Homemade Toothbrush Caddy
An old, washed out plastic pill bottle makes a wonderful toothbrush caddy for traveling. Simply cut a hole in the plastic cap large enough for a toothbrush handle to fit through, place the bottle over the head of the toothbrush and snap the cap in place. Voila! it’ll keep bristles clean in your suitcase.
Whenever you take your kids out shopping or to the park, give each of them a whistle to wear around their necks, if anyone gets lost, all they have to do is whistle and you can find them.
if you have a crack in your home’s foundation, it is important to know if it is horizontal or vertical. Cracks that run more or less vertical and that are not more than 1/8-inch wide are probably not cause for alarm. If they are horizontal, however, there could be a problem. If it has misaligned edges or has movement, it might require a professional check-up. You should monitor it by marking off the ends of the crack and making several ?alignment? marks across the crack at various points. Then check it periodically. If the crack gets longer or the marks become misaligned, it’s cause for concern
Neater Window Boxes
A window box looks lovely, but when rain falls on it, the top soil can get stirred up and spatter on your window. Here’s an easy solution: simply cover the soil with a layer of gravel!
No More Fleas
Here’s an easy way to rid a room of fleas overnight:
Place a bowl of water mixed with dishwashing detergent below a lamp. The fleas will gather around the bulb for warmth, then drop into the sudsy water and drown.
Summerize Your Keys
Before you head out for a boating or fishing expedition, poke a hole through a large cork and thread your key ring through it, the cork will keep keys afloat if they accidentally fall in the drink.
Knitter’s Helper
Want an easy way to prevent the stitches from slipping off your needles when you set them aside? Just push a cork onto the points of each needle.
Getting that ring off…
Get some dental floss, and pull out about a 3-foot length. Slip one end under the ring up toward your hand. From the other side, start wrapping it around your ring finger. Keep on wrapping until you are out of floss or you’ve reached the fingertip. Then take the end sticking out on the hand side and start slowly unwinding it. The ring will slide right off with it
Hate Filing? To save time and keep organized with all of the monthly bills and papers that need to be filed, I used to try to keep a file for each utility company or credit card and file the papers in their individual files each month. Sometimes I would get behind and have a huge stack of papers waiting to be filed.
Now, I have solved the problem by keeping just one file for each month. In this file, I put receipts, statements, etc. Instead of having multiple files to go to each month, I have just one. If I need to look up a receipt or something for last month, I know it will all be in one place. This has greatly simplified my record keeping. Cheri H. in Grove City, PA
I’ve been stung by scorpions more times than I care to remember, and the pain that follows can last for days. My husband (who comes from a family of 17 kids) told me to put some ammonia on it right away and it takes the sting right out. I couldn’t believe it! Use it for any kind of sting. I was recently bit by several ants while trying to hang our flag out. The itching that follows can last for weeks, but I discovered quite by accident that a little dab of Preparation H will take the sting out for hours! Jann
Want to garnish a serving platter but have no fresh parsley? Spray the platter with a non-stick cooking spray and then sprinkle on dried herbs and spices such as curry powder, paprika or chopped dill. It’ll give your platter a festive, confetti look.