
The Legend of Purgatory Chasm

However you choose to explain its origin, Purgatory Chasm in Sutton, Massachusetts, is still a magnificent geological wonder.

The Legend of Purgatory Chasm

Coffee By Design | Portland, Maine

Photo Credit : Katherine Keenan

Little is said about the origins of this unassuming wonder nestled in Sutton, MA, just southeast of Worcester. But with a name like Purgatory Chasm, how could you not be curious?

The Legend of Purgatory Chasm
Purgatory Chasm State Reservation
Photo Credit : Bethany Bourgault

The Legend of Purgatory Chasm

According to legend, an Algonquin Indian woman found herself in a tight spot (pun intended) shortly after she killed a white colonial settler. As she walked away from the scene of the crime, she encountered another settler who asked for her company on a short walk. Naturally, having just murdered one of his people, she was apprehensive and tried to run away. He lunged and grabbed her by the wrist. When she called out to the Native American god Hobomoko to save her, the second settler revealed himself as none other than Hobomoko in the flesh. Morphing into a devil-like guise, Hobomoko grabbed his captive by the waist and flew to Purgatory Chasm.

Colonists said that the devil’s actions on that day formed the chasm. The deep depressions were allegedly the places he stomped and threw his victim. The large, deep cuts in the rocks were the results of a swinging tomahawk.

The Legend of Purgatory Chasm
Visitors are encouraged to squeeze through this deep rivet, appropriately called “Fat Man’s Misery.”
Photo Credit : Bethany Bourgault
The Legend of Purgatory Chasm
Guests can walk through this tomahawk strike, called “Devil’s Corn Crib.”
Photo Credit : Bethany Bourgault

Historians say that the legend actually served a religious purpose in the colonists’ efforts to Christianize Native Americans. By demonizing Hobomoko and creating a parable-like warning out of the woman’s murder, they cautioned Natives out of their own faith with the hope of bringing them to Christianity.

The Legend of Purgatory Chasm
View from inside the chasm.
Photo Credit : Bethany Bourgault

Geologists have another opinion. They say that a mile-high glacier let loose a gush of dammed-up water some 14,000 years ago, leaving the walls intact but carving out the 70-foot-deep chasm.

The Legend of Purgatory Chasm
“The Devil’s Pulpit” is a must-see.
Photo Credit : Bethany Bourgault
The Legend of Purgatory Chasm
“Lover’s Leap,” another must-see, is 75 feet high.
Photo Credit : Bethany Bourgault
The Legend of Purgatory Chasm
The “Devil’s Coffin.”
Photo Credit : Bethany Bourgault

However you choose to explain its origin, Purgatory Chasm is still a magnificent geological wonder. It has inspired novels (Steve Ulfelder’s Purgatory Chasm), poems (Susan Edmonds Richard’s collection, titled Purgatory Chasm), and even a song (Neptune’s Car’s Lover’s Leap: The Purgatory Chasm Song). Families flock from near and far to walk through the chasm itself, explore its surrounding trails, have lunch in the multiple picnic areas (many of which include grills, stone ovens, and water pumps), or to let their children play on the park’s impressive playground. Indoor bathrooms, an informative visitor center, and a food truck near a roofed eating area allowed guests to enjoy nature without fully forsaking modern comforts.

The Legend of Purgatory Chasm
Signs like this can be found all over the park.
Photo Credit : Bethany Bourgault
The Legend of Purgatory Chasm
A large field is a great place for kids to run and play.
Photo Credit : Bethany Bourgault
The Legend of Purgatory Chasm
One of the park’s many picnic areas.
Photo Credit : Bethany Bourgault
The Legend of Purgatory Chasm
Food truck near the visitor center.
Photo Credit : Bethany Bourgault

Don’t let the amenities fool you, though. Walking directly through the chasm was not an easy stroll through the woods. Clambering over rocks in the initial descent to the 1/4-mile-long chasm sometimes required both hands and a steady heart. Proper hiking shoes are a must for anyone thinking of making the journey.

The Legend of Purgatory Chasm
This sign warns visitors to take caution on slippery rocks.
Photo Credit : Bethany Bourgault
The Legend of Purgatory Chasm
Many rocks were marked with blue arrows or spots along the way.
Photo Credit : Bethany Bourgault

Once you’re on the path, a plethora of discoveries that only New England can offer awaits.

The Legend of Purgatory Chasm
A pond near Little Purgatory Chasm.
Photo Credit : Bethany Bourgault
The Legend of Purgatory Chasm
Almost blueberry season.
Photo Credit : Bethany Bourgault
The Legend of Purgatory Chasm
Wintergreen is a spring staple in New England’s forests.
Photo Credit : Bethany Bourgault

If you pay close enough attention, you might even make some new friends along the way.

The Legend of Purgatory Chasm
A chipmunk enjoys a snack on a nearby rock.
Photo Credit : Bethany Bourgault
The Legend of Purgatory Chasm
A frog takes a swim in a nearby brook.
Photo Credit : Bethany Bourgault

Purgatory Chasm State Reservation is located off Route 146 at 198 Purgatory Road in Sutton, MA.

This post was first published in 2015 and has been updated.

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Bethany Bourgault

More by Bethany Bourgault

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  1. I used to live near this beautiful place in WHITINSVILLE MA, we went their often. Loved the place. Funny I was thinking about this place the other day. I encourage everyone to see it at least ONCE. Itjust something to see.!!!

  2. My mom and dad took me here around 1962. This was a favorite place of there’s. I saw pictures of myself and them years later of me sitting on the big rocks. I am now 61 years old and live in Arizona. I was very emotional when I saw this article!!! Thank you for putting it out here!!!

  3. This place is the best and when I am in Mass. I take my kids alot so so so awesome and glad my kids will grow up knowing it’s wonder

  4. I went there as a child in the 50’s. My dad would get home from working and Mom would have pack supper. We would all go there and while they were cooking, my brothers and I would swing and climb rocks, The best was pumping water at the old pump. When I had little ones, we also would go there for picnics. I would tell stories about when I was little. Now My children take their children there and share their memories.

    1. from a city girl who grew up with a big family and poor,the memories make me happy, So sorry I could not share them but thank you all. Maryipp

  5. place is so popular that this year the Mass.,DCR invoked a $5.00 ($6.00 for out of state) parking fee! Even for the playground usage. It isn’t much but for many on limited income it was one of the few gems you could go and not worry about a fee. It’s a great place to hike and those who aren’t careful of the sides can find out quickly that it is also very unforgiving and dangerous. Had not heard about the Indian folklore previously so this added a good twist to the place.

  6. This has always been one of my favorite places….one of the things I miss most about Mass.

  7. Hi Ginger, Eastern Teaberry and American Wintergreen are the same thing. They are both names for the Gaultheria Procumbens plant, which others may even call boxberry or checkerberry. I called it wintergreen because that’s what most people would recognize it as (they make wintergreen toothpaste, gum, and candies from it.) If you pick it and snap it in half, it smells just like the wintergreen Lifesavers candy tastes. Thanks so much for sending that fascinating link, it explains many of the plant’s uses and mentions the many different nicknames of the plant.

  8. I’ve lived less than five minutes away from this place my whole life. Place is usually a mess, needs more considerate and environmentally conscious visitors.

  9. I love going to Purgatory Chasm! It’s a short ride down 146 for me, and it’s always a great place to go and explore. I was really hoping that this article would talk about the hidden waterfall, but it’s really hard to find it you don’t know where to look, and it does involve going off the path a little ways!

    What I really love about this park is that, despite the high volume of traffic it sometimes gets, it’s still relatively clean, and people actually respect it (unlike with Wallum Lake and other preserves in the area, which are repeatedly trashed each summer).

  10. I’ve spent hours and hours, climbing under and around there! If you’re not claustrophobic, there are tons of caves and small places to climb around in! Great place!

  11. A few times a year, my parents would take my brothers and I to Purgatory, (1950’s) . We always had a blast! Now I’m old…and when I look at the pictures I can’t believe I scurried over those rocks like a little chipmonk ! It’s a beautiful, beautiful place!

  12. This was a great article, I’m from Worcester,Ma , and have been there many times, most recently in 2015 in the fall while I was up from my home now in Florida visiting family, I took my Daughter and son in law and wife and Grandson there we had a great time together exploring, but I’m happy to say I learned more about this wonderful place by reading your article thank you to editors and staff for publishing this great piece.

  13. My family and I used to live in Framingham, MA, from 1990 to 2010, and we would often take a weekend jaunt to Purgatory Chasm. The kids loved clambering over the rocks. One of the neatest things was how the chasm would open up, seemingly from nowhere. Nothing in the vicinity hints at its existence. None of the photos do justice to the feel of the place.

  14. I was born and brought up in Whitinsville MA and went to the Chasm many times as a child, teen and adult. I brought my children there many times and also my grandchildren. Such a blessing!

  15. Went to the chasm over 50 years ago with my now husband. We had just parked the car. My boyfriend leaned over and kissed me on the cheek when all of a sudden a park ranger came up behind us and said: here, here, we’ll have none of that! Best laugh we had that day. What would he think now.

  16. Absolutely love the stories & comments. Have never been here or even heard of it but it sounds fantastic. Thanks so much for the wonderful stories.????

  17. My son and his family now live in Whitensville and he showed me the Park on Christmas Day when I was visiting with them. For Christmas that year I had given them a years pass to the State Parks as a gift because they enjoy biking and the outdoors. It’s a beautiful area. They have celebrated the kids birthdays there using the picnic facilities. I didn’t know the story behind the name. Thanks for the great article.

    1. Since I grew up in this area, it’s Whitinsville…:) It’s weird to have others write about this memorable area of mine. It’s definitely a place that is special to my heart.

  18. From Worcester , girl friend from Millbury ( now my wife of 53 years) spent many a summer day at the Chasm. A wonderful place with so many hidden gems. The article brings back some great memories. Vietnam War took me out of New England, we now live in Lewes Delaware, a quaint little town much like some in New England. We thank those that contributed to the wonderful article.

  19. Must say Purgatory was very much a part of my childhood growing up in Sutton. My family, friends, cousins, classmates all had many adventurous days there from exploring the caves to climbing the rocks, to playing on the playground and always enjoying hamburgers cooked on the grilles. If you’ve never been, it’s a must go !!!

  20. I’ve gone many times with my kids and with friends also. I didn’t see it mentioned in the article or the comments but a couple other great things about it were finding Lady Slippers or getting samples of mica flakes to take home. Great memories.

  21. sad that you have to pay a fee now, a lot of people can’t afford it. other parks like Buffumville only charge a dollar…

        1. Not a huge deal. It’s just $5 that they charge for parking (Out of State Residents $10). You could park elsewhere & walk to avoid the fee if it’s that important to you. Besides, if you pay the fee, consider it s donation towards its upkeep.

          1. I agree. After seeing the change between relatively undiscovered Waldon Pond and it after they start busing inner city residents in. I think they thought it was just another beach, another lake. Places need to be maintained and watched over or people make a mess now. Sad but true.

  22. I am glad I hiked through the chasm a few times when I was young. I thoroughly enjoyed the place above and below. I could never hike through it now. Do these things while you can! 🙂

  23. Growing up in Sherborn we had a field trip to Purgatory for (if I remember correctly) the fourth grade classes every year. Lots of fond memories of exploring and remember going back as an adult as well. Took my kids there when they were old enough to appreciate it.

  24. For a moment, in reading this new article, I thought it was Pugatory Falls here in Southern NH. It is on the border of Mont Vernon and Lyndeborough, with several
    interesting natural features, very popular for a short hike. No amenities, however.

  25. Lived up the road from the Chasm growing up and would frequent it and pick some blueberries on the hill :-)! Never did do the underground splunking – not sure if it is still there or not. Loved the teeter totters and just ‘getting lost’ in the woods.

  26. What happened to the best tunnel under the big rock?
    Like many of you I used go as a kid & more frequently as a teen with my friends in the early 90’s. We were extremely adventurous and used to tunnel under ground as much as possible. There was one tunnel towards the end of the main chasm that started under a house sized triangular rock. As you ventured further down under this rock it would close into a smaller & smaller point heading downwards and finally there would be a small hole in the ground that was just large enough to drop your feet through and lay down underground. From there you could find your way about 50 feet underground and eventually drop into this perfectly rectangular square rock room that was about 10 feet by 5 feet and just high enough to stand up in and stretch after the nearly 20 minute Closter phobic crawl! In this room was an almost perfectly carved picnic bench along the wall were you could sit. We used to love this place. We would go almost weekly with our poorly lit flash lights (wish we had L.E.D lights then) and see who had the guts to follow. After leaving the room you started your venture upwards to finally reappear in the chasm under a large pile of rocks about 100 feet from were your entered. You had to climb a tree/log to fully exit from under the pile of rocks. I had not been back in 20 years until this past October 2018 when I took my son on a vacation to Ma. from our terrible state of Florida. I had the full intention of sharing this climb with him only to discover the entrance had been filled in now! Anyone know why or how long ago it was filled?

  27. Now in my old age, it was great reading from messages on the computer/
    When my 5 sons were school age, we would cookout there; drink from the spring house wate very COLD year round…..and boys would slide down on their butts, the huge rock smooth from all the sliding done on it!! LOL
    Thanks for the trip down memory lane; Sutton is wonderful place; when I was a kid, we lived very near the Chasm and I wasn’t claustrophobic then and would venture into some of the spaces that I couldn’t do today

  28. I took my children there many times in the 60’s and 70’s. We climbed it, never the same way twice. The picnic sites are clean and nice. The BEST part is, it is FREE.

    1. We drove thru the Chasm last October(2020) taking the back roads to Oxford. Beautiful even from the car since hiking for us older citizens is out of the question.

  29. I lived in Webster and my dad loved this place and took brother and me as often as he could and we always loved it , It was great to know it is still being enjoyed. I don’t agree with the charge for parking though, it should have remained free.

  30. Wow this article brought back wonderful memories! Our Dad took myself & my 2 sisters for fun day trips to this amazing park back in the late 50’s – early 60’s. I’ll hit the 70 mark next year, but I’ll never forget all the fun times we had at the chasm. We miss our Dad, he passed many years ago. I still smile when I think of him, ‘thanks for the memories Dad’. Great article. Thanks Yankee Magazine. One of my sisters moved years ago to NC. Her Christmas present every year is a subscription to Yankee.

  31. Great article. This place is truly a wonder of geology. However, this isn’t the Purgatory Chasm related to the murder legend. The legend is tied to Devil’s Foot Rock near Wickford, RI where Satan caught up with the woman, left his hoof print in the rock and flew off to drown her at another Purgatory Chasm, near Newport.

  32. It has been 65 years since I been there, we didn’t live far . My parents would all ways tell us to be careful climbing the rocks and my mother would fix up a lunch .to have there. Thanks for the information.

  33. I worked at Purgatory Chasm as the park interpreter for 8 years. It is a wonderful place. However, the legend you talk about refers to the Purgatory Chasm in Newport, not the one in Sutton.

    1. Glad to hear that, as we lived in Worcester for years and never heard that story, either. But the more the merrier when we gather round the fire !

  34. I’m 94 and my grandson has a girlfriend with a 10 year old son that he adores. I had forgotten about the chasm and I’ll suggest they go there for a day. They’ll love it and they always look for someplace to go. I haven’t been there in years but I have fond memories.

  35. I can’t wait to see Purgatory Chasm. I’m headed there some time over the summer.

  36. Bethany, thank you so much for including my song, Lover’s Leap, in this article. Purgatory Chasm is a special place for sure. It’s a gift to live here in Sutton and have such an amazing place to hike around in and be inspired by. If anyone is interested in hearing the song, you can listen to it here:

  37. We should really stop normalizing the use of the word “Indian.” This story of colonization is disturbing and disgusting and we should stop fetishizing it.

      1. Wow Linda. Like I told my 8 year old daughter this morning when she said something snide to her brother, “maybe there was a nicer way to say that, why don’t you try it.”

        Folklore is an important part of history, but the term “Indian” is largely disfavored, if for no other reason than we’re not talking about someone from India, but rather a group of people that were misnamed because whomever applied the name thought that they had made it to India rather than the Americas.

      2. Not quite Linda. Folklore is very separate from history. Folklore is a myth, a legend; a body of false, unsubstantiated beliefs. Choosing to believe folklore as a “part of history”, rather than unrestrained imagination/fantasy, doesn’t bode well for you Linda. Hey, who shot Liberty Valance? lol.
        Thank you Amy and more for your spot-on comments.

      1. Imagine the irony of implying someone is a child bc you’re triggered they called someone out for using a slur directed towards a marginalized group of people. Insulting someone bc you’re too immature to accept constructive criticism or admit you are wrong implies you are the child here. Then again most child are more self aware than this so I’d say that’s an insult towards kids. How about you grow up and stop denying history bc you don’t wanna feel bad about yourself.

  38. Purgatory was used as a venue for the Labor Day Breakfast started by a group of ladies called “The Hikers”. For the Sutton 250th celebration, they sponsored a breakfast on Labor Day as part of the town’s birthday events It became a yearly event for decades. It was also the scene of a re-creation rescue on the TV show Rescue 911 (hosted by William Shatner) of real life rescues. Young Greg Besher had fallen in the Chasm and was rescued by Sutton Fire Department. Many have fallen and become injured in the park.

  39. It was a popular spot for senior skip day as I recall. Not thAt I ever skipped school at South High School, of course.

    1. Not sure. We don’t have a dog so it’s rare I pay attention to that. You could call them and find out (508) 234-3733 I don’t remember seeing any within the actual “Purgatory” itself. Probably a good thing. For folks who are afraid of dogs, it could cause them to slip and fall and injure themselves. You have to be very careful climbing up and down on the boulders etc. Not a lot of room to maneuver.

  40. This is a great place, where you really get your exercise. That said, it’s too bad they haven’t found some ways (such as accessible groomed paths, bridges, etc) to make parts of the rougher terrain navigatable for disabled folks. It would make a wonderful outing for them.