Spring Weekend in Lexington and Concord, Massachusetts | Weekend Away
These history-rich neighbors in the Boston suburbs have an appeal that always feels up to date.
These history-rich neighbors in the Boston suburbs have an appeal that always feels up to date.
Lewiston, Maine, is home to a remarkable number of African immigrants—some 6,000 in all. And even amid the nation’s uncertain new political climate, they remain dedicated to building their lives in the old mill town they helped bring back from the brink.
After near-annihilation and a decades-long absence, bald eagles are back among us. Spotting one of these majestic birds can stay with you for a lifetime.
If high-end art, village charm, and a hike along wind-scoured cliffs draws you in, Monhegan Island in Maine is the island for you.
At the venerable Myopia Hunt Club, horses, riders, and hounds no longer pursue live foxes, but the thrill of the chase remains.
In 2010, we asked Tom and Ray Magliozzi, NPR’s popular “Click & Clack, the Tappet Brothers”… After all these years, how do you keep yourselves inspired?
Increasingly, New England’s churches aren’t defined by white steeples on village greens, but by evangelical megachurches changing the religious landscape.
With a past both sad and even sordid, Dogtown has drawn painters, writers, lovers of history, and seekers of solitude. What is its secret?
The beach was almost empty, so we didn’t have to look hard to find the perfect spot — far enough back that the sand was soft, yet close enough that we could feel the breeze. A couple was playing Frisbee, and a teenager was skim-boarding near the ocean’s edge. My daughter shucked her clothes and […]
Whether your interest is an individual silent retreat or a group program or workshop, spiritual centers around New England offer numerous options. Here are several additional places to nourish your soul.
In the Absence of Words I arrived at Gonzaga: Eastern Point Retreat House in Gloucester, Massachusetts, at low tide and sunset. Behind the large house, a Jesuit-run spiritual center since 1958, kelp beds were aglow with the day’s last light. Inside, the ocean smells gave way to those of dinner: pork, potatoes, and corn on […]