POLITICAL AFFILIATION Cianci: Spoke at Republican National Conventions, wanted to be Ronald Reagan’s running mate in 1980, and knows Dick Cheney personally. Cicilline: Cofounded a College Democrats chapter at Brown University with John F. Kennedy Jr., was a delegate to a Democratic National Convention, and is friendly with Hillary Clinton. BEST RUDY GIULIANI MOMENT Cianci: […]
By Yankee Magazine
Jan 14 2009
Cianci: Spoke at Republican National Conventions, wanted to be Ronald Reagan’s running mate in 1980, and knows Dick Cheney personally.
Cicilline: Cofounded a College Democrats chapter at Brown University with John F. Kennedy Jr., was a delegate to a Democratic National Convention, and is friendly with Hillary Clinton.
Cianci: Having entertained the New York City mayor in Providence and given him a key to the city, Cianci visited Ground Zero following September 11 and tried unsuccessfully to gain an audience with Giuliani. As a consolation prize, Cianci hung a picture of himself and Giuliani in his office before his racketeering trial.
Cicilline: When Giuliani visited Providence in 2003, he inscribed his memoir for the new mayor and told Cicilline, “Good luck cleaning up your town.”
Cianci: “Be careful … the toe you stepped on yesterday may be connected to the ass you have to kiss today.”
Cicilline: “Governing is more about substance and less about fanfare. What people want more than a mayor with a pasta sauce is one who produces results.”
Cianci: Relentless campaigner who burned energy by showing up everywhere, even to “the opening of an envelope.”
Cicilline: Boxes twice a week at Balletto’s and also lifts weights at World Gym, downstairs from the warehouse storing Cianci’s papers.
Cianci: Former mob prosecutor who helped convict/prosecute New England mob boss Raymond L. S. Patriarca. Ran for mayor as the “anti-corruption candidate.”
Cicilline: Son of a mob lawyer, he knew Patriarca and worked as a criminal-defense lawyer, representing drug dealers. Ran for mayor vowing to clean up Cianci corruption.