Getting the Picture Your article on Joel Woods [“A Hard Life Made Beautiful,” January/February] speaks volumes on what it takes to become an artist in photography. The real artist is self-taught and schooled by reality; gets his photo ops in the rough, instantaneously, while being extraordinarily alert and balanced; and uses any camera he can […]
Getting the Picture
Your article on Joel Woods [“A Hard Life Made Beautiful,” January/February] speaks volumes on what it takes to become an artist in photography. The real artist is self-taught and schooled by reality; gets his photo ops in the rough, instantaneously, while being extraordinarily alert and balanced; and uses any camera he can get his hands on. The wannabe buys a Canon or Minolta, signs up for a course or curriculum, and then rides around during foliage season to be delivered photo ops on a silver platter. (By the way, I’m more the in-between type….)
David Söderberg Glastonbury, Connecticut
Driven to Distinction
I really enjoyed the January/February issue, especially Ben Hewitt’s column, “The Wheel Deal.” I chuckled when it mentioned that the Subaru was the unofficial state automobile of Vermont. I, too, own a Subaru, a 2011 Outback with just under 140,000 miles. They are great cars and run forever. We have owned many vehicles, from hand-me-downs to former police cars, but I have a feeling we will be driving our Outback until the wheels fall off.
Smart, those Vermonters.
Gretchen Becker Albuquerque, New Mexico
Sounds Fishy to Us
Thanks so much for the piece on the Sacred Cod [Up Close, November/December]. When I was a kid in the ’50s, my grandfather was a court officer in the Massachusetts Statehouse. He always told me it was his job to guard the Sacred Cod. Now I have something to prove to my doubting friends that the big fish exists!
Elizabeth E. Brown Lancaster, Pennsylvania
PS: He also told me it was his job to paint the dome gold.
Blinded by the Son
I was delighted to see mention of Calvin Coolidge’s 1924 campaign in Yankee [“Getting Out the Vote,” November/December]. However, the accompanying photo actually shows President Coolidge’s father. (Both were named John Calvin Coolidge.)
Coolidge’s father had a great influence on his son’s life, and one can only imagine his thoughts as he contemplated this election, which Coolidge would win in a landslide.
Diane Kemble Education director, Calvin Coolidge Presidential Foundation Plymouth Notch, Vermont