Butler’s Colonial Donut House 459 Sanford Rd. Westport, MA 508-672-4600 Doughnuts are to New Englanders what bagels are to New Yorkers: a daily necessity. At Butler’s, they’ve taken this yeasty pastry to a new level by filling round and rectangular doughnuts with real whipped cream. The latter are called “Long Johns,” and under the cream […]
By Yankee Magazine
Feb 11 2008
Butler’s Colonial Donut House
459 Sanford Rd.
Westport, MA
Doughnuts are to New Englanders what bagels are to New Yorkers: a daily necessity. At Butler’s, they’ve taken this yeasty pastry to a new level by filling round and rectangular doughnuts with real whipped cream. The latter are called “Long Johns,” and under the cream is a delicious stripe of black raspberry jelly.