For the Weekends with Yankee episode “Walk on the Wild Side” (season 4, episode 3), we visited the Maine Wildlife Park, a sanctuary for injured and orphaned wildlife, including the majestic moose. Moose are more than mere players in New England’s ecosystem; in terms of tourism, they’re a star attraction. Hoping to see a moose for yourself? Read on for moose-spotting advice from regional experts.
A moose on the loose in New Hampshire. Photo Credit : Jeffrey Aiello
New England Moose-Watching Advice
The Best Way to Moose Watch
Moose-watching is best done by car—just don’t stop too close to them or get out of the vehicle. Remember: These are wild animals and always should be treated with respect and caution.
The Best Time to Moose Watch
The best time for moose-watching is in mid-May through July, when they move into open wetlands to feed. Like most members of the deer family, moose are crepuscular, meaning they’re most active at dawn and twilight.
Where to See Moose
Keep your eyes peeled for bogs and wetlands, where moose tend to hang out. They’re also drawn to salt licks, which is why many prime moose-spotting routes have areas where road salt runoff has built up.
If you’re hoping to spot a moose in New Hampshire, try looking along Route 16 north of Milan; Route 26 east of Dixville Notch; Route 112 east from Lincoln to Bear Notch Road; and Route 110 north of Berlin to Route 110A.
For moose in Vermont, you may have luck on Route 114 in Canaan and East Burke; Route 105 from Island Pond to Canaan; and the viewing platform at Route 105 and Notch Pond Road in North Brunswick.
How about where to see moose in Maine? The moose population in Maine is among the biggest in the U.S., which means this state has entire regions worth checking out: Western Lakes and Mountains, Kennebec Valley, Maine Highlands, and Aroostook County.
Research by Heather Tourgee. Sources: Wendy Bolduc, Maine Inland Fisheries and Wildlife; Susan Warner, Vermont Fish and Wildlife; Katelyn White, NH Grand