To deal with the bounty of a successful summer garden, you need a three-pronged plan of attack. First, find some new ways to dish up old favorites such as zucchini, collard greens, kale, and spinach. Next, transform that bumper crop of basil or summer squash into freezer-friendly fare for those months when all you’ll harvest […]
To deal with the bounty of a successful summer garden, you need a three-pronged plan of attack.
First, find some new ways to dish up old favorites such as zucchini, collard greens, kale, and spinach.
Next, transform that bumper crop of basil or summer squash into freezer-friendly fare for those months when all you’ll harvest are snowballs.
Finally, if your loved ones put on that I-can’t-stand-to-eat-another-green-bean face, try the sneakiest strategy of all: Make holiday gifts for grateful friends and family.