98.5 percentage of 20,646 starting runners who crossed the finish line at the 2007 Boston Marathon 414 pairs of nesting bald eagles counted in Maine in 2006, up from 21 pairs in 1967 $1,103 World Series share per player for the 1918 champion Boston Red Sox $308,236 […]
percentage of 20,646 starting runners who crossed the finish line at the 2007 Boston Marathon
pairs of nesting bald eagles counted in Maine in 2006, up from 21 pairs in 1967
World Series share per player for the 1918 champion Boston Red Sox
World Series share per player for the 2007 champion Boston Red Sox
nesting pairs of bald eagles in the other five New England states, including one in Rhode Island (not a historical nesting site)
gallons of sap required to produce one gallon of pure maple syrup
Irish pubs in Massachusetts, 102 of them in Boston’s neighborhoods and closest suburbs
temperature recorded at Lac Frontière, Maine, on March 9, 1943: coldest March day ever recorded in New England
catalogs shipped annually by Maine outfitter L.L. Bean, which this year plans to get 90 percent of its paper from responsibly managed forests or recycling
ticks on a young moose in Maine, where warming temperatures have moved the 8-legged critters’ range northward