Yankee’s annual travel guide is filled with inspiration for the ultimate New England summer getaway. Here are some of our favorite ideas for culture hounds, from Cape Cod to the White Mountains to the Maine coast.
JUNE 2 Aretha Franklin It’s a chain of fools who’ve missed the chance to see the Queen of Soul in the flesh (and hear that voice hit the rafters). Don’t be one of them. Boch Center Wang Theatre, Boston, MA. bochcenter.orgJUNE 2 “Frederic Church: A Painter’s Pilgrimage” Debuting in Church’s hometown: an exhibit showcasing the faraway landscapes that took him, well, to church. Runs through 8/26. Wadsworth Atheneum Museum of Art, Hartford, CT. thewadsworth.orgJUNE 15 The Decemberists The other Portland’s most popular export shows off its new dance floor–friendly sound (and most likely some fetching vests). Mass MoCA, North Adams, MA. massmoca.orgJUNE 15–17 Quechee Hot Air Balloon, Craft & Music Festival Father’s Day plans still … up in the air? Let our dad joke guide you and your pop to New England’s longest-running balloon festival. Quechee, VT.quecheeballoonfestival.comJUNE 21–24 Jenny Brook Bluegrass Festival Attention, campers: There’s a whole lot of bluegrass in the Green Mountains at this annual session of summertime strumming. Tunbridge, VT. jennybrookbluegrass.comJUNE 24–30 Windjammer Days Festival Nothing brings summer to the shores of Maine like a weeklong celebration of maritime heritage (and the schooner, the better). Boothbay Harbor, ME. boothbayharborwindjammerdays.orgJUNE 26Bimini Twist
Following Slipknot, Fisherman’s Bend, and Shiver Hitch, sea captain Linda Greenlaw releases her fourth mystery novel, and this one’s even tougher to untangle. Author reading on 6/26 at Jesup Memorial Library, Bar Harbor, ME. lindagreenlawbooks.comJUNE 26–JULY 14The Closet, starring Matthew Broderick You don’t have to come out to see the world premiere of Douglas Carter Beane’s new comedy. But if you do, just know that we support you 100 percent. Williamstown Theatre Festival, Williamstown, MA. wtfestival.orgJUNE 27–JULY 1 Ephrat Asherie Dance Part of the lineup at the Jacob’s Pillow Dance Festival, Asherie’s blend of modern dance and voguing strikes a curious pose—somewhere between Twyla and Tyra. Becket, MA. jacobspillow.orgJUNE 27Moulin Rouge! The Musical
The world-premiere stage adaptation of Baz Luhrmann’s wildly popular 2001 film marks the grand reopening of one of Boston’s most storied theaters. (Bring your own mocha-chocolate-ya-ya.) Runs through Aug. 5. Emerson Colonial Theatre, Boston, MA. emersoncolonialtheatre.comJUNE 30 “Sally Mann: A Thousand Crossings” The controversial photographer takes the family portrait to haunting new places in her first major traveling exhibition, which is hitting such cities as D.C., Los Angeles, Houston, Atlanta, Paris—and, oh yes, Salem. Runs through 9/23. Peabody Essex Museum, Salem, MA. pem.org
JULY 3Bound for Gold
In the latest page-turner from Massachusetts novelist William Martin, a lost journal puts Boston treasure hunters Peter Fallon and Evangeline Carrington on the westward trail of a New England forty-niner (which just feels weird to say). williammartinbooks.com JULY 3Macbeth Something wicked impressive this way comes. Runs through 8/5. Shakespeare and Co., Lenox, MA. shakespeare.orgJULY 13–15 Moxie Festival An altogether different kind of roots festival—gentian, to be precise—celebrates this unique Maine flavor. Do you have what it takes to beat seven-time Moxie chugging champ Beau Bradstreet of Bridgewater? (Tip: You do not.) Lisbon Falls, ME. moxiefestival.comJULY 13–22 Maine International Film Festival Blockbusters, schmockbusters. Save the superhero movie for a rainy day and settle in for a week of fresh films from around the world. Waterville, ME. miff.orgJULY 14 Marlboro Music Festival Spoiler alert: You won’t know who or what you’ll be hearing at this renowned chamber music series until a few days before the performance. (OK, so that wasn’t much of a spoiler.) Runs through Aug. 12. Marlboro College, Marlboro, VT. marlboromusic.orgJULY 14–15 North Atlantic Blues Festival Time to head to the harbor for some serious wail-watching. Rockland, ME.northatlanticbluesfestival.comJULY 27-29 Lowell Folk Festival Didn’t click fast enough for Newport Folk tickets? No matter. Lowell’s free (free!) festival of sounds from around the globe will soothe the sting. And let you shake your thing. Lowell, MA. lowellfolkfestival.orgJULY 31Moby-Dick Marathon This 24-hour public reading of Herman Melville’s monster masterwork aboard the Charles W. Morgan makes your book club look like, um … a book club. Mystic Seaport, Mystic, CT. mysticseaport.org
AUGUST 4 Andra DayThough the Newport Jazz Festival’s lineup of the best and brightest spans a full three days, the prospect of catching this diva-in-waiting’s set is giving us serious Saturday-night fever. Festival runs 8/3–8/5. Fort Adams, Newport, RI. newportjazz.orgAUGUST 4–12 Annual League of N.H. Craftsmen’s FairDozens of lowercase weavers, potters, smiths, and even some hookers (hey, they make rugs) converge on Mount Sunapee for the 85th annual celebration of high-quality Granite State handiwork. Mount Sunapee Resort, Newbury, NH.nhcrafts.orgAUGUST 7–12 Flickers’ Rhode Island International Film Fest Much like those things your husband wears to mow the front lawn, the shorts on view at RIIFF tend to end up the talk of the town. Providence, RI. film-festival.orgAUGUST 10–11 Trevor Noah He may play it relatively safe on The Daily Show, but odds are good that Noah will go all in for his two-night Foxwoods stand. Foxwoods Resort Casino, Mashatucket, CT. foxwoods.comAUGUST 25 Bernstein Centennial Celebration at Tanglewood You can feel the Bern throughout Tanglewood’s summer schedule, but it all comes together at this rousing romp through the composer’s best-loved works. Season runs 6/15–8/26. Lenox, MA. bso.org
2018 Editors’ Picks for Culture Hounds Hamilton
This might be out of line, but if you somehow manage to score an extra ticket, just remember who told you it was coming. Runs 9/18–11/18. Boston Opera House, Boston, MA. bostonoperahouse.com
2018 Editors’ Picks for Culture Hounds American Masters: Ted Williams
Teddy Ballgame is the first baseball player to be featured on public television’s high-profile documentary series. And just in time, too: The famed Sox slugger is due for his centennial tribute this August. Check website for premiere: pbs.orgCastle Rock
Just when you thought it was safe to live in Maine again, Stephen King returns with 10 episodes of terrifying tourist repellent. Shot in Massachusetts, this Hulu miniseries draws on The Shawshank Redemption, Pet Sematary, It, and other King classics. Check website for premiere: hulu.com