
Where Was the First Department Store Santa Claus?

In the late 1800s, children had little hope of meeting Saint Nick until the first department store Santa appeared in Brockton, Massachusetts.

first department store santa

Coffee By Design | Portland, Maine

Photo Credit : Katherine Keenan
Excerpt from “The First Department Store Santa,” Yankee Magazine, December 1990.
first department store santa
The Santa at Montreal department store Eaton’s in 1946.
Photo Credit : Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons
Where was the the first department store Santa Claus? In the late 19th century, children saw drawings of Santa Claus in all the newspapers and in magazines. There were Santa figurines and stories and poems about Santa. They had little hope, though, of ever meeting the old gent in person unless they could manage to stay up all night next to the fireplace. But James Edgar of Brockton, Massachusetts, commonly known as “Colonel Jim,” changed all that for good. In December of 1890 Edgar gave America the first department store Santa Claus. In 1890 Edgar, who owned a dry goods store, took the train to Boston and had a Santa costume tailored especially for him. A few weeks before Christmas he made his first appearance. Many years later a man who’d been a boy that day reminisced: “My parents had taken me over to the Boston store [Edgar’s] on Main Street. I remember walking down an aisle, and all of a sudden, right in front of me, I saw Santa Claus. I couldn’t believe my eyes. And then Santa came up and started talking to me. It was a dream come true.” Children began arriving by train from Boston, Providence, Worcester, and even New York. By 1891 Santa had appeared at many major department stores, and by the turn of the century the department store Santa was an institution. But James Edgar’s influence was not limited to a marketing gimmick: on one occasion his example made the Christmas fantasy come true. Brockton, once world famous as a shoe-making town, had fallen on hard times by the 1920s. The city’s truant officer discovered that hundreds of children weren’t going to school because their families couldn’t afford to buy new shoes or repair the old ones. The truant officer, Charles Brooks, explained the situation to William Wright, the president of Edgar’s Department Store. “What can I do to help?” Wright asked. “Just what the late James Edgar would have done,” replied Brooks. Wright closed down the top floor of the store, purchased a $3,000 shoe-repairing machine, and hired half a dozen cobblers. By Christmas they had repaired more than 1,000 pairs of shoes in the James Edgar Shoe Shop — for free. By spring 5,000 pairs were fixed. Edgar had once said of Santa Claus, “I have never been able to understand why the great gentleman lives at the North Pole. He is so far away…only able to see the children one day a year. He should live closer to them.” Thanks to Colonel Jim, he does. Editor’s Note: While retail giant Macy’s also claims to be the home of the first department store Santa, the distinction appears to lie in the manner of dress. James Edgar portrayed the fat, jolly version as popularized by artist Thomas Nast for the cover of Harper’s Weekly in 1862.

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Jamie Kageleiry

More by Jamie Kageleiry

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  1. I’m so glad Brockton can be featured in this positive light. We mustn’t forget the industrial cities of New England.

    1. All of us, too! It was so special. We took the train into Boston. Remember SANTA’S Village at Jordan Marsh?? (7th floor with the great big train set)!!

      1. I loved going into Boston at Christmas time. Seeing Santa at Jordan Marsh and all the animated characters. They can now be seen at Jordans Furniture in Avon MA.

    1. I remember Shartenbergs in New Haven, Ct. The floor with all the toys for boys and girls was on one floor with Santa and his helpers. That was get viewing all the toys in a kids eyes.
      Tom G. Southington Ct

  2. I remember Shartenbergs in New Haven, Ct. The floor with all the toys for boys and girls was on one floor with Santa and his helpers. That was get viewing all the toys in a kids eyes.
    Tom G. Southington Ct

    1. I also remember the fishing pond in Shartenbrrgs. Presents were in red and green tissue paper tied with red/white string so you could hook your fishing pole on the pkg you wanted. As a child it was great to go into downtown with my Mom and go see Santa and try my luck at the fish/gift pond!!?

  3. We lived in neighboring North Easton and my mother would take us to downtown Brockton to shop – not just at Christmas. In the 1950’s, it was bustling with wonderful stores like Ganley’s, Gilchrist’s, The Bootery, Lanoue Bros., Romm’s, Kresge’s, and so many more. But Edgar’s was the biggest and the best. I still remember the way the clerks would send your money via a capsule that would be sent up a chute to an unseen office where change would be made and returned to you. Santa was a VERY big deal in those days! And seeing him at Edgar’s was my first experience! A little scary the first time, but I quickly looked forward to seeing Santa every year. A few years later he would show up at Sears & Roebuck on the West Side of Brockton. What great memories!!

  4. I lived in Maine back in the day and we went to Calais, Maine to think Grant’s or Montgomery Ward where Santa was…great experience that lasted all year being able to see and talk to Santa Claus!

  5. Terrific story. Love those kinds of firsts. Ah, those good and simple days! Wonder what they’ll write about today?