The Promised Land
Yankee magazine has always been a treasured publication in my home, and while I’ve enjoyed the content, nothing struck me quite like Suzanne Strempek Shea’s heartwarming article about Blue Star Equiculture and its mission of rescuing and caring for aging or ailing draft horses [September/October, p. 108]. The story reveals the impetus for Pamela Rickenbach’s creation of this sanctuary and shares the history of some of its lucky residents. The compassionate work of Blue Star is worthy of Yankee’s spotlight. I hope your readers will respond to its funding needs. My check is in the mail!
Rebecca F. Gaffney Oxford, Maryland
The Two Worlds of Bill De La Rosa
Bill De La Rosa’s story [September/October, p. 128] is an important reminder that hate speak … doesn’t represent who we are as a nation. The United States wouldn’t exist if we hadn’t embraced immigrants. We need to be reminded now more than ever that most people come to this country for the same reason our ancestors did—the chance for a better life.
Louise Lawson Norfolk, Massachusetts
Could You Live Here?
Your coverage of the coming 165th Fryeburg Fair [September/October, p. 64] and its environs was exciting to see, and I appreciated mention of Fryeburg Academy, a private day and boarding high school. … I write to offer an important clarification. The article twice states that local students attend the Academy “tuition-free.” Though it would be wonderful if such a thing were possible, tuition for approximately 400 area students is addressed by very significant taxpayer commitment, a historic arrangement now in its third century. One of only 19 remaining such “town academies” in New England, Fryeburg Academy has retained its independence while serving the public good because of this continuous partnership, one fueled by mutual faith and annual dedication of resources.
Erin P. Mayo Head of School, Fryeburg Academy
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