“I finished reading this with tears in my eyes. I live in Kansas now but grew up in Newport, Rhode Island. I have beautiful memories of New England. It makes me heartsick to think that Newport and my lovely childhood house just up from Second Beach in Middletown could someday be under water. I have […]
“I finished reading this with tears in my eyes. I live in Kansas now but grew up in Newport, Rhode Island. I have beautiful memories of New England. It makes me heartsick to think that Newport and my lovely childhood house just up from Second Beach in Middletown could someday be under water. I have come ‘home’ many times to visit over the years and jokingly said that Aquidneck Island would surely start sinking from the weight of all the condos being built and ‘off-islanders’ moving in. Please send this article to the senators and congresspersons. I don’t know what can be done, but maybe this can open some eyes and make them think about our children’s future….”—Laura
“That article is very sobering and gives one a lot to think about! Everyone should read it. Still working on reading some of the others!” —Melissa Johnson
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