
AUDIO: Captain Richard Phillips

MORE: Yankee‘s interview with Captain Richard Phillips AUDIO Interview: Andrea Phillips _________ In April 2009, the world watched while Captain Richard Phillips of Underhill, Vermont, was held hostage by pirates off the East African Coast. Listen to his accounts in interviews with Yankee editor Mel Allen. Captain Phillips on the Business of Piracy: In Somalia, […]

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Photo Credit : Katherine Keenan
"I've been known as a taskmaster on drills," says Merchant Marine captain Richard Phillips. "I've been in enough emergencies at sea to know that when things happen, it's not usually the way you planned them."
“I’ve been known as a taskmaster on drills,” says Merchant Marine captain Richard Phillips. “I’ve been in enough emergencies at sea to know that when things happen, it’s not usually the way you planned them.”
Photo Credit : Smith, Dana
MORE: Yankee‘s interview with Captain Richard Phillips AUDIO Interview: Andrea Phillips _________ In April 2009, the world watched while Captain Richard Phillips of Underhill, Vermont, was held hostage by pirates off the East African Coast. Listen to his accounts in interviews with Yankee editor Mel Allen. Captain Phillips on the Business of Piracy: In Somalia, piracy has become a thriving industry supported by a class of workers and investors who never set foot on a captured vessel. Captain Phillips describes the attack on his vessel, how it was made possible, and how it did not go according to plan. Captain Phillips on his Escape Attempt: Before being rescued by Navy snipers, Captain Phillips attempted an escape of his own. He recounts his desperate plunge into the Arabian Sea and the panicked moments he spent under the lifeboat, hiding from his captors.

Yankee Magazine

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