
An Insider’s Guide to Brimfield

Brimfield, the country’s largest antiques fair, is a treasure seeker’s paradise in south-central Massachusetts, if you know where to go. Our Insider’s Guide to Brimfield map is here to help!

Outdoor flea market with tents selling various antique furniture and items along a gravel path on a sunny day.

Coffee By Design | Portland, Maine

Photo Credit : Katherine Keenan
The New England Motel field: Capitol Salvage at left, Z's Antiques across the aisle on the right.
The New England Motel field: Capitol Salvage at left, Z’s Antiques across the aisle on the right.
Photo Credit : Joel Laino

2017 Brimfield Antique Show Dates May 9-14, July 11-16, Sept 5-10

Brimfield, the country’s largest antiques fair, is a treasure seeker’s paradise, if you know where to go. They come seeking old linens, antlers, and vintage marquee lights. City stylists and Brimfield regulars make a beeline for their favorite vendors, while the crowds part whenever Oprah, Martha, Ralph, and their assistants sweep through. It’s a three-ring circus, a sprawling mass of temptation, and all of us—seasoned pros, gawkers, VIPs, and the wide-eyed uninitiated—stand in awe of the spectacle that is Brimfield. Like our one-name celebrities, it stands alone. This mother of all antiques markets bursts upon us three times a year: in May, July, and September. For six manic days, 6,000 dealers spread over 23 fields, on a one-mile stretch of Route 20 that cuts through the farm country east of Springfield, Massachusetts. The rules of engagement are tricky. Some fields are free; some charge admission. Gates swing open at 6:00 a.m., or even sunrise, or noon, accommodating every sleep pattern. Opening days are staggered; some fields are open every day, others only for one day. It’s the Colosseum of flea markets, chaotic and steamy and loud and crazy. But is there—in the midst of all this madness—a thread of order? We asked Brimfield veterans, walked the fields, and tried to extrapolate. Before we knew it, there was a map. A treasure map, of sorts, and a few modest groupings. Enough, in any case, to get you oriented for your own Great Brimfield Adventure.
DOWNLOAD A PRINTABLE MAP OF BRIMFIELD Every field at Brimfield sells a bit of everything, but some vendors do cluster together. Our map gives you the lowdown on what you’ll find at our favorite fields. The Meadows: Midcentury and industrial finds Quaker Acres: Shabby-chic, cottage, vintage Hertan’s: Imported linens, country furnishings Midway: Old-time canoes and boats, camp-style goods Shelton’s: Exotica, including Buddhas, ropes of beads, etc. Mahogany Ridge: Retro jewelry, vintage clothing
DOWNLOAD A PRINTABLE MAP OF BRIMFIELD Every field at Brimfield sells a bit of everything, but some vendors do cluster together. Our map gives you the lowdown on what you’ll find at our favorite fields.
Photo Credit : Ryan O’Rourke


The Meadows: Midcentury and industrial finds Quaker Acres: Shabby-chic, cottage, vintage Hertan’s: Imported linens, country furnishings Midway: Old-time canoes and boats, camp-style goods Shelton’s: Exotica, including Buddhas, ropes of beads, etc. Mahogany Ridge: Retro jewelry, vintage clothing


  1. Invest in one of the ubiquitous (and invaluable) $35 rolling carts for small purchases.
  2. Bring a notebook to record where you bought those bocce balls. (You never know when you’ll want to retrace your steps, and you may think you’ll remember. You won’t.)
  3. Carry sunscreen and drink lots of water. (If you hear a siren, it’s probably heat stroke.)
  4. Wear comfy shoes and a hat, and layer your clothing. You’ll probably broil in July, but September has been known to heat up, too.

Annie Graves

More by Annie Graves

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  1. Many regulars will find the 6000 dealer figure a bit exaggerated, some even think the standard 4000 figure is slightly exaggerated. Here’s why, many dealers re-pack and migrate to later opening fields throughout the week. So dealers you saw at the Tuesday morning opening at Acres North and Dealer’s Choice will often be seen in later opening fields when those northern fields are cleared to become parking (some dealers are known to move 2-3 times eventually ending-up at J&J on Friday). So if you have a good memory for the merchandise this can often lead to a week-long déjà vu effect.

  2. Hi Dave! The Brimfield fields are located in south-central Massachusetts. The writers describes the location as “a one-mile stretch of Route 20 that cuts through the farm country east of Springfield, Massachusetts.”