At the first hint of symptoms (pre-sickness ache and weary feeling, all-over sore feeling, tickle at the back of the throat, pressure in sinuses, etc.) or at the onset of an illness for someone with whom you live or work closely, prepare and drink a Devil’s Smoothie.
Also of importance is avoiding processed sugars and dairy and getting plenty of sleep.
This concoction works based on a few principles:
1. Acidic foods such as citrus and cranberry are a boost to the immune system (also note that tomatoes work well for this).
2. Natural immuno-boosters such as vitamin C and ginger help avoid.
3. Natural antibiotics such as garlic, cranberry and Echinacea.
If I take the Devil’s Smoothie at the very first hint of getting sick, I do not come down with an illness at all. If for whatever reason I cannot take it right off, but do take it within a day of the first signs, my symptoms are greatly reduced and I am not sick for as long a period.
A blender or a juicer.
1 1/2 cups “Lemon Ginger Echinacea” juice by R.W. Knudsen *
1/2 cup unsweetened 100% cranberry juice
2 fresh lemons
Aproximately a tablespoon-sized chunk of fresh ginger root
2-4 fresh garlic cloves, depending on size.
3 or so squirts of Echinacea extract (check indications on bottle)
* If you cannot find this specific juice, use plain lemon juice as a replacement, with extra ginger and extra Echinacea. Try to find a lemon juice that is not sweetened with sugar, but instead sweetened mildly with other juices or honey. Or, get pure unsweetened lemon juice and mildly sweeten it yourself with honey. (Sugar hurts immune-system efficiency, especially processed sugar.)