Hurricane of 1938 | The Wind That Shook the World
The Hurricane of 1938 was the worst natural disaster in American history, greater than even the Chicago fire or San Francisco earthquake.
The Hurricane of 1938 was the worst natural disaster in American history, greater than even the Chicago fire or San Francisco earthquake.
Yankee Classic: December 1987 If an entire town can be said to share one ghost, then Newbury, Vermont, has held clear title to Orville Gibson ever since he disappeared 30 years ago this month. It wasn’t until 85 days after he vanished that the town, and then the nation, learned the grim fate of Newbury farmer […]
He was a barn cat, half wild, half tame. When his life hung in the balance, which half saved him? As usual, I let the cats out a few minutes after sunrise on that Sunday last July. We live at the end of the old town road on a hilltop surrounded by the area’s last […]
Yankee Classic from June 1992 “I hate to tell you,” Suzy Verrier said, pausing sympathetically, “but your roses are wimps.” “Come again?” I wasn’t sure I had heard her correctly. “Wimps,” she repeated. “They’re wimpy commercial roses that are packaged and sold like canned tuna.” Another pause. “They’re fine, I suppose, if you like canned […]