
5 Maine Islands to Visit This Summer 

Island day-trips and getaways can be ideal escapes because they often require an extra boost of effort. Daydream about the perfect summer getaway or day trip to one of these five beautiful Maine islands.

5 Maine Islands to Visit This Summer

Coffee By Design | Portland, Maine

Photo Credit : Katherine Keenan

Island day-trips and getaways can be ideal escapes because they often require an extra boost of effort. It’s not simply a matter of putting in a few hours on the interstate. It’s an investment of time and, in many cases, a willingness to forgo more modern amenities — like access to a car, fine dining options for dinner, and air conditioning. But that investment yields some real rewards. A slower pace. A return to nature. An experience you’ll remember for years to come. Here are five noteworthy Maine islands to visit this summer. 

5 Maine Islands to Dream About Visiting This Summer 

Chebeague Island Inn’s famously long porch, home to some of the finest sunset views in New England.
Photo Credit : Courtesy of Chebeague Island Inn

Chebeague Island | Casco Bay

Chebeague (pronounced sha-BEEG) is the largest of the Casco Bay Islands and a convenient summer destination, located just 10 miles from bustling Portland. Full of fine old houses, 25 miles of winding scenic roads, and one of the best hidden beaches in New England, it has the flavor and feel of an elegant summer resort town. The island’s sole hotel, the Chebeague Island Inn, sits perched on the top of a hill with a cozy great room and the kind of huge wraparound porch you’ll dream about long after your vacation has ended.

Getting to Chebeague Island: Chebeague Transportation CompanyCasco Bay Lines, and Portland Water Taxi.

Squirrel Island
Photo Credit : Aimee Tucker

Squirrel Island | Boothbay Harbor

Quiet and decidedly un-touristy, Squirrel Island is a lovely day-trip destination for those who like to unplug. Located three miles from Boothbay Harbor, the island (from above, it supposedly looks like a squirrel holding an acorn) is Maine’s oldest summer colony, and measures just a mile long and barely a half mile wide. Run by the Squirrel Island Association since the 1870s, many of the hundred or so summer cottages on Squirrel Island now belong to fifth- and sixth-generation owners. There are no hotels. For visitors, five miles of paved sidewalks encourage strolling (cars and bikes are forbidden) and island daydreaming. Pop into the post office, library, and canteen for an authentic glimpse of island life.

Getting to Squirrel Island: The Novelty mailboat from Balmy Days Cruises in Boothbay Harbor.

Carver’s Harbor in Vinalhaven, Maine.
Photo Credit : Kindra Clineff

Vinalhaven Island | Penobscot Bay

Home to the state’s largest year-round island community and a sizable summer population of regulars and visitors, crescent-shaped Vinalhaven Island is surprisingly relaxed, with few cars and even fewer lodging options (the waterfront motel Tidewater is your best bet). Here on Maine’s largest offshore island, refreshing swimming quarries, a picnic-perfect nature preserve, and one of the world’s largest lobster fleets helped earn Vinalhaven a spot on Yankee’s 2016 list of the best hidden places in New England for a laid-back escape. We also recommend a stop at Greet’s Eats food truck for a lobster roll, noted for its generous portions in the 2017 Yankee summer feature, “The Great Lobster Roll Adventure.”

Getting to Vinalhaven Island: The Maine State Ferry from Rockland.

Gull Cove on Monhegan Island
Enjoy the sweeping view from Gull Cove on Monhegan Island.
Photo Credit : Winky Lewis

Monhegan Island | Outer Islands

Located 12 miles off the coast, Monhegan Island has a natural beauty that makes it a popular day-trip destination. Enjoy stunning scenery, hiking trails to the high cliffs with panoramic views, an 1850 lighthouse (now a museum), and thriving art galleries. There are no cars on Monhegan, so come prepared for walking. A handful of comfortable inns and casual eateries serving up chowder, lobster rolls, sandwiches, baked goods, and ice cream encourage longer visits.

Getting to Monhegan Island: The Monhegan Boat Line ferry from Port Clyde, Hardy Boat Cruises from New Harbor, or Balmy Days Cruises from Boothbay Harbor.

Thurston’s Lobster Pound on Mount Desert Island.
Photo Credit : Amy Traverso

Mount Desert Island

We often refer to Mount Desert Island as the ultimate Maine “bucket list” island, and it’s not hard to see why. With 108 square miles of rocky coastline, towering mountains, teeming woodlands, and all the scenic trimmings of Acadia National Park, Mount Desert is a nature lover’s dream. Prefer shopping and strolling? The bustling hub of Bar Harbor, with its many restaurants, B&Bs, and tourist-friendly shops, guarantees the Mount Desert experience offers something for everyone. Don’t miss Thurston’s Lobster Pound for a lobster roll, another highlight from the 2017 Yankee feature “The Great Lobster Roll Adventure.” Perched above Bass Harbor at the base of the island, with its signature wall of buoys, this classic lobster shack (and the tasty roll itself) are two of Mount Desert Island’s top Instagram ops.

Getting to Mount Desert Island: No ferry necessary — Route 3 offers drivers instant access. 

Do you have a favorite Maine island?

Note: We visited Chebeague Island in a season 2 episode of Weekends with Yankee, our public television show in collaboration with WGBH. Check the Weekends with Yankee site to learn more about the series, plus when and where to catch episodes.

This post was first published in 2018 and has been updated. 

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Aimee Tucker

More by Aimee Tucker

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  1. I would love to know more about Islesboro Island. So, can you direct me for the history of the island, etc.

  2. How can you not mention the Hardy Boat ferry from New Harbor to Monhegan Island? We’ve used it many times and it is superb. David Cullen

    1. Hi David. Thanks for the tip! We’re happy to add Hardy Boat Cruises to the list of ways to get to Monhegan.

  3. I do hope this summer to get to visit one of the islands. Thank You for the information.

  4. Deer Isle & Stonington in Penobscot Bay are beautiful, quiant and easy to get to by bridge and causway!

  5. We Love Islesboro. Have stayed there three times in the summer and fall. Beautiful sunsets and sunrises, quiet and peaceful as if time does not exist

    1. Have to comment though not on coast – Frye isle is a special place for us, a young couple in ‘73. We rented an A-frame with another couple. Diane & I drove up from CT Earlier, the boys after work. Now dark they drove around & around looking for a way to get to the island? They didn’t know there was a ferry! My husband was thrilled with the golf course. We have visited many times since. L

  6. I also love Great Diamond Island in Casco Bay. Although it now has been “gentrified” at “one end” – —– my memories are from the red cottage on the other end where I spent summers as a child – digging clams – having clam and lobster bakes and just sitting on the porch and playing games. The walks to other cottages to see friends – and to the tiny store were truly a child’s joy. It is still there with new generations of the owners enjoying its tranquility and wonderful views.

  7. Love Swan Island off the coast of Bass Harbor , Maine. Rented house there twice. Once when my sons were 8& 6 and again, just hubby and I . My sons say it was the best vacation they had. Even beat Disneyland.

  8. My wife and i I took the boat to see Squirrel several years ago. Worth mentioning that visitors are discouraged from getting off and walking around. There are not many available resources ( restrooms) either. The boat ride is lovely though! We decided to go to Monhegan instead and had an incredible day hiking , eating and wandering around.

  9. Do yourself a favor and skip Squirrel Island. Nothing to do there. Go straight to Monhegan, it’s so much better.

  10. Thurstons for the quintesstial (sp.) Maine scene. Quiet fishing cove, no lines or crowds (usually), friendly, reasonable prices. And, we live Downeast.
    Skip Boothbay, Reds.

  11. loved playing on Squirrel Island as a kid……rode my wagon all over the place and swam in the cove…….don’t go in the sea caves the tide comes in and drowns you

  12. We were married in te woods on Monhegan Island August 4th, 1986….and this summer we are going back for two days.

  13. Peaks Island is so quaint and I am sure you have done an article on it, but it is worth mentioning here. We loved renting bikes and riding around the small island, then eating lunch on the porch of the inn. We also didn’t miss getting an ice cream at a little shop. Sorry, I don’t know the names of the places, but everything is right near the ferry pier.

  14. Squirrel Island was not fun, felt like the locals didn’t appreciate our presence. Not sure I’d recommend. Mohegan was a great time though.

  15. For southern New England islands, there are the large ones. Martha’s Vineyard, Nantucket and Block. Cape Ann is technically and island, but no one would notice. Cape Cod is also because of the canal. Mentioning Cuddyhunk should get a few “what? where?” comments. And, if I mentioned the Elizabeth Islands, I might get the same. If you have been to Woods Hole on Cape Cod, you might have noticed some other islands closer than Martha’s Vineyard. Those are the start of the Elizabeths that form Vineyard Sound. Mostly in private ownership, the last one in the chain is Cuddyhunk. A village based island, it is open to the public and there is some ferry access via New Bedford. Some services on the island, including a restaurant or two. Otherwise, very remote.