver, I contacted the company. They said they discontinued them. Boston born and raised and hoping to move back soon. The foods are what you miss the most. Lobster rolls, subs, the style of Chinese – all very unique to NE.

  25. I just saw the King’s Hawaiian hot dog buns in my grocery store, and they are no longer making them in the New England Style format. Being from Maine, this has greatly disappointed me. So I bought a New England Style bread pan, but the rolls just weren’t soft and pliable. I guess I’m just going to have to find a source online or have my Mom mail some to Washington state! Dagnabit!

  26. I’m a Yankee,Massachusetts and Maine living in Ohio and I went without these for years till I discovered a store called jungle jims,they carry items from all over the world. My wife is amused at how excited I get when I get my hands on these delicious reminders of my youth.

  27. Besides hot dogs the New England Style Hot Dog Rolls are great for tuna fish sandwich. Grill the roll in the frying pan then add tuna fish. I like my tuna to have onion and celery mix in it.

  28. Interesting, the author didn’t mention tuna rolls. A tuna roll in Newport Creamery with a coffee cabinet… But I digress!!!i live in Florida now, but in August I’m in R.I. Get all my favorite eats!

  29. I have read all the comments about new england hot dog buns, but have not seen one person ask why these can not be purchased outside of New England area. Yes King Hawaiian company was making a great hot dog bun and here in California we got one summer season of them and then like magic they were gone. I have gone on line to check out different bakery companies that make these buns and because my online site is from California the new england buns will not come up. What is the problem, the last time I checked I still lived in the United States.
    You are an East Coast magazine and this should be easy for you to find an answer.

    Thank you for your time,
    Susan O’Sullivan

  30. Hi Susan. I did a quick Amazon search for “hot dog buns” and found these results for New England-style buns.

    J.J. Nissen http://www.amazon.com/J-J-Nissen-England-Frankfurt-Rolls-2Pack/dp/B01A69DVVY/ref=lp_13967244011_1_1_a_it?srs=13967244011&ie=UTF8&qid=1460381753&sr=8-1

    Arnold http://www.amazon.com/Arnold-Select-England-Rolls-Buns/dp/B01A69JQS6/ref=sr_1_2_a_it?ie=UTF8&qid=1460381640&sr=8-2

    They certainly aren’t cheap, but they are available!


  31. Back in the day, we had the authentic New England style buns in North Central WV (home of the pepperoni roll) and I thought I would be able to get them anywhere. I was wrong. The hinged buns with the split top do not a proper NE bun make. A sad state of affairs.

  32. I ate this hotdog buns first time,last week. Totally enjoyed. Where in Albuquerque, New Mexico area would you be selling them

    1. You should talk to Gambino’s bakery there in the New Orleans area. They are the ones who make the real deal Po-Boy buns. You and they may just be on to something that would work well in that area. Maybe talk to some of the bigger restaurants as well. And some of the smaller ones. Try Emeril Lagasses restaurants as well. Hell, try talking to him, he’s from Mass. He Knows the deal!

  33. I grew up in Portland and now live in Minnesota. When I go home to visit I ALWAYS have lobster rolls and Amatos Italian sandwichs. They are the best!!!

  34. Some of the stores here oin Michigan have started carring the NewEngland rolls but they call them Coney Rolls. Most people think they are strange. They araren’t used to toasted rolls

    1. Driving back on Sundays from Lynn Beach to Boston around 1940,we always stopped at Howard Johnsons for a fried clams and/or hot dog and ice cream cone.

  35. Don’t confused these with “top-sliced” hot dog buns. Those have rounded sides, not easy to get that buttery, grilled effect, and they don’t stand well when filled with lobster/clams/shrimp, etc. On Long Island, most Stop & Shop stores sell their own brand of “New England Style Hot Dog Rolls”. They’re the real thing!

  36. I live in the Boston area and I never realized that something a simple as hot dog rolls would be considered unique. What about hamburger rolls?

  37. Had no idea that was a NE thing. Living in CO and food distributor shipped this style bun in place of the standard for 2 weeks. Ppl thought it was the weirdest thing; they’d never seen them before. Then I read the box and realized – they’re from home. Pretty sure they’re best with pb&fluff!

  38. thank you for the nice regional history lesson. However, I generally OMIT any roll with a frank or other protein to lessen the bulk.

      1. If you are going to eat a hot dog why omit the bun! It’s not like a hotdog has a lot of nutritious value. So you may as well enjoy. Interesting I never realized about the buns coming from NE area even I lived in the south years ago for a year!

  39. Used to love the hotdogs from HoJo’s…nothing better than buttered toasted buns! Between HoJo’s and Friendlies my childhood was just yummy!

  40. If only we could educate the rest of the U.S. on the value of a true New England hot dog roll, life would be grand.

  41. I remember the hojo’s at the 4 corners in Woburn Ma. The hot dogs came in a paper sleeve. Mom would drive us out there numerous Saturday nights. Ah the memories

  42. I lived in Connecticut a few years back so, New England type buns were abundant. I moved a few times since and now have been in Texas for quite a while. A year ago I saw a photo of “the buns” and my taste buds remembered! I “got me a hankering” but, am having a hard time locating these close by…any ideas?
    Don’t really trust getting them via mail and would hate to have to purchase the pan to bake my own and find a recipe that “tastes” right.
    Thanks y”all!
    (No longer funnier than “youse guys.”)

    1. We have had these for years here in New Brunswick Canada, mostly for lobster rolls and hot dogs. Fried clam rolls would be kind of “over the top!” Whew!

  43. In the winter of ’73, I was a grad student at MIT and my girlfriend ( wife to be) was attending Wesleyan in Conn. for a Master’s degree. I used to hop on my motorcycle and make it to the Howard Johnsons outside of New London before stopping for a hot dog and clam chowder. Although riding in 15 degree F was seriously cold, I never quite decided whether I preferred the hot dog in its roll over visiting my lady friend. (Yea, sure.) The hot dog was great but I could not buy a clam role as much as I loved them. Strips only clam roll just does not cut it.
    (Now clam rolls at Bessies in Wareham were devine! Last time I visited NE, no more Bessies after 45 years.)

  44. Originally from Nashua N.H. Have always loved clams and clam rolls, seems like most of the ladies I know born and brought up in New England like lobster rolls but then they just eat the lobster meat but not the bun, what’s up with that ??? Why waste a bun for that ??? Just order the lobster roll minus the bun or the bun on the side, so your male friends can eat the bun with a hot dog, it’s the waste of a New England style bun !!! And it has to be whole bellied fried clams on a New England top split toasted bun…

    1. Nashua NH is my favorite town/city. I am a native of Pepperell, MA, and Nashua was the place to shop, eat out, and movie dates. Can’t find top-split hotdog buns in San Diego (where I now live) or “bellied” fried clams!

  45. I wish they had New England Hot Dog Rolls out here in Utah. Haven’t even seen them in Walmart. I’ll take a better look the next time I’m in Walmart, but I doubt they have them. Maybe I should ask? It can’t hurt.

  46. San Diego Ca, go to Encinitas Ca to Lobster West NE lobster rolls with NE buns, Love it everyone I have taken there goes back. They recently opened a place in Coronardo closer to downtown SD. Have so missed those buns having moved here in 1962. Make sure I have one when I go back to NE.

  47. We moved from NE in the late 80’s, now living in the South. I had been unable to find top split hot dog rolls anywhere. Then one day, while shopping in Walmart and grousing that only those side split things were being sold, somehow before my very eyes did I see the top slit ones. Must be fairly new to the market down here. They are made by Pepperidge Farm. Somehow things seem to taste better in the top split rolls, no matter what you put in them (I’d dearly love to get [afford] live Maine lobster to cook and put in a roll). My kids and grandkids think our preference is a bit odd, but who cares. It’s kind of like the difference between Krispy Kreme doughnuts (YUCK) and Dunkin’ Doughnuts. Thankfully we now have the latter down here, along with top split hot dog rolls.

    1. I moved to New England from the South and have fallen in love with top split buns. But dunkin’doughtnut doughnuts over Krispy Kreme??? No way. I miss them, good pulled pork barbeque and properly brewed ice tea. But lobster rolls, local ice creams, and an ever growing list of new favorites are a fair trade off.

      1. Re “… dunkin’doughtnut doughnuts over Krispy Kreme??? No way.”
        Yes, way, Caroline. Krispy Kreme is much, much over-rated. Having a tough time of making it in Connecticut. The one on Berlin Turnpike in Newington didn’t last long. The only other is sheltered at Mohegan Sun casino.
        Dunkin’ Donuts are OK for a doughnut chain, but my favorites are at Congdon’s Doughnuts in Wells, Maine. Their fresh, powdered doughnuts are out of this world!

        1. When KrispyKreme opened a location in Milford, CT, there were huge lines of people wanting to see what all the hoop-la was about. I have to say, they seemed to me to be not much different than any other glazed donut. I guess most other people thought so too, because the Milford location closed after only a couple of years. Dunkin’ has five times the selection, plus tasty sandwiches and (for me) great iced lattes. I don’t miss KrispyKreme!

          1. Apparently I live in a donut desert, because when Krispy Kreme first opened in my area, it was the first time in my life that I ever had a glazed yeast donut that was so fluffy and moist and tasty. Seriously, I spent my whole life hating yeast donuts because they were always dry and bland. And then Krispy Kreme came along and changed all that. I seriously envy any place where Krispy Kreme is “not much different than any other glazed donut.”

    2. Hi Pam, Where in the South are you? My husband was born in East Tennessee so this is where we live. Being a Massachusion (sp?) I have been constantly unhappywith the side split bun also. We have King Hawaiian top split buns but they’re expensive and I don’t think that would work for me. Could you give me Pepperidge Farm’s number?

      1. We moved to Pinehurst, NC five years ago (from Mass.) Finally discovered the Pepperidge Farm buns, but they’re really substandard (and expensive!) Any port in a storm I guess. I always bring some back when we travel to New England.

      2. Pepperidge Farm has factories in Ohio, so East Tennesseeans should be able to get them. Do try the Walmart or possibly the Piggly Wiggly?? Check the Internet for the number of Ohio Pepperidge Farm Bakeries. They might only make cakes and cookies, I do not know. But I cannot see them missing out on breads and rolls for mid-westerners!! Their Sandwich White is incredibly yummy.

    3. I was born and raised in maine and I really miss the split top rolls, I just found the pepperidge farms ones, but they are to soft and mushy to hold up. I plan on buying them on line and I will also get my LaBrees donuts and Moxie.

  48. I’m 80 years old and had my first New England style hot dog at Howard Johnsons as well as fried clams in Danville, Virginia. The buns are difficult to find in the south. I’ve rarely seen them in NC so I’ve ordered the pan and will make my own. Thank you for the history of this roll and the recipe. For the clams, I’ll just have to be satisfied with frozen, but I’ll have the best buttered New England style buns ever…

    1. Forgot to say that I had my first New England style hot dog at Howard Johnsons in 1955 in Danville, Virginia.

  49. Kroger’s sells these as “Coney Rolls” … the ONLY buns/rolls I will buy for my hot dogs or the occasional lobster salad roll!!!

  50. Never likes the “traditional” side split rolls. Way too much bread and it didn’t hold the sweet onions and ketchup or mounds of sauerkraut that I like to pile on. When I was a kid, we just used a slice of whole wheat bread folded in half. I only dicovered the top split roll after I got married and moved to a coastal fishing community. Today, I either buy these (whole wheat of course) from Trader Joe’s or my wife makes them fresh when lobsters are in season around here (and cheap).

  51. We live in Pennsylvania but we love New England hot dog roles with the open sides. Where in Or around Tamaqua Pa can we get them?

  52. We lived in Bangor ME from 1961 through 1966, when we stationed at DOW AFB. Even so, the first time I had one of these frankfurter buns was at a Howard Johnson’s dinner along the turnpike coming back from a trip to visit relatives in Massachusetts. condensing the quality of the fare, I frankly wish that the fast non-food experience had never happened, and that HO-JO’S was still riding high and serving great semi-final food. We traveled all over the country to and from air force bases in nearly all the states, and always a HO-JO’S along the way. I truly miss those orange roofs.

  53. Moved from New England to San Francisco Bay area years ago. Totally missed New England style hot dog buns. I occasionally buy them online from Famousfoods.com for a treat.

  54. I’m a New England native who finds himself in Springfield IL. There’s a lot about my home region I miss, but I am able to find the top-loading rolls here. Not every store has them, but several, including Wal-Mart, Schnucks and Hy-Vee, have them. They’re more expensive than the other kind, but I still buy them every so often. They’re one taste of NE I can get here in Illinois!

  55. My FL experience is that most bread there is tough compared to MA bread. Never could figure it out, but feel it must have something to do with “heat”. When in a pinch for NE hot dog rolls, trim the sides of the fold over rolls and toast with butter. Husband likes the NE style best and I go for the more versatile roll over ones.

    1. It will be a matter of the water, as well. Our water has a lot of iron in it, not calcium. That makes a huge difference in breadmaking! Writing from the Bay State! When I lived in Philly, they had a “Portuguese Water Roll” from Amaroso’s Bakery that went rock hard after 24 hours, so was delivered fresh each day. Those rolls had a crust that exploded in flakes when you bit into them. Delish, but MESSY!! Still, they make the only REAL Philly Cheesesteak!

  56. HoJos. Oh the memories and yes, these buns are the best. Wouldn’t use any other. My mouth is watering for a hot dog as we speak.

  57. For those of you who are transplants to Long Island I have been able to purchase New England Frankfurt Buns in my local Stop & Shop in Northport. Look for the store brand in the bread aisle. They also sell yummy lobster rolls in the fish department, however, they are not in the NE buns.

  58. I remember those clam rolls at HoJo’s. Loaded up with tartar sauce! I seem to recall a HoJo’s in Quincy on the southeast Expressway . We used to go there of Friday nights after dances to get a bite. And it was “fish on Friday” so we didn’t get in trouble!

  59. Born and bred in Nashua,N.H. and I am a firm believer that Schonland hot dogs are the bestes in the world but I was stationed in Tulsa okla. and there aint Nothin like a Coney Dog oh god they are so gooooood

  60. I haven’t seen a proper hot dog bun since leaving NE 25 years ago. Crust on top NOT on side. Funny……the little things that you miss.

  61. Has anyone ever tried a Lum Dog. A hot dog chain called Lum’s sold all styles including their kraut dog.

    1. My family and I live on Long Island and used eat there often it wash the best hot dog steamed in beer the came in those plastic baskets. Haven’t seen one for a long time. Sure wish we did.

    2. I do remember Lum’s during a trip out west in 1974. Perhaps Kansas City? Seems to me that they had beer also among other types of food

  62. My earliest recollection of the New England split top buns was at Howard Johnson’s. My favorite meal was the “Daily Double” – two hot dogs in split top buns in a cardboard sleeve that fit them perfectly. I also miss HoJo’s clams.

  63. Encinitas , Calif. Lobster West! NE lobster rolls just had for my 81st birthday. Family ordered out and brought home. Was very happy when I found this little place in the Lumberyard center several yrs ago.People I have told about it have returned many times. On maint st running thru Encinitas.

  64. I bought the Hot Dog pan from King Arthur Flour because I missed NE Hot Dog rolls here in Florida. I have tried two different recipes and both are superior to the rolls around here! I will make them for the fourth of July. I highly suggest purchasing the pan and making your own!

    1. Publix carries them. I just found them a couple if years ago and they do not always have them. Where are you from in NE

  65. Where can I buy New England Hot Dog Buns either near Calabash, NC or Myrtle Beach, SC. We are from CT and the rolls here are terrible. Please help!!

    1. Were from nh now sc and you cant get the split buns here. We make a grocery list every year when going up.

  66. I have enjoyed previous comments. I now live in Virginia, and spent years buying Nissan HD rolls to bring home and freeze. Finally I found split top at Wegmans. I love a great steamed hot dog from Flo’s in Maine. Her sauce is another thing I bring home from New England!

  67. I bought a package when I was on holiday in Massachusetts (my home state). Hope to get back there this year. Can not get The New England buns in Illinois yet found an mfg. that makes a baking pan for them. Me thinks I may just learn how to make my own. Memories of my Mum making hot dogs and beans on Saturday nights or Tuna salad in the buns during the week. Would have been her 91st birthday today.. sigh

  68. I’m a Virginian but love the New England buns (also for brats as a Packer fan). What idiot invented the side sliced bun (with the slice off center to boot)? Pepperidge Farm top slice buns are generally available in stores in VA and NC.

    1. Pepperidge farm split hotdog roll are TOO THICK not like New England split top hotdog roll. I buy them in a pinch but too much bread

  69. I was in Camden, Maine maybe 5 years ago. There was a little joint that prepared hot dogs floating in hot peanut oil. Not on the typical rotating devices seen in other parts of the country. Is that typical of NE or just a quirky fix in Camden. Quirky? Ah, but delicious!!

    1. Yes! I ate those in Camden, too. About the same length of time ‘ago’. It was a facility manned by a couple of people and there were a few outdoor tables to sit at. The hotdogs were incredibly good and not a bit greasy as one would envision.
      We stayed about a block up from ‘Main Street’ (about 3 blocks from the water!!) and after walking across a creek and a flower lined bridge was a fabulous ice cream vendor.

  70. I live in Michigan but have a cousin in Connecticut that sent me a couple packages of these buns. We all love them!! Every once in awhile I will get a surprise package with more packages of buns! They are delicious

  71. “…New England hot dog bun is arguably one of the best buns in the world.” Arguably one of the best? Really? I am sorry Aimee but these buns are not “arguably one of the best” they are indisputably THE best bun!

  72. I lived in Michigan for 27 years and every time my mom, who lived in Massachusetts, came to visit, her large carry-on tote would be packed with cello bags of NE hot dog buns. Lucky for her it was well prior to security checks!

  73. Growing up in Mass but living elsewhere since high school, I still can’t think of hot dogs, lobster rolls or clam rolls without that perfect bun. Whenever I describe it’s perfection to a non New Englander, they don’t understand – until they get to try one. Like everything else from home, you can’t do any of it justice by explaining it – but once someone experiences how much better everything is back there, they always “get it”. Great memories.

  74. In Florida they are called top-sliced buns. Pepperidge Farm and other bakers have them here. Of course, they should be called New England hot dog buns!

  75. I sure do remember both New England hot dog rolls and Howard Johnson’s. As a kid growing up in CT, we often went to HoJo’s for Sunday meal and their fried clam strips were a favorite. And there is no substitute for a New England roll for hot dogs, clam rolls or lobster rolls. Living in Syracuse, NY, we are fortunate that Wegman’s carries the rolls. Now getting clams or lobster here is a bit more of a challenge!

  76. I was born and bred in Ma and remember all the NE foods and the hotdog rolls. Now does any one remember sandwich spread, or Hydrox cookies were my all time favorite. I do know they don’t make Hydrox any more, but the Sandwich spread can’t seem to find it. There is no hotdog roll that can ever stand up to our NE roll. If it wasn’t for the cold, snow, sleet, ice and the long winters I would move back to Ma.

  77. Nickles Bakery – an Ohio commercial bakery that supplies West Virginia and Pennsylvania as well – makes split-top New England buns. The only problem is that local stores don’t always stock them.

  78. We spent my early years in Sturbridge, MA where my dad was manager of the Public House. I remember every Thursday night (his night off) we would set up the t.v. trays in the den and watch “Daniel Boone” while eating mom’s homemade baked beans and frankfurters (in Nissen buns, of course!). I live in Texas now and will occasionally host a party with these childhood favorites, and they’re always a hit with the locals.