How many cheeseburgers you can make with 38 pounds of cheese? We do the math on the Vermont cheese industry with this fun collection of Vermont cheese facts and numbers.
Date of annual Vermont Cheesemakers Festival in Shelburne, VT
Ratio of Vermont cheese makers to residents (more per capita than in any other U.S. state)
Annual value of Vermont cheese
Different varieties of cheeses made in Vermont
Length in miles of the Vermont Cheese Trail, which stops at more than 40 cheese makers
Years running that Vermont cheeses have won Best in Show prizes at the American Cheese Society contest
Number of Vermont cheese businesses owned and operated by women
Date of founding of Crowley Cheese Factory (oldest cheese factory in the state) in Healdville, VT
Years since Cabot Creamery Cooperative was founded in Cabot, VT
Years needed to age Cabot’s Centennial Cheddar (currently the longest-aged Vermont cheese)
Cost of a 38-pound wheel of aged cheddar at the Vermont Country Store
Estimated number of cheeseburgers you can make with 38 pounds of cheese