When our kids were younger, we rented double kayaks from The Kayak Centre in Wickford, on the western side of Narragansett Bay, and paddled past the docked yachts. Soon we were out in the quiet harbor, coasting alongside the oyster beds and sea grass meadows that make up the puckered shoreline. We could see century-old […]
RHODE ISLAND: Kayaking Narragansett Bay is the best way to see the Ocean State’s inner coastline. Here, paddlers rest near Rose Island Light on the bay’s eastern shore. On the western side, rent a craft on picturesque Wickford Harbor for a few hours or a full day.
Photo Credit : Rezendes, PaulWhen our kids were younger, we rented double kayaks from The Kayak Centre in Wickford, on the western side of Narragansett Bay, and paddled past the docked yachts. Soon we were out in the quiet harbor, coasting alongside the oyster beds and sea grass meadows that make up the puckered shoreline.
We could see century-old houses, a handful of fishermen, and Rabbit and Cornelius Islands out in the bay. Cornelius is a fine place to stop, picnic, look for shells that haven’t been picked over by the gulls, and go for a swim. Now that the children are older, they can skipper their own single kayaks.
Beginning Memorial Day weekend, the Centre offers instruction for families whose children are at least 8 years old and also features a kids-only paddle for ages 9 to 14.
The Kayak Centre, 9 Phillips St., Wickford. 888-732-5292, 401-295-4400; kayakcentre.com
After working up an appetite, head to local favorite Duffy’s Tavern in nearby North Kingstown for fried seafood and lobster. 235 Tower Hill Rd., North Kingstown. 401-295-0073