
Aliens in New England? A Timeline of UFO Sightings and Unusual Encounters

Is New England a favorite stop for extraterrestrial visitors? Check out our timeline of reported UFO sightings and alien encounters, and decide for yourself.

Aliens in New England? A Timeline of UFO Sightings and Unusual Encounters

Coffee By Design | Portland, Maine

Photo Credit : Katherine Keenan

Even before the first European settlers arrived on these shores in the 1600s, New England was hosting visitors from around the world. Yet some believe New England has also welcomed guests from much, much farther away. The first documented UFO sighting in America occurred here, as did the first widely publicized claim of alien abduction. Want to learn more about New England UFO sightings and alien encounters? Here are a few highlights from New England’s very own “X-Files.”

History of New England UFO Sightings and Unusual Encounters

First Reported Sighting (1639)

Governor John Winthrop of Massachusetts recorded the first UFO sighting in America in 1639.
In 1639, Massachusetts Bay Colony governor John Winthrop recorded the first UFO sighting in America.
Photo Credit : unknown artist, Wikimedia Commons

The first documented UFO sighting in America dates back to 1639, when Massachusetts Bay Colony cofounder and governor John Winthrop recorded a secondhand observation of unidentified objects in the sky over Boston. In his diary entry of March 1 that year, Winthrop wrote that a “sober, discreet man” named James Everell was rowing a boat up the Muddy River at night when he saw a “great light” in the sky. Winthrop reports that “when it stood still, it flamed up, and was about three yards square; when it ran, it was contracted into the figure of a swine: it ran as swift as an arrow towards Charlton [Charlestown], and so up and down about two or three hours.” By the time the lights moved away, Everell and his boatmates had been delivered one mile upstream, although they had no memory of how.

Cynthia Everett (1808)

Cynthia Everett, a 24-year-old Massachusetts woman working as a schoolteacher in Camden, Maine, in 1808, recorded in her diary a somewhat similar account. Her entry on July 22 reads: “About 10 o’clock I saw a very strange appearance. It was a light, which proceeded from the East. At the first sight, I thought it was a métier [meteor], but from its motion I soon perceived it was not. It seemed to dart at first as quickly as light; and appeared to be in the Atmosphere, but lowered toward the ground and kept on at an equal distance sometimes ascending and sometimes descending.”

East Mountain Radar Base (1961)

During the Cold War, the U.S. Air Force maintained a radar base on Vermont’s 3,438-foot East Mountain. Named the North Concord Air Force Station, this remote facility started operating in 1956. At the height of its operations, about 175 men worked at the station; they lived in a little Quonset hut village (complete with store, bowling alley, and theater) about a mile down the mountain. In 1961, according to military reports, a strange object appeared in the skies above East Mountain and remained visible for about 18 minutes. Given that the events involving Barney and Betty Hill (below) happened just a short time later, some assert that this was the same UFO. The base closed in 1963 and now sits abandoned.

The state of New Hampshire erected
In July 2011, the state of New Hampshire erected this sign near the site of the Hill encounter in the White Mountains.
Photo Credit : Richard Marsh, www.images-of-new-hampshire-history.com

Barney and Betty Hill (1961)

The first widely publicized report of an alien abduction in the United States was that of Betty and Barney Hill. The Portsmouth, New Hampshire, couple claimed to have been taken by extraterrestrials near Franconia Notch on the night of September 19, 1961. According to their account, the Hills saw a bright light in the sky while driving home at about 10:30 p.m. Betty thought at first it was a shooting star, but then it changed direction and moved upward. They stopped the car for a closer look, and through binoculars they saw an odd-shaped craft flashing multicolored lights. As they drove away, the craft, which they estimate was at least 40 feet long, followed them, eventually descending so low over their 1957 Chevy that they stopped the car. Again using binoculars, Barney saw humanoid figures in black uniforms through the ship’s windows. The Hills drove away at high speed. They heard some buzzing and beeping sounds, experienced a tingling sensation, and blacked out. When they regained consciousness, they had traveled nearly 35 miles south, although they didn’t recall the journey. Later, under hypnosis, the Hills described being taken onto the ship, where they were separated and examined. Their story was adapted by journalist John G. Fuller into the best-selling 1966 book The Interrupted Journey and the 1975 television movie The UFO Incident.

Exeter Incident (1965)

On September 3, 1965, one of the most famous UFO events of all time occurred in Exeter, New Hampshire. As with the Hill incident, this was also turned into a 1966 bestseller by John G. Fuller, called Incident at Exeter. Fuller reports that a policeman patrolling Route 101 just after midnight stopped to check on a woman parked beside the road. The breathless woman claimed that a flying object with red flashing lights had been chasing her. A few hours later, an 18-year-old man arrived at the Exeter police station and claimed that while hitchhiking along Route 150, he’d seen a line of five bright lights over a house about 100 feet from where he stood. He said the lights moved out over a large field and disappeared and reappeared behind the tree line several times. After driving to the site with the young man, the same policeman witnessed the lights, as did another officer who arrived a short time later. Over the weeks that followed, authorities received about 60 reports of UFO sightings near Exeter. Debunkers have claimed that the described light patterns would match those on an Air Force KC-97 refueling plane, but officially the Exeter sightings remain a mystery.

Details from two of the seven "flying saucer" photos snapped by Harold Trudell near his home in Rhode Island in 1967.
Details from two of the seven “flying saucer” photos snapped by Harold Trudell near his home in Rhode Island in 1967.
Photo Credit : Harold Trudel

Harold Trudel (1967)

At midday on June 10, 1967, Harold Trudel pulled to the side of West Wrentham Road near East Woonsocket, Rhode Island. The 29-year-old man reputedly had seen unidentified objects in the area before, and on this day he was determined to document them. According to his account, he didn’t have to wait long, as a metallic, dome-shaped object soon approached. As the UFO hovered over the power lines, Trudel snapped pictures for about five minutes. He captured seven images, which would become some of the most iconic UFO photos of their day (but which sure look a bit hokey now).

Allagash Abductions (1976)

In August 1976, according to their own accounts, four Massachusetts college students went canoeing on Maine’s Allagash Wilderness Waterway and saw an unidentified object in the sky. They described the sighting to a ranger the next day but weren’t taken seriously: It was suggested, in fact, that they had seen a searchlight that was being used to celebrate the grand opening of a hardware store in Millinocket. The students continued their trip and did not talk much about their encounter until years later, when one of them, Jim Weiner, started having seizures. Weiner claimed to have had visions of humanoid beings levitating above his bed, poking him with needles. Under hypnosis, all four men described small gray aliens taking them aboard a spacecraft and performing medical examinations on them. The 1993 book The Allagash Abductions made momentary media darlings out of the quartet, who appeared on The Joan Rivers Show and Unsolved Mysteries. In 2016, however, one of the men, Charlie Rak, said that although the group really did see unidentified flying objects twice during their canoe trip, the rest of the story had been made up. His former friends dispute this.

Richard Etting
Randy Etting captured this image of lights above Newtown, Connecticut, in 1987.
Photo Credit : Randy Etting

Newtown Lights (1987)

On May 26, 1987, commercial airline pilot Randy Etting took a nighttime walk near his home in Newtown, Connecticut. He often studied the skies when he walked, trying to identify passing planes. At around 9:45, he observed some orange and red lights approaching from the west. He got his binoculars and called his neighbors to come outside. Etting said that as the UFO passed over Interstate 84, cars pulled over to watch. And indeed, between 9:30 and 10:15 P.M., more than 200 people phoned police to report a UFO. The object displayed a semicircular pattern of very bright multicolored lights. Several drivers reported that their cars had lost power as the lights passed by. About 15 minutes later, calls started coming in from New Milford, about 14 miles north, alerting authorities that the lights — reported by many to be connected to an object “larger than a football field” — were hovering there. The lights eventually vanished, but the mystery remains.

Know of any other New England UFO sightings or alien encounters? Let us know below!

This post was first published in 2017 and has been updated. 


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Joe Bills

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  1. Can you cite sources for John Winthrop and Cynthia Everett’s tales? You write that these accounts are found in their diaries, so where are they kept? In which archive or library or collection? And did you actually confirm that these accounts were indeed written down in their diaries, or did you copy this information from another, secondary source or site?

    1. https://archive.org/details/winthropsjournal01wint/page/294
      this is what he was talking about this entry dates back between 1630-1649 now its not the actual diary but this is supposedly verbatim and contained his whole diary. Its interesting but its most likely due to the change in language from then too now but the appearance of a swine in the sky seems far fetched. sorry for being such a late answer you may have figured this out already but figured id lend a hand.

      1. I wrote a true event but not sure where it posted and i have no reason not to belive this is not true as we have been visited from before bc i believe we or some of us me incluedcare hybreed of human and allien and like animails in our zoos looked over and cared for to make our world better

  2. My parents, brother and I saw an amazing sight in New Milford, CT about 1950: I went outside after dinner one summer evening and saw a bright, approximately football-shaped bright light hovering in the sky and called the family to see it. We watched for quite some time and it suddenly “took off” and zoomed over a nearby hill. As an adult, I’ve wondered whether what we saw was a meteor, heading straight for us which bounced off the atmosphere? I’ve read that such things have happened and been interpreted as UFOs.

  3. the “Thom Reed UFO Monument Park” is in Sheffield, MA. The park is sponsored by the International UFO Museum in Roswell, because the Reed UFO case is the 1st and only UFO incident officially inducted into the United States as a History True by State Government. The unveiling of the monument and State induction was covered by the Boston Globe and ABC News, in 2015. Why is it not listed? It’s on Google Maps and listed as a destination spot on TripAdvisor and Atlas. https://www.atlasobscura.com/places/thom-reed-ufo-monument-park http://www.ufomonumentpark.com/home.html


  5. I saw a UFO in 1968 and never told anybody about it the funny thing is I know when they are coming back and they will take me and another person with them when they leave I know the date and time and location.

    1. I was taken looked over and they in ufo said i was not controllable i was ck and was told i had a leg knee disorder but even at birth on a navey base my mother said i was not her baby she was knocked out and waken to find me i was as she said bor n under a Vail she was out and hear the doctors and nurses saying something then after that i was born looking very old and i get younger looking every yr also i have visit from these people at night and i belive they are re birthing use seeding this plantet we are hybreecs of both earth and them and they are simply watching us i was taken to our other home it’s nice no fighting or hunger just peace full another time in main on RT i

  6. Late one evening in the 1990’s while sitting at a campfire by a lake in Sutton, Massachusetts with many other people, we observed an object that looked like a Ferris wheel slowly come into view from behind a distant mountain. It rose up vertical in the sky then it slowly rotated on to its side. We all stared in amazement wondering what it was and saying to each other things like, “Are you seeing that? and What is that?”. It had to be massive in size due to the size of the mountain, the distance we were from the object and how big it looked to us. It had the classic lights around the edges that were moving in a circular motion, it was incredibly beautiful. It came up over the mountain, hovered on its side for a good two minutes or so and then appeared to fly off from behind the mountain. It could be due to the distance but we heard no noise whatsoever from the object.
    I will never forget it and my sons and I talk about it occasionally. To this day we have no idea what it was and we agree that we can see it in our minds as clear today as it was the night we saw it.

    1. Hi, it’s Sissy with another story. When I was a child, Middlesex Turnpike in Burlington/Billerica was called Roller-coaster Road. There were always stories of white lights shining in a straight beam down on people riding in cars or motorcycles. There was no sound from the lights and they would shut off instantly and no sight or sound to indicate what they were. When I was pregnant with my first son, we got a puppy. I took the puppy out back one night and while I was standing there with the dog a light exactly as described above focused down on us, there was no sound. I shielded my eyes and looked up, but I could see nothing of the object since the light was blinding. Panicked I picked up the dog and ran into the house. I wasn’t too scared because I have always lived in this area and the stories of the light beams are part of the history. So fast forward many years to now, I have a trail camera in my backyard due to one bear, a few deer and all sorts of critters make their appearances overnight. One photo the camera took on November 27, 2019, was of a beam of light shining down almost in the exact spot I was standing all those years ago with my dog. In this photo, a rabbit can be seen staring at the ground where the light is focused. I cannot tell for sure if there is a second rabbit directly in the beam, the light is that bright. Many lights are caught on the trail camera, some I can see are bats, and moths, but others that move across the yard on moonless nights, not sure what they are, I wonder.

  7. I saw a UFO during my third grade year in Fairfield Connecticut. Oddly my dad had told me he saw a alien near my window at night a few years earlier while living in Framingham Massachusetts. Two sightings of the unexplained, one around 1978 and the other in 1974. “Someone is watching” rings true and for that matter the experience makes accepting the idea of intelligent life all the more easier. Inquiring with a uncle on UFOs left anxious debate with his career in the USAF but meeting others who have bolstered the reality of UFO sightings knows a reality exists whether people wish to believe it or not.

    1. About 89 or 90, near the intersection of West Ave and Rhapsody in San Antonio, while sitting in traffic, I do recall feeling perturbed and agitated, I looked for a brief moment and saw a silver metallic perfect sphere. I didn’t recognize what I saw until looking away. When I looked back where I had seen it it was gone. This was only 2 seconds or less maybe. I would guess it was probably 250 ft up in the air and its size was 30 ft in diameter. Still wonder if my eyes played a trick on me or if what I saw was really there.

  8. I have seen two disc shaped flying objects. The first was in the early sixties. The story of the sighting made behind a farm on Brigham street in Hubbardston, Massacusetts. The story made it into the Gardner, Massachusetts news paper, The Garner News I have been told. There were several witnesses. It was winter. I saw it out of my bedroom window. The craft was of a whitish color as I remember it. It hovered over the High Tention Power lines. I was over a small pond half a football field in size. The farmer kept minnows in there. I did not know what a laser light was at the time. I was born in 1951 and just into my teenage years. What I saw was a column of blue light shining from under the middle of disc toward the pond. It stayed there like that for a short time. It eventually rose to the sky on a slight east south east line and fairly sharply upward. I would say today it accelerated very quickly and appeared to shrink in size quickly in the movement and simply blink out of sight. The next morning most of the immediate neighbors were out behind John Marean’s farm at the pond. The ice was not snow covered but was opague white, not see through, except for this one perfect circle of clear as window glass ice. In fact I could see minnows swimming there. It was not a fishing hole. The ice was all smooth at the surface and uniform. It was also directly beneath the half way point between two of the three power lines above, and right where I saw the saucer the night before. The second time was driving over Mountain Road in Princeton, Massachusetts with Deb. It was night. I was driving a 1970 Mach I. It just went dead, no power. It was an automatic with power steering and power breaks and this is Mountain road so I have to get it stopped and did. Deb stuck her head out the passenger side window. There were lights above. She said something like holy(crap)
    Ern! Look at this! I did. It was a dark disc many lights on the its perimeter and frigging huge football field size in diameter at the least. All I remember saying was Holy(crap) I hope that doesn’t fall on us, it will flatten us like a pancake, as I look up. I have no memory of stopping at looking at it or of it leaving. It did. It was gone. We were in the stopped car and it started. I don’t remember it having any sound or disturbing the air in anyway. We never did talk of it much. Maybe we should have. It was a reported sighting by others in the area. There did come a time when shortly thereafter I was at a baby shower or something like that and a light was outside the house and many ran to see something like of the sort I think Deb and I saw. I did not go to look. Neither did she I think. I was scared I think. I had the feeling that if I did go look I would be taken. I had the thought of some reassurance in my head that if I went I would be brought back some day but everyone I knew living then would be dead. It was tempting but I did not go even though it was affecting me some fear. I did not want to leave Deb at the time. I had other thoughts at the time but I will keep those to myself. No we were not doing drugs. I have never spoken of this one much at all.

    1. Hi Ernest.my name is mike fowler I met u years ago with Walter abott the time u were both still doing pallets.i find ure story Interesting as i am a believer.i live in hubb still and would love too here your story in person . I’ve been doing research on this subject for years and find people all around the world describe ing the same features and think ure story should be sent too muffon.too be documented.. I would like for u too draw a sketch of what u saw along with a perfect detailed minute too minute story from the start of the day too the end of the Incident from the both of you if possible. The hubbardston encounter..thanks Mike

      1. Hello Mike, my name is Byron. I see you have done some research over the years. I have a couple of incidents that took place several years ago (late 80’s or very early 90’s) that I’ve started thinking more about lately. I reported them to MUFON, but one initial phone interview was as far as anything ever went. My second “experience” was a bit more odd and nobody has been able to offer much in the way of an explanation or even similar accounts. Truth be told, I never did much research myself, so the fault is mine. Anyway, here are very short accounts of my two experiences…

        The first happened while at work in NY’s Mid Hudson valley near Rhinebeck. It was around 9pm when one of my two coworkers came in from a smoke break, insisting we come outside to see something. Very short version is there was a large “something” hovering silently above a tree in the front of the building. It had about 7 lights in a V formation. I could make out no structure nor could I see the sky through whatever it was. It was literally just above the tree almost touching it. I’m not great with guessing at size but I would say it was maybe 20 yards from the first light to the last. After a minute or so it began moving across the road and over a hill. My two coworkers went back inside but I waited a bit. After a couple of minutes it (at least I assume it was the same “craft”) appeared back over the hill except it was now changing light formations. It shifted between the V to a diamond to a cross or + then to a straight line. The lights which had previously been white were now orange in hue. It flew directly over the building before turning south and disappearing. Again, that was the real short version.

        My second experience was a week or so later and I have no idea if the two are related, but here goes (another very short version)… I was home alone in a new apartment. While unpacking and setting up the entertainment center, I fell asleep on the living room floor. During the night I abruptly woke and sat up, which was extremely odd for me. I could sleep through a bomb. Anyway, while sitting there, I seen a large group of what I can only call twinkling lights in the corner of the room. There were what seemed like dozens and were made up of many pale colors. After a few seconds I noticed a shadow moving to my right which was followed by a bright white light. The next thing I knew, it was the next day. I woke up not immediately remembering the lights. The strange thing was that all of the electronic clocks in the apartment were flashing 3:00am. This included the VCR which was also “playing” even though there was no tape in it. I ended up having to unplug it and all the other electronic clocks and equipment to reset them. It was definitely a weird experience, but I was young and never thought much about it. Besides, at the time I thought it was just really cool. Now that I’m older, I’m starting to think more about it and what it actually was. Nothing like it has happened since.

        I don’t know if you’d want to contact me or how I could even get my email address or phone number to you. I’ll check back on this page in a few days hoping you’ve seen my post

        1. That’ is very weird….I Know we’re not alone on this planet….check out ariel school ufo zimbabwe…100 school kids all ages describe seeing a craft with beings….kids that young don’t lie it happen in 1995 there all grown up now and they all stuck too there story…..it’s amazing….and true…..we are not alone

  9. 1981 living on Sagamore Highlands, Ma.
    Late evening about 11:30 I had only been in bed, very tired and pregnant a short time ( my husband worked nights so I was alone) when I saw strange green light shining down into our living room skylight, the loft t.v. room at the end of the hall and outside the slider in my bedroom around the curtains.
    Being exhausted and frightened, I did not dare get up to look out back from the slider there. I was afraid to see aliens outside. The next day I called Otis FAB to see if they knew of any activity. No.

  10. It was November 1985, lower Westchester County, NY. On two Thursday evenings (I remember because I was coming home from college) I had two sightings in what was included in the Hudson Valley Sightings. I was driving home up 95 at about 9:30 PM or slightly later. From about the 1-2 o’clock position a UFO came overhead toward the 7-8 o’clock position. It flew about 300 feet overhead. Silent. Slow; I’d say some 30 mph. No incident. Others also saw it.
    Two weeks later I was again going home. I was in Tarrytown, stopped at a red light as I was entering the village from the south. Similar sight. Other cars were stopped. Some people were screaming ‘I believe’.

  11. I was watching tv Sunday June 10 2018 at 10 35 ish pm in my living room when I heard what sounded like a helicopter approaching very low so I ran out to my front step and looked up to see 3 orange lights go over the tree line and by my house being chased by the helicopter with its searchlight

    my house which sounded very close so I ran out

  12. We lived in W.Boylston, MA in the 80’s and 90’s, and had more close encounters with UFOs than I can write about in this space. We would have nightly experiences for a period of two weeks, and then nothing for months. We knew when “they” were coming, because we would have black op helicopters flying over our house and sure enough, that signaled the beginning of the unexplainable events. These included blue lights the size of golf balls flying through our house, our radio buzzing loudly when it was not plugged in, heavy foot steps on our roof that scurried fast, infra red security alarms going off when no one was apparently there, pink beings, insectoid beings, our yard lit up like day time at 1 AM, UFO sightings, some the size of a football field, helicopters hovering over our home that were invisible…and so much more. Later i learned that many others in the neighborhood was having the same experiences, and that a school teacher at the high school along with a few students witnessed a UFO hovering overhead while they were outside of the school in broad daylight. They reported the incident, and i read about it online. Back then, it was never talked about, but now, you can find a TV documentary on the subject almost every night, as sightings worldwide are so increasing (the Phoenix lights, for example viewed by thousands), they cant keep it undercover anymore.

  13. July 18 42°19′9″ N 71°10′19″ W 9:22 evening lights single light they look like stars or perhaps a plane one after the other but one is still above a building the others a series of four or five move across the horizon but zig zag back n fourth. They stop flickering but still in the sky. There is no airport there.

  14. In the early 70s I saw a huge disc shaped object slowly hovering over Heavens Park in North Providence, RI. I was playing with a friend and hit the ground trembling when I saw it. My friend and I were dumbstruck staring at it. After getting up the nerve, I made a break and ran into my house which abuts the park. I remembering begging my parents to come outside but they were slow to respond, not taking me seriously. Once we did go outside, there was no sign of the craft or the friend I was with. The following day, my friend had no idea what I was talking about when I tried to talk to him about it. To this day, he has no recollection.

    The Craft was silver with no visible windows or entry panels. It really had no distinguishable markings or details. It was the typical saucer shape as you might imagine a ufo to be.

    I will never forget this experience and would love to find someone that has had a similar experience in this area at that time. I will always be haunted by this sighting. the not knowing kills me.

  15. I was driving north accompanied by my boyfriend, on rd 1A in Walpole, MA on Aug. 11, 2018 around 9:00 pm. I spotted a large yellow glow moving from east to west above and in front of us. I pulled over and we both got out to get a better view. My boyfriend said he could see that it was boomerang shaped behind the lit part. We watched as it traveled west and disappeared. It emmited no sound.

  16. At Wrightsville beach 10 pm July 4th over 12 years ago, no one else but me, my daughter and her friend were on the beach. We saw lights come on one at a time then go off. V shaped frying object. Then a large white orb appeared. Suddenly it appeared to be moving toward us while getting larger. Without a word, the three of us turned and ran. I tripped on a tent rope and turned to look for the orb, but both objects were gone. Incredibly frightening. Neither was an aircraft. I’ve worked for airline for 30 years, not an aircraft, neither one. Hope I never see one again.

  17. I was in Cancun Mexico in 2007, at about 3am after a night of clubbing I was standing at the balcony of our hotel room. I have seen many UFO’s before in my lifetime, but never as close as I saw that night. I saw these 5 lights mimicking how firefly’s swarm around each other. I had alerted my friend who was in the room and told him to tell me if he saw what I was seeing. Then in an instant, these 5 lights became very clear to both of us that they were UFO’s. The size of city buses but the good old fashioned oval shaped UFO’s you see in the movies. They had lights that rotated in the middle of them. As they got closer everything around us got brighter. They got about 100ft in front of us and I thought, Oh S***! This is really happening! We are going to be abducted!!!! I turned to my friend who had seemed as he had disappeared because the light was so bright. My adrenaline was pumping so hard I could have sworn I went deaf. As the sound came back to my ears and the light had dimmed a little, I could see my friend crouching down holding on to the rail of the balcony while screaming, “OH MY F*****G GOD!”, over and over. I was exhilarated and couldn’t believe what just happened. My life changed that instant and my mind had opened up. My friend ran into the room hysterical while still screaming. My brother and 2 other friend who were staying with us came in almost breaking down the door saying that they could hear us screaming from down the street from the hotel. I told them what we saw and they thought I was kidding until I told them to look at my friend who was with me as he curled up into a ball on one of the beds shivering like he had just got out of ice cold water. He couldn’t talk or look anyone in the eyes. Me on the other hand, I was talking a mile a minute and grabbed my friends and led them to the balcony. I said, “Just wait. I know we will see another one”. Not even 5 min later we saw another swarm of UFO’s but very far away. That night we stayed up until the sun came up watching over 50 UFO’s in the sky. None of them came as close as the first ones we saw.

  18. I was with a friend walking behind his house towards Haverhill high school.We looked up and 200 ft. Above our heads was a large oval silent object with coloured lights in a circular pattern. We ran into the woods.Looed out over the field and saw it vanished at a high rate of speed.

  19. My wife and I live in Bradford Maine. We see and watch unexplained lights. Moving very awkwardly over our back woods We own 65 acres of Farmland. And we see these things all the time. Almost every night. But not every

  20. I believe I had seen a ufo, yesterday, on September 26,2018 @ 5:00 to 6:00 pm. Pasco road approaching Boston road in the South Eastern sky.
    Sunny, clear blue sky with large white clouds high in the atmosphere. The phenomenon that I witnessed occurred an estimated 100 of feet below the clouds. The phenomenon did not interact with the clouds that we’re well defined in the blue skies.
    I saw 3 manifestations of this phenomenon, including the sudden emergence, what appeared to be cloaking, a high speed repositioning, a disapation of cloaking like cover,and finally a stationary white cigar shaped object that appeared to be illuminated by sunlight (glow).
    The emergence of the phenomenon appeared out of no where directly in my front view. I was drawn to the area by a blinding flash, like someone would shine sunlight from a mirror into your eyes. I assumed it was a reflection of an airliner from the suns reflection, I have seen this many times. I looked again to see the airliner as I always do but what I saw appeared to be a very reflective metallic like Mercury object reflecting the sun light off of it but not directly toward my eyes. I was driving in traffic and was mindful of other cars around me, but kept glancing at this unknown.
    As quick as it appeared it changed, it appeared to look like a fuzzy,dark grey cloud or emmissions, it also appeared beyond this fuzzyness was a more solid object of the same grey color.
    I then saw this “dark cloud” move quickly to a new location further east hundreds of yards away just below the well defined clouds in the sky.
    Lastly, I noticed the dark cloud disapating and out of no where to the right of the emmissions appeared a white glowing cigar shaped object. It was no longer reflective like Mercury or a mirror, but solid white and glowing like it was basking in the sunlight.
    Being in traffic, I had changed direction to West on Boston road and lost sight. I abandoned any attempt of collecting any more information on what I saw and quickly dismissed it by say to myself, “nobody would believe me anyway”,
    I would like to state, I am not a UFOer, I do believe there are UFOs or intelligent life somewhere out there. I am of sound mind, and was only limited in my ability to observe by the distraction of driving.
    Thank you for reading.
    James F. Quill

  21. On September 14, 2018 at around 11 p.m. saw stationary light in clear sky as I drove home on County Rd., W. Wareham, MA. Black center was square or rectangular shaped with white light around circumference. Light remained stationary for as long as I watched for at least 10 minutes. I took 2 pictures then continued home as it remained still in sky. Light was too large to be Venus, moon, or Mars and was absolutely not a drone. Pictures appear on phone as white oblong light when zoomed in on cell but it was was actually black with light around center.

  22. I’ve certainly had a fascination with Mt. Adams, since my youth, and experiences hiking it. It’s peak is bare, excepting the three symbols of the Aetherius Society, who believe that cosmic masters use the Mt. Washington range peaks as exterrestrial entry coordinates for incoming vehicles. I have met several Aetherians while hiking there in my youth, who do not engage in conversation.
    An illustrated entry in the Appalachian Mountain Club Journal documents this organization. Mt. Adams is one of their holy mountains, it seems.
    Curious as to this, I wrote one of their founders in Chicago in the 70’s, an Edna Spencer, and subsequently received a lengthy handwritten letter, the contents of which has escaped memory.
    Every Fall they hold a pilgrimage via torchlight to the summit.
    They now have a website, https://www.aetherius.org/ and a Toronto chapter.
    Rather compelling reading, far-fetched, yet certainly a part of the New England UFO experience.
    Make sure you’re sitting down when you pull up the web page 🙂

  23. If you’re planning an exterrestrial trip with them, be sure to bring some cash for their swag.
    They don’t have ATMs up there yet.

  24. 45 years ago I came upon something not of this world. That was followed by missing time and extreme terror before passing out. I have always wanted to be hypnotized to find out what happened but have been afraid that I might die in the process. The last couple of years I think of this more often. Who can hypnotize and record me? Thanks.

  25. When I was in third grade I saw three lights like lasers flying towards eac other in the sky. They were gold and everyone in my class ran to the window to see them,and they just dissapeared. Then it was like it had never happened. No one could remember except for me and another.

  26. When: warm month of 1965 or 1966
    Time of day: mid to late afternoon
    Witnesses: several neighborhood children from 4 – o years old, and my mother, early 30s
    My twin and I were playing in our backyard on a tree lined street of well kept Capes, Colonials, Split levels, and ranch style houses. The tree/shaded backyards on our side of the street opened up after their borderline to a wide open space of pond, swamp , and further in the distance. a long straight tree line at the edge of the Massachusetts Middlesex Fells. These backyards had an expansive view of the skyline. My brother and I were about 4 years of age and noticed helicopters flying over ( this was a relatively new activity given that I-93 was a relatively recent thoroughfare and traffic reporting would take place via helicopters ). We would wave at the operators as they flew over. This day my brother and I noticed them as being different, elongated, with bright orange sand green lights. The oolder kids noticed too and told my mother who looked up with s very puzzled expression. We all ran up the banking to the front yard and the up the hill to the top of the street. The two “helicopters” flew together in parallel unison slowly but steadily with none of the typical clunky sound of that era’s models . They hovered together in one spot with no evident movement, or vibration or any wavering, and then sharply shot over a distance of several miles, higher up, and hovered over a spot on the edge of Woburn where the Woburn Plaza and Star Market was situated. The older children were much more excited about it and ran home to tell their families. My mother was more in awe and went home and drew a few pictures of the aircraft. It wasn’t until I was in college that I brought up the subject of the orange and green helicopters with my mother. She was very surprised and asked me what I remembered. I told her that the helicopters didn’t really look, act or sound like helicopters and that even though my brother and I referred to them as orange and green because of the lights, I remembered lots of dull smooth silver. She told me she’d never told anyone about the sightings because there was a stigma of being perceived as being crazy. But that what the neighborhood had seen were two flying silver disks with orange and green rotating lights. She felt vindicated later when the book “Incident at Exeter “ was published about similar UFO incidents in Massachusetts.

  27. Harold Trudel’s hubcap ufos always give me a chuckle.
    Pretty sure we have those identical hubcaps (circa 1940’s, 1950’s).

  28. Two things: there were report(s) of UFO-type activity over the Hockomock Swamp in Southeastern Massachusetts dating to the 17th Century.
    And, in the mid-1970s as a news editor for a very large daily newspaper, I was one of three witnesses to the “rubies” – lights over the Canton-Boston area, later
    investigated by the Air Force and, the following day, MUFON.

  29. Around 1954, my father, mother and sister were barbecuing in the back yard outside our home in Morgantown, West Virginia, when my father, an engineer, noticed what appeared to be a commercial airplane, with a string of lights along its side, but making no sound, in the sky over a local cemetery, which could be viewed from our backyard. But what drew our interest was also the fact that this object could move horizontally or vertically, up, down and sideways at warp speeds, with a movement that could not be developed by any known power source we are familiar with on earth. We watched it for probably a minute or so, when it suddenly disappeared. My father called some of his scientist friends, who had also seen this object, as well as the personnel at the local airport. Of course, some local police always equate these incidents to some “spotlight” or “weather balloon”, but of course no flying object can develop that sort of power that enables movement not available with the power sources we currently have on earth. These have evidently been visiting our tiny earth from early times, observing us in our development, from another galaxy. All governments deny their existence, hoping to keep panic to a minimum.

  30. In 1980 my hometown of Newtown, CT, experienced a rash of UFO sightings. At the time, the Newtown Bee had a number of articles about the sightings. A Federal Investigator arrived, stayed at the Hawley Manor, and interviewed all witnesses. I heard that one resident of Sandy Hook took pictures of a saucer that landed next to his house, and when it took off it rained rocks against his house. He surrendered the pictures to the Investigator. My father and I, and several other motorists, observed a large saucer over the intersection of Rt. 302 and Key Rock Road in 1980. It took off at a fantastic speed. I reported this to the Investigator via phone at his hotel room. He told me “Unless it’s an encounter of the 3rd kind (contact) I will just make a note of it.” The Investigator eventually departed, we never heard anything more, and all photos vanished with him.

  31. Fantastic article! I have never seen a UFO but I am fascinated by it. I have a trying to document UFO sightings in Massachusetts on a website that is only for Massachusetts sights. It is amazing, once you start asking people you will be surprised how many have seen something. The best one I received was a low level diamond shaped craft over Achusnet.

  32. My future husband and a friend and I were driving down to Mass. from NH on I-93 I’d say sometime in the late 70s(?), early 80’s when I noticed something in the sky right over the interstate. It was fairly high up but as we got closer it was easier to see. It stayed in place as we traveled down the interstate and eventually went under it — we were thunderstruck as we got closer and saw that it was slowly rotating… funny, looked a lot like that guy’s so-called ‘hub cap’ saucers… Could NOT believe my eyes. It WAS a flying saucer, that’s all you could call it – by the way, had to watch the road because people’s tail lights were going on as they tried to look at the thing too.

  33. Back in the summer of 1969, my mother and I had a very close encounter with a circular UFO in our backyard because it hovered only 8 feet off the ground for 15 to 20 minutes. When it finally took off..it was gone from the sky and our sight in less than 3 seconds..that’s how fast it traveled. My mother and I spoke of our encounter at least once a week for the next 49 years..until my mother passed away last June. She was almost 101 years old and sharp as a tack until the day she passed..so she had no trouble remembering the UFO that we saw in 1969. I am sad..that my mother and I never got to report our incident to anyone. I tried..but no one seemed interested. And now..besides missing my mother terribly..I’m sad that my partner in this close UFO encounter is no longer there to discuss it with me. My mother was an extremely credible witness. Everyone knew her as a no nonsense person who would never make up a story that wasn’t true. I still hope that some day I can tell mine and my mother’s tale of our UFO encounter on that warm summer night in 1969.

      1. I’m sorry that it took me so long to see your comment. Are you still interested in the full details?? If yes..I will be happy to share my story. Thank you.

    1. I’m very interested to hear your story and I don’t need to take your Mother’s word for it, yours will do just fine.

      1. I am sorry that I did not see your comment until today. Are you still interested in hearing my story?? If you are, I will be happy to share it with you. Thank you.

  34. In 1981, I was visiting a friend near Gradton, VT. I left to go outside and gave a cigarette. I stopped immediately on the porch as if frozen in fear and heard a voice inside my head. It repeated over and over that I was safe and no harm would come to me. I knew that my brain was being “scanned”. They would have taken me, but didn’t. I knew, without the. Thing me, that I was different somehow and I was not to be touched or harmed. Suddenly they let go and I was alone again.

  35. My family had 52acres in North Waterboro Maine where we spent every summer. We lived Massachusetts.
    This one evening about 7pm, it was completely dark, we have no street lights on our dead end country road, all forest.
    My brother 11yrs old and I was 9yrs old at the time, I think it was 1975 ,, we went outside to check on the cicadas that we saw coming out of the ground earlier..
    I hear my brother say “What’s That!”
    I look up and we see A Big black disk, just like a “flying saucer” but black not silver,, just hovering about 20 yards above our barn.. It was right there.. Quiet , but with a low hum sound, it blended in with the nighttime sky but you could see the outline of the object..I only recall about 3 small lights on it ..1 on the edge, 1 in the middle, 1 on the other outer edge.
    We screamed for my mother who was right in the window 20ft away and she didn’t respond so my brother ran in to get her..
    I then saw The disk move so smoothly and with no sound , it moved sideways or forward depending on how u look at it and was now parallel to my house.. Right above the tree line.. It just hovered there while I screamed for my mother.. It suddenly with no sound took off Like lightening speed over the tree line and was gone. My brother passed away last year at 53 and we never reported it and my mother really didn’t seem to care what we were telling her..
    I always wished she would have just came out to see it. With my brother gone now I don’t have any one to confirm what we saw.
    But I relive it in my memory all the time..I really did see a UFO.. It was nothing like a plane or helicopter and it moved like nothing I’ve ever seen in our world other than re-anactments they show wen talking about UFOs..
    So now wen I hear stories or watch Ancient Aliens on TV..I can say I Believe.

  36. In 2013 me and my friend David saw a very long UFO it looked as long as three train cars the sky was clear it was around 4 or 4:30 I couldn’t get a picture of it my phone camera just couldn’t focus on it was to high up in the sky still I saw it and I’ll never forget it I’m a believer.

    1. This is a added comment about what I saw and where I saw this ufo in montpelier Vermont and besides this ufo being long like a train no wings and it made no sound at all it had lots of different colored lights on both sides of it I never reported it because I didn’t think anyone would believe me it just moved slowly got higher and higher then it was gone.

  37. I was sutting on the couch just thinking about a fight I just had with my GF. My house is oerched on a heighr of land and my great room corner window veiw is long . Im in Stratham NH and Im looking out over exeter about two miles away. I see a green and red twinkling light way off over Exeter. I cant believe it was a drone because the battery would have died and most drones scoot around looking to see interesting things . This just sat there after an hr it finaly seemed to have moved forward to the point I couldnt see it anymore. I scanned the sky looking and looking for it and saw another similar fed andvgreen twinkling object probably a mile higher and to the right. The. Lights were like airplane lughts green and red flashing but not a steady sequence like a plane or copter. It just sat there like a satellite but within our atmosphere. Has anyone in the Exeter NH area seen any weird redand green twinkling oblects clise up or far away? ( im typing on my phone without my readers so im sure this is a mess)

  38. I live in the Berkshires, town of Becket, tonight at approximately 9:20pm I was outside with my dog and I saw a large round object in the sky and it appeared to have lights all around it. It was quite larger and appeared to be moving towards my property then suddenly looked like it hovered for about a minute then moved in a north east heading.
    I’ve never in my 65 years ever seen anything like it in my life. I’m sure no one will believe me which is fine but I know what I saw and I admit I have no clue what it was but I can guarantee it was no airplane that’s for sure but rather an unidentifiable object in the air , if anyone else has had an experience like I had tonight 2/21/19, please get in touch, thank you.

  39. I recall one evening in the late fall of either 85 or 86, my father and I were returning home from my grandparents house. We were on a desolate stretch of route 44 in Colebrook CT. When suddenly we noticed two yellow lights in the western horizon that appeared to be flashing on and off. At first we thought commercial aircraft, but the absence of any other lights like on wings or tail was strange enough that my father slowed down to a crawl so we could have a better look. The lights appeared to be two bright yellow stars blinking on and off. They were slowly moving in our direction. As they got closer one broke away and flew northeast and the other one flew right over our car. As the one that went straight over us passed into my passenger window view I realized the light wasn’t blinking on and off. It appeared to be expanding to about the size of the full moon and then shrinking to the size of a bright star. The object was just a self contained yellow orb. Although it was quite bright. Probably a bit brighter than the full moon would be, it didn’t seem to shine any light onto the ground or sky. When the object would appear to blow up to the size of the moon to my amazement it appeared to have either 3 or 4 tripod type landing gear on the bottom. And something that resembled a car steering wheel sticking out of one side. When the object would shrink back to star size the appendages weren’t visible. I exclaimed out loud “dad it has landing legs!”. I had a better look from the passenger side as my father was driving slowly down rt 44 which is a main road. Although no other cars were around. It was strange enough that as it moved east my father turned onto Rock Hall Rd which heads east so we could keep it in sight. Although the object continued drifting east and eventually out of sight. At that time Rock Hall Rd wasn’t paved all the way through so about halfway down my father decided to turn around in a turn around spot to avoid possibly becoming stuck in the mud which was on the sides of the road. Now when this occurred we were about 5 minutes from home, as we lived in Norfolk. And the slowing down and excursion down rock hall rd should have taken no more than 10 minutes. But to our amazement and my mother’s horror we arrived home over two hours later than we should have. Although my father still recalls the incident he is uncomfortable speaking about the missing time. At the time of the incident we both assumed my mother was worrying over us being ten minutes late. But I remember looking at the kitchen clock as we arrived home and we were two plus hours late. We all sort of just put the incident in the back of our minds. My mother relieved that we were so late after chasing a “ufo”. And my father and I convinced that my mother was overreacting to us being “10 minutes” late. Although my father and I are aware of the missing 2 hours we haven’t ever sought any advice. Nothing like this has happened before or since so we are pretty comfortable in not knowing what may have happened during those missing hours.

  40. Interesting reports. Have always wondered what happened to “the two”— a couple from the Midwest who were taking a group of people to the Boston area to be taken by space ship to another planet but had to disband because of police.

  41. I grew up on Governors Lake in Raymond NH with my gp’s. Late 60’s I was about 5, my sister 11, we slept on the screen porch (warm weather)with our 130 pound German Shepherd. Our dog began whining deep in her throat one night. Her head turned to the side like she was trying to focus and every hair on her bristled. Then we felt a low “hum” water began lapping on the shore and we saw a ring of pink lights. We told our gp’s who never saw it but did see the dog acting unlike anyone ever had before. The next morning, neighbors began calling. They had seen it. It was picked up by the local paper and a TV station in Manchester. Downed Weather Balloon. Right :/

  42. Mount Hood Golf Course, Melrose Ma. summer of 1972, evening. While parked near the pond observed a large crowd of people pointing towards the sky as a bright light descended from the sky.Accordingly,there was a mass exodus from the area with a police cruiser being the first to leave.Subsequently, the area became empty as the object descended from the sky and came to hover approximately 4 feet of the ground.Curios as to what the object was I moved up a hill to get a closer look coming within 10 feet of the object.Subsequently, I observed that the object was approximately 40 feet long, round in circumference with multiple round domed lights at it’s bottom. circumventing the base.The light while descending were a white light but when the object hovered off the ground the lights changed to multiple colored lights..(The color of the lights were different than that which I had ever seen before) Upon observing the object from approximately 10 feet away I noted that same had a slight dome and was a metallic flat black in color. (did not look like metal) and the lights at the base rotated in a circular motion on and off. Most interesting was the sound that it made which was a low hum which sounded more like a vacuum cleaner than an engine. Moving closer to the object and wanting to touch same as I was really curious as to what material it was made from my girl friend screamed and I stepped back having second thoughts and climbed down from the hill. Standing now by my car I observed the object for another couple of minutes at which point it’s colored lights changed back to white lights as it slowly rose in the sky and once above the tree line shot into the sky disappearing in seconds.Of course there were multiple reports of the sighting which it was determined to be a weather balloon. “NOT”.

  43. I’m 59 years old and saw my first UFO just last week, April 4, 2019, in Portsmouth, NH. I woke up around 2:28 a.m. to use the bathroom. I happened to look out the bathroom window, which faces east, and noticed a really large, bright star low in the sky. It was unusually bright and big. I had never seen it before and briefly wondered if it was a planet. I kept looking at it because it was so unusual and then it started moving slowly across the sky in a straight line heading southeast. There are a couple of large trees in my backyard so it would briefly disappear behind a tree branch only to re-emerge on the other side as it continued moving in the same direction. It stuck to its course, finally disappearing from my view due to the angle of the upstairs window and the house. It was not a plane. I don’t think it could have been a helicopter – there was no sound. It was very unusual – never seen anything like it before in my life.

  44. My daughter and I saw a large UFO climb from the east horizon to near directly over us during late night(2:30-3am) while watching aurora borealis red sky laying on dock at Peacham Pond,VT.It stopped at near top vertical over us and three much smaller UFOs seemingly came out of it and continued west-lights smaller than stars while the mother ship(?) appeared 20-30 times larger. Don,t know if it was comm- unicated to me some way or not,but I felt the larger UFO was about to suddenly leave, and told Cathy to “keep your eyes on it,I think it’s about to go.” Then the large one shot straight away from us and disappeared within 3 or 4 seconds,with a bright flash as it disappeared from sight.The three small ones disappeared west one behind the other.We were looking at the east horizon as the sky there looked to be burning flames, almost, when the mother ship came right up from the red sky to directly over us. Are UFOs known to observe the northern lights we were watching? Except for my thought they were about to disappear,there was no indication any of the four UFOs knew we were watching.None approached us nearer,and all kept to their own agenda. They seemed to be very high up.How high in the sky are the aurora borealis lights?These were not planes.The large one was very bright and looked like one light from as far away as we were. None of them blinked like a plane would,and the large one rose in half a minute or less to its eleven o’clock position,where it stopped and sat in the sky for 20 to 30 seconds,then shot up and away at about a complete 90 degree angle from its original course west The three smaller lights started one at a time west from the spot where the large ship sat, so I assume they came from it. I’m sure they were UFOS as I’ve never seen any kind of plane do what the large one did,and never saw three planes appear one after the other from the middle of the sky and slowly follow one another west with no noise or flashing lights.Large UFO made no sound either-amazing with its sudden unbelievable propulsion outward– and gone in seconds.What caused the bright flash as it disappeared? I’ve had missing time in the past ,memories of abduction (after the fact),when I swore I wouldn’t forget what happened,huge nosebleeds after some of these events when I felt I’d been physically probed or examined.I have vivid recollections of many many things.I’ve considered hypnosis to verify these memories-would it?- or to expand on what I believe was real and not dreams! Sometimes I think I must be nuts to think I know these things happened to me.I wouldn’t talk about it for years, and still am cautious to, and it’s only been with very few persons I trust. It seems more people are having these experiences and talking about it, or the subject is not so unapproachable because we hear about it more in our expanded media
    outlets.I don’t think, now, that almost everyone thinks you’re crazy if you talk of aliens or UFOs -probably only half of them! So maybe it’s time! My life’s over 3/4 over, so who cares what people think now — — –(I never seemed to care before).I believe I’ve been walked through a door by grays with a triangular crystal-like light
    object in one’s hand, (to prevent noise – and wake others),been put in a body suit with flexible hose ,then greenish liquid pumped in — — thought I was going to drown,but I could breath it (don’t know why this was done),metallic(?) probes shoved up my nose(and down my throat) –these(?)o led to huge nosebleeds my mother had to stop–no maybes here–3 or 4 times late at night with ice pack and my head down off the bed while laying on the bed on my back.Did they implant something up my nose or inside me to check data the next time?(ETC,ETC,etc—-) It’s a lot to think about, wonder about,not have the answers to,and I guess I need to try answering some of the questions from all those years.The experiences and my (at first suppressed)memories of them stopped 35 to 40 years ago(I’m 74),though the UFO sighting with my daughter was early 2000s. My mother had RH- blood.She wasn’t supposed to have children because she could hemorrhage easily, but she had 13.I’m the second,and first boy.My blood is A +. Her mother was from Scotland. I’ve read some things about RH- blood types and aliens being connected. Any truth to that? Anyone with any comments about any of this,or any answers or information ,please make a reply or submit a comment. Thanks. Bob

  45. It was sometime in the mid eighties I’m going to say maybe 84 85 I was coming home from a night out with a girlfriend. We turn down to County Line Road in Harwinton and to the right over the field where Hogan’s Cider Mill was there were these lights that were not your normal lights. So we stopped I pointed it out to her she stopped driving she pulled over it stopped I told her to go a little bit it went a little bit it stopped when we stopped it moved when we moved. I lived a mile down that road with my parents and I was on my way home and this thing followed me to my house I got out of the car I went into the house and I got my father who has an exceptionally bad memory and got him to come outside and take a look at it and he saw it it was sitting basically in the sky in our backyard. So I tried calling in filing report and I was of course shut down by the state police saying they’ve heard all the reports and it was nothing more than a weather balloon and so on and so forth. Without a doubt 150% I believe I know what I saw that night. You would be pretty foolish ignorant and naive to think that we are the only ones here on this planet.

  46. It was 1978 or 1979 and my friends and I were driving around a lake in NH… it was just getting dark and there was a huge egg shaped object floating above the lake with colors around it and smoke… as we got around to the other side of the lake we couldn’t see that anymore but noticed the darkness was silent and out of that darkness above us was the hugest triangle shaped ship about a football fields length if not bigger with lights on each corner… at that time I had never seen any drawings of ufos that looked like that… when looking up into it it had that blur that hot roads in summer can have…we got out of the car to stare at this object and noticed people in the house in front of us running to their back windows to look… they turned on their back light and this gigantic monolith took off without a sound and in seconds it was a white spec in the sky… we never saw it again..but we’ll never forget it!

    1. Could it have been a prototype B-2? They’re not much smaller than a football field, and can fly quite slow. Triangle shaped, lights at extremes, slow, super-quiet.

  47. Observed a strange light around midnight in Stratham about 5 days ago–which would be the end of May. It appeared stationery and then very, very slowly started to move in a direct line. I put up my hand to use as a point of reference so I could tell if it actually was moving. I watched for about 5 minutes but I just figured it was a plane, but now after reading the comments here and thinking about it, planes usually have 2 lights and move much faster. I really don’t know what I watched, but I’m skeptical about it being a plane.

    1. I have seen 2 strange lights in the both flashing to night my brother in-law witnessed it but on the 25 August 2019 was amazing I was sitting watching the night sky and something big with bright light was low in the night sky over my village in kent United Kingdom it was big I tryed passing it of as a plane at first, but there was no noise so I stood up and walked to the corner of my house and it was big and silent all the lights dimmed and went out on it there was no noise unlike a plane and it was to lower then 500 feet and it vanished and I starting to think that the ufo will be back if the strange light that just flashed was back don’t know what to make of all these sightings I’m having

  48. On the 50th Anniversary of Betty & Barney Hill, my sister and I retraced their journey in NH. Roughly around 10 pm after leaving their abduction site, we we’re driving down Rt 93, when we saw a strange light about 5000 ft in the sky. I pulled my truck over to get out, and get a better look. The light was slowly changing from a whitish yellow, to orange, over and over. As it hovered above us it made absolutely no noise. My sister quickly started to freak out, yelling to me “Get back in the car! Get back in the car!!” This was not a Plane, Helicopter, or Blimp. Maybe it was some kind of Military Drone? One thing is for sure, it was very strange. I felt like it was, wanting to be seen. After hovering completely still….in a bink of a eye. It disappeared.

    1. In 2015 I was driving through franconia notch heading north on 93 .as I was coming down the hill on my left was a massive 600’ granite mountain bolder. And above it was 2 round white orbs. I thought it was a plane. The closer we got to it the orbs they flee into each other and Became 1 orb and it shot off south and disappeared. The orbs had no sound. Or at least I. Couldn’t hear. Them from my truck. It happened fast probably 10-15 seconds.

      1. I also saw something like this. What do they want. We are surrounded by four celestial bodies that lack a magnetic field. Their movement seems magnetic. Are they benevolent observers

  49. UFO aliens from outer space would not be stupid to come to earth get stuck here and get taxed to death. On a serious note: The public lacks good instrumented sighting information to know what they are looking at.

    1. You asked for other sightings, so here’s another RI event. In the late summer of 1990, my brother and I were coming home from a banjo session in Cumberland, traveling south on Rt 295, when we saw a football field size craft slowly and silently traverse a five mile stretch of highway. We saw it in the distance as a set of slow moving lights, but the closer got, it was imperative to pull over and get out to observe. It was about 1000 feet up, filling the night sky, and utterly silent. We watched in awe as it passed over. Only after we got back in the car and go down the freeway did we notice other cars pulled over, maybe 15 over the half mile, including two separate state troopers, one on either side of the road. That’s when we chalked it up to a real event, but once we got home, calls to local and state police produced shrugs and nothing official. That was 30 years ago. Things change, but very slowly when it comes to UFOs.

  50. I have several hundred photos ans some video of? I have no idea but they are something very strange. Does anyone know where these can be analyzed? MUFON was contacted and a local field agent wanted to investigate but was told he couldn’t by a higher up? What the hell. Even if they are nothing, I still want to know.

    1. If you know how post them to these comments a lot of experience people would leave comments I’ve had over 50 years of study after real almost all night experience plus I’m a filmmaker now sing photos I could likely know if they’re real

        1. Or you can use an old cell phone you don’t use anymore record the photos on video and mail it to them they have an address at the bottom I probably send the old phone back you could call and see if they do that

  51. 1992 East Corinth, Maine. A light came across a field next to my home, hovered directly overhead, less than 150 feet, hovering, no noise or downdraft noted. I panicked and ran behind my car. Craft slowly moved off and made the most bizarre sound I’ve ever heard. Not sure where I got the nerve but jumped in car and folded it to main road where it hovered across the street at telephone pole height. Black craft with dimly lit oval windows along it’s side, no sound. Followed it as it paced my speed at treetop level into next town where I lost sight. Drove home and it flew over my home as I got out of car. Stayed up all night looking but did not see it again that night.

  52. I’m just trying to figure something out. Where was the river that the fishermen where delivered to the head of? My grandfather told me this and his own story of the area and mentioned a name, bungiewa or something like that. He said there was a heavy mist and a very strange feeling and time stopped and then he felt the ground move and felt sick. Just trying to figure out where this was.

  53. I was about 5 years old when I seen a UFO in our house. It was approximately 2 foot wide and a little smaller in height. My mother was having a Tupperware party. I tried to get her attention, however she was busy chatting with her friends. I stared at it and the thing inside was watching the the Tupperware sales person. She was very tall dirty blonde white long sleeved shirt with a black vest. She had knee high boots black nylons on with a mid length black skirt. Which I think was leather. I was amazed. There were balloons near the UFO. I yelled one more time and the little thing looked at me tilted its head and waved with his gloved had fingers up and down motion. It was a green with round black coverings on its eyes. Really yelled and looked at my mom then looked back and it was gone. Years later I had a child. When he was almost 3 he dragged me in his room and was excited to show me something in there that I could not see. He was pointing and laughing with excitement. I ran and got my neighbor which my child tried to show her as well. I do believe it came back. My son has no recollection of any of this but us very successful.

  54. Check out Loring Air Base, Limestone, Maine, UFO incidences…also UFO incidences, Attean Twnshp, Maine…I know of a few

  55. Any persons who have witnessed a UFO in The Pioneer valley or surrounding area should contact Jordan Hill at jordan.niton@gmail.com to submit their report in an ongoing study into the phenomena. All reports will be kept anonymous and confidential.

    1. Saw two white bright objects above Philadelphia tonight. Never saw something like this before. With binoculars I could see a ring of lights to both ends. Couldn’t be explained by sun reflection. After dawn I saw another object which glowed yellow to orange and seemed to raise fast into the stratosphere. Binoculars revealed that it had a blinking light from within. Could not see it after a while as it went higher up. Crazy

    2. I assume you may know about this sighting, but back in 2013 I first reported on my blog (and the story was subsequently picked up by the local news, albeit with less detail and none of the follow up) about a series of reports of an unidentified flying object near Amherst MA (and Pioneer Valley beyond). Links to the first story lead to follow up reports, including similar reports by other people. I’d be interested to learn if anything more came of it. https://headinthecloudsamherst.blogspot.com/2013/01/ufo-sighting-early-evening-its-true.html Just FYI, I usually follow clouds and weather, not UFOs, but these multiple reports could not be denied.

    3. A few years back, I was living in Agawam in the pioneer valley. I came out to my kitchen on a very cold january night. Single digits, full moon, not a cloud in the sky. I was immediately caught up with how bright it was for being roughly 1-2:00 am. Immediately noticed a “star” that was the brightest “star” i’d ever seen. Literally making me immediately tell myself there’s no way that can be a star. As I sat there staring at it, I saw that it was actually moving at a slow noiseless pace. The bright light then seemingly blew up into a cluster of several lights. Lightish blue, and like an amber orange that began circling the original object. I tried taking pictures, could not get the resolution of the lights, which was maddening. Especially considering I watched the object for over 30 minutes as it limped southwest towards the area of Southwick MA, until it was eventually out of sight. I immediately reported it to mufon, with the lack luster photos I did take. Was so happy after checking back, that a man in Southwick had also seen it, and reported it to Mufon. With complete time verification, meaning I saw it headed his way, and his report was less than an hour after I saw it. He had been apparently walking his dog. Always wished I could have talked to him in person about it, but Mufon kept his info private. That validation does a lot for us lucky enough to see one of these things.

  56. On October 5, 2019 at around 2:00PM, I was in Attleboro, MA visiting my mother in law at an elderly residence. We were outside in a protected courtyard, clear blue sky. A round silver object flew overhead, from my right to left. At first I thought it was a plane so I stood up to watch. The object stopped, made 2 circles rotating from left to right, then shot off away from where it was, heading to the south very fast. It disappeared in a matter of seconds.

    1. I may have seen this also. I thought it was a military drone flying dangerously low and fast. It was broad daylight, flying right above the trees at maybe 200 mph.

  57. The UFO Monument Park: The site of the 1st UFO incident (in the United States) to be deemed “Historically True” by State Government. The park is free to the public, as it’s celebrity sponsored. It has made possible via donations from Ancient Aliens, the Roswell Museum, and Thom Reed himself. See: http://www.ufopark.org

  58. This is in response to the request for UFO stories. As I recall, back in the mid-60s – I’m expecting 1966 – I lived in Slocum, Rhode Island. I was a junior in high school. We had a rock ‘n roll band, first called “Billy and the Kids” eventually changed to Foua Uva Kinde = 4 of a Kind and we played three nights a week on the Navy/CB Bases in Quonset/Davisville, Rhode Island at the CB Club and Sea/Air Club. As a result, naturally, with us being on the bases every week, of course, we saw things that civilians would never see. One afternoon, my girlfriend Joan, and I in my 1949 Ford, and my buddy Billy, who played drums in our band and his girlfriend Kim, in his Corvair were all heading down route 138 in Kingston, Rhode Island approaching the fairgrounds in West Kingston. I noticed, in the sky to my left towards the fairgrounds, what I thought to be a blimp sitting there in the sky. Just sitting there – not making a sound at all. So, because I was in the lead. I pulled right into the field on the left, and parked my car, and Joan and I got out. Billy and Kim follow me right in the field, with them getting out too.

    We all sat on our car hoods looking up into the sky at this cigar-shaped looking object. with windows we could actually see. As I said, we all thought it was a blimp from Quonset/Davisville because quite frankly, what else could it be? Back in the 60s, no-one was talking about UFO sightings and it never even entered our minds – until years later when I actually sat back and thought about it. We watched it sit there – middle of the afternoon – Billy & I had to get ready to play that night, so we all said goodbye and all drove away as that object remained there as we all drove away. This event actually, truly happened. It’s very cool to think back on it after all these years.

  59. two dorm girls at Wesconn in Danbury in early 1970’s had ancident on I84 one night retuning to campus…something cam over their car..they lost awareness for a few hours and then came to and kept on the journey ..next day FBI showed up to our dorm to investigate because their car had all the paint bubbled off it ..likely they were both abducted by UFO

  60. You left out a sighting which occurred over 50 years ago in Beverly, Mass. Here is information on the sighting.. which is documented by police logs:
    And here is a follow up story in the local newspaper 50 years later:
    I believe this is true as I have my own story… which led to someone telling me about the one in 1966.
    It was about 1978.. I was around 9 years old… I was standing infront of my house with my father and a few other neighbors when someone said “What is THAT?”. We all turned around to see a ship moving in our direction. I had a low humming sound and was about a half a mile up from my back yard. It was similar to the picture included above except it had lights around the side of it…and I can not remember what lights but it had a few different colors moving all along the side of this thing… that’s all I remember. Beyond that… we all must have just walked away.. although I would like to try some sort of hypnosis because there must be more that happened…. I just cant remember anything. I have since heard of other people who have had similar experiences.

  61. I recall a terrifying incident when I was a child. We had a camp on Rangely lake. It was between 1976 and 1978. I was sleeping in my bed and I saw a bright light outside my window, the next thing I remember I saw three beings standing beside my bed. They were no more than 4 feet tall they were all the same color grayish with big heads and bigeyes. I was so scared laying in my bed I touched my eyeball with my finger to see if I was dreaming. And then suddenly they disappeared. That’s all I remember. I was between 10 and 12 years old I can’t remember exactly. But I’ve only told A few people because I don’t want them to think I’m nuts!

    1. They are trying to make contact
      It happened to me on a forest …
      In America the media and governments made people feel weird … but check Jaime Maussan ( tercer milenio ) or gaia website

      I have a client ( a United Nations consul ) I asked if he knew about the Antártica ufo ( and the alien race that resides there )
      He said yes he did know about it. But he cannot talk.

      Remember when all these people were going to Antártica including the pope, astronaut ( he had a heart attack and had to be lift out of there )

      Our skies are being destroyed by heavy metals

      Look it up…

  62. Late 1990’s fishing in a boat in the mouth of the Housatonic River Milford, CT. Four of us saw a weird metallic green orb way up in the sky. It was very high up and small to us. It wasn’t moving or twinkling. It seemed still. We don’t know how long it was there, but for us it was there about 10 minutes. Suddenly it was just gone and minutes later several jet fighters flew in the same spot we saw this Orb. We sat quietly for a while and we still dont know what it may have been and why the jets? You just never see jet fighters flying in that area.

  63. What I believe are the Newtown Lights I witnessed over the Tarrytown Lakes in Tarrytown, New York in the very same time frame. In 1987 I was with college friends and we would go around the lakes to get to places in Elmsford. I recall vividly that it was a lovely clear evening and school was close to ending. As we got around the first bend and first unobstructed view of the lake on the left there were cars parked all over where normally there are none and people staring up in the sky. We quickly parked and got out and, above us were these rings of brilliant lights just like the Etting photo. Except the craft was level, it made no sound and just slowly crossed above our heads. If it wasn’t real, then a whole bunch of people all had a mass hallucination together on a warm spring night in 1987 at the Tarrytown Lake. And then with speed unlike anything, it was just gone. This is the first time I’ve seen anything that matches what my friends and I witnessed, and the timeframe is correct.

    1. In June/July 1981 I was with a group of 18 year old friends at a graduation celebration in Watch Hill, RI. Early in the evening about 10 of us were hanging out on a second floor outdoor terrace when above the tree line about 300 yards away appeared a UFO with the same multi colored lights as seen in the Newtown photo. The lights rotated in a circular motion around the object which was completely silent and hovering. It changed it’s position from level to completely sideways while continuing to hover. All of our jaws were on the floor until after a minute or two it accelerate into the sky and out of site at an amazing rate of speed, maybe 2 seconds and it was gone all without a sound. To this day when I see friends who were there it’s an instant recollection of the unbelievable experience we had together.

  64. Does anyone remember the incident around North Marshfield, MA, in 1981-ish? Lights were seen popping up over the treeline and, according to a Boston Globe article a few days later, whatever was going on was seen by many on the South Shore over a couple of nights. I was one of them. It started about 10:30 at night and I remember checking the time on the kitchen clock. I stood in the kitchen window and watched lights flying around the field next to my house. MUFON came to investigate with a team and asked some pointed questions. They also went across the road into the woods with equipment to investigate. I believe something was there that was not a weather balloon, flying ducks, or anything else I’d ever seen. There were five huge lights and they were highly maneuverable and very white and bright. They were in formation and then seemed to be checking out the area flying in and out of the trees and across the field. The lights were observed particularly in the area of North Marshfield and in the communities along the North River, according to the Boston Globe. Anyone?

    1. My encounter happened Dec 24 1981 approx midnight. We lived in Webster Ma. This happened at the Lakeside beach area off of Lower Gore. As we came around to the beach I saw to my left just above the trees about 30 ft up what looked to me like a sledge like thing with colored lights on it. I saw red green white lights. There was absolutely no sound. The really strange thing is I didn’t remember this until many years later. There is more to the story, but has anyone else experienced anything in that area?

  65. around 1990 or so, my family lived on top of a mountain in Warner, NH. My son was 13 at the time. One of us usually picked him up after school but that day he was walking home up the hill alone. At the point in the road where the road turned to go up the mountain he saw something out of the corner of his eye. He described it as a large rectangle as big as a football stadium with lights on the three points and making no sound at all. He said it communicated to him without words and he knew they wanted to take him. He was frightened and told them not to take him as he was my only child and it would kill me. As quickly as it came, it was gone and he flagged a car down going up the mountain and went home. I was on my way home from work getting off exit 8 in Warner. I saw what I thought was a squadron of airplanes out of the corner of my eye but then a large triangle object crossed my car and was gone. When I got home my son came running out shaking all over and telling me about it and I told him I had seen it too. We then stood on the deck and watched military planes come from three directions and take off after it. He told me that after he got home the object had circled back and came over our house and stayed there. He wanted to tell people but I told him not too that people wouldn’t believe it but of course he did. As it turned out that object was seen from through New York and beyond. A father of a friend of his video taped it and the next day some men came and took the camera. He couldn’t talk about it for years and had panic attacks. Many years later he told me he was missing a couple of hours. Jo Ellen Ryan, New Hampshire

    1. Lot of people have never thought about it but could you imagine a planet the colonnades other planets would take millions of years to Kane the planet but as going they’d have to be bringing people so the planet the colony to other planets would have basically no crime and someone acted up and likely be dropped in a jungle on another planet with a sword and a spear there would be no prisons basically no crime at all

      1. Off subject the one subject oh crop circles I guess don’t know for sure some people think their messages from another planet I think they’re nothing some of the UFOs there’s a circular motion when they leave is my guess if they leave quick and locks down the corn crops it means nothing

        1. I take some of that statement back I do think the exhaust is designed who likes show The Mark of there planet

          1. I don’t think anyone else does but I think a lot of the UFOs are non-mandated just like we send around non manded they’re dumb maneuvers indicate non-mandated like flying next to other planes then real fast taking off another playing could get in an air pocket no pilot from another planet would do that I really believe the more UFOs we see the safer we are if a planet got online with us it would be reported the alien authorities the Alien Federation this probably so big they wouldn’t even have to fight the aliens would just leave the aliens would be allergic to everything it would be cheaper to call Nate on an empty planet on Earth they would get about 50 diseases probably planetary botulism or they could take enough drugs to fight off all the diseases they probably die even quicker I think the military thinks they’re being rude I believe a lot of them are non mantid

          2. I got to thinking about it I actually have basic proof of what I’m saying it’s common sense that a lot of them wouldn’t be really advanced it would send none occupied UFOs proof of the Alien Federation a few of the pyramids Plus Ben almost no contact social or War with aliens there seems to be a lot of activity in the Bermuda Triangle they may need pictures of water land people to prove what planet they’d probably get million dollars of photo probably the trees would prove the planet or the combo

          3. I could be wrong but I think the UFOs shouldn’t be ran off aircraft should go the other directions when they see one Anon Mandan nuclear device the Go-Go’s probably 50 times past supersonic speed which may do that automatically of startled needs to be avoided I can’t think of much use for them really reaching for it possibility one could notice a bad asteroid or something calling in and have a blown up reported or whatever they do no question would have the ability other than that I can’t think of any use for them laid replenish the Earth was human if were distinguished somehow the policy should be see a UFO going the opposite direction is my guess

          4. Actually proof pretty much the UFOs would detect a bad asteroid is G i Z a their computer probably designed the whole thing in about 20 seconds 2 a half an hour their computer probably routes everything copies it would have to but never find a planet again the aliens would be looking down at Earth but their computer would be looking in all directions I don’t think there are nuclear is like ours this extremely powerful calculations from levels detected when are UFOs in the area are UFO could probably set there engine to go off and just Ram an asteroid if there wasn’t someone near the could blow it up

          5. All subject probably a subject that may not even matter I’ve been hearing about this for years I just realized it some grades have been seen with some 70% or so humanoids I don’t know if they’re from the same planet or not

          6. If they took enough drugs to fight off the diseases they probably couldn’t have children that would be too many drugs they would just go for an empty planet

        2. If they wanted to leave a message they would leave a book with writing with pictures above each word so you would know what they’re saying they would not leave mathematical equations it would be like a simple child’s book with pictures above each word

          1. The pyramids are mathematical equations that are obvious the threats to aliens they wouldn’t leave us mathematical equations they would leave books with pictures

          2. Somewhere between thousands and millions of these pyramids have been made it’s prefab housing obviously a warning on lots of different planets most people wouldn’t put together what the pyramids mean must have seen alien action I knew what the mathematical equations stood for before I could tell time

          3. There could be 50 or 100 planets the claim responsibility for humans being on Earth and possibly the animals and all without pictures they couldn’t get any government donations or private donations could be why so many UFOs drop by may have to do with their looking for empty planets to Colonnade on is my guess and then again maybe not

      2. I don’t think it would be like on Earth where a lot of people have been arrested 50 to 100 times

  66. Over 50 years ago isole a probable alien aircraft 4 hours or three not sure too young to tell time it made no sound 5100 yards away I was about equal height it was over a cornfield how’s the news top story of a house and then window frames like a 747 same type of metal look like lights are on inside windows clear around it no one came to the window three of us watched it till we fell asleep it was probably an unmanned aircraft people are worried about UFOs I believe the more we see lest we have to worry there’s been no one’s reported a alien carrying a weapon I believe they’re looking to colonnade on missions to start up planets meaning life for 50 a hundred billion people plus animals flirt salon there’s been no two photos of the same planet same UFO I believe they’re mostly different planets the more UFOs we see if a planet didn’t get out of line they would report it to authorities I don’t play this is such a thing as in the galactic war it would cost too much anyway the authorities would take care of it they’re looking for empty planets they wouldn’t be allergic to everything and to start them up they are kraftmaid no sound I believe that their engine isn’t air pump off of nuclear battery simple like a child’s toy you press on it it has air 4 power I believe that most UFOs have no one on it most of them split when they realize Earth is occupied we probably never come back which my guess would mean 20 30 million planets with life on it have drop by it mostly split never came back almost proof because of no matching testimonies or photos of UFOs probably billions of planets with life on it but so far away they don’t count

      1. I believe the UFO I saw was a alien not so advanced some of these alien UFO sightings balls and lights what have you are probably millions of years more advanced

        1. I forgot to say the UFO I saw was not being held up by air I would have heard it they must have a flotation device probably helium in the walls cuz they parked in the air with no sound

          1. My encounter was about 1967 or 68 I was staying with friends in the country in Urbana Ohio

        2. Despite what you had to say, This 1 long rambling, hokey, statement has no periods and was not written well in English. This the plight of America today! Excused spelling, talking and writing and it’s a damn shame. A 5 y/o in school writes better!

          1. I just had a new possible thought I’ve never seen the inside of a man that you are pho but the insides Owen unmannered UFO physically are empty they could be delivery vehicles their computer system must be the size of a cell phone that’s why there’s so big they may deliver products and then drop by planets looking for empties to call Nate on they probably call in 8 at least one planet per month within a hundred years of travel would be my guess which would overlap territories depending on how fast they can travel another possibility for the reason of so many UFOs around looking for plastic colonnade after they deliver whatever products they’re delivering

          2. I thought about it some more the UFOs would make perfect delivery vehicles self fueling free delivery very fast probably a million years without a tune-up they could use even old ones the Warren up-to-date for deliveries no driver needed that has to be it

          3. Here’s something I thought of well I don’t think anybody else has fun of more than anyone else would probably even care the races are so different on Earth a possibility the UFOs dropped off their people on different continents let the different races actually from complete different planets

          4. Could be the different planets dropped off their style of animals and everything else along with their type of people on different continents and then again possibly not

          5. Another possibility each continent different UFOs from different planets we’re just broke down in the people stayed that it wasn’t really a purpose deal

  67. Rochester NH I lived on a farm and can remember this as thought it happened yesterday. It was summer 1972 I believe and my parents, grandmother and a friend of the family were chatting at the kitchen table when I went out to bring water to our dog. She was on a run under a huge (200 yrs old) maple tree. A brilliant light shown down through the tree on me but there was no noise. I immediately ran, screaming, into the house. My family tried to calm me down and we all went outside to see what was going on. There was nothing there. They suggested it was a helicopter or a plane and I instinctively knew that it wasn’t of this world. I was about 12 years old. I wonder what would have happened if I hadn’t run into the house… About a year or two later, my mother, grandmother (both there that night) and I were driving on Route 202 on Barrington in the early evening. We came over a hill, driving toward Rochester when we saw a round object in the sky to the East, rotating with multi color lights. We all saw it. There was no sound, except that the radio in the car had interference in a regular pattern every 10-15 seconds (can’t remember exactly) that we all heard. I believe it also, was not of this world. We never spoke of it again until recently I asked my mom if she remembered and she said she did. I am 100% sure of what I saw and both episodes were real.

  68. There are now high resolution cameras in the hands of nearly every man, woman and child in the United States — so where are all the recent images of UFOs? Did they all stop coming once the smartphone was invented?

    1. There is a lot of possibilities most of the UFO sightings started when we started using nuclear they sniffed us out they probably weren’t as advance as they are now no I think they don’t fly so low most of them are non-mandated I believe their ships are too small to come from another planet unless they came off a bigger ship or they live closer than I think I think some people say their cameras don’t work when are UFOs near I don’t know if I believe that what possible I think they’re more advanced now they don’t come so low to the ground I saw one about all night I was too young to tell time there was no one in it so my guess looked in the windows with and without binoculars nobody’s Shadow was at the window lights are on the whole time fell asleep before it took off it wasn’t on the ground but 30 40 50 ft and they are not sure they may be more advanced now able to detect what’s on Earth and realized it’s already taken they probably wouldn’t even care that people were there or not it’s taken they be allergic to everything it would be cheaper to colonize on a barren planet the mosquitoes will get them so it all the parasites they would make it through the filters they would die here

      1. Plus when they first started coming probably a couple hundred thousand different planets drop by lot of them went low but now the ones that drop by would be from further away they wouldn’t need to go solo baby more advanced because they came from a further distance would be my guess I don’t think any of the planets actually come here they just drop by when they’re in route looking for an empty planet to colonize on I don’t think that any of them would come twice they have better things to do once they realize it’s taken they never come back

        1. Speculation no proof a good possibility no problem with them you my muta triangle the UFOs especially the non-managed would have automatic supersonic speed if something’s coming at them or startled everything near them could end up in an air pocket they would have to have that mechanism if they go to supersonic speed and your close your in grave danger

          1. I forgot it’s hot to say they’re supersonic speed Gus 50 a hundred times faster than ours

          2. I just thought of something the ridiculous amount of UFOs dropping by they may take photos would be a collector’s item about a million dollars a photo play photos 20 million dollars I’ll pay for their expedition

          3. I know they probably have a engine that works off of nuclear battery with an air pump air compression engine I’m pretty sure they have a flotation device bags of helium or something in the wall quotes with no engine running their third engine I don’t know much about it somehow collects energy from the air or something goes I don’t understand it does anybody know anything about it centillion engines

          4. I believe they mainly use their alien engine I don’t think they hardly ever use there are compression nuclear engine

          5. This is way off subject I do believe in afterlife but I believe it is a nature thing afterlife even if God did set up after life when something is automatic it is considered nature so it would lose all credit

          6. On foreign planets so I would probably have museums of numerous pictures and items from different planets I could be off but I’m guessing value of a photo million dollars

          7. Plus from the Museum’s of other planets would help get donations to start up more planets they might even be able to figure out average amount of people there would exist for each $100 they donate someone has to pay for this or make money on it somehow my guess would be donations are partials out of people’s Wills could be a million-dollar donation would mean over 10000 people’s lives plus animals

          8. Earth has so many different races of people they probably developed on different planets the DNA is two different I don’t think Earth was real organized and its development probably Pandora hundred planets involved dropping stuff off disorganized on different continents no proof

          9. I’ve never made one comment about the oceans there to be on perfect everything eats everything the shark clean it all up I would guess that about have to be matching on the different planets that’s the only way I can figure it would be so smooth they could have dropped stuff off from different oceans different planets it all had to match that’s the only way I see it

          10. If they even have air pockets I’m not actually sure it may be a neutral Airstream magnetic thing

    2. SE Mass has “several” flying objects hovering. Objects hover to high up, just above the clouds. They blend with the stars but if you look closely you notice that all are identical. Fuzzy light with a little red light on top. Noticed these objects, about 30 of them (varies though) since October 2019. Actually see them almost every night. Going to get a telescope that hooks up to my phone and try to take pics that way. Stay tuned.

    3. You can buy cell phone blockers for less than $50 but I don’t think they would block video they would have jamming on their aircraft they could get in occupied spaces where other UFOs they attack play morning jam communications non-related comment some people try to use algebra or calculators to do with space you can’t use calculators or algebra to do with space it’s inless 50/50 it’s the same as one in a billion on an endless equation if 50% of planets had life on it or one of them billion it’s the same number on an endless equation because the numbers never stop you probably couldn’t say how many planets there is with life on it throughout the whole universe because the number would change before you got done saying it space is an endless equation throw your calculator away

    4. The nun manded UFOs are probably delivery vehicles like space UPS then they scout on the way home they would always be coming back different directions anytime a rock or a UFO got near them they would go in a different direction plus it’d be great delivery vehicles I’m sure they can at least travel somewhere in Time possibly next day delivery I don’t know

  69. In the Exeter Incident (1965) incident it was mentioned that a KC-97 was the light source. This is total bull. I was in the Air Force with Refuelers the KC-135 four engine jet, worked and flew on them. I got out in Sept 1962. They phased out the ’97 in 1958 as they were too slow to refuel the jets: fighters, B-52 and B-47. So this ’97 argument is total lie, famous AF pt down as they did a lot of regarding UFO’s. Observe what they did to the Rosewell NM incident. people were told to clap the trap. Operation Blue Book has documented many incidences.

  70. Another factoid about the Air Force. In the mid-west KS to ND there are many missile silos with hatches and in ground control rooms. Many times UFO’s have been spotted over the silos, either visually or by sensors. Many times the missiles were rendered inop by some sort of electrical impulses. This is well documented and can be searched. Being a Air Force guy and was due to take missile training, it hits close to home. The missiles were the first line of defense for the country. They had the Atlas missiles then.

  71. Skeptics would quickly change their mind if they had a close encounter with a UFO. When this happens to you and it has happened to me back in 1982 in Worcester Massachusetts trust me you will not have to turn to anyone standing next to you and tap them on the shoulder and ask you if you’re seeing a UFO. I had a UFO hovering over my car while I was traveling down i-290 going approximately 6265 miles per hour.
    I know what I saw I wasn’t imagining anything I wasn’t drinking I wasn’t on drugs I was up sane sound mind and I know a UFO very large UFO with blinking lights hovered over my car and actually moved over my car very slowly while I was traveling at that speed…
    I was neither a Believer or non-believer before that happened to me it changed my mind and my life forever.

  72. Interesting reading. I myself have seen three separate crafts. One in Hubbardston, one in sterling, and one in maine

  73. I live in clinton mass and have seen ufo or something in the sky at night for 6years!?

  74. I was one of the folks that called in the sighting in 1987. Traveling from New Milford to Roxbury. Saw the craft at the intersection of Wellers Bridge and Apple Lane near Roxbury center. I’ll never forget that night. The craft was eerily silent as it slowly flew over. It was enormous.

  75. Off my expertise I mostly just interested in and none manded UFOs a lot of people think the pyramids are making a statement an alien statement I don’t believe that anyone would travel that far and make experimental housing that’s probably the only housing they knew how to make aliens that lived on a very weather violent planet we still couldn’t make the pyramids the rocks probably weren’t cut on Earth we could make precision cuts on rocks in a factory in the dark with no one there but we don’t have the equipment for that big of Rock whatever Ellen planet is responsible I would say that’s their standard housing

    1. I think the pyramids will always remain a mystery if the aliens did it it would be drop housing they wouldn’t have dropped the rocks Andre pick them up again then place them they would have dropped him off in place which would have made the pyramids built in about 24 hours the pyramids mostly for burial make no sense 200 cities could have been made it was too long ago it will always be a mystery if I’m right and the rocks were cut on another planet on delivery they would have been set not that it makes any difference at this time

      1. Not only would have been drop housing probably no people or aliens involved and this setting it would have been done automatically all people would have had to been back out of the way would be my guess possibly there was other reasons for the pyramids like to signify which people had the planet for others planets that come around who knows it could be that they put these on each planet they colonize could be hundreds of thousands millions of exact duplicate housing they say they think the pyramids were made and five or 20 years it would probably take longer than that to make the plans to make the pyramids unless it was duplicate housing pre-planned by aliens then it would just be cutting the rocks it could have been built with no human or alien within 5 miles laser guiding setting mechanisms some people say you couldn’t transfer the rock through space a two-year-old could pick up one of those boulders in space

        1. Something I forgot to say there was carvings of rocks being pulled across the desert over the sand using water that could be getting the rocks together for the aliens to pick up go cut probably on their own planet then bring back to be assembled dropped in place with a computer drop system from the air.

          1. I think the pyramids are probably a smokescreen they’re probably in ancient alien federation protection order I don’t know if they would still be honored or not possibly.

          2. More evidence to be a federation protection order who else could afford it tab construction done between different planets who would be else could protect a planet from any alien In

            I thought of some more evidence I love being an alien federation who else could afford to have construction among different planets who would specify that they could fight any alien Force only a federation with a thousand or a million planets involved that could dispatch easily 50000 or a hundred thousand for a half a million intergalactic fighters follow the money

          3. A redo on my last comment more evidence pointing towards a federation who else could afford construction between different planets who else would be able to do it who else could issue a challenge to any alien race that wanted to attack or colony who else could this send 50000 a hundred thousand or a million intergalactic fighters only a federation with a hundred thousand a million planets involved follow the money

          4. It wouldn’t have to be alien type aliens that helped make the pyramids it could be earthling type aliens possibly even parrot planet a guess they may have some pictures of aliens on the walls of some of the pyramids that doesn’t mean they made the pyramids a possibility would be our parenting planet build pyramids

          5. Evidence leading towards possible parenting planet to have helped made the pyramids alien aliens would have died breathing the air drinking the water eating the food our parents would have been able to drink the water eat the food breezy air

          6. Plus our parenting planet would be the most likely they would probably be the closest occupied planet number one suspects

          7. When the aliens would see the pyramids if they were thinking of attacking they would attack whoever built the pyramids first they would find them I can’t believe set any singular planet would post such a mark it would have to be a group why do Federation

          8. I don’t think there’s such thing as time travel with passengers I think that’s just non-managed aircraft no proof but evidence leans towards that

          9. I just thought of something I think the non manded UFOs are not as advanced maybe some of them my manager UFOs or much more advanced then demanded UFOs I could have a completely backwards

          10. I would guess they have to use Intergalactic mapping and they where is through galaxies so fast they couldn’t check out anything they just haven’t mapped out so they don’t run into a planet then when they get into open on checked out space it might take them all 10 minutes an hour or a week to check out a planet that is my guess and what they do when they’re looking 2 Colonnade I’m not sure of their speed gust Earth to Moon minute

          11. If they’re not looking to come and eat on the Paleo diet I don’t know what else they would be doing they could sell the address I guess

          12. I think a lot of the aliens are Advanced enough now they could occupy almost any planet and have to keep their stuff and buildings or aircrafts or not even occupy a planet just bunch a bunch of there aircraft together I’m basically make their own planet they don’t seem to take that route they seem to go for Mass travel and find a planet that is lots of help to eventually have non Greenhouse life

          13. Something I just thought of look at all the reports of UFOs most of the people don’t realize probably only 1 in hundred people to see a UFO would report it the police might even put you on a list a people to not go to if you call

          14. There was one pyramid with a big smell they seem to think that it was to make like a gas UFOs especially at the time had much better smeller’s then site the UFOs would smell that and then they’d realized little Earth was under protection when they see the pyramid I don’t think they have any idea I hope they never clean up the smell

          15. It’s a building smell in the chambers did they have designed the cat really be gotten to

          16. I’m curious about this continuous quest to find other planets with life on it the object is to avoid other planets with life on it doesn’t make any sense the goals are completely backwards

          17. Guesstimate is based on material transfers only accurate is the closest could be much further

          18. There could be many not Advance planets the don’t actually have space travel closer or a lot closer I’m just referring to the ones that have space travel

          19. I’m pretty sure Earth would be considered to have space travel or not from occupied planets to other occupied planets

          20. Because we don’t really have space travel from one occupied planet to another bad thing I just thought of that probably means another planet to occupy that’s empty it’s not in our reach probably for hundreds of years thousand they’re probably taken

          21. I just noticed one statement of their excuse for pyramids some of them having non-earthly material their excuses is an asteroid or a meteorite apparently crashed near where they’re making the pyramid and I guess it was the exact amount of material they needed because there’s no more of that material on Earth the odds of that 0 and a billion

        2. Or a possibility Maybe 20 UFOs drop system made pyramids 1 hour there was some some meth of waking up and being there maybe they weren’t wrong

          1. A lot of people can’t believe that the pyramids were made from another planet that put them together here maybe they weren’t put together here it could have been built inside a big aircraft what’s a bottom that would proceed it could have been reassembled some kind of floor little pull back some kind of watching Jack system call the paramedics in place what’s a very very very big aircraft

          2. The time frame that they talk about the pyramids being made at that time would have been about the exact time to make the foundation and those days if it was made by humans on Earth their time frame to build the pyramids were off by over 1 million years of construction

    2. Another story I thought of could be alien sleeper construction spies possible several Generations been here possibly married with Earth humans means actually orsborn humans built the pyramids + could be the language would match one even need a aircraft and skills could do it without any big tools probably

      1. The pyramids are probably Federation protection orders super spies involved probably has saved the world in the past especially Gaza

      2. My last comment was probably a lot more realistic super spies are always completely Undercover probably their spouses and their children didn’t even know their children would have just been trained and how to make the pyramid so it would be a federation protection order without evenowing why my first thoughts or more exciting but not very realistic they wouldn’t have even spoken language I would have been thought of is retarded they couldn’t have been the head of construction

          1. Construction codes we’re rough in those days if you build a building and it fell down and someone was killed the Builder would be killed

          2. A lot of people wonder why there’s basically no interaction with aliens I’m not actually sure guessing could be a rent law or non written law no contact could spread disease could take back to their planet billions possible die or millions or billions possible day here I don’t actually know a possible thought

          3. I’ve heard her saying to think that one of our aircraft will come in and see and occupied alien planet within 20 years I think they missed it on that guess by about one thousand years I could be wrong but I doubt it

          4. Where nowhere near ready to call Nate other planets we can barely run our own planet probably biggest Danger population overpopulation is by far are most likely demise

          5. A simple thing that was stop the overpopulation in the world after a girl’s head two kids or three give her ten thousand to get fixed

          6. Some governments worry little country on Earth well good an alien UFO and be able to do what they do I think that’s silly the UFO wouldn’t even speak English I’m sure it would have mechanisms to melt down or self-destruct if tampered with I don’t think there would be any way to teach the computer to speak English it wouldn’t even know what an order was

          7. Augusta mint of how War advanced little planet was the dropped off humans here or their aircraft broke down 500 million years more advanced

          8. On another planet it would require to move 10 ton 60-ton boulders a 1 mi High probably half mile wide crane

          9. It could easily be 100 million years for us to be in real contact with the planet alien planet inhabited if we had a non-manded aircraft that found an advanced planet the advanced planet would know it wasn’t occupied would probably dissolve it

          10. The biggest Lan blonder I have ever heard someone was under directly under an aircraft claimed was adopted I think just got song. Cuz they’re under the aircraft occupants in UFOs would be almost entirely surgeons doctors scientists I think they boarded him running back to life I don’t think it was kidnapped because he was not tied up then they bought him through and he beat up the whole crew and left probably force of habit the surgeons the biggest quarantine blunder I’d ever heard with aliens

          11. Obvious trauma surgeons from another planet I don’t think they would have picked him up if he was knocked out he was probably dead their engine circulates air can pick things up people up

          12. This is just about proof that this group of aliens have never kidnapped anyone they probably never even heard of how to do it attempt good medical service

          13. Come to think of it their computer what are told them if he was knocked out or dead or unconscious before they even got out of their aircraft to pick him up

          14. I’ve heard people say they’ve seen the UFOs adopt cows animals it’s just their engine picking them up it circulates the air and take stuff out of the air to make Power I could pick up a cow or whatever possibly an aircraft carrier if it was close enough to pick up someone they would have to land and board the person I pick up I’m pretty sure

          15. We have Machinery little pick up nutrients out of the air and make petrol but takes about 8 hours to make some kind of gas about a gallon there’s as much faster much more powerful

    3. The dimensions on the pyramids had to be made from space at the time the pyramids were made we didn’t even know the Earth was round plus the dimensions would have had to been done from space we didn’t even fly at the time plus it was before the wheel was invented

  76. 5:36am Holbrook mass was outside on my balcony smoking a cigarette looking up at the sky lime I always do but this time for shore it was definitely different I saw what looked like a shooting star and watched it but then it changed directions it took a fast left then straight again then another big turn to the right moving faster than anything I’v ever seen it was to far up on the sky to see details but I’m 100% positive it wasn’t a plain way to high and definitely not a shooting star of never herd of a shooting star flying around in different directions all over the sky I realy hope more people saw this it in my eyes was 100% a ufo

    1. Peculiar flying techniques probably non-mandated techniques of flying evasive maneuvers probably in case fired on

      1. This is really peculiar sounds like some kind of Scout possibly for someone else to come and investigate I’ve never heard of such a thing or maybe they knew they wanted nothing to do with it they would have sniffed us out they knew what was here long before they got here why did they even come

        1. I got to thinking about this more probably a long-range UFO Scouting For empty planets probably from a hundred 200 trillion miles away like I said probably none mantid probably doesn’t go back home unless it finds a good one

          1. Or maybe the UFO was throwing a tantrum maybe it found a plan that wanted but it was too close to us they might not want Neighbors I don’t know what distance they accept could be they don’t want two planets in the same solar system I have no idea

          2. Or maybe the UFO needs a tune-up maybe the smaller thing isn’t working right who knows maybe it couldn’t smell out the planet right

          3. I think the non-managed UFOs maybe like a modern Pony Express I don’t think they can have communications from one occupied planet to another I don’t think it would work are used on manded UFOs to send messages or products

      2. Contact of two completely different planets could cause illness would be more dangerous than a nuclear bomb Advanced planets would probably escort UFOs that aren’t from their planet would be escorted out of their airspace

        1. I don’t think there would be any physical contact between two Advanced planets one cough could wipe out an entire planet I don’t think they’d be friends or enemies or any physical contact except for when they’re building a planet I mean supplying with animals fish plants dinosaurs humans whatever

  77. What happened to me, I don’t want to share it. I haven’t slept well in 21 years. It was in my dorm room on the Muddy river in Boston. When I eventually found out about the historic Muddy River incident, my heart went up my throat!

    1. I was in the Danielson dorm at Bu in 1988. It’s right near where Muddy River inlet used to be before the area was filled. One night I was sound asleep, dreaming. I was awakened by something pressing up and down on my shins like cat feet. When I looked up, there was a little creature on me, practically weightless, holliw, or floating. It had a blue body suite and large black eyes. I stated to panick unable to breath or scream. Then it shot at me very quickly, and suddenly it was 10 am a light outside. My roommate was there. I asked him if he heard me scream and he didn’t hesr a sound. He had been awake reading for several hours. Subsequently, I had bizarre dresms at night where I was sitting in a round room full of people I couldn’t focus on. I was given a book by a teacher. The book had horizontal sliders in it instead of words. As i slid each slider, an entire concept with facts and understanding were put into my brain. In the awake world my grrades improved immediately. It was as if I already knew Cell Biology snd Biochemistry. I stopped sleeping out of extreme fear. Looking back, I remember hearing that the buildings in the neighborhood where haunted and people had seen steange children.

  78. Look Ian’s are 1000000% real. I know this because they follow me and they live with me 24hrs per day. I have proof in photos but I can’t get a photo of the space craft in the sky because that is also invisable. When I say invisable u can see light shadows and flashes the space craft however hide behind alien made clouds that look like clouds but are not. Best seen on blue sky days with no clouds they appear like clouds but trust me the are alot lower then a cloud im talking 4 telephone poles high but give anappearence of them being with the rest of the real clouds. Not many saucers how people show them in pics. They do have a few that look like the millennial falcon and they have weird ones like almost a motorcycle or snow mobile. They are driven by aliens exposed to the elements the small craft anyways. Another thing im trying to solve is for every ship thT I seen thats big ther is also a ship that is very tiny. These things are very smart and almost went undetected but im just a strange bird and I new so.ething was off so I started digging and they made my life miserable. I started noticing like radiation
    They were hitting me with in my chest head and feet? Then came the electrocution when I was in bed very low grade type but real as anything believe that. I have 1 year of shit to say in my head so I know im jumping around but man do I have a real experience with these guys! They are in my beds curtains any place I go! I have tiny little ones on my boddy and they even go into my body if u can believe that!! I dont have a way to prove this besides photos and u have to see me to understand cuz although they are invisable there silence and eyes are a very little bit visible under a good phone camera! If anyone knows what they are doing can u shoot mean email please. I have found 2 locations were there are thousands of them. Hey look I know it sounds crazy but trust me as iwrite this I have one on my right arm ok. I dont want my location giving out because I want to protect these guys and girls but these things are very real ok. I sort of think they are cloning mebecause I have been noticing my shadow has gone from 1 shadow to like 4 layers first was shadow then I noticed 2 layers then 3 and now months later I notice 4! Looking threw cellphone at a black out screen is how I came to this conclusion but maybe it’s just me I have many sleepless nights

    1. I’ve never heard of anything like that but there was I think over a hundred Witnesses at a school playground in the fifties I think the West nest one invisible ish UFO two days in a row on a playground

          1. My guess that this is partially true radiation could cause hallucinations again need to move

          2. I was trying to think of one reason for this the only thing I could come up with is the weather check which may have to be left in a certain place for a year

          3. Halo weather check would be unusual I’ve never really heard of it but very possible some planets have a very rough weather so rough that they build buildings like the pyramids I believe the planet that help create the pyramids with a lot of human help has weather that they need buildings made that way or they would die a low-velocity weather check no matter what the weather was they would know if there’s a couple of violent weather days a year

          4. Something about like this is how it would work it would take a picture of what’s on one side of the aircraft and place the picture on the outside of the aircraft on the other side and vice versa to make it appear invisible affect it would only work so well though

        1. They are real! They are now over coastal Massachusetts as well. They are really a pain. They are sometimes the only ‘star’ in the sky at night. I know several people who are being harassed by them. They came in a group of about 25 ships and don’t hide their arrival.
          They are now over coastal Massachusetts and have been here for a year. I know of several people who have trouble with them. They also implant tracking devices between toes and other places where you wouldn’t see them right away. They are persistent and a pain.

  79. This may be closely connected or related to a UFO sighting we had around the same time, witnessed over Pease AFB in Newington. We along with other people were pulled over on the road in Portsmouth, off Islington St near a market in the evening (Gooseberry Market, I believe) — we witnessed a huge black cigar shape hovering silently over Pease AFB. You could see the reflection of lights on the bottom of the craft. Two small lights appeared to drop from the middle, circle themselves and off into different directions. The craft then seemed to move very slowly, into a cloud — nothing on the other side of the cloud.

    I contacted UFO researcher Raymond Fowler about the incident, years later. As it happens, he is familiar with this report as his mother witnessed the same craft.

    There have been other reports of sightings near Pease AFB over the years. If I were to guess, it is our craft — we now know the US Military had/has been experimenting with exotic technology, lighter-than-air craft, etc. But we simply don’t know.

    If anyone knows more about this, please post! I just think this incident is eerily close to the Newtown Lights, and may have been related somehow.

    1. My guess on this I don’t think the government would hide something as big as a football field that would cost too much probably a major alien aircraft with about 500 people on it the game too close to an occupied planet

      1. It may have to be so big because of growing food on the aircraft possible livestock probably self containing I may just travel till they find a planet that suits them then they probably land and occupy

          1. Space arks would also have fish plus four different seasons of crops at the same time plus playgrounds for kids

          2. in 1976 while serving time in the Enfield Connecticut Correctional Center for Marajuana i was working the overnight shift on the prisons holstein farm..I wiuld hurd the cows ,feed them etc…One night i saw over my head by about 150/200 feet 2 ufos,Hoovering silently and motionless.At that time Corrections Officer Smith cam riding up the road.He got out of his car and stared up at them.He then directed me to get into the car and we rode off quickly.Smitty told be to keep this quiet as the higher ups would think we were both nuts so i never said anything…Smitty if you read this contact me at 1yankees98@gmail.co,..Im pretty sure they grabbed me that night then let me go.

          3. This has nothing to do with anything I have reason to believe the telepathic aliens don’t talk on the telephone or watch TV

          4. This is another nothing to do with anything I thought of a way to stop most of the problems in the public schools the students would have to be evened out it have to all be required to carry mace I mean all the students would have to be required to carry mace

          5. This is another nothing to do with anything most of the young people are getting their covid shots I’ve never talked to a waitress that had a covid shot all they had to do was have a stimulus check you couldn’t get unless you’re vaccinated we’ve lost more Americans about the same this we lost in World War II

          6. All of the students would have to be required to carry mace and be allowed to use it at their own discretion.

          7. That’s the only way I can think of basically no one would want to have a fight or bad issue was another

          8. Except training and learning videos I’m sure they watch and learn all the time

          9. Space Arts are probably 10 or 20 foot thick walls to deflect meteorites or attacks

        1. I would guess they’re on a one-way trip they probably never go back to the original Planet they find a planet to live on or they live on the aircraft for hundreds of years till I do find a planet or thousands of years

      2. Just a guesstimate so how many people would be on board could be five thousand but I doubt it take a lot of room to grow food and fish and vegetables

    2. My guess just a guess on the newtown lights
      Looks like a diversion they probably placed those there then they were looking around Earth with an aircraft with their lights out drawing all attention to the lights and if the lights get shot at they know they’re in danger time to split

      1. Or they put the lights there a week before they came send them there to see if they get shot at if they do then they don’t come or something like that I guess

        1. Most of the alien aircraft wouldn’t really care if their shot at it wouldn’t really put them in danger but when Dodge attacks whistles could it populated places most of the aliens would be into that they’re probably World starters like super priest not really into destruction

  80. I’ll never forget how when I was sitting on a Beach (Scusset) at the east end of the Cape Cod Canal at night in 1977 and saw what I thought was a helicopter about 1mi out over Cape Cod bay.
    Just a small white dot of light was all it was.
    It was just hovering at what looked like maybe 300ft above the water, 5° above the horizon on a dead quiet night.
    That was the eerie thing about it because helicopters were LOUD in those days & on a quiet night you could hear one over the water, and easily at 1mi.
    After watching it for 10min this thing shot off to the east at the same speed as a shooting star. I could not believe what I just saw.
    Major turning point in life for me, that was.

      1. Back in the late 70’s I was at my Prom, @ West Boylston High. I stepped outside to get some air and look up at the night sky. I watched as a set of multicolored lights in a pattern that seemed not quite oval and not quite round, as it appeared in the sky. The lights seemed to be moving in a somewhat circular movement around this object. The object came closer and I could see that it was large. It was silently travelling through the sky, until it just hovered about a couple hundred yards away or so. It just sat there in the sky, as I watched it in awe, as I could see that it was very large and the lights were pretty. My friend Jeff came outside to see if I was ok and as he neared me, the thing shot straight up and was gone! I am not entirely sure if Jeff saw it as well, though I do not see how he could miss it! It was so big, even from a distance! Though from the look on his face, I would say that he did. We just looked at each other and went inside. That was not the only time that we saw this thing. One night, about a week later, we were talking in the gravel pits in town when we saw it again. Jeff’s response was to try to start the car and make a go at it, but the car refused to start. In what seemed like an eternity, as the lights seemed to get closer, the car started and we got out of there as fast as we could safely go! Once we left the gravel yard behind, the object was gone. We really did not see each other much after that and I don’t know if Jeff told anyone, but I kept it to myself, until now. While I am a bit curious to discover if aliens and UFO’s are truly real, I was glad that we did not meet.

        1. I swear the TV stations and newspapers must have had some kind of agreement to NOT publicize these issues because people have seen strange things in the past that we hardly ever read about it in the newspapers let alone a TV news report.

        2. You’re not alone. I just did now did a research on the internet (wish we had it back in the 70s) about what has mystified me since the 70s. Your sighting is about the same time frame as mine and the details are very similar. I was a young girl in a suburb of Boston (West Roxbury) and while sitting on my front stairs one evening while my dad had a detail at Fenway Park, I happened to notice something as you described in the sky and the lights were so pretty to me. After a bit, it just shot away. I went inside to tell my mother, but she didn’t know what to make of it and I don’t think she ever believed me. I’ve since told my husband and kids of my experience and that absolutely believed in visits from other worlds. I just don’t know how to mesh that with my Christian religion.

        3. I forgot to mention why I added the bit about my father being at Fenway that night. My mother did say that maybe it had something to do with the Red Sox game and some promotion with a blimp. I told her it was definitely not a blimp.

    1. In the early 1990’s I was vacationing in Truro in Massachusetts on bayside of Cape Cod I was fallen asleep and this bright light illuminated whole room,I look out and saw like ultra white light shaped like dome,we were on the hill UFO was down lower below I remember being frightened and went upstairs to get my friend when I looked out picture widow it was gone! This has stuck with me for 36 years!

      1. July 10th 1994 Sunday 20 miles north of Albany . Object css as me over the tree line had lights on it, illuminated the woods below. Moved insanely fast 50 yards to the left and hovered , went to the left same distance and speed then just shot up and was gone. No sound whatsoever, never forget that night

        1. Holy cow! I just started searching for info on my own experience. It was the same time frame. When it happened, I wrote it in my dream journal. I “dreamed” a low spherical object hovering over my backyard. We live in a rural area but it would’ve been over a swamp. The light illuminated my room, like an x-ray. There were 2 humanoid gray figures standing in my yard. Nothing bad happened. I just remember knowing they could see me. That’s all I remember.

          1. Holy cow! I just started searching for info on my own experience. It was the same time frame. When it happened, I wrote it in my dream journal. I “dreamed” a low spherical object hovering over my backyard. We live in a rural area but it would’ve been over a swamp. The light illuminated my room, like an x-ray. There were 2 humanoid gray figures standing in my yard. Nothing bad happened. I just remember knowing they could see me. That’s all I remember. *edit to add I lived 45 min drive north of Albany.

      2. I live in Barnstable Ma. Cape Cod. It was July 7th 2021. I woke up to go to the bathroom around midnight the other night and I always look out the window and take a look around. I saw 2 bright red light about 8 ft apart about 1/2 the size and shape of a stop sign and 3 smaller round white lights going in a counter clockwise motion in between the 2 red lights. I was looking down on it as I was on the second floor of my home. The red lights were very bright and intense and there was no sound. I couldn’t wrap my head around what it was and went back to bed for a minute and went to look again and then it was gone. I can’t stop thinking about it and can’t talk to anyone about it because they’ll think I’m crazy.

      3. I know what you saw is exactly what you saw, lights going around the UFO yellow, green,blue. I saw the same thing. I knew people were going to think I’m seeing things. But I know what I saw. I recently started telling a few people and they think I’m crazy I’ve been looking for people who have seen the same sightings around 1990-1994 and saw this amazing craft. My story is different i was walking home around 8-9 pm I was like 13-15 years old and I saw lights going around a dark grey saucer like 1000 feet away maybe like 1000 feet in the sky I saw the lights all around the object and the last thing I remember I was sitting up in my bed in my house and I remember seeing the light leaving my window and I lived in a basement in Freeport Long Island

  81. My family (William Reed) was living at Muddy River at the time of the recorded UFO siting in 1639. I was wondering if any other descendants of families from this time and place have continued through the last 200+ years to witness UFOs no matter where in the country we have moved? I have told my Mother we see them because we look up. So many people never bother to look at the sky and even fewer wonder what they are seeing.

  82. I was 9 years old in 1957 and lived in Ludlow, Ma. I loved astronomy and would get up late and look at the stars from my window. One night I was looking at a hill that had a glow coming from behind it from the town of Indian Orchard. I saw a huge (hundreds of feet long) black object hovering but moving slowly over the hill and had a small bluish/white light on the forward edge turning on and off now and then. After a short time it seemed to move downward behind the hill. Someone told me that the Ludlow police had observed a similar object late that night. I’ve done a search of old newspapers but haven’t found any reports like that. I believe it was an August night in 1957.

    1. That was probably a space Ark I used to think they just went to designated planet there’s scene so often but I must just go out and find a planet that suits them my guess is they’re so far from home they never return they keep going till they find the type of Planet they’re looking for

  83. Back in the late 1970’s my family lived on a remote dairy farm in New Zealand. One night they were out side after milking the cows and were walking up to the house. Across the valley and into the sky they saw a white light moving across the sky, stop dead in in its tracks and race away as fast as a shooting star across upwards. to this day they have no idea what they saw!

  84. In 1968 in Bridgeport, Ct The East Side. Was outside with my sister and neigborhood friends and my grandmother. Was late afternoon of summertime, saw two objects in the sky and then suddenly one had backtracked to where we were standing on the side walk. The street was Union Ave 3 houses from Blessed Sacrament School and hover a few feet above the telephone pole next to my home and the house next door to us. Had cylinder shape dome top, grey metal and multi color lights that blinked on and off in sequence. It stood hovering like five minutes and then suddenly zoomed out at lightening speed. Many reports of this and in surrounding states like New York at this time frame as they headed in that direction.

  85. In the summer of 1965 (July or August), I was walking from Harvard Square to the Charles River. At the river, people were pointing up at a object perhaps 300′ altitude. It was large, cigar shaped with what I recall as 2 rows of multi-color flashing lights. My first impression was that it was a large helicopter but then I realized that it made no sound whatsoever. After a few minutes it shot off at a high rate of speed again with no sound.

    To do this day, I have no idea what I saw. As a licensed pilot, it did not conform to any of the known aircraft or propulsion systems. Maybe an anti-gravity device would explain this sighting and the recent naval pilot reports of UAPs with extreme speeds, abrupt course changes, and nothing that would conform to known aircraft. These are truly remarkable events with speeds in the thousands of mph and maneuverability that would exceed the g forces that a human could withstand.

    1. I saw something that looked exactly like you described around the same time period, but in Woonsocket, RI. I believe it was seen by quite a few people, and written about next day in Woonsocket Call newspaper, but I can’t find that reference. Saw it with other family members including my mom. I remember the multi-color lights, because they weren’t common on aircraft back then.

  86. In 1965, I lived in Ogunquit Maine and I was 11 years old. We had a glider swing in our backyard. I was resting on the swing laying down and opened my eyes to see a huge, silver disc-shaped spacecraft hovering above me in the air in broad daylight. I was petrified and couldn’t move, until a few seconds later it took off and began to move across the sky. I jumped on my bicycle and tried to keep track of where it was going, but it moved so quickly I gave up. There were many sightings of UFOs in the southern NH and Maine area during the sixties. Months later the manager who worked in my father’s business also spotted a UFO hovering in the skyline at dusk over the amusement park we owned. Maybe it was attracted to all the bright color lights of the park rides, but the manager grabbed his camera and took photos of it, while many people witnessed the object in the sky and then disappeared. The worker reported the incident to the police and a report was made and sent to the Air Force. Nothing was ever mentioned about it like it never happened, but to this day I know what I saw above me as a child, and there were visitations of aliens in the area.

  87. In 1975 Dunedin new zealand, i was at primary school when a ufo came over our school, i was in the library and kids came running in saying there was a ufo, when i ran out to see, the whole school was there kids and teachers. It was a bright white light in the sky that was darting in and out of the clouds, jusr zipping all over the place. the strangest thing looking back now, is that although i was so excited at the time, i don’t think i ever told anyone, not even my parents, life just went on as usual.

  88. I grew up in a city just about 10 to 15 minutes from Boston. I was in grade school when I saw a spaceship. Other family members also saw the craft but do not like to talk about it. I was more in awe than afraid. It was disc shaped and metallic light gray. It stayed stationary a little over the height of the home to the left of my home and over the street. It was large enough to knock over houses but that didn’t happen. There was a dome on the top. There was no sound. There were rotating lights in the middle, rotating all around the craft. It appeared that the lights went on one by one in a circular motion. At some point, my Mom said let’s get into the house.

      1. Carolyn D. described it very well the lights were yellow blue green and red nobody says blue but I saw blue right before I saw a 10 ft round White light that only lights directly down like a beam under the center it was above me in Freeport Long Island it was like 91I guess like early 90s. Hi then doing some research and I saw the picture that’s above and I’ve never seen what I saw 30 years ago till today August 28 1:50 a.m. and immediately I could never I couldn’t stop shaking and I’m still shaking and I never shake it I’m freaking out I’ve never seen it ever again till today in the picture above I can’t even look at it so much I keep scrolling the picture away it scares me to see it well I don’t wanna say scared but I have a weird feeling but I see the picture of what I saw and I know what I saw I’m bugging out

        1. Similar to you, when I was about 13, my family and I were getting up to leave my house for Disney around 2:30am. At the time, I did not have a phone so I used to always look outside. Well I looked outside this night and over to my right maybe 150-200ft away was this metallic circle. I think it was abducting someone because it looked like it was just starting up its engines. It was hovering but I saw a yellow, blue, green, and red light go around in a circle and it beamed to space leaving white and blue tracers behind kind of like how to show The Orville, how their spacecrafts leave. It was very cool, and I have seen numerous other Unidentified lights in the sky. Super bright ones that in the clear of night just blink out of existence or are really bright and when they move the just faded out but almost instantly. Another time, I was walking down my street and I looked up and saw this neon red line. it went straight for a smidge and then zig zagged back and forth, there is no fricking way that a plane could’ve done that or what I don’t know but I can’t wait to see more weird, cool, or “terrifying” ufo experiences that others have.

    1. I saw the same craft living in Wayland Mass. around 1972.I looked outside from the dinner table and saw a disc with rotating multicolored lights around it.when I told everyone to look at the Saucer,it was gone and I have looked like a liar my whole life.I know what I saw.this disc shaped ufo was definately in the Wayland Mass. area in the early 1970’s.I just want to know which race of Aliens flies the discs?and which ones fly the cigar shape ones-Both of these kind of crafts have been seen fighting,in the sky,on the Moon,on Jupiter’s Moon’s too.This changed my life completely

      1. I too saw and had an amazing life-changing experience in the summer of 72 while in Bridgewater Mass. Again in 75 or 76. It is a complete let down the world is not built to understand, unless you went through it.

  89. It was probably 1956-1958 that I was standing in a field in Salem, Ma. and some low clouds came over my, then opened in an almost perfect circle and a bright light came through and at the same time I heard what sounded like a huge chorus chanting or singing something. Then, the hole in the cloud closed and the voices also stopped at the same time. I didn’t hear any planes or helicopters above the clouds. Years later I had a memory of lost time, but I can’t be sure of this part of what happened. However, the first part I completely remember. There were no homes, cars, people nearby.

  90. My mother, brother and I were kids (mid to late 70’s) . We live at (Seacrest or Mariners Village) 252 Circuit Rd. Portsmouth NH. This is now either Portsmouth Blvd or Osprey Dr. We noticed our bedrooms were lit up from some light outside, so we looked out the windows facing the the backyard (to the ESE I believe) wooded area and saw a saucer or flattened saucer shaped glowing lights in the sky. It moved sideways slowly then went down and disappeared. Then two man man sized figures walked out of the woods in all white suits that looked like space suits or those infectious disease white suites with helmets. They walked side by side carrying something in their arms. We thought they looked like space flight suits. They walked between our unit and the neighbors. The next morning we noticed that the grass was flattened. The path was narrow and only one person could fit on the path. When they came out from between the houses they were not wearing the flight suits. It looked like two 6′ tall men walking away. All three of us saw the two walk out wearing white space suits. We called Pease AFB, and the local newspaper the Portsmouth Herald. Pease AFB denied any thing was observed. The Portsmouth Herald reported that Seacrest Village reported a light at the pool went out and the Portsmouth Fire Department reported they were putting out a small brush fire. My mother is convinced neither is true, that we saw aliens and the rest is a cover-up? I remember how real it seemed as a kid, and how strange it was seeing those men walking side by side out of the woods, after seeing the hovering light. I suspect that many people saw it if it made its way into the local paper. We estimate it was around 1976. A thorough search of the Portsmouth Herold’s achieves may give more precise details on time frame?

    1. Not that I ever experienced any ufo sighting here but as a child in the 80’S, I lived at 252 circuit rd in portsmouth……

  91. Greetings Earthlings

    My spaceship was witnessed by two sober men on Sandwich Beach, Cape Cod. it must have been in the 2000’s. The object whirled and was stationary. Suddenly, after thirty or so minutes the object left a cloud trail and elevated till it vanished. I wonder if the local AFB noticed any arial phenomenon on their radar. Thanks.

  92. Today, September 26, 2022, about 8:00pm est, in Adams, MA. Myself, my wife, my grandson and two of our best friends were sitting out by the fire pit in the back yard. As I was looking up at the sky I saw a row of about 50+ lights flying above the clouds coming from over the mountains of Pittsfield, MA. As I got the attention of everyone we all watched these lights fly over us heading in a 70° East/North East direction and cruising at about airliner speed. This row of lights was so long that if it were to land it looked as if it would have covered all of Adams and some of North Adams. It was huge! It made no sound, had no exhaust trail and all the lights flew in formation! Whatever it was it wasn’t from this planet! I spent 6 yrs in the US Air Force 1986-1992, and in my whole 6yrs in the military have I never seen anything like this! Was just wondering if anyone else seen it? If so, what do you think it was? All I know is that it freaked us all out!! Thanks for listening!

  93. I saw an unidentified object in the sky as I was stuck in traffic in Northborough, MA, yesterday 10/27/22 around 5:30pm. It was far, but extremely big to be a airplane, I kept looking at it trying to make sense of what it could be, but it did not make any sense, I started to feel silly and stupid for no good reason (I really cannot explain why I felt that way), I felt like my brain broke, I kept looking up and down to make sure I wasn’t imagining it, and it was flying still on the same place I previously saw it, then I took a deep breath and said to myself “you are going crazy, you’re seeing things”, looked down on my phone and looked up again, it was not there anymore, and then I looked for it in the sky because I was like, if it was a plane, this is an open sky, no way it would disappear this fast, then I saw it again on the other side of the sky, at first it was on my right side then It was all the way to my left side making it impossible to be an airplane because of how fast it got there, I kept looking to see if the other cars around me was seeing it too, but everyone was either on their phone or just not looking at the sky. I looked again, and I stared at it for at least a minute straight, looked down again and boom, disappeared. My brain is still processing the event, it was so outlander, it was so far and so big that felt close enough, I cannot make sense of it, I told 3 people I really trust, because I don’t want anyone thinking I’m bunkers, but I cannot explain it, my brain feels broke.

  94. I would like to add that back to the 1970s one of my best friends and I were laying on the grass on a warm summer night and looked up at the sky and we both noticed an object moving in a square around the moon I will never forget this is this forever Ashton my mind. This occurred in Northeast Harbor Maine on Mount desert island.

  95. Lived just south of Exeter NH for 30 years. Saw a good number of unidentified objects in the sky. Black shapes , some with lights, mostly silent.
    Operation Blue Book was active at Pease AFB at the time. I called in the beginning , seems they had LOTS of ” “weather balloons ” deployed.
    Met an AF Officer one time at a party who told me I lived in an area where there were a huge # of UFOs seen.
    No.one ever landed to have a chat .

    1. I was in Exeter in August of 1996 staying with a friend. We were hungry so we went to his aunts house who made us sandwhiches. She had weird star charts in her living room and when she saw I was interested in them told me about her abduction experience. Turned out her name was Betty… Hill! To this day I can’t believe I had a chance to chat with her as a teen. A few months later I had my own “UFO” experience which I wrote about in response to one of the commenta above.

  96. In the late summer of 1989, Groveland-Station NY, myself and three others seen an orange sphere either form or come down through the cloud cover right over top of us. It was around 4-6PM EST, a somewhat dark and cloudy day.

    We were at the Groveland Fireman Field and Park, a public park / playground. I was 15 and lived across the street from the park. We were standing in a 4-point circle talking when I noticed the sun appeared to be peaking through the clouds and it was getting brighter. I looked up and it looked like the sun was indeed coming through the clouds. I looked back down and thought, finally some sun, when my brain immediately said, but wait, the sun doesn’t come through the clouds. I looked back up to see the object pushing through the clouds, forming a circle of cloud around it. Then I pointed up and yelled UFO! My friends looked up and as they stayed at it, I jumped up and down, waving my hands, yelling “Beam me up! There is intelligent life down here!”

    The object continued to descend through the clouds. Then hovered above us for 30secs to a minute, and then shot off towards the NE. I could not tell if it landed or cleared the horizon, but it was out if view within 2-3 seconds. There was no sound that we could hear, no sonic boom, and no wind felt from the object accelerating. I did notice the light from the object reflecting off the clouds as the object traveled below the cloud cover.

    20 years later, I visited one of my friends that was there. I asked, do you remember Groveland, and before I could say more, he said, “The UFO!” I have often wondered what I seen that day and wanted to hear what he saw, without interjecting. So, I asked him to tell me what he remembered. He remembered it as I do, except from where he was standing, the object shot over his left shoulder. For me, I watched it go that direction until it was no longer visible as I was standing directly in front of him. He also does not recall me jumping up and down, yelling at the object. That last part, him not remembering has me wondering why? I recall the three of them looking up, and the more I think about it, the more it looked like a trance. Not sure. I would later meet a lady, who knows the other two friends, which I have not seen since 1989. I started to tell her about the UFO and she said, “o’ yeah, I heard about that from them”. So, at lease I know I am not crazy and did not somehow imagine the event.

    The best description I have is, it looked like the sun. It was orange / yellow and very bright, but I could still look directly at it. Perhaps a type of ball lightening or plasma? I do not know. There are a lot of landmarks NE from the park, including lakes. Perhaps it was going to one? There may be ancient stonework in the area. Perhaps it was going to one of them? I tend to think it was ball lightening and because we were standing in a circle, we created a stronger negative charge (ground) for the upper positive change (sky / clouds), it did after all form directly over top of us. Still, I would expect sound if ball lightening. Maybe, we created the right connection for a UFO to come through a portal / wormhole? The park is on the hill, closer to the clouds. The entire event lasted 1-2 minutes.

    1. I saw something similar in late fall of 1996 in De Soto National Forest in Mississippi canping with some friends. I was walking up a forest service road to the campfire when I saw a glowing sphere about 100 feet above the pines. It didn’t move so I thought it might be the moon, but the moon was in a different part of the sky. I ran to the campfire to get the others and we stared at it trying to decide what we were seeing. Some in thw group thoughr UFO, others secret military aircraft and others ball lightning. Things got weird when I started feeling like it was teyi g tro communicate with me. The last thing I can remember is the others suddenly leaving which felt strange to do and me walking off the road into the woods alone. Like you said, it seemed like my friends were in a trance. I mean really who just walks off when they see something odd in the sky? The next thing I recall is layong down in the dirt on the outer circle of the forest pit and everyone else is already asleep. No idea what happened during this missing time. The next day I tried to talk about what happened but everyone was like a robot saying it was ball lightning as if there was nothing else to say on the matter and changed the subject.

  97. As a young child in the early 80’s in South Boston. MIght have been 8-10 years old at the time not sure
    Playing on my back porch on the second floor, when I looked up towards the third floor which was just a set of stairs to a flat black top somewhat like a patio. I saw what I thought was a human sized praying mantis head /face looking down over the edge. It scared me so I quickly ran inside and told my mother who cane out to look but saw nothing. For years I wondered where a human sized matis would live in Southee. I have just recently viewed a video that was taken in Nevada and Ill tell you what …..they look just like what I saw on that back porch.

  98. My mother once told me she saw something, a bright green light, in the sky in the 1990s in Worcester County. It was stationary and then suddenly moved at incredible speed.