
The Lizzie Borden House | Tour the Macabre

For anyone intrigued by unsolved crimes and brave enough to risk an encounter with the supernatural, the Lizzie Borden house in Fall River, Massachusetts, is an ideal destination.

A black vintage sofa in a room with floral wallpaper and a framed painting. An adjacent room with a dining table and chairs is visible through the open door.

Coffee By Design | Portland, Maine

Photo Credit : Katherine Keenan

Situated on a rocky hill that slopes downward to hug the eastern shore of Mount Hope Bay, Fall River, Massachusetts, was once the crown jewel of the textile industry in the United States. The town thrived during the 19th century, when mills sprang up along the Quequechan River, but achieved lasting notoriety as the setting of one of the most gruesome, unsolved double-murder cases in American history: the Borden murders at an address that’s now known simply as “the Lizzie Borden house.”

The Lizzie Borden House Tour

The morning of August 4, 1892, may have begun like any other for the Borden family of Fall River, but before the clock struck noon, family patriarch Andrew Borden would be murdered as he was napping on a settee in the sitting room and his wife Abby butchered in the guest room.

The Sitting Room: A settee nearly identical to the one Andrew was napping when he was murdered sits in the exact spot where the attack occurred.
Photo Credit : Alyson Horrocks
The Guest Room at the Lizzie Borden house: Abby’s body was found between the bed and the dresser.
Photo Credit : Alyson Horrocks

Prior to their murders, Andrew and Abby had been living in the humble, Greek-Revival house on Second Street with Andrew’s grown daughters Emma and Lizzie as well as their maid, Bridget Sullivan. Emma was out of town, staying with friends, on that fateful day, leaving only Lizzie and the maid at home when the murders were committed. Bridget had been washing windows outside the house at the time of the murders, and was quickly ruled out as a suspect, so all eyes turned to Lizzie. Her apparent disdain for her stepmother and ever-changing alibis troubled the authorities, but Lizzie insisted she was innocent, claiming that an intruder must have made his way in and out of the house undetected.

After an investigation – which most notably included the discovery of a hatchet with a newly broken handle in the home’s cellar – Lizzie Borden was charged with the murders of her father and stepmother. However, there was no conclusive proof that the hatchet was the murder weapon and eyewitness testimony of Lizzie burning a dress that may or may not have been worn on the day of the murders was not enough to convince the jury. She was acquitted legally, though suspicions of her guilt have never abated. The Borden murders remain officially unsolved.


More than 120 years later, amateur sleuths, professional detectives, and paranormal investigators continue to investigate the grisly mystery, hoping to discover some overlooked clue. Many theories and suspects have been debated. Andrew Borden’s reputation as a wealthy miser was well-earned and may have garnered him enemies. Could one of them have had a motive for murder?

Whether motivated by morbid fascination or a desire to crack the case, folks who wish to get a peek behind the door of the Lizzie Borden House are in luck. The Borden home, which continues to be a mainstay of historical documentaries and paranormal reality shows, is open to the public as a bed and breakfast and museum.

Daily tours are given of the house and a gift shop is on site.
Photo Credit : Alyson Horrocks

My husband and I recently traveled to Fall River, Massachusetts, to tour the infamous Borden house. Stepping through the door is a bit like being transported back to the 19th century. Although the furniture and decor is not original to the house, great care has been taken to create a perfect Victorian setting. The pieces of furniture made famous by the crime scene photos have been replaced by near replicas making the site all the more chilling.

A portrait of Lizzie rests on the parlor piano.
Photo Credit : Alyson Horrocks
The Parlor at the Lizzie Borden house.
Photo Credit : Alyson Horrocks
Gruesome reminders of the crime are on display in the dining room. A 19th-century autopsy table hangs from the wall, alluding to Mrs. Borden’s autopsy taking place in this very room. Also on display are replica skulls of the victims after death. The real skulls were used as evidence during Lizzie’s trial.
Photo Credit : Alyson Horrocks

Deb, our tour guide, led us through each room, thoroughly explaining how and where the events of that day occurred. We were given plenty of time for inspection and photography was encouraged. The tour was casual and well done, and I was surprised at how much free rein we were given to explore. We were even encouraged to lie on the settee, recreating the crime scene for a macabre photo opportunity. There’s nothing typical or stuffy about this museum tour.

Though the tour is entertaining, we were reminded of the horror of the events by well-placed crime photos and a presentation of the murders’ sobering facts. It was unsettling to hear of the nineteen blows to Abby’s head as we stood at the spot where she fell.

Photos of the crime and the alleged weapon sit on an entry table, a magnifying glass is placed nearby to get a closer look.
Photo Credit : Alyson Horrocks
Scenes from Lizzie Borden’s bedroom, where you are welcome to stay the night.
Photo Credit : Alyson Horrocks
Mr. and Mrs. Borden’s Bedroom
Photo Credit : Alyson Horrocks

The violent nature of the Borden murders has led many to believe that the house is a hotbed of paranormal activity, and the tour guides willingly recount their own experiences or those of others. Our guide, Deb, who is also a paranormal investigator, has had her own experiences of being touched by an unseen hand, of feeling a tug on her shirt, and hearing whispers spoken in her ear. Others have claimed to hear children giggling in the attic bedrooms.

Those who choose to spend the night at “the Lizzie Borden house” are granted a more in-depth tour of the home. The merit of each possible suspect is weighed and debated. After the tour, guests are welcome to retire to one of the home’s bedrooms. You may even sleep in the very room where Abbey Borden was cut down with an axe. Folklore has it that some of the spirits in the home can be bribed to leave you alone. Mr. Borden prefers a few coins placed on his bedroom bureau, suggesting that his love of money extended into the afterlife, while the children in the attic respond best to toy offerings. With those supernatural safeguards in place, would you brave a night in the Borden home?

For anyone intrigued by unsolved crimes and brave enough to risk an encounter with the supernatural, the Lizzie Borden Bed and Breakfast is an ideal destination. If the idea of staying an entire night makes you uneasy, however, the daily tours are a good and thoroughly enjoyable alternative.

On the way out of town, you may visit the Borden’s themselves, where Lizzie rests next to parents she was accused of murdering.
Photo Credit : Alyson Horrocks

Have you ever visited the Lizzie Borden house?

This post was first published in 2014 and has been updated.

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Alyson Horrocks

More by Alyson Horrocks

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  1. Love this post, Alyson! So much great info and wonderful photos! I also love that you guys played along and did the re-enactment? Christmas card material? 🙂

  2. Really good read for this most precious time of year! I felt like I was there reading this piece. Excellent, Alyson!

  3. Oh my goodness, Alyson! I cant believe you got Russ to lay down on that setee while you wielded a hatchet! Ha! This story is so strange and fascinating. Im not sure WHO I think I did it!

  4. There is a picture in here that shows a round box with some words on it… my mother bought our clothes from that shop when we were young !!! Creepy !!!

  5. Joseph Conforti will be introducing his amazing and detailed new book, Lizzie Borden on Trial: Murder, Ethnicity and Gender. Come over to meet the author and hear about his research on this fascinating tale.

    Letterpress Books Author Signing Saturday, June 13th 2:00 pm
    Northgate Plaza, 91 Auburn St. Suite K, Portland, ME 04103

  6. I absolutely love the photo of you and your husband!! The looks on you guys faces are priceless!! Very well done!! Also, how much does the tour cost? I would love to go but it would take an act of congress to be able to talk my husband into it!! Lol! Being able to go would be a dream come true for me but it’s a completely different story when it comes to my husband because he’s not too big on the whole paranormal/ghost experience thing like I am and besides that we live in Arkansas so were pretty far away! A girl can still dream though!!

  7. Fall River, Mass is my birthplace. My Mom was also born there. As a child going to school she would walk by this house. Lizzie would be sitting outside sometimes as she walked by. My grandparents are buried in Oak Grove Cemetery where Lizzie is buried along with her parents.

  8. I was born in Fall River in 1946 and moved in 1953. My great grandfather was Lizzie’s minister. He escorted her into the courthouse everyday during her trial. He believed she was innocent however years later he did change his mind. I stayed in her bed and breakfast years ago! My grandparents and great grand parents are also buried in the oak grove cemetery which I have visited several times. It is a very bizarre story – I believe she did commit the crime a picture of my great grandfather hangs in one of the bedrooms!

  9. My late husband and I stayed here on the second weekend that they opened as a bed and breakfast. We stayed in Bridget’s (the maid) room. We didn’t see any paranormal activity, but oh was it a weird adventure. We also visited the Borden grave at the cemetery, and went by the court house, and the house that Lizzie moved to after the trial. I will say that to this day, it is an interesting story to share with others!

  10. I visited Fall River with my sister in August 2001. We just missed the Borden House Tour that day, but we did get to see a museum exhibition that had some of the murder artifacts. We had planned to spend the night in Lizzie’s room the following summer, but my sister got sick and died the following year. No one else shares my love of this sort of thing, so I guess I’ll never get to do that now, but visiting Fall River was a fun experience and we did get to cemetery.

  11. No one will ever the know the truth but I personally think she killed her parents. My question is WHY? Had she committed this crime today with the evidence that was found I have no doubt that she would be found guilty. A very interesting story.

  12. I am a Borden and she is in my ,family line. My brother goes there every time he is Fall River. I rode by house but never went in.

  13. I enjoyed this article, and visiting the LBH is something I’m considering. Last Saturday evening I attended a play at the Norwell Company Theater. They did a play about Lizzie Borden. It was excellent, very well acted. They led you to believe without coming out and actually saying it, that Lizzie heard voices in her head….and that is what led her to murdering her father and step mother. All things Lizzie Borden will continue to fascinate us, as it is a real life “who done it” that cannot be solved. Great article!

  14. My mother was born in Fall River in 1909, 17 years after the murders. She told me that as a child (I am assuming elementary age) that she and her friends had to pass the Borden house on the way to school. They would get to the property line, take a breath and run to the other side before breathing again. My grandfather was vice president of the Fall River Electric Light Company. When Lizzie had a problem she did not want just anybody to come to her house. She wanted my grandfather. He would go and she would make him take his shoes off before going inside. Apparently the soles on shoes were attached by nails back then and Lizzie did not want scratches on her wood floors.

  15. The Bordens were murdered by Andrew’s illegitimate son, William. His identity was hidden from most /except immed. family/. When Andrew announced that he was about to draw up a will, his family panicked and set about on their plans to kill. Lizzie’s older sister, Emma, wanted no part in it so she left to visit her 20 year old girlfriend in Fairhaven. An uncle, brother to the first Mrs. Borden who had died in childbirth 10 years earlier, and still close to the family and a friend to Andrew was summoned from his home in New Bedford /he had just recently returned from a trip to the Midwest/. The crime had to be carried out with the stepmother dying first – taking her greedy family out of the line of inheritance after Andrew would be killed. The stepmother had talked her new husband into getting back the property from his daughters he had given to them for an inheritance along with all rental income accruing to them when he would die. Emma and Lizzie were furious and the news of his soon to be drawn up will – which they knew would either minimally include them or exclude them completely – they knew they had to act. The illegitimate son was given a farm in Freetown and he was sent out of Fall River immediately upon birth to hide his identity. The farm given to him by his father was an apple orchard and the lad became very handy at wielding a hatchet. Neighbors would call upon him to put down any animal they had and butcher them. It was noted that he did a very clean job /little mess, blood, etc./. This was characterized in the killings of the Bordens. VERY little blood – no evidence found of any bloodied clothing. The dress that Lizzie burned was paint stained from a furniture painting project she had done earlier. Her sister, after returning from Fairhaven told Lizzie that she picked a bad time to destroy it – that it looked bad. The unlocking of the facts of the crime came in the 1940’s. A little girl, who had walked by the Borden house at 92 Second St. on the day of the crime, remembered years later that she had visited the Freetown orchard sometime after the crime and recalled an odor she had smelled on Aug. 4, 1892 was the same as she smelled on this visit to the orchard sometime later. Much later did she realize the importance of this memory, which was quite unimportant to her when she was younger. By the time – in the 1940’s /I don’t recall the exact year/, she realized how important this information was – people were generally not interested. William Borden was found hanging from a tree on the grounds of the Taunton State Hospital in the early morning hours in 1906. There was no evidence that he had taken his own life – he was put there by party’s unknown. After the trial Lizzie and her sister never saw each other again. Lizzie remained in Fall River in a huge house “on the hill”, Emma moved to a town in southeastern New Hampshire. They both died in June 1927 three days apart. Lizzie purchased a big black Packard and had a homosexual relationship with an actress – I believe her name was Nellie O’Neil – she met at the Colonial Theatre in Boston in the ’20’s. They used to go to a big hotel /now the main building of Notre Dame Academy in Tyngsboro, MA. The police had to arrest her because the city was in an uproar thinking that there was hatchet wielding murderer on the loose. They were allowed to arrest her with a guarantee that she would not be found guilty. Her chief defense counsel was former Mass. governor George Robinson. He insisted on a triumvirate rather that a single judge. The chief judge was a Mass. Supreme Court justice who had been appointed to lifetime tenure by Robinson. He pretty much blocked all incriminating testimony and in his charge to the jury prior to deliberation, he debunked all the evidence presented by the prosecution. The jury made their decision in six minutes, but because their free lunch was pending – they announced the decision after the repast. Officially they were out for an hour and a half. Hope no one is bored – I love this stuff. God bless. Incidentally, the hatchet that was found at the scene of the crime was proved not to be the murder weapon.

    1. Hi there, I found your comment to be very interesting, where did you get this information from? I’d love to know more about it!

  16. In my post of Oct. 25, I made an error in that the name of Lizzie’s actress friend whom she met at the Colonial Theatre on Boylston St., was Nance, not Nellie, O’Neill. Lizzie was quite the kleptomaniac, so much so that when her father took his daily walks around town to check on his properties, merchants would often come up to him and let him know what she took. He would pay them for the items, not wanting to expose her as a thief. On another note – with all the documents now coming forth regarding the shooting of former Pres. Kennedy in 1963, none to them will shed any light on what really happened that day. All the forthcoming info regards intelligence about Oswald in Cuba, Mexico and the former Soviet Union. The people who really knew what happened on that day were, in this order – 1 – the real shooter, 2 – the other nine people in the follow-up car /1956 Caddy convertible/, 3 – and soon after the shooting, LBJ and RFK. It was one on the biggest cover-ups in history. I suggest the book, Mortal Error – it has all the facts. You’ll be shocked. I met and had conversation with JFK in Lowell, MA in October 1960 when he was running for president. If you want the truth about the 1962 Cuban missile crisis, the hook upon which many hang their claims that he was a great president, please let me know. That also ain’t what we’ve been told and leads me to state that the most notable thing about his presidency is the way it ended. Very sad.

  17. i stayed at the Borden House about 9-10 years ago. my friend and i stayed in the guest room where Mrs. B was murdered. we had a great time. Lizzie and Emma’s rooms were connected and i think one of their rooms was also connected to Mr. and Mrs. B’s room, as well . it’s a very interesting house . as guests we took complimentary evening tours and since we stayed 2 nights we took the evening tour twice. Elinor was our tour guide and she was marvelous! i wonder if she’s still there. at the time there was a smaller building attached to the house, i think it was a printing business. the Borden house had been recently sold and they were going to dismantle that building (or at least detach it) and do some other work. from the pix it looks SO much nicer now. i bought a VERY thick book of the trial transcript. extremely detailed and i’ve barely gotten thru it after all this time (waiting to retire when i can truly dig in, lol). the Historical Society has quite a few items from the actual murders, including Mrs. B’s “hair piece” she wore, still with some blood on it, as well as, i believe, as sort of head covering or scarf she was wearing. there is also a culinary school there and we had a great steak dinner! lol. enjoy, if you go!

  18. I too was once an overnight guest at the Lizzie Borden House in Fall River. I stayed in Lizzie’s room and during the night i was treated to a display of rain and thunder and lightning the likes of which I dont ever think i have seen since. In the morning we were treated to a wonderful breakfast, includding small hatchet shaped cookies with red edges. The whole experience was absolutely wonderful. The tour of the house was great and we drove to the courthouse and cemetary. I would definitely do this again. Fantastic time!

  19. This is for Edward, I agree with everything you said. I too have always thought it was her brother William. Where did you get your information? I do think Lizzie planned the whole thing with the Mellon House.

  20. My husband and I recently visited The Borden House and we were thoroughly impressed. Our tour guide, Sue, was very passionate about telling the story. It was very detailed and interesting. She was wonderful. We were given plenty of time to look around and take as many photos as we wanted. Our daughter ask us to take a lot of photos to bring back (and we did-with no complaints from the guide). I love true crime shows and forensic shows and this was very thrilling for me. I am also a puzzler and like trying to figure out the answer for any type of mystery. Someone, somewhere (long gone of course) knows the truth. Will we? I recommend this tour to everyone who can get there. It was amazing!

  21. I am going to visit the Borden home and I want to see it and I heard its haunted and maybe Lizzie killed her parents and maybe she didn’t! Who knows the truth only Lizzie knows but she isn’t telling! Her sister Emma wanted nothing to do with her after the murders. Lizzie died at the age of 67! So sad!

  22. Very interesting but the demented brother should have been examined more regarding his involvement….

  23. After watching 48 hours, I do not believe that Lizzie committed the murders. I believe the strange uncle did. Lizzie was a scape goat. It should have been investigated better. And why did her sister leave so fast????? I can’t wait to go there.

  24. I host overnight paranormal events there and have been doing so for over 8 years now. I am in the process of writing a book about my communication with the spirits that linger there. I am hosting a Halloween event there on Saturday October 24, 2020. Reach me on FB @luckypsychic.

  25. What happened to the McGINNS WHO BOUGHT THE HOUSE ON 2ND ST. IN THE 40’S ? What happened to the SILVIAS WHO LIVED IN MAPLECROFT IN THE 50’S?

    1. John McGinn owned a printing business in the forties. He had a printing press in the basement where he printed scheduled for a race track. I was young in those years when I would accompany my father to visit Johnny in the evening in the basement. I would walk around the printing press while Pop & Johnny talked.

  26. Two points. First, no one who has read the many reliable sources of information about these crimes can fail to conclude that Lizzie Borden was guilty. The evidence was withheld at her trial but soon became public knowledge. She also was an unlikely culprit due to her sex and social position and had the jury’s misplaced sympathy. Second, I think it is grisly to treat the place of two terrible murders as a sort of Disneyland, no matter how long ago they happened.

    1. Yes. Two nights> 2001. $200 a night. I found a very real creepy peek hole/slit in a room . I didn’t confront, but I kept my eye out for the employees and their movements around the home. I stayed away from the victim area of viewing. It should have been reported to the police. I was too scared.

  27. To everyone who expressed a strong desire to go, but feel they can’t because their spouse isn’t interested or because they have no one to go with, my advise is just go. Leave no regrets in this life. Talk to others on the tour. You don’t need a companion to have an enjoyable experience.

  28. I too visited the home – absolutely fascinating- loved the tour – there was a one year waitlist to sleep there. I went to the cemetery and the big house she moved into. I thought Emma lived in the big house for awhile and then abruptly left. Perhaps Lizzie admitted the killings to her.? Great gift Shoppe! I thought her natural mother died of breast cancer. I laid on the couch, another visitor took my photo ????. The very wealthy Andrew Wouldn’t pay for refrigeration, therefore the curdled soup he ate that morning sickened him and he returned to his home to lie down on the couch. Hoisted on his own petard. They had the maid clean the outside windows in that August heat, on a ladder, and she of course, was dressed in the normal heavy garb of the day. So many twists and turns , a fascinating story. Go!