Readers respond to their favorite Yankee magazine articles.
Gifts Received
After several reading sessions over several days, I have finally finished every story in your November/December issue. I looked online at the instructions for the boiled mittens [“Knitty Gritty”], I’ve suggested to my college girlfriends that we meet in Marblehead for our holiday shopping lunch [“Could You Live Here?”], and I’ve ordered three copies of the book about the Bucksport paper mill for Christmas gifts [“The Town That Refused to Die”]. My Yankee consumption is not usually so thorough, but this issue seemed uncommonly nutritious.
Marge Davis Mount Juliet, Tennessee
When my husband came home with Yankee’s holiday issue, I lit up like a menorah (both because I’m Jewish and I prefer candlelight) and plunged right in. From Ben Hewitt’s column in praise of solitude [“Time Alone”] to the profile of quiet radical Bill Coperthwaite [“The Tinkerer of Dickinson’s Creek”], with sweets and visual treats scattered throughout, I couldn’t have enjoyed the magazine more.
After living in the Bay Area, I’ve returned to the East Coast to settle not in my native New York but rather the wee Ocean State. Rhode Island and I are still trying to figure each other out, but at least I can say it introduced me to your magazine, which I will subscribe to as my gift to me. I’ve been exceedingly good this year, promise.
Nancy King Providence, Rhode Island
Taking Issue
Regarding the reader who recently wrote in to say she does not want to read about the opioid problem in Yankee: I almost rejoiced to read that article about Gloucester, Massachusetts [“Port in a Storm,” September/October]. That city seems to have an answer to this tragic U.S. phenomenon that is killing our young people. I say thank you, Yankee, and please continue printing such thoughtful articles.
Susan Manning Vassalboro, Maine
Letters for Edie
When editor Mel Allen wrote that Yankee’s November/December issue would, after more than two decades, be the last one to include a “Mary’s Farm” column by Edie Clark, he suggested that her fans continue to write to Edie here at Yankee as she recovers from a series of strokes. Many readers responded, often with lengthy, heartfelt messages of support. Here is but one example, from Diane Claveau of Freedom, New Hampshire: “I called your books better than yoga. Your words lower my blood pressure, calm my day, put me to rest at the end of the day…. I wish you well. Thanks for all the times you’ve warmed my heart.” Edie wants everyone to know how much the notes mean to her.