The first snow appeared on Mt. Monadnock this morning, the dark profile arching white in the morning’s new light. Rain pelted the windows down here all night long with a thunderous, roaring wind that set one of the shutters loose. But no snow, not even temperatures below freezing. In the old iron kettle on the […]
By Edie Clark
Nov 29 2009
The first snow appeared on Mt. Monadnock this morning, the dark profile arching white in the morning’s new light. Rain pelted the windows down here all night long with a thunderous, roaring wind that set one of the shutters loose. But no snow, not even temperatures below freezing. In the old iron kettle on the porch, the apricot and lemon-colored pansies are still blooming, though I would not say they are beautiful. Split wood from trees that fell in last year’s ice storm — almost a year ago now — is stacked high on the porch, enough, I hope for the winter, though I never know for sure. The forecast says there might be a big snowstorm by next weekend. Today, though, it’s supposed to be in the fifties. If the wind lets up, I’ll try to hang the Christmas lights. There aren’t too many days left to do that.