A frequent contributor to Yankee Magazine, photographer Sara Gray was inspired by her summer 2015 assignment to revisit the Connecticut landscapes made so famous by Impressionist painters. Sara says the experience of traveling and photographing in their footsteps left her feeling connected to the painters, their artwork, and the landscape in new and exciting ways. Please enjoy this selection of some of Sara’s favorite shots.
See the full feature, “Old Lyme, Connecticut | A Place Just Waiting to Be Painted,” in our July/August 2015 issue.
Farmland near Tiffany Farm bathed in early morning light. Photo Credit : Sara GrayLieutenant River from the grounds of the Florence Griswold Museum. Photo Credit : Sara GrayFlorence Griswold Museum, the front exterior of the original home. Photo Credit : Sara GrayThe famous porch at Florence Griswold Museum in late afternoon light. Alos the setting for the photograph of the Hot Air Club and a painting by William Chadwick. Photo Credit : Sara GrayWilliam Chadwick Studio at the Florence Griswold Museum. Photo Credit : Sara GrayPainter Shannon Chapman on the grounds of the Florence Griswold Museum in Old Lyme, Connecticut. Photo Credit : Sara GrayStill life with paint tubes at WIlliam Chatwick’s studio. Photo Credit : Sara GrayA pair of cows at rest during sunrise at Tiffany Farm. Photo Credit : Sara GrayTiffany Farm buildings and fields at sunrise. Photo Credit : Sara GrayFoggy landscape near Ashlawn Farm. Photo Credit : Sara GrayLieutenant River boater. The scene reminded the photographer of river paintings she had seen at the museum. Photo Credit : Sara GraySailboat at sunrise on the Connecticut River. Another scene reminiscent of the subjects painted by many impressionist paintings at the museum. Photo Credit : Sara Gray