Yankee’s annual travel guide is filled with inspiration for the ultimate New England summer getaway. Here are some of our favorite ideas for dog lovers.
Five great lodging options for four-legged guests.
2018 Editors’ Picks for Dog Lovers | Wag-Worthy Overnights Photo Credit : Corey Hendrickson
Mt. Philo Inn
Charlotte, VT
Too often “cozy” can signal cramped quarters, but not at this gracious 1896 inn overlooking the long sparkle of Lake Champlain. Its four apartment-style suites and many porches provide ample room for you and your canine companion to spread out. To really stretch your legs, hit the old carriage road that winds from the back door to Mount Philo itself. With all the fellow dog walkers you’ll pass on your way to the summit, it’s easy to see how this place earned the nickname “Mount Fido.” mtphiloinn.com
Cabins at Lopstick
Pittsburg, NH
Search for #dogslovelopstick and you’ll see snapshots of pups gazing out from a mountaintop, cruising in a motorboat, hanging out at an ice fishing hole, and even just snoozing in front of a cabin fireplace. Furry faces are familiar ones at this Great North Woods getaway, where more than half of the 57 housekeeping cabins are pet-friendly. Gun dogs like retrievers and pointers are a natural fit at Lopstick, a longtime favorite of hunters—but any mutt will surely love hearing the call of the wild. cabinsatlopstick.com
Woof Cottages
Nantucket, MA
Cuter than a wee lobster chew toy, these 12 wharfside cottages at the Nantucket Boat Basin overlook no detail in welcoming dogs to island life: a basket of treats and toys, a personalized ID tag, a high-end therapeutic pet bed, and even doggie sunscreen. Owners, meanwhile, get a list of Nantucket’s many pet-friendly attractions—and can direct additional inquiries to Bailey the concierge, a black Lab mix who knows all the island’s ins and outs. thecottagesnantucket.com
Grace Vanderbilt
Newport, RI
Though it’ll cost more than some kibble, you and your pup can live like tycoons at this 1909 Vanderbilt family mansion restored as one of Newport’s finest hotels. For hobnobbing, the garden terrace regularly hosts a “Yappy Hour” that features treats from the hotel’s “Gracious Canine Menu” (think: steak tips and wild grain pilaf, peanut butter–banana frozen yogurt). Even dog walking is elevated here, thanks to the hotel’s proximity to the ne plus ultra of seaside strolls, the Newport Cliff Walk. gracehotels.com
Inn by the Sea
Cape Elizabeth, ME
Let’s face it: Rover won’t care much about Inn by the Sea’s many eco-friendly initiatives, from its native-plant gardens to its recycled paper key cards. But he’ll be swept off his paws by the dog-friendly touches at this upscale coastal Maine hotel. Plush pet blankets and Maine-made turndown treats are standard, while the “INNcredible Pets” package adds a doggie massage session, nightly snacks from the gourmet pet menu, and a personalized L.L. Bean bed. innbythesea.com
Aka: Canine ambassador for Boston’s Fairmont Copley Plaza.
Breed: Black Lab (age 7).
Duties: Giving hotel guests their exercise.
Likes: Riding bellman’s carts.
Noted: Successor to Catie Copley, reputedly the world’s first canine concierge, who passed away in 2017.
Aka: UConn mascot.
Breed: Siberian husky (age 4).
Duties: Boosting school spirit, serving as students’ bucket-list celeb encounter.
Likes: Snowy romps with his brother, previous mascot Jonathan XIII.
Noted: Helped a UConn alum propose last year by wearing a ring box on his collar.
Aka:“The Thing of Evil.”
Breed: Welsh Corgi (age 3).
Duties: Stealing the spotlight from her doting owner, Maine horror-master Stephen King.
Likes: Disemboweling toys, thwarting goodness.
Noted: King will push you in front of a zombie horde to save this dog.
Aka: “The Most Famous Dog in Boston.”
Breed: Samoyed (age 12).
Duties: Making humans happy, owning the Internet.
Likes: Good deeds, bow ties.
Noted: Rose to fame as a fluffy, huggable therapist on Boston Common after the 2013 marathon bombings.
Aka: “Vermont’s Canine Ambassador.”
Breed: Bergamasco (age 10).
Duties: Greeting visitors at Montpelier’s The Quirky Pet.
Likes: Rocking dreadlocks, chilling with fellow Bergamascos (Cuba and Aria).
Noted: Over 9,000 people have had a photo taken with this guy. Google him, and we bet you’ll want one, too.