Some dishes can literally transport you to another time or place. In my mind, peach cobbler is one of those dishes. I have such strong memories of eating peach cobbler in the last few weeks of summer when peaches are ripe and juicy, the air is warm and breezy, and you’re with friends or family, […]
Summer peach cobbler topped with vanilla ice cream.
Photo Credit : Jen Perez
Some dishes can literally transport you to another time or place. In my mind, peach cobbler is one of those dishes. I have such strong memories of eating peach cobbler in the last few weeks of summer when peaches are ripe and juicy, the air is warm and breezy, and you’re with friends or family, just enjoying the evening. Sometimes I can close my eyes and be whisked away with one bite of peach cobbler.
Summer peach cobbler topped with vanilla ice cream. Photo Credit : Jen Perez
I am sure my fondness of peach cobbler has something to do with the fact that it’s a specialty of my mother-in-law. She makes it quite often at this time of year and everyone really enjoys it. She uses a recipe very similar to this one so I was excited to try it out in my own kitchen. I’ve been baking almost weekly for over five years and have never made a peach cobbler myself. That’s pretty crazy because peaches are my favorite fruit!
Peaches with sugar, cinnamon, and freshly ground nutmeg. Photo Credit : Jen Perez
Peeling peaches can be a hassle, but it’s important in a recipe like this – don’t skip this step! You don’t want the skins in there messing with the texture of the cobbler. If you enjoy boiling peaches to remove the skins, definitely use that method. If you’ve never done it, I’d recommend trying it out. If nothing else, it’s fun to do once in your life.
Summer peach cobbler. Photo Credit : Jen Perez
If you’re not into a multi-step process to peel your peaches, simply using a paring knife to peel the peaches, similar to how you might peel an apple. When peaches are ripe and juicy like they are this time of year, using a knife is very easy to do.
Peach cobbler ready to go into the oven. Photo Credit : Jen Perez
I do have a couple notes about the recipe. My peaches were medium in size, so I needed 5 to get the 4 cups of peeled, sliced peaches. I doubled the cinnamon and nutmeg in the recipe to spice things up a bit more. I would also like to comment about the last step in the recipe. It says “Serve with whipped cream if you like.” In my mind, that’s not even an option. I serve my peach cobbler warm with a scoop of vanilla ice cream. It’s really the only way to eat it!
Summer peach cobbler topped with vanilla ice cream. Photo Credit : Jen Perez
As I had hoped, this peach cobbler was magical in every way. The pastry reminded me of a pie crust to make it almost taste like a spiced peach pie.
Peach cobbler straight out of the oven. Photo Credit : Jen Perez