Judging Hannah Duston | The Colonial Woman Famous for Scalping Her Captors
What Hannah Duston did in 1697 earned her the praise and thanks from her neighbors. Nowadays, we might recoil in horror.

Coffee By Design | Portland, Maine
Photo Credit : Katherine KeenanNow a Yankee classic, “Judging Hannah Duston” was first published in January, 1995.

It is hard to imagine scalping a person. There is adhesive tissue under the dermis that must be cut and pulled at. The scalp bleeds freely, and the instrument, especially if crude, like a hand-forged iron knife, would be clumsy and slippery when wet.
And what of the revulsion one might feel at handling a dead human thus? Had Hannah Duston’s life prepared her for that? She was certainly used to wringing chickens’ necks, helping with the slaughter of cows and pigs. Further, she must have been angry when she scalped the ten Indians who had recently been her captors. They had attacked her farm, dragged her from her bed, and burned her house. They had brained her week-old infant and taken her captive, forcing her to walk many miles north in March while scantily dressed. For all she knew, the rest of her family was dead.
Moreover, she was no stranger to horror. She had been captured at the tail end of King William’s War, in an era distinguished for its savagery on both sides, and many outlying British settlements had already been plundered and burned.
When I tell Hannah’s story, when I try to imagine her acts, this context is paramount. I judge her in the light of the history that preceded her, not the history that followed.
It is March 15, 1697. There is still snow on the ground, though it has melted away in sunny spots from the bases of bushes and trees. To the northwest of the main town of Haverhill there are six or so buildings, surrounded by fields and meadow. This is where Hannah Duston lives in a small brick house.
Hannah is lying in a feather bed. She is chatting with Mary Neff, her aunt and also the local midwife. Hannah had borne a girl child six days before. She is wearing her nightclothes and a sanitary napkin made of flax. She is not bleeding a lot; that is good. And her milk is in. The babe is nursing well; she is a strong infant.
I imagine Mary at the “chimney,” the large open fireplace where they cook all their meals, where they get warm. She must start preparing dinner soon — salt pork, beans, and applesauce. There are still some apples in the cellar, punky, to be sure, wormy, but they make a nice sauce. And at the tag end of winter it’s nice to have something fresh.
The children are outside playing. They range in age from 18 to three. There isn’t much work to do in March, other than splitting wood. The fields aren’t ready to be plowed. The stock has been cared for in the barn.
Thomas, Hannah’s husband, is out in the fields. He’s looking them over, seeing where the water collects, thinking where he might ditch the meadow. He has his gun with him, the long rifle, as it is known. Last summer, in Haverhill, four were killed while in their field, picking beans. But what can he do? It’s terrible living inside the garrisons; it’s crowded and boring. Their land, their house need them. If Thomas keeps his wits about him, and if the Lord wills it, he and his family will make it through this difficult time.
If the Lord wills it. Do Thomas and Hannah Duston truly believe that? They must. They are constantly encouraged to examine all incidents in the light of how they illustrate God’s plan. A priest may be an agent of Satan, smallpox the instrument of God.
But they must be motivated by deeper, more primitive instincts as well. They are human, and they want to live. They like to eat, laugh, drink beer, smoke tobacco, have sex. They are willing to fight. When they examine their hearts, they may secretly accept their small daily lapses, their lusty appetites.
Let us meet some other instruments of God, hidden at the edge of the clearing where Thomas is staring at the sky. They have feathers in their scalp locks and their faces are painted red. They are carrying tomahawks and flintlocks.
Thomas catches a movement out of the corner of his eye. Ten Indians step from behind the trees. They level their guns at him and a series of shots break the morning stillness. Thomas leaps on his shying horse and gallops toward the house, screaming as he rides. “Indians! Run to the Marsh garrison! Now! Lord save us!”
The children drop their sticks and stones, their rag dolls, and do as bid, grabbing the young ones up. But the garrison is a mile away, the Indians are already near. Their chances of making it are slim.
Thomas rushes into the house. Hannah is getting out of bed. Mary grabs the infant and runs out the door.
“Indians,” Thomas says.
“Run,” Hannah tells him. “Save the children.”
“But,” he says.
“Run,” she commands. And as he turns and runs out the door, neither thinks to say good-bye. There isn’t time. Several Indians have already captured Mary Neff. They are distracted by her while Thomas leaps back on his horse and gallops away. The children are only 40 rods from the house. A rod is 16-1/2 feet. Six hundred and 60 feet they have run, the older ones carrying the younger children, who don’t fully understand the urgency. Thomas rides up among them. His plan is to snatch up one child, or two, and ride away with them to save a few. But as he looks among them, their faces blanched, their braids awry, their lips chapped from the long winter, he cannot choose. He decides that he will die if necessary. The Indians are in pursuit. He stops his horse, dismounts, and using the horse as a barrier, threatens the small group of pursuers with a gun. They take cover and fire upon him. Miracle of miracles, neither he nor his horse is hit. He jumps back on the horse and rides up to his children. The Indians reload their guns and renew the pursuit. Again Thomas dismounts and menaces them. Again they fire, and he is not hit. After a time the Indians give up. There are easier spoils back at the group of undefended houses where the attack began.
Hannah and Mary, for instance. Why they are not killed outright is not clear. I am inclined to call it luck; they would call it divine providence. History gives an armature of facts, to which we must give weight and substance. And here is a fact. Twenty-seven killed. Thirteen taken. Thirty-three percent were spared. Not odds I’d care to face.
The captives are collected into a group with 20 or so Indians. The victors are carrying items rifled quickly from the now-burning houses, including a large piece of cloth torn from Hannah’s loom. Hannah is huddled beside Mary, hardly aware of her one bare foot. In her haste to dress she left a shoe behind.
Their captors do not head toward the garrisons; they have less chance of taking them. They turn back north to get away with what they have. This is a small raid; there are no French among them.
Mary, carrying the baby, stumbles. The baby begins to cry. Before Mary knows what is happening, an Indian wrests the baby from her. The baby’s name is Martha. She weighs, probably, six pounds. It is not difficult to take her by the feet and swing her in the air. It is not difficult to smash her head against a nearby apple tree. Hannah and Mary stumble on, out of sight, too afraid to protest, too shocked to weep. The Indians, it is said, were annoyed by crying.
Hannah and the others travel 12 miles that first day. And these are not easy miles on a gentle trail. Twelve miles through swamps and calf-deep snow, up hills and over brooks, all the while burdened with heavy packs given to them by their captors. The Indians know the urgency of making time. After a raid, the militia, more often than not, would try to overtake them. Several of the prisoners are not able to keep up the grueling pace. They are taken aside and tomahawked. Their scalps are added to the glistening collection already carried on poles or packs. Hannah may have scanned that array, hoping not to recognize a certain part, color, or curl.
I like to imagine them stopping that first night. Hannah and Mary sink to the ground, holding each other for warmth and comfort. Later they step aside, with frightened gestures at their captors and at their icy skirts, to squat and pee in the snow. Mary checks Hannah’s pad; it is soaked with red blood. The traveling has taken its toll. Hannah’s breasts are bothering her, full of milk. By the next day they will be taut and as lumpy as a bag of marbles. She will be at risk for milk fever. Mary does her best to care for her still. She cannot apply a poultice, but she massages Hannah’s breasts, relieves some pressure. Then she binds them with a band of cloth torn from her own skirts.
And, despite everything, they sleep like the dead. With a piece of rawhide passed over their torsos and tucked under the sleeping braves on either side, cold, frightened, hungry, grief-stricken, they sleep and do not dream of the dead.
Fifteen days they travel north. I can tell you something of that journey. I can tell you that in March the sun is high enough in the sky, during the day, to make the snow melt, to warm the upturned face. That the food they probably ate was food they would have retched on before, such as stewed horse’s hooves, half-cooked bear meat, and acorns.
And I will tell you something of the Indians. You must see them as well, or the story is not complete. They cannot be cardboard cut-outs, frozen in the act of lifting a hatchet.
Many are quite handsome, with brown, lean, muscled bodies and good teeth. They are often tall and graceful. Their black eyes are alight with various passions.
They have adapted superbly to the land in which they live. They grow corn, squash, and beans. Their arts and crafts are clever and intricate. They have a loving family structure and a complex oral history.
In the excitement of battle they kill with ease; once on the trail most are not particularly cruel. Much of what the captives suffer is what the natives themselves suffer in a harsh climate, on foot, with catch-as-catch-can provisions. It is probable that when her Indian master became aware of Hannah’s having only one shoe, he gave her a pair. He may have taken her lone leather shoe, torn the buckle from it for his own use, and then given it to his wife, thinking she could find a way to use the leather.
Of course, the danger to captives increased when the Indians encountered other war parties, when they danced at night and drank pilfered rum. But they often contented themselves with knocking someone down or pulling their hair. If some member of the tribe got carried away and looked as if he were going to kill a prisoner, women or other men might intervene. They often “bought” the prisoner’s life with a handful of wampum or cornmeal.
One entertainment was to make the captives sing. Not hymns, of course, but Indian songs. They would gather around a group of trembling prisoners, shouting, jeering, prodding, laughing. They would repeat the sinewy syllables carefully until the white people could repeat them. The captives, mouths dry with terror, clothes torn and stained, faces stricken, would shuffle round and round, their voices cracking. They looked so pathetic, so ludicrous, that the gathered crowd was satisfied and soon let them be. Sometimes, years later, ransomed prisoners could still remember the song.
The Indians Hannah and Mary are with pray three times a day, in Latin, having been converted by the French to Catholicism. Hannah’s captor tells her he had lived with the Reverend Rowlandson of Lancaster (whose wife was the famous captive Mary Rowlandson) for some years and been taught to pray in the English way, but that now he found the French way better. He does not allow Mary and Hannah to pray openly; they do it in secret while gathering wood or water. And, when he sees them looking dejected, he sometimes mocks them with this: What need you trouble yourself? If your Lord will have you delivered, it shall be so. Years later Hannah Duston would say, in her belated protestation of faith: I am Thankful for my Captivity, ’twas the Comfortablest time that ever I had; In my Affliction God made his Word Comfortable to me.
After 15 days the Indians split up. Hannah and Mary are parceled out to a group whose eventual destination was to be St. Francis, Canada. This smaller group consists of two warriors, three adult women, and seven children. Also among them is an adolescent boy named Samuel Leonardson, taken from Worcester, Massachusetts, 18 months before. He has been with the Indians so long he speaks their language, is considered a member of the tribe. But, by one account, Samuel was moved by the plight of these new captives, and “a longing for home had been stirred in him by the presence of the two women.”
Hannah and Mary are told that when they reach St. Francis they will be stripped of their clothes and forced to run the gauntlet, as was the custom. But before the band sets out on the next leg of their journey, they stop to rest awhile on an island at the conjunction of the Merrimack and Contoocook rivers. It is here that Hannah sees her only chance.
Her captors have grown careless. They probably reason that the two women are too weak to attempt an escape, especially on an island, with the river in flood. Guards are no longer posted at night. It seems to Hannah that with Samuel and Mary on her side, she might overwhelm the small band of Indians, particularly if one added the element of surprise. She persuades Samuel to ask Bampico, the only Indian in this drama whose name we know, how he kills the English quickly. Bampico points to his temple and says, “Strike ’em dere.” Samuel relays this to Hannah.
Her plan is rather simple. At night, when the Indians are sound asleep, she and Samuel, having filched some hatchets, will position themselves at the head of the two men. Mary’s victim will be the stronger squaw. At the signal from Hannah they will begin the attack. Only one Indian is to be spared, a young boy. Hannah has decided to take him back to Haverhill with her. There must have been something engaging about him, something that reminded Hannah of one of her own children.
Be that as it may, we have come to midnight, March 30, 1697.
Hannah, Samuel, and Mary hold hatchets in their trembling hands. There is a little light from the moon. The only sound is of wind and water. Hannah is thankful for that rushing river. Its thousand voices are her cover. Its moving body is her secret lover, calling her home. Like a woman stepping naked into the arms of a cold, strong stranger, she raises her hand. The hatchets fall.
Now all is confusion. Now all is bucking, gurgling, flailing horror. Samuel and Mary fall back, stunned by this descent into mortal sin. It is Hannah who raises her weapon again and again, detached and centered at the same time. And when she finally pauses, winded, it is quiet. Except for the water and the sound of her harsh breathing.
Most accounts say that Hannah Duston killed nine of the Indians, and Samuel one. One badly wounded squaw escaped with the young boy Hannah had intended to spare. I believe that Mary was given the less arduous task of killing one of the three Indian women, and that this was the one who survived. She was not so good at killing, it would seem.

Photo Credit : Public Domain
Hannah does not scalp the dead right away. She is suddenly terrified that her plan will fail. The wounded woman is making her way to the other band, only a bit upriver. We know this because a white captive in that band will later tell of it. How the squaw staggered in, bleeding “from seven wounds,” and told her ghastly story.
So Hannah gathers up what food is at hand. She directs Mary and Samuel to dress in Indian clothes. She grabs her hatchet and her dead captor’s gun. She carries all this to the bank of the Merrimack River. She packs one of the Indians’ canoes, scuttles the others.
They are moving away from shore when she thinks of what she has forgotten. She turns the canoe around, heads back, and, leaving Samuel and Mary at the river’s edge, retraces her steps to the bloody encampment. She finds a knife among the scattered belongings and scalps all ten of the dead human beings, six of them children. She wraps the bloody evidence in the same cloth torn from her loom a couple of weeks ago in Haverhill. Now her deed is done. She need only wash her hands, quickly, in the river, before jumping back in the canoe and heading south.
Imagine the amazement of the first person who sees them, walking up from the bank of the river in Haverhill. They look like ghosts, gaunt and stunned. Hannah tells the story of their escape, and at some point, she unwraps the cloth from her loom. The scalps are there, tangled together, stinking.
At home her children gather round her, hugging her and exclaiming at her clothes. She sinks down in a warm place, allows herself, finally, to be weak. If there are tears to be shed, it is now that she sheds them.
She rests for a few weeks, and then she, Mary, Samuel, and Thomas go to Boston, where they petition the General Court for money for the scalps. Hannah is voted 25 pounds. Mary Neff and Samuel split 25 pounds between them. And not only that. Hannah is invited to visit Cotton Mather and Samuel Sewall, the distinguished judge and diarist. Cotton Mather is the one to record her story. It is preserved in his Magnalia Christi Americana.
Hannah and Thomas use the scalp money to buy more land on the river. The governor of Maryland sends her a pewter tankard to congratulate her on her remarkable feat. They have another child in October 1698, whom they name Lydia. Hannah Duston lives to be 90. She is the first American woman to have a statue erected in her honor. She is mentioned in Chase’s History of Haverhill and in Notable American Women. Thoreau writes about her in his book, A Week on the Concord and Merrimack Rivers. Laurel Ulrich writes about her in her book, Goodwives. I write about her now. She is my great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-aunt.
I went to Haverhill not long ago. My husband, my child (born on March 9, the same day as the long-lost Martha), some friends, and I drove through the town, looking for the statue of Hannah Duston. The outskirts were not the sort of place where one would find a statue. The only monuments were the shoe factories, gone out of business. The new settlers were Asian and Latin American and the descendants of African slaves, going about their business with shopping carts and plastic bags, impeded somewhat by the March wind, which blew grit into their faces and tugged at their caps. Haverhill seemed an uncertain place to pursue the American Dream, but I felt that if it were still there, changed or hiding, they would find it. Or some would find it. Some would struggle and die.
In the center of the old part of town we found the Haverhill Historical Society. It was a large, once-grand wooden building, fallen into some disrepair. We were admitted by a pretty blonde woman. I explained right away that I was related to Hannah Duston. She seemed impressed and uneasy. It was her first day, she said. Her first tour. I wanted to see the relics of Hannah right away, but she had other plans. We would, for our money, be given the official tour.
So there we stood in the entrance hall. The first exhibit concerned the Algonquian Indians. There was a model canoe, as I recall. There was an exhibit of stone tools, bone implements, baskets, and a tableau of the Indian method for drying fish.
Next we were led into a sort of classroom. The guide popped a video into a TV that stood in one corner. We sat there bemusedly, prepared for curious facts and pithy truths. The sound of chants and drumbeats filled the room. It seemed we weren’t done with the Indians. The film was grainy and serious. I couldn’t pay attention, bombarded as I was by the ironies of time.
Our guide stood nervously to one side. I bore down on her with my handful of genealogies. Indian singing sounded in the distance, as my fingers descended the family tree.
At last she showed me the documents encased in glass on the walls. Here was Hannah’s profession of faith. Here was Cotton Mather’s account of Hannah’s captivity and escape. And finally, in a large, cold room jammed with curios, we saw what are believed to be Hannah Duston’s hatchet, the scalping knife, her teapot, her buttons.
It was a sunny day. In the park we slogged through the soft snow to the bronze statue. Hannah is depicted as a pretty woman, strong but not fat, with pleasant features and long, thick hair. She has a hatchet in her hand. Nearby, two men sat on a park bench, drinking out of a bottle encased in its paper sack. They had a radio with them, tuned to a rock music station. Hannah meant little to them, except as a windbreak, and later, a place for shade.
When we had seen it all, the museum, the statue, the old brick house, we repaired to Kelly’s Bar across the river. Sitting there, looking at the bar festooned with shamrocks, observing the old men held captive by the beer, I enjoyed brief, tugging currents of nostalgia, but knew I had not yet found Hannah.
I should have known she would be at the river. I left Kelly’s Bar and walked to the middle of the long bridge over the Merrimack. I looked down into the icy, dark water, dotted with floes. The wind wrapped me in the scent of spring. I would not have been surprised to see the three survivors coming toward me in their Indian canoe, cold, weary, and alive. And I realized that now I had the best tribute I could offer. I was bound to this bloody decade by only a few strands of DNA, a few fraying ropes of memory, but I could tell the story.
I am a volunteer at the Buttonwoods Museum (Haverhill Historical Society). I’m currently renovating the Hannah Duston exhibit. I’ve done a lot of extensive research on the saga of Hannah Duston, and your story is the best I’ve read. It paints such a detailed and rich picture in my mind, that no other narrative has been able to do. Hopefully you’ll come back to our once great city and see that there is a small group of us that still care about her story, and the plight of our ancestors. Thank you.
I am so thrilled to find your poignant account of Hannah Duston! Thank you!
Hannah was my maternal great, great, great, . . . great grandmother. I’ve always admired her courage, her strength, and her fortitude to overcome the odds. My brother was named Dustin because of that family line. I have four daughters of my own. One of them we gave the middle name of Hannah, after our ancestor, and it fits. Over the years I have occasionally told my girls the story of Hannah. I’ve always wanted my daughters to grow-up knowing they can BE anything and DO anything they want in life. They can surpass any and all barriers and obstacles that life may throw at them. With the Lord’s help, and with their own inner strength, they can overcome and thrive no matter what. Just like Hannah.
I hope I too can visit Haverhill someday and have my own cathartic moment of nostalgia.
What a wonderful telling of the story of Hannah Duston. I, too, am descended from her, but the specifics of the genealogy remain with my mother who died in 1993.
I visited the town of Haverhill in 1987, & the Historical Society & the statue. I don’t recall the area being as run down as described by the author. I walked through the little museum at the Society, but I don’t recall a guide being there, although there must’ve been someone there to keep it open & looked after. I remember visiting a nearby farm that was owned & operated by a cousin in my father’s father’s generation (born around the turn of the 19th-20th century – 1895 or thereabouts). He was elderly at the time, but he & his wife were keeping up with the work & the farm appeared well-run. There was a cemetery I also visited with tombstones of other ancestors of mine who had lived in the area.
I ran across this magazine story on a lark. I was cleaning out a drawer & found a notebook I had stashed away around 2002. In the notebook was a list of accounts of Hannah Duston’s story which I had intended to find & read. Sybil Smith’s account is on that list, along with Notable American Women, A Weekend on the Concord & Merrimack Rivers, & Cotton Mather’s account. That’s as far as I had gotten. Glad I reconnected with this, & that Smith’s account has been posted online to read.
I can’t help but wonder about the similarities of Hannah and my ancestor Mehitable “Hettie” Goodwin from Maine. Same story, same time frame.
I am a descendent of Hannah’s. I’m not sure how many greats there are now, but I believe she is my great (etc.) grandmother. I was actually born on March 9th, like Hannah’s daughter. I visited her statue almost 15 years ago while laying my great grandmothers’s ashes to rest at a nearby cemetery. It was on this day that my mother told me the story of Hannah and her relation to us. My mother’s maiden name is Dawson, my guess is it is an iterration of Dustin. Thank you for helping to tell this story.
I am related to Hannah through her sister Abigail Emerson Smith. Hannah is my 8th Great Aunt. I actually have lived in Haverhill for the last 17 years so I find this so interesting and reallly enjoyed this account of her story.
I am also the 9th great granddaughter of Hannah. Lydia was my 8th great grandmother. Dust on has become a regular family name given to the boys in our family. What an awesome story! Thank you for writing it in such detail. It really helps the story come to life.
Hey Andrea! I am Janet White’s granddaughter. Dustin White, her brother owns a dairy farm in Corinth. Not sure if you are familiar
I am also a distant relative. I am passing this information on to my mother as she is currently working on gathering family information. I’ve always been intrigued by this story and am looking forward to visiting this site.
Hannah Dustin is my 8th Great Grandma. My brother was named Dustin after this line as well. I think it is so awesome to see all these comments and think of how many of us are related! My family and I love her story. It gives us the feeling that if she could do this, we also could do great things!
I too am a many great granddaughter of Hanna Dustin. I have copies of several different accounts of Hanna Dustin, but I must say this is the best I have read. Thank you. I have a website which I posted about 10 years ago. I really need to update it but some of my geneology is posted with Hanna Dustin mentioned and I think her story. I am also related to some who came over on the Mayflower. Some of you may be interested in that as you may also be related.
Thank you for sharing, I am a ninth great grand daughter of Hannah Dustin.
The book THE GALLANT WARRIOR by Helen Mann is a great read and was passed to me from my grandmother. This story has always fascinated me. Again thanks for sharing.
My brother-in-law jokes about the danger of messing with my sister, who, like me, is a direct descendant of Hannah Dustin. Considering what the savages did to her, I don’t blame her for what she did. I wonder what she would think of someone like me who would not be here if she had not done what she had to do to escape if she knew that I had earned a PhD in mathematical physics and applied mathematics.
Thank you, Sybil, for your dramatic rendition of Hannah’s story. It is by far the best I’ve read. I especially appreciate your inclusion of speculative but likely details based on knowledge of the times. Great balance of the recorded/reported facts of the events, reasonable speculations based on those facts, and enough artistic license and talent for story-telling to put it all together in an engaging and informative account.
As told way out here on our branch of the family tree, Hannah was allowed to retain the scalps – which she allegedly nailed to the door of her rebuilt house as a warning to any potential marauders. This anecdotal tidbit, apparently told only among the Dustins of the Pacific Northwest, is extremely unlikely – I mean, what colonial woman would want rotting human flesh decorating her home’s entrance? – but the idea that Hannah was forever regarded by Indians as a white woman not to be trifled with is believable.
Thomas and Hannah are my 7th maternal great grandparents as follows: Thomas & Hannah < Jonathan (age 6 at the time of the incident) < Jonathan Jr < David < Dudley Bailey (brought his children to Oregon in 1849) < Oscar F. < Dudley Melvin < Fredrick < Beverly (my mom). Sadly, our line of Dustins ended with my two maternal uncles, neither of whom had children. My mom and her sister both had several children, but the Dustin surname was lost.
Several members of my family, my mother included has the belief that we are related to Hannah Dustin. Is there a way for me to find out more info on her?
Great story, well written.
I am curious about the children that Hannah killed. What were their ages? I can see why she killed the adults, and I would understand if the children were older adolescents, who might be able to run and alert the other band. but if she killed young children, I would be troubled. Of course I suppose she was under the shock of her own child being killed, but still ….
I’m amazed at the resilience of these people. Hardly out of labor, still bleeding, she survives the killing of her infant, the long trek through the wilderness, the cold, the hunger, and makes her escape, and gets home. And then has another child and then lives to 90! Without, apparently, any PTSD, or grief counselors, or any of the things anybody going through such horrors would get nowadays.
What a humanizing story, both for the families of Haverhill as well as for the Native Americans,and the most interesting and best I have read about Hannah Duston, my great……grandmother. Thank you for writing such a riveting historical explanation. I will print it out and put it with the little book my cousin brought me from Haverhill. The little book describes a letter written by Hannah that was found in her church where she begs forgiveness of God. How haunted she must have felt, yet so glad to be alive and reunited with her family.
Fascinating. First time I’ve heard about this letter. FYI Hannah was illiterate so must have had assistance.
I am a direct descendent of Hannah. Its her second daughter Elizabeth down to me makes Hannah my grandmother 9 times back. I have seen many accounts of her life. Some are negative, some are not. The accounts are similar, some say she couldn’t have done all this. I have some memobelia from my Mom. She had her picture and stoiry in our local paper. If anyone would be interested and meeting I would love tyo visit the Haverill Historical Society. Thank you for this article. Love meeting so many of my cousins.
Please send me information about visiting. Since Hannah Dustin was my 8-greats grandmother, I am interested in finding out more about her.
Very intrigued by Hannah Dustin’s story. Recently read “Massacre on the Merrimack: Hannah Duston’s Captivity and Revenge in Colonial America” by Jay Atkinson. I think everyone in the Haverhill and Merrimack River area should read about Hannah and what life was like for the early settlers. My family dates back to one of the first families of Beverly MA.
Unlike the other commenters, I am not related to Hannah. But I enjoy reading about early American history.
I can’t imagine how Hannah felt, but being terrified, she most likely did what she felt was her only recourse. Kill or be killed. We’ll never know what she was thinking. These actions seem extreme by current standards, but they didn’t have hostage negotiators or swat teams. You had to save yourself.
I hope she rests in peace.
Very good story and such an important one to remember, especially in this period when history isn’t really taught by our schools, which only skim the surface and put all in a “social justice” spotlight. It’s difficult to believe that there were at least three generations of settlers in the New World by the time of this story, and already more than a couple bloody wars that had shaped the outlooks of the Christian settlers. The guilt-ridden reporting of such incidents does harm our understanding of the world in the 17th century, when people in “civilized” countries were still drawn and quartered or burned at the stake as justice meted out by authority. The cold, hard facts were that survival was a tough ordeal sometimes, and sending a message to one’s enemies was the past days version of “peace through strength.” It must be tough in the liberal state of Mass., but it’s heartening to know that not everyone wants to hide the reality of our history. Thank you for publishing this. We should all contemplate and be ever more grateful to those brave souls who settled this country.
Never have I heard of Hannah Dustin. Amazing woman. I enjoyed the beautiful writing as much as the riveting account.
Interesting story, and very well written! I grew up in Haverhill, and pretty much everyone in town says they’re related to Hannah Duston. Perhaps they are. We learned about her in school, reenacted her story in Girl Scouts, and even as a kid I thought it was odd that we were taught about something so brutal. But I think we should remember that this was war, on both sides. People do terrible, terrible things to each other, and always have.
I am related to Hannah, It is through my grandmother Madeline Granton from Haverhill, MA. If anyone had geaneology that helps me figure out how I am related would love to see!
For anyone reading this: “Lydia Longley, First American born nun” by McCarthy. Similar story of captured New Englanders by Abenaki Indians.
Hannah is my ninth great grandmother. The statue of her in Bascom New Hampshire is in a much better setting than Haverhill. It’s on the little island where she was taken on the way to Canada. I’m extremely proud of my heritage and glad to be related to such an amazing woman in the making of our country.
Boscawen, NH
My mother, Ceil Dustin, was a descendant of Hannah’s. Have any of you become members of the Duston – Dustin Society? A very extensive genealogy is written in about 14 small paperback books that you can purchase. If you are a member, you can attend the yearly reunion and tour the inside of the garrison.
How do I become a member? Hannah Dustin is my 8-greats grandmother, and I would like to learn more.
Yes, how do you become a member? Hannah is my 9th great-grandmother on my materal side. I am a descendant of her daughter Sarah.
A strong woman who refused to be a victim- period. Later others would use her story as an excuse to brand all Native Americans as savages (including Cotton Mather) without knowing the history that these Indians were hired by the French as mercenaries during War. They were from Canada; this wasn’t even their land. More recently, we are told to feel shame for how she treated the peace loving Native Americans. These are two separate issues: yes most Native Americans were peaceful and yes these attackers were murderers. You could substitute the word ISIS so that modern readers can comprehend the difference and come to the fact that Hannah was simply a survivor. She did not willingly submit her fate to a bunch of killers as is usually the case when overcome by seemingly more powerful circumstances. I feel badly for the Indian children but she most likely made the right decision to ensure her group’s freedom. Besides we have no record for how old they were. If they were very young, I’d chalk that one up to bad parenting: who the hell brings children on a murderous raid? Hearing the story from my family as a child I really did not appreciate what Hannah went through and what she accomplished. But now having a family of my own and imagining what I would do to fight for survival and that of my family, I celebrate her courage and that she simply refused to be a victim. J. Dustin
Thank you! And I agree. Native American as applied to people who greeted Colonists upon their arrival is an oxymoron. One can’t be native to “America” which had yet to be founded any more than they would accurately be called Native British Colonians. I’m glad to see people trying to correct the wildly inaccurate and widespread revisionist history. I find no credible explanation for people who choose to re-write their own history to make themselves the villians! Not only were the Settlers just one group among dozens and dozens of tribes, but many of the tribes were in savage full-scale war with each other that had nothing to do with us. We lucked out that our initial arrival was in a more peaceful area of tribes, and much of the land the Settlers came to occupy was literally pointed out by the Earlier Peoples (much evidence today indicates they were not, in fact, “original” or “first”) as “available land”, often they sold the land to Settlers, sometimes it was land which they had no interest in, or at times even land they felt was junk for lack of resources, or resources they thought (sometimes incorrectly, i.e., Little Harbor) they had already exhausted, and finally, they just walked off into gazillions of acres that literally no one was using! I’ve read no accounts of Settlers moving into an area they wanted to “steal” and then plotting and planning and lying in wait to wipe out entire families, including heartbreaking, tragic stories of slaughtering women and children by waiting for the male to leave, all without warning or provocation, but that’s exactly what happened to us. As my family tells it, these attacks did not come from the first tribes they met in Boston Bay, but from interlopers (possibly the ones from now-Canada) who were particularly viscous, attacking their enemy-tribes AND us. My family’s version puts the number at around 5 outsider tribes that started the trouble. Being pious, God-fearing and non-violent, Settlers who moved into northern and western MA and NH were particularly vulnerable. Many settlers would be on their land for 30, 40 or even 50 years before the attacks began. To say a multi-generational family living on a homestead for a couple of decades “pushed them out” is absurd. Those settlers lived on DEFENSE in the garrisons for years and years, being stalked, attacked, and murdered. They virtually never sought retribution or went on the offensive, until finally, far too many innocent people had been killed, as you correctly say, ISIS-style, and they had just plain “had it”! (As in Hannah who fought BACK and kicked some very well deserved ass.) I have found 4 family members who were slaughtered — bothering no one on unclaimed land settled for years and year, then stalked and savagely hacked to death (and scalped) for doing literally nothing but living their lives. Plus one who was kidnapped for a year, tortured and tormented for his piety, and then released to walk back from Canada. That’s a lot of people attacked in one extended family, especially considering they were Quaker farmers!… and they’re just the more prominent ones I’ve found records for. It’s really quite shocking how many people were killed, and it’s no wonder they eventually ran out of patience. So, thank you, and our ancestors thank you for helping to correct the record. I am not a Dustin myself, but they figure in my research as neighbors and friends to my ancestors, and I also grew up not far from the Dustin’s in Hopkinton. Cheers!
Well, it was their land, originally. They were Western Abenaki, they lived in the Connecticut River Valley, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts. But when the Europeans came, they retreated back to Quebec. So that was, in fact, their land that they were forced out of
Who did they force out when they moved south?
Any particular reason you are using the term “Indian” as opposed to “Native Americans” or “Indigenous”? Just curious.
I guess I used the term Indians to reflect my own and in general Americans’ ignorance of the proper terminology. As I mentioned they were not Americans; they came from Canada also America did not exist as a country. Some find “Native Americans” offensive for that fact; whether speaking of the country or the continent. “First Nation” might be used since I believe that is what the first people of Canada are called. In regards to naming people, I believe the true insult is when they have no choice in how people describe them. But the point is that they certainly were not “indigenous” to Haverhill, MA.
I am a descendent of Hannah Duston as well. She is my 10th great grandmother. I am descended through her daughter, Hannah Duston Cheney. The Cheney stayed in my direct line until my great-great grandmother. If found out I was related to her through a family tree project in high school. I enjoyed the story and have read everything I could find on her!
I’m also a descendant of Hannah, my 10th great grandmother through her eldest daughter. I so appreciate your story and the historical and cultural background of the time which sheds new light and understanding on an era that is so different from our own. I like what you said about judging Hannah in the light from the history that preceded her, not from the history that followed. Who knows how any one of us would have responded in her circumstances?Your story has brought Hannah’s story to life for me and I hope that one day I’ll be able to visit the place where she lived out her remarkable life.
I am 72 now but remember that my grandmother was related to Hanna. Gram also had a platter that once belonged to Hanna. Wonder what ever happened to it?
I am studying Hannah Duston in school, and one of the parts of the research is finding a quote from your person. I have read many articals about her and I have not found one single quote. Have you?
I, also, am a descendant of Hannah Emerson Duston/Dustin. I appreciate your writing to tell the story. Revieionist history, specifically wikipedia, shines such a negative and propogandized judgmental light on this incident. I can only imagine the pain she suffered as her newborn baby was brutally killed before her eyes. How dare people judge her as politically incorrect for escaping by killing her enemy captors. Thank you for trying to bring forth truth.
I too am related to Hannah Dustin, and long as I can remember hearing the story about her and her family , and what they went through.I was boy when I first heard about , but just bit’s and pieces of it ,when I actually look up Hannah Dustin and read the whole story I was amaze on how strong and courageous she was in the face of danger I am proud to have her in my family tree I would be maybe 10 to 12 generation grandson or nephew not quite sure yet I have more reading to do, if she hadn’t done what she did I don’t think any of us would be here today.
Wonderful writing! I’m also a descendant of Hannah’s – she was my 9th great-grandmother. My grandmother had a commemorative ceramic liquor bottle in the shape of Hannah, holding (what I thought were flowers when I was small) scalps and a hatchet. Not sure what happened to the bottle; it may have been lost in a move. My lineage: Thomas Duston & Hannah Emerson> Nathaniel Duston b. 1685 & Mary Ayer> Nathaniel Dustin & Tryphene Haseltine> Timothy Dustin & Abigail Clement> Benjamin Dustin & Sarah Rowell> Timothy Dustin & Susan Shepard> Mary Jane Dustin & Henry H Clough> Emma Jane Clough & LF Newcomb> Bernice Newcomb & LC Chase> my grandmother>mom>me.
My family has that Jim beam decanter of Hannah as well. 🙂
My husband is a also related to Hannah Dustin. We have the whiskey Decanter as well. His Aunt is very much into Geneology and has done a great deal of research. His Mother’s maiden name is Dustan. As the spelling have changed several times since 1697? We actually named our son Dustan as her maiden name is spelled. He says she was his 11th? Great Grandmother. I have really enjoyed reading this story today and will be sending this link to my husband. Thank you for sharing. It is truly amazing to know that your families are so far and wide? Wow all of the cousins out there ?
My Grandmother is also a relative of Hannah’s from her fathers side. Maiden name is Lane
I was reading the biography kicking and dreaming the story of Heart , Ann and Nancy Wilson dedicated the book to Hannah . Dustin which was their mothers maiden name and Ann’s middle name and they revealed that she was like their 10 x’ great grand mother
I’ve always been told that Hannah Dunston is my 6x great grandmother I’m 35 so I think that she may be “greater” than that. I found out a couple years ago that my best friend whom I met about 6yrs ago is also a descendent. I’d be interested in “Facebook friending” any other descendants. My name is the same on there and I should be easy to find ad there’s only 1 other person in the world with my name.
Hi Angela, I am your distant cousin. Hannah Duston was my 10th great grandmother on my dad’s mom’s side and I am 54. That would make her your 10th or 11th great grandmother. I’d love to set up a descendant group on FB. I didn’t even think of Mary and Samuel’s families being connected to us. I have heard this story all my life. We have it documented in family books and I did a report on the folk story vs. the real story for a folklore class I took in college. This document has much more detail than I have read before. I am fascinated all over again by her story.
I too have heard this story across my grandmother’s kitchen table for years. Hannah is my 9th great grandmother. Hello to the rest of her descendants!
Hi Angela, Hannah is my 9th great-grandmother. I am 40! So neat to meet other descendants.
The 14 year old boy, Samuel Leonardson, is my 6th great grandfather. I have heard this story since I was a youngest. Very interesting reading.
I have never ever heard of Hannah Dustin. I am English and, of course, doesnt relate in a general way to our history teachings. Would like to say thought that I enjoyed her life story very much. What a very brave and resilient lady. A big hello to all her descendants (so many of you) hehe from England. xxx
I have heard this story since young but appreciated the details here. I am a descendant of Mary Neef. Conflict always brings atrocities and inhumane acts on both sides. Things are rarely black and white. It’s good to get a more nuanced version of the past.
I am also a descendent of Mary Neff! I’ve heard this story and the brutality of life back has always made me glad to live now. I can’t imagine suffering what Mary and Hannah did, and finding yourself in a position of needing to do what had to be done to escape.
Hannah (nee Emerson) Dustin is my maternal 9th great-grandmother! A very intersting read about my family history. Thank you for sharing this article. P.S. Writing from Ontario, Canada.
My grandmother Cheney would tell us the story of Hannah but as a child I never knew her name until I got older I found it out for myself. I too am a decendant of Hannah. When grandma told the story it was not near as detailed but her story was that the Indians took the baby by the feet and killed it by whaling it against a log on a bed. But as this story is told it was against an apple tree. Either way it was horrible. One of my daughter is moving to New England from the Denver area and I will certainly take a trip to the town to see the museum and statue. I too would be interested in getting to know via facebook some of my long lost relatives.
So you’re a descendant of Hannah Cheney (Hannah’s daughter who was also named Hannah and married Daniel Cheney) I too, am a descendant of Hannah Cheney, and had a Granny Cheney
I visited the statue a couple years ago, I grew up hearing about her as well. I am also a descendant .
I also had a gramma Cheney. I would love to know more about the genealogy line. I have visited the statue twice. Last year it had been vandalized. I was hoping just paint guns and the paint would eventually wash off! So sad.
Thanks for sharing this striking story in such intricate detail, with such vivid imagery. I felt as if I were there!
It just amazing how you can almost transport yourself back in time to relive Hannah’s story. Like many before me, Hannah is my 12 grandmother. Its crystal clear that she had moxie before it was every called a tonic. My family are Noyes first settlers of Newberry and to live and survive in those times you would have to come from good stock. Thanks for sharing your story. Oh and be careful not to make us mad. As a chef, I love to fillet things.
What undermines this account of Hannah Duston is the glossed-over reason why she went back to the camp to scalp her captors (Mather, in his good-vs.-evil, simplified account) chooses not to include it either. Hannah was aware that Boston had set up a bounty system, encouraging settlers to bring in Native American scalps for a reward. This, it seems, is why Hannah wasn’t content with simply killing her captors & fleeing–as an afterthought, she wanted the reward, which certainly makes her tale more complicated & more morally questionable. BTW, the bounty system had expired before Hannah scalped her captors; the leaders in Boston nevertheless felt compelled to reward her & the others.
I grew up in the Bradford section of Haverhill across the river from GAR Park where the Hannah Dustin statue spent my childhood. In 12 years of parachial education in Haverhill, never once was Hannah Dustin mentioned (might have been the mortals sins that kept the nuns silent). My mother did point out the statue to me but just in passing. I knew Hannah’s name and the escape from Indians. This story has given me much admiration for the woman and her plight. I will go to Buttonwoods Museum in Havehill for the first time on my next visit. It is about time I learned more about one of Haverhill’s first famous people.
The first time I ever heard of Hannah Duston was in the Yankee Magazine story written about her in 1995. I was so impressed by this woman who survived such horror and did it with sheer will to want to just live to see her children and husband again. Hannah Duston should never be judged for what she did to stay alive back in those first times in our nation when it was just a colony, not even a country yet. Life in this colony period was brutal on both sides. Hannah knew what it was going to take to ever get her life back and she did what it took. I do not blame her for scalping them and bringing those scalps back to try and get some money, for she knew her house had been burned to the ground and they had loss everything once again because of another Indian attack and fire. Hannah was a very practical woman, and that is how she saw things. Nobody has the right to ever judge her ever! I think she is a magnificent woman who shows what women can do to survive the worse cruelty and almost starvation. Can you imagine what she and Mary Neff and Sam Lenordson were thinking the entire time they were being pushed forward 24/7 almost all day into the evening trying to get them to Canada. Knowing about this gauntlet situation would have made anyone want to think of everyway there way to break free of these wild barbarians that held them captive. Hannah also knew that Mary Neff would never survive the gauntlet. She knew she had to make a move fast when she came to that spot where the Merrimack River connects to two other sources, she knew then she had to make her move then, or it would be to late. For she needed that river to get back to Haverhill. She knew she could manage somehow the canoe down the river that would lead right to Haverhill. Hannah was a women of her time and before her time, because she had great instincts. She knew when to cease the moment, which is critical in survival. Hannah saw that moment open up, and she took it! Hannah is to be praised as a woman who survived absolute horror by the Indians of that day in Haverhill. I would only like to think I could even try and be as strong and committed as she was to survive. She deserves only honor till the end of time! Hannah goes back, has more children and lives to a very old age! What a woman, what a life!
I have every right to judge Hannah Duston’s actions, and in doing so I do not revere her as anything close to a hero or a person to be celebrated. Yes, she did what she needed to do to escape. She also murdered women and children who were not her captors. She lived in a brutal time, on land she should not have been living on. In doing so she, as all colonists should have, accepted the consequences of her decision to occupy that land. She was a victim, a survivor and a murderer; not a hero.
Ummm…she didn’t punish anyone who were not her captors or that she did not need to in order to escape. Anyone left alive would have warned other Indians, as did happen with the woman who escaped. There was good and bad on both sides. if the Indians had not committed such atrocities against civilians so often, they engendered such virulent hatred against themselves.
Any comment on the atrocities committed by the Indians? You do know they did the same things they did to whites to other tribes? They took land, took slaves, and murdered and tortured. What of the other tribes who were run off by the current tribes? This was life in the Americas for thousands of years. Indians weren’t the peace-loving tree-huggers you wish they were.
I remember reading newspaper clippings back in the 70’s when I was a child. I too am related to her somewhere on my grandmothers side. But my aunt has the clippings still. I was brought up in Massachusetts but never made it to Haverhill to see the statute but maybe someday since I live in FL.
I just found out that Hannah Emerson Duston is my 8th Great Maternal Grandmother. I remember as a girl growing up my grandmother telling me the story of Hannah Duston. She might not have had all of the facts correct but it is so cool now to read her story.
I am yet another direct descendent of Hannah Duston/Dustin. 68 years of age and not sure of which child my line is from. My mother’s father was Frederick Dustin from Traverse City/Leland Michigan, then moved to CA in the ’40’s. I have visited the statue and heard the story as a child. After reading comments and seeing how many there are of us…it’s astounding, what a family.
There is also a statue of her on Hannah Dustin island in the town of Boscawen N.H.
Stephen and Elizabeth (Duston) Emerson are my 5th great- grandparents.
Elizabeth is the daughter of Thomas and (the famous)Hannah Emerson Duston.
This means I am also descended from both Robert Emerson and Michael Emerson. It took me many years to find the family of my great great-grandmother, Elizabeth Bailey Emerson, daughter of Jonathan. I found the book “The Haverhill Emersons” on Heritage Quest.
I am also related in some way to Hannah. I appreciate the well written account. My family visited the statue when I was a child. It seems her story had more to do with humanity than heroism.
As with many here, I too, am related. Hannah is my 8th great aunt. Thx for another fine account of her life.
Hannah is also an ancestor of mine. I think of her resilience often since learn of our relation a few months ago. My name is Hannah and my youngest child is named Lydia! Thanks for this article, great story telling!
Very much enjoyed reading this article. My husband’s mother is a Dustin and descendant of Hannah Dustin. I was so excited when she told me about her ancestor. My daughter is named Hannah and when she was younger, we traveled to just outside Concord, NH to visit the statue of Hannah Duston. It was neat seeing that after escaping her captors, Hannah named her next child Lydia, which is my name. After reading this article, I also wondered if there would come a day when people would protest the statues that stand in Massachusetts and New Hampshire in memory of this brave pioneer. But I truly believe, her story is less about scalping Indians and more about the strength of a woman and mother. I am proud to say my daughter is named after such a strong and resilient woman.
Hannah Duston is my 5th great grandmother on my mother’s side. I’m 58. I don’t suppose it should be surprising that others have more intervening generations. It’s very nice to have this account, and the thoughtful comments offered by readers.
I grew up hearing this story from my Mother and Grandfather. They were Walkers. I am also a descendant of Hannah’s, but do not know the exact lineage. I do know that all my maternal relatives were born in Haverhill, after arriving from Scotland and England in the early 1600’s, including myself and sister. My sister, who lives in Maine, deliberately traveled to Haverhill to Hale Hospital to give birth to her daughter, now 30 years old, just to keep the lineage complete. I visited the Historical Society in Haverhill several years ago and the proprietor was all too pleased to meet another relative of Hannah’s. He was also forthcoming with a not so pleasant story of Hannah’s sister’s demise. Those were tough times and required tough constitutions. I can say that the female descendants of Hannah in my family have all been very strong resourceful individuals. I am proud to call her my relative!! Thank you for telling the story.
What a great story, I enjoyed reading it. Thank You
I too am a descendant of Hannah. My father, Richard Dustin is from Nashua New Hampshire and my mother is a descendant of Hyrum Smith, brother to Joseph Smith from the Mormon church. So I found it interesting that the writer of this story is not only a Dustin but a Smith. I really enjoyed your telling of this story with balance and compassion for the natives who had endured so much as well.
This was a great article, and I enjoyed everyone’s comments almost as much! Hannah is my 7th great grandmother via Hannah and Thomas’ son Nathaniel’s line. It’s amazing to see what a vibrant community of descendants she has.
I have a similar story, though based in the Northern Panhandle of West Virginia. My ancestor is Elizabeth “Betsy” Dragoo; the circumstances are very similar.
I too am a descendant of Hannah and of course, Thomas, as well, for it takes two to make a baby. I grew up on her story and as close as I can figure, Hannah would have been my great (x11) grandmother. I figure the 11 because I have spoken with my 12th cousin. He and I were descended from two brothers who immigrated to Plymouth on the Ann in 1623. Whenever, it’s a long time ago. But her deeds and experiences unforgettable. I’m working on writing a play based on her experiences while my friend is working on why we memorialize some persons and not others, more males than females, and how society’s values change over time. As I write this we are in the midst of Covid-19 and one wonders if there will be heroes of that cataclysm and who we might wish memorialize. Values change over time; what is heroic changes too. A friend asks , “Why did they have so many children?” No television? daily life was exhausting, sex was pleasurable! But 42% of the Dustin’s 13 children died and only one in the attack and another born after Hannah returns. But Hannah lives to be 90 and one of her sons lives to be 104 and as I approach 84, I wonder if the family longevity will hold. Two of my siblings lived to their mid 80’s or early 90’s…Thanks for the memories as I look at the events from a Canadian perspective. European settlers did not treat indigenous people very well and we still don’t accept strangers readily, but remember, a stranger is simply a friend you haven’t yet met.
Hannah is my great(x9) grandmother through her daughter Abigail. My mother is a Dustin. I love the way you presented the story. I have shared this story with my four daughters to make them aware that they come from a line of strong women who were able to overcome adversity.
I’d like to change my comment. She is my great (x9) grandmother through her children Abigail and through Timothy.
Hannah is my 12th Great-grandmother on my mothers side. Her first daughter married a Daniel Cheney and my maternal grandmother was a Cheney. My mother was a Sands. The family had heard the short story of Hannah but this is so much more interesting. My twins, Jill and Jana, just called me from the site of statue. They flew out of Seattle, WA to take a “New England” trip.
Ha! Of course there are many in Hannah’s lineage today…but…my mother-in-law and her cousins have been the “holder” of the baby’s bloody blanket all these years. It’s made its way to Iowa, and still is within the lineage family members. 🙂 My kids were amazed to see it when they were little and had heard the story, and saw the family genealogy track what now is part of their own lineage.
Hannah was my 9x great grandmother (Hannah Emerson Dustin>Johathan Dustin>Jonathan Dustin>Jesse Dustin>Ezekiel Dustin>Chandler Dustin>Zilpha Dustin Yates>Herbert Yates>Alice Yates Sawyer>Eda Sawyer Bowen>Beverly Bowen Mulkerin>me! (Barbara Mulkerin Coviello). I first learned about Hannah when I was a teenager and received a copy of The Yates Book, a family history book written by a cousin of my grandmother. It mentions that my ancestor Zilpha Dustin was descended from Hannah, which sent me on a hunt to find out more about her.
I am also related to Hanna. No one should judge another until they walk a mile in their shoes, PERIOD !!
If your a decendent of this women do you agree to her statue being dismantled because some local tribe says so? Because they are planning to destroy her statue due to the rise of BLM movement dismantling other statues.
Hannah is my 7th great grandmother. Every race has wars against other races it is wrong to destroy history. And Hannah didn’t go out looking to murder Indians. Would have never killed anybody had she not been abducted
I don’t judge her one bit. I believe her actions to be justified being that she was a mother who just witnessed the death of her child in front of her. That can be said for a lot of of white colonial and settler women throughout the frontier who have been kidnapped. Some of them were lucky and survived their captires by being adopted into the tribe and others were not so lucky and were killed on the spot of were enslaved or worse. But nobody tells there story apparently. And I am glad that I learned about this womens bravery because I have do doubt she would of been killed too.