Roses are red, / violets need pots / of generous size / or the foliage rots
My prize African violet is large and lush and looks as if it wants to outgrow the pot it has been in for about a year. I would like to repot it but don’t want to kill it! Can you tell me how to repot African violets?How to Repot African Violets in 3 Easy Steps
You’re smart to want to give your plant a new home — Saintpaulia (African violet) leaves can develop rot if they lie heavily on the unglazed rim of a clay pot. Read on to learn how to repot African violets from former Yankee editor Leslie Land.
Choose a new container for your African violet that’s about 1/3 the size of the plant’s leaf spread (a 3-inch pot works best for a plant with a 9-inch leaf span) — large expanses of empty soil invite overwatering and disease problems.
Use commercial African violet soil or make your own from 1 part each garden loam, peat moss, and sand, with about 1 teaspoon bonemeal per quart of the mixture. Using tepid water (not too hot, not too cold), moisten the soil mix just until it’s evenly damp (not soaking wet).
Repot the plant, then water it in gently, making sure the water is no colder than room temperature. As always, it’s important to be sure no water gets on the leaves or in the crown of the plant. When watering, pour the water directly onto the soil under the leaves of the plant.
Now that you know how to repot African violets, learn more about how to keep them happy and healthy!
LEARN MORE:African Violets Care and Feeding | Grow Healthy African VioletsThis post was first published in 2014 and has been updated.