I have been waiting (not so patiently) for summer weather to arrive, and finally it has. It’s here. I am very excited. Having spent the last week in North Carolina, where the temperature hit 100 plus, New England’s balminess is fine. It’s not the best sleeping weather, and I am using fans to keep things […]
I have been waiting (not so patiently) for summer weather to arrive, and finally it has. It’s here. I am very excited. Having spent the last week in North Carolina, where the temperature hit 100 plus, New England’s balminess is fine. It’s not the best sleeping weather, and I am using fans to keep things cool, but it is so nice to drive by a lake and think, wow, I really want to go swimming.
This desire brings me back to the days between the end of school and the beginning of summer (before my family moved to our lake cottage) when I would wake up in the morning and hope that someone would invite me to their pool. Water, need water now. Once we were at the lake, I had water access so the pre-occupation with finding water waned but, boy does that feeling return quickly when the temps hit 80 and I am sans water.
So, anyone having a pool party? Where are your favorite places for a summer swim?