“broad Side Of A Barn” (user submitted)

“broad Side Of A Barn”

various paintings of New England Scenes by painter Lawrence J. Davis

Zygmont Family

Historic Family Photos

I love old photos. I feel fortunate that part of my work week often involves researching historic images, whether it’s tracking down an obscure antique, a historic building or town, or images of long gone celebrities and politicians via historical societies or online photography stock houses. There’s a beauty and a romanticism to an older […]


Starving off the Land in Cape Cod

Figuring out first-hand food I always thought of myself as a city mouse, but it wasn’t until I left Manhattan for a very rural part of Cape Cod that I realized I didn’t know jack about mice. Three years ago my husband Kevin and I traded in our Upper West Side condo for two wooded […]


Critters Overrun UNE Gallery

Though I am a Maine native and Maine resident, I try not to be too much of a homer when it comes to covering art in New England. But if you will indulge me on this my third Maine blog in a row, I promise to start getting out and about more now that spring […]

Ricotta Tart

A Tart and a Riot

First, on the matter of last week’s ricotta tart, I did make it and the reviews were mixed. My Aunt Joan said, “This is good enough to make you slap your mother!” (she has collected some great Southern expressions from a Virginia-born friend). But I found the tart too sweet and one-note. I had substituted […]

spring vases
How To

Craft | Make Colorful Spring Vases

Colorful masking tape is all the rage right now in the craft world. It can be used for almost anything—prettying up packaging, decorating picture frames, even making unique greeting cards. I was recently gifted several rolls of jewel toned masking tape, and after scratching my head, wondering what to do with them, I decided to […]

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