
Maine State Prison

Slide show: Brian Vanden Brink’s Iconic

Brian Vanden Brink’s ICONIC – a stunning perspective on the built landscape. Award-winning photographer Brian Vanden Brink is keenly aware of how cultural changes bear out in the structures we build. A striking follow-up to the acclaimed Ruin, his latest book Iconic: Perspectives on the Man-Made World (Down East, August 2012, $65) represents more than […]

Brian Vanden Brink
Yankee Magazine

SLIDE SHOW: Brian Vanden Brink’s Ruin

Over the years, Brian Vanden Brink has stolen time from photographing the highly designed works of architects to focus on deserted homes, architectural ruins and their relationships to the surrounding landscape. In RUIN, Vanden Brink captures and illuminates in stunning color and black & white images churches, mills, bridges, grain elevators, storefronts, the 300-foot-tall chimney […]