Moxie | Lexicon
Moxie means courage, pluck, perseverance, or guts. Find out where the term originated.
Moxie means courage, pluck, perseverance, or guts. Find out where the term originated.
Over a hundred years ago Mainers used the term “rusticator” to describe aristocrats, who seeking “rusticity,” came and built 100-room shingled “cottages” on Mount Desert Island. “Summercaters” evolved as a term for the more diverse summer tourists who descend upon “Vacationland” each July. Excerpt from “’The New England Sampler,” Yankee Magazine, July 1993.
Find out the definition and origin of the word Seaquankeyquash!
Sinsibuckwat was the name local Micmac Indians gave to the end of February. The term translated to “the melting of the snow” and “to draw from wood” since it was the time of year when it warmed up just enough for the sap to begin flowing (especially in Connecticut where tapping begins earlier than in […]