This simple, tangy rhubarb sauce recipe uses only three ingredients and produces the most delicious rhubarb topping you’ve ever tasted.
Delicious homemade rhubarb sauce.
Photo Credit : Aimee TuckerI remember so well the time back in the early 1920s spent with my aunt and two cousins in Salem Depot, New Hampshire, every summer. My aunt was a wonderful cook, and one of the things I remember most is the rhubarb sauce she made. It tasted as though it had been mixed with strawberries. After I was married in 1936, she gave me her rhubarb sauce recipe. I have shared it with many friends, and everyone agrees: Follow the recipe to a T and you will have the most delicious rhubarb sauce you have ever tasted. –Stella Van Vloten, North Easton, Massachusetts
2 cups water
2 scant cups sugar
3 pounds rhubarb cut into 1-inch pieces
Make a syrup with the water and sugar. Boil together a few minutes.
Add rhubarb to syrup when it starts boiling in center. Watch closely and let boil just 1 minute.
Now here is the trick that makes ordinary rhubarb sauce a Sauce Deluxe: Pour into a bowl or pan with a tight cover. Leave tightly covered until cold, and you will find a sauce very different from any you have ever eaten.