Where do the experts go to find the best ice cream in New England? Read on to find travel and cookbook authors Jane and Michael Stern’s favorite ice cream stands and shops. Famed travel and cookbook authors Jane and Michael Stern travel thousands of miles for their popular Web site, roadfood.com, so we asked them […]
Where do the experts go to find the best ice cream in New England? Read on to find travel and cookbook authors Jane and Michael Stern’s favorite ice cream stands and shops.
Famed travel and cookbook authors Jane and Michael Stern travel thousands of miles for their popular Web site, roadfood.com, so we asked them for their five favorite places to get scooped. Yankee‘s senior lifestyle editor, Amy Traverso, also chimed in with her pick for the best ice cream in New England.
Best Ice Cream in New England
Ridgefield Ice Cream Shop
The vintage soft-serve machines quite simply define chocolate and vanilla at their simple best.
680 Danbury Road, Ridgefield, CT; 203-438-3094
Gray’s Ice Cream
Gray’s must-haves are ginger and coffee. The former packs an eye-opening bite from bits of ginger root, while the latter is just-right sweet.
16 East Road, Tiverton Four Corners, Tiverton, RI. 401-624-4500; graysicecream.com
Christina’s Homemade Ice Cream
Ah, burnt-sugar ice cream. Seconds must include Mexican chocolate, khulfi, and banana-cinnamon.
1255 Cambridge St., Cambridge, MA. 617-492-7021; christinasicecream.com
Bishop’s Ice Cream
Check out “Bishop’s Bash”: chocolate chips, nuts, and brownie chunks in dark chocolate.
183 Cottage St., Littleton, NH; 603-444-6039; bishopshomemadeicecream.com
Hodgman’s Frozen Custard
Big on classics such as a sundae royale featuring hot fudge, sliced bananas, whipped cream, nuts, and a cherry.
1108 Lewiston Road, New Gloucester, ME; 207-926-3553
Susanna’s Ice Cream
The secret is a rich custard base made with the finest ingredients. What makes Susanna’s ice cream extraordinary is the the hard work that goes into sourcing, prepping, and hand-mixing every ingredient to produce a base that’s both richer and lighter than you’ll fine elsewhere.
Sweet Berry Farm, 915 Mitchell’s Lane, Middletown, RI; 401-847-3912; www.sweetberryfarmri.com/susannasicecream.html
Read more about why Amy Traverso thinks Susanna’s Ice Cream is the best in New England.
And don’t forget to share your picks for the best ice cream in New England in the comments!