
The Ghost of the Eunice Williams Covered Bridge

The Eunice Williams Covered Bridge in Greenfield, Massachusetts, has a long history of murder and mystery. But is it haunted?

A wooden covered bridge spans a rocky stream with a small waterfall in a forested area under a bright blue sky.

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Photo Credit : Katherine Keenan
Tucked away in the rolling hills of Greenfield, Massachusetts, is a rather large covered bridge with a long history to match. The Eunice Williams Covered Bridge marks the site where the life of a young mother was abruptly cut short, just hours after the Deerfield Massacre. Nowadays, legend holds that Mrs. Williams never left the place she died.
The Eunice Williams Covered Bridge stretches over the Green River.
Photo Credit : Bethany Bourgault
It was still dark on the morning of February 29, 1704, when 300 warriors from the French Army and their allies from the Abenaki and Mohawk tribes crept into Deerfield. The French and British were fighting Queen Anne’s War for control of the continent. The little New England town barely knew what had hit it before houses were plundered and burned, livestock were killed, 56 residents were murdered and 112 were captured. Those 112 (or those of them who would make it, that is) would spend the next few months hiking to Canada.
This sign points drivers toward the bridge.
Photo Credit : Bethany Bourgault
“Eunice Williams, wife of the Reverend John Williams ‘The Redeemed Captive,’ was killed at this place on March 1, 1704, during the Deerfield Massacre.”
Photo Credit : Bethany Bourgault
Among the 112 captured were the reverend John Williams, five of his seven children, and his wife, Eunice. Eunice, though, was in no shape to make the trek to Canada — she had given birth just a day before. The baby did not survive the attack.
The clear, icy waters of the Green River look much more peaceful today than they did in 1704.
Photo Credit : Bethany Bourgault
Eunice collapsed while the group was crossing the Green River — the first obstacle on the way to Canada. The warriors were instructed to strike down anyone unable to keep up, and falling on the first leg of the trip put her in this category. She was struck down by tomahawk not far from her husband and surviving children.
Stones of all shapes and sizes make for a picturesque riverside setting.
Photo Credit : Bethany Bourgault
Nearby cornfields reflect Greenfield’s tranquility.
Photo Credit : Bethany Bourgault
Eventually, John and four of the five children reunited and returned. One child, the young girl named after her mother, chose to stay with the Natives. Eunice replaced one of the girls in their tribe who had died of smallpox. She was loved and taken care of by her new tribe, and took on the name Marguerite Kanenstenhawi. She abandoned her English language, was baptized Catholic and married a Native man. Even after her brothers and father made repeated attempts to convince her to come back home, she still refused.
“The cruel and bloodthirsty savage who took her slew her with his hatchet at one stroke. The Rev. John Williams of Deerfield, ‘The Redeemed Captive’ so wrote of his wife, Mrs Eunice Williams, who was killed at this place March 1, 1704.”
Photo Credit : Bethany Bourgault
The Eunice Williams Covered Bridge has been renovated and restructured over the years.
Photo Credit : Bethany Bourgault
Area residents are welcome to run, bike, and drive over the bridge.
Photo Credit : Bethany Bourgault
Some say that Mrs. Williams haunts the river by the bridge in remembrance of the violent death she faced. Struck down by tomahawk in icy waters while her family watched, just hours after her newborn and second youngest were torn from her arms and killed. Others say that she appears to passersby whom she mistakes for her family. After all these years, perhaps she still waits for them to come back for her. Still others say she is haunted by the fate of her daughter, the one who bore her very name, and who abandoned her family and the religion her family valued so much.
Legend holds that the ghost of Eunice Williams can be seen inside the bridge on moonless nights.
Photo Credit : Bethany Bourgault
The bridge is picturesque in any season, but particularly in the fall.
Photo Credit : Bethany Bourgault
Whatever her reason for returning, locals claim to have spotted Eunice near the waters under the bridge and floating around a nearby dam. She’ll appear on the bridge too, but only under the right conditions. If you are driving on the bridge on a clear, moonless night, turn your headlights off and honk your horn—you may just catch yourself a ghostly glimpse of history. The Eunice Williams Covered Bridge has been rebuilt and renovated several times over the years, but is now in tip-top shape. It was rebuilt in 1972 after a fire destroyed the original (built in the 1870s), then closed to vehicle traffic in 2002 because of natural wear on the structure. Hurricane Irene took a major toll on it in 2011, and it was closed to foot traffic soon after. In November 2014, after substantial renovations, it was reopened to both vehicle and foot traffic.  This post was first published in 2015 and has been updated. 

SEE MORE: Wayside Inn Ghost | Real or Imagined? 5 Notable New England Unsolved Mysteries The Legend of Ocean Born Mary | Could Truth be Stranger than Fiction?

Bethany Bourgault

More by Bethany Bourgault

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  1. I grew up less than a half mile from this bridge i spent my springs and summers here i definately remember some weard things happening especially at night when we would camp on the hill just above the bridge

  2. Such a tragic life, that of Eunice Williams. With or without her ghost, what happened to Eunice and her family gives me the willies.

  3. very well written story!captured my imagination..loved the pretty pictures too.Hope to see the area on my next trip to Ma.

  4. Spent the first 65 years of my life in Ma. we now live in Las Vegas but still love these old New England tales

  5. i grew up in Greenfield, and know this story well. As teenagers we would drive to this site where she was killed, and would park our cars and wait to see if Eunices Ghost would appear. The original bridge was not actually destroyed by fire, but blown up with dynamite by a coupe of teenagers, whoI believe served jai time , and had to do community service by helping to rebuild the bridge. There are several excellent books by Mary P Wells Smith, a local author,, Boys of the Border , Boy Captive of Old Deerfield, Boy Captive in Canada, which tell the story of this massacre, and the captivity of Steven Williams, who I believe was one of Eunices sons.

  6. I spent a lot of time here growing up, as I’m originally from Bernardston. My Dad told me that story when I was a kid. Never stopped us from going there during the summer. Was one of the best places to go, to swim or just hang out with friends.

  7. i remember the story well too and spent a few nights as a teenager in that area…swam in the river and have a scar on my knee from the dam…it was the easiest route from my home to the Four Leaf Clover in Bernardston to work but it sure could be eery some nights coming home..i remember a neighbor older child being hurt jumping off the bridge…so many memories..cant wait to see the new bridge when i am in the area again…i now live in Ct….

  8. Talk about an insane case of Stockholm syndrome her poor daughter suffered from jeesh. Goes on all the time now a days with naive girls being kidnapped in Africa and middle east.

  9. I am a descendant of the Nims family who lived in Deerfield at that time. Their house was burned and some were also among those who were on that forced march into Canada. I have a hard cover book of the Nims family and this article moves me to take it off the shelf and read it once again. My nephew and his family live in Old Deerfield and his Mom lives in South Deerfield. The Nims family home, built after the burning of the village fire and massacre, still stands in the old village. Thank you for this walk back in history.