Small-Town Matters | Life in the Kingdom
A community is stitched together by timeless rituals.
A community is stitched together by timeless rituals.
Sometimes, animals that prove hard to keep can be even harder to let go.
An invitation to trespass brings neighbors to a special place.
A son’s love of hunting is both a mystery and a wonder to his father.
As another long, dark winter approaches, Ben Hewitt reflects on the importance of slowing down, settling in, and taking stock of the important things.
Ben Hewitt reflects on re-embracing the business and blessings of homesteading in his latest column.
Animals to tend, wood to cut, and outside the window, a fast-changing world.
Spring arrives with fresh chores and the realization that life moves on.
On getting water from a well without digging too deep into one’s pockets.
When you love plowing snow, it’s easy to get in over your head.
“Cougar truthers” are certain that the big cat is living and breeding again in New England. Wildlife experts say no. Not yet. But one day…
Finding meaning in the margins of a writer’s profession.