Spring is well on its way here in New England. As the snow melts there is nothing more exciting than the first tulip bulbs that burst forth to greet us; even the skunk cabbage is a welcome sign of the changing seasons. To celebrate the beginning of another rebirth, here are 25 user-submitted images of […]
House on Federal St in Salem, Massachusetts with the sun just coming out and a tree out front blooming
Photo Credit : Jeff Folger
Spring is well on its way here in New England. As the snow melts there is nothing more exciting than the first tulip bulbs that burst forth to greet us; even the skunk cabbage is a welcome sign of the changing seasons. To celebrate the beginning of another rebirth, here are 25 user-submitted images of spring flowers from Yankee‘s photo gallery!
A close up shot of a tulip in a Concord, Massachusetts garden Photo Credit : David LuppoldWelcome spring! Northampton, Massachusetts Photo Credit : Marla SingletonZinnias in Rockport, Massachusetts Photo Credit : Aimee McMasterWhite tulips in the North End, Boston, Massachusetts Photo Credit : Jennifer StewartGreat Danes peaking through curtains over geraniums in a window box in Beverly, Massachusetts Photo Credit : Susan Levy SchaleA blooming tree in downtown Plymouth, Massachusetts Photo Credit : Janice DrewSandcastle, Vermont Photo Credit : Karren BrunettiThis is Benji. He has a fascination with flowers and loves exploring the deep-down secrets of nature at his home in Stamford, Connecticut Photo Credit : Bonnie YablonGeorgetown, Massachusetts Photo Credit : Jeff FolgerA single Showy Lady Slipper and an unopened bud in a bog in Colchester, Vermont Photo Credit : Robert EnnisTree blossoms in the rain in Raymond, New Hampshire Photo Credit : Jannette DallasA crocus blossom in Woodstock, Connecticut Photo Credit : Patricia LacasseHouse on Federal St in Salem, Massachusetts with the sun just coming out and a tree out front blooming Photo Credit : Jeff FolgerReading, Massachusetts Photo Credit : Robert DennisFinally after three years, this plant is in bloom in Plymouth, Massachusetts Photo Credit : Janice DrewPansies growing in a local greenhouse in Middlebury, Vermont Photo Credit : Pat DavisAn abundance of Pink Lady Slippers paint the woods of Amherst, New Hampshire Photo Credit : Sharon EricsonA pair of water lilies from a pond in Jericho, Vermont Photo Credit : Richard EnnisThe intricacies of a butterflies movements are always a challenge, but this little one sat still long enough to capture him at the Roger Williams Zoo in Rhode Island Photo Credit : Joseph Fagundes Sr. Springtime arrives in Hillsborough, New Hampshire with newly sprung yellow crocuses. Photo Credit : Karen BoothThis photo was taken toward the end of April when the magnolia tree is in all its glory in Bristol, Rhode Island Photo Credit : Susan BattleRaymond, New Hampshire Photo Credit : Janette DallasWalking around you can find these growing in Marblehead, Massachusetts… Where else? Photo Credit : Jeff FolgerThis was taken in late spring. It is a photograph of one of the doors of the Scituate Lighthouse in Scituate, Massachusetts Photo Credit : Barbara Balkam