
Mark Twain Rented Cats | Footnote to History

Mark Twain was never without cats, even when he traveled. In a pinch, he would even rent kittens. Find out more…

Coffee By Design | Portland, Maine

Photo Credit : Katherine Keenan
Although she was only 13 when she wrote a biography of her famous father, Mark Twain’s daughter Susy was as perceptive about the author as any of his subsequent biographers. “The difference between papa and mama,” she wrote, “is that mama loves morals and papa loves cats.”
mark twain rented cats
Did you know Mark Twain rented cats when he traveled?
Photo Credit : Geroge Eastman Museum via Flickr
This worship of cats began in his boyhood in Hannibal, Missouri, and continued until his death in Redding, Connecticut, on April 21, 1910. He was never without cats, even when he traveled. In a pinch, he would rent kittens. The most famous cat-renting episode occurred in Dublin, New Hampshire, in 1906. Twain biographer Albert Bigelow Paine was there when the author rented three kittens for the summer. One he named Sackcloth. The other two were identical and went under the joint name of Ashes. “He didn’t wish to own them, for then he would have to leave them behind uncared for,” Paine explained, “so he preferred to rent them and pay sufficiently to ensure their subsequent care.” Even in the midst of dictation, Twain would stop to tend to his kittens. “Once, as he was about to enter the screen door that led into the hall, two kittens ran up in front of him and stood waiting,” Paine recalled. “With grave politeness he opened the door, made a low bow, and stepped back and said, ‘Walk in, gentlemen. I always give precedence to royalty.'” Twain summed up his attitude toward cats when he wrote: “A home without a cat — and a well-fed, well-petted, and properly revered cat — may be a perfect home, perhaps, but how can it prove title?” Excerpt from “Mark Twain Rents a Cat,” Yankee Magazine, April 1990.

Mack Hitch

More by Mack Hitch

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  1. My wife loves cats and she also can’t be without at least 3 cats. Would love to see the 1990 excerpt if possible

  2. The cats tops off the tour of the home. I can’t even think of Samuel Clemens Mark Twain without a smile on my lips and a chuckle coming from deep down in my heart. We live and Maine and this will be my first travel after CoVid becomes History.

  3. Wish there was a link to the original article . . . Just spent 15 minutes trying to locate the April 1990 issue, to no avail . . .

  4. This made my day. I always knew he was a kind gentle soul. My imagination allows me to see Mr. Twain in all kinds of situation with the cats. And his kindness showed in renting them when necessary so the cat(s) would not be abandoned when he moved on. He had such an affection for characters like Huck Finn, etc. and this is the frosting on the cake. Oh what cheer in the midst of Co-Vid.